README.TXT Driver File Contents (parallel_port.exe)

VistaScan Readme

Welcome to VistaScan
Please read this document carefully, it contains important
information not included in the documentation.

     Topics covered in this document include:

     * Running on Windows NT
     * Technical Problem for VistaScan
     * VistaScan New Pacakge Configuration
     * New VistaScan Features
     * Auto Setup Program
     * Auto Operation Limitations
     * OCR Applications and Auto Operation
     * Driver Information
     * Network Scan Notes
     * Troubleshooting

[Running on Windows NT]
VistaScan can now be run on Windows NT.

To install, simply click on the Setup program.
The setup program will automatically check for the existence of
Windows NT and load all necessary files into your system.

[Technical Problem for VistaScan]
Whenever you fail to invoke VistaScan from an application,
do one of the following:

(1) If there is more than one way to start VistaScan, try
another way instead. For example, try "Select TWAIN_32" instead
of "Select TWAIN".
or (2) Re-instal VistaScan driver to restore some possibly
overwritten files.

[VistaScan Special Features]
There are two special features bundled in VistaScan:
Auto Operation mode and CMYK color mode. Previous versions of
VistaScan required users to set the proper parameters before
an image is scanned. With the new VistaScan, a simple click
will cause VistaScan to do these things for you. VistaScan will
use manual operation as the default operation mode after being
installed onto your hard drive. Refer to the section "Auto Setup
Program" to change the operation mode of VistaScan. If you have
"MagicMatch Profile Pack" with VistaScan, you will have a large
set of UMAX scanner, printer and monitor profiles which will
cause your images to more closely emulate the originals. A color
matching function called "MagicMatch", which is embedded in
VistaScan, will use these profiles to accomplish this. This
option is not the full-featured UMAX MagicMatch software,
however. If the output image quality of your scans is still not
satisfactory after color matching has been applied, then you may
want to consider buying the full-featured UMAX MagicMatch software
which is sold separately to improve the image quality.

[Auto Setup Program]
The Auto Setup program is located in the VistaScan group. By using
this program, VistaScan can be switched between auto operation and
manual operation. Once an operation mode is selected, VistaScan will
always start with this selection as the default operation mode unless
the operation mode is changed again through the Auto Setup.

[Auto Operation Limitations]
While using VistaScan auto operation, there are some conditions
which should be handled carefully.

     -- Always use a document cover on your scanner in auto
     -- If a peripheral device is connected such as a UTA,
        place a large sheet of white paper between your document
        and the peripheral device unless you are going to scan a
        transparency film.
     -- Keeping the document cover clean will improve the quality
        of your scans.

[OCR Application and Auto Operation]
Most OCR applications can only accept Black/White
images. A problem may occur when VistaScan is set to "Auto Detect"
scan mode and a color image is placed on the UMAX scanner.
VistaScan will return a color image back to application which may
not be accepted.

[Driver Information]
Software Name           Application Specific Software Driver

TWAIN Compliant Applications    VSTA.DS

[Network Scan Notes]
1. Under certain conditions, the NetHeapSize in Windows must be
   reset to a larger value. Please use the value suggested
   by Windows.
2. Both the server and client require a NETBIOS driver loaded
   before scanning  (for example, NETBIOS.EXE in Novell Netware).
3. The Scanner Test program can only test the local scanner. It
   cannot test the network scanner.
4. ISIS drivers for some OCR packages do not support network

1. When this message "ASPI Allocate Memory Error!" appears, the
   driver will modify the UMAXDRV.INI file located in the Windows
   directory. By rebooting the Windows environment, the driver
   should work fine. If there is any problem and you need to go
   back to the original status, use a text editor to modify the
   UMAXDRV.INI file. The content of UMAXDRV.INI should look like
   that shown below:



   The driver will have changed the "VxDAllocateMemory" value to 1. Change
   the value back to 0 to restore the original value.

   Note:        If you have a UMAXMEM.SYS driver in the CONFIG.SYS file,
   please remove it. There is no need for the UMAXMEM.SYS driver if
   "VxDAllocateMemory=1". This entry will accomplish the same thing as
   the UMAXMEM.SYS driver.

2. For users of OmniPage Professional V5.0 with the UMAX S-6

   (1.) When using the Settings Panel submenu (located in the
        Settings Menu) Do not select "3D OCR with AnyPage" or "Auto
        Brightness with AnyPage" since these are not active. Use
        the "Manual Brightness" option instead.

   (2.) Also choose either "A4" or "Letter" options in the Page Size
        list box (the Legal option is inactive).

*************END OF README FILE***********************

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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