MOUSEDRV.TXT Driver File Contents (

MouseWare 6.30
(c) Copyright 1993 Logitech, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
This file documents the MOUSEDRV.INI parameters and the DOS mouse driver

To view or print this file under DOS, use README.EXE which is supplied on
the installation disks. At the DOS prompt type the following:



   1.1  [Global] Section
   1.2  [COMx] Section
   1.3  [DOSGlobal] Section
   1.4  [Display] Section
   1.5  [WinGlobal] Section
   1.6  [DeviceType] Section
   1.7  [Technical] Section

   2.1  Acceleration
   2.2  Button Mapping
   2.3  Button Swap
   2.4  COM Port
   2.5  Cursor Blinking Rate
   2.6  Cursor Lock
   2.7  Cursor Trail
   2.8  Device Type
   2.9  Drag Lock
   2.10 Mouse Speed
   2.11 Orientation
   2.12 Miscellaneous

3. VESA Super VGA Support
   3.1  VESA Background
   3.2  VCI Background
   3.3  The Logitech VCI Module LVESA.OVL
   3.4  Other Operating Environments/Systems
   3.5  Enabling LVESA.OVL
   3.6  Loading Other VCI Overlays Modules
   3.7  ROM Resident Overlay or TSR's
   3.8  Disabling LVESA.OVL Loading


     MOUSEDRV.INI is a configuration file used by both the DOS and Windows
     drivers. This allows the mouse to have similar behavior under the two
     environments. Because the settings are stored in a file, the mouse
     settings will be the same from one boot session to another. To change
     the settings, use either the DOS or Windows Mouse Control Center.
     The format of MOUSEDRV.INI file is as follows:
          [section name]
     The square brackets ([]) in the [section name] are required. Section
     names must start in the leftmost column. Within each sections are one
     or more "keyname=value" statements.
     Typically, a system has only one pointing device attached. Notebook
     users may have two pointing devices: a built-in trackball and a serial
     mouse. Others may use the DOS mouse driver in dual mode.
     For built-in trackball users, the mouse drivers will maintain two
     separate [DeviceType] sections. Only one mouse may be in use at a
     time. The user will be able to maintain separate parameters for each
     For DOS mouse driver in dual mode, two [DeviceType] sections will be
     written. Parameters for the first mouse found will be used.
1.1  [Global] Section

     This section contains information common to both DOS and Windows mouse
        The hardware device type for the mouse that is currently
        connected. Only one device type will be listed. By default,
          BUS          Search for a BUS mouse
          Inport       Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse
          PS2          Search for a PS/2 mouse
          Serial       Search for a Serial mouse
        Current connection port used. By default, ConnectionPort=None.
          COM1         Serial COM port 1
          COM2         Serial COM port 2
          COM3         Serial COM port 3
          COM4         Serial COM port 4
        Determines if the mouse driver will use the 'Connection' and
        'ConnectionPort' parameters above to search for a mouse or use
        only the search order to find a mouse.
          On           Use Connection information to find a mouse
          Off          Perform a full search for mouse each launch time
                       using the search order given below.
        Lists the order the driver uses to search for a mouse. The default
        search order is PS2, Serial, Bus, Inport.
          Bus          Search for a bus mouse
          Inport       Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse
          PS2          Search for a PS/2 mouse
          Serial       Search for a Serial mouse (M-series and C-series)
        Lists the order the serial ports are searched. This is valid only
        for a Serial device. The default port search order is COM1, COM2.
        This parameter indicates which [DeviceType] section is used. The
        default is Unknown. Refer to the "[DeviceType] Section" in this
        document for a list of valid device types.
1.2  [COMx] Section

     This section defines special COM ports being used in the computer.
     This will allow advanced users to configure their mouse for upper IRQ
     values and non-standard COM port address. The 'x' value must be filled
     in by the user as must the values in this section. Valid values for
     'x' are 1, 2, 3, and 4.
     Note: The COM port must be supported by the user's computer
     configuration. The mouse driver cannot configure the users COM ports
     for them. This value must match values that are used by the Windows
     PORTS Control Panel.
        The base address of the COM port (given in hexadecimal). By
        default, the driver determines this value.
        The IRQ value of the COM port (given in decimal). By default, the
        driver determines this value.
1.3  [DOSGlobal] Section

     The section describes the settings used by the DOS mouse driver and
     DOS Mouse Control Center.
     Note: Enabling cursor enhancements will disable LVESA.OVL Super VGA
     support from being loaded.
        Rate at which the DOS mouse cursor blinks. This setting is used
        only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor enhancements
          Fast         Sets text cursor to blink fast
          Slow         Sets text cursor to blink slow
          Off          Turns blinking off (default)
        Indicates if the driver should load the cursor enhancements
        feature set.
          On           Load the cursor enhancements
          Off          Do not to load cursor enhancements (default)
        This locks the shape of the cursor in the DOS environment. This
        setting is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor
        enhancements enabled.
          On           Enables locking of the cursor shape
          Off          Disables locking of the cursor shape (default)
        Enables or disables if the cursor trails function. This setting is
        used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor
        enhancements enabled.
          On           Enables DOS cursor trails
          Off          Disables DOS cursor trails (default)
        The DOS driver version for this release.
1.4 [Display] Section
        Location of the VESA VCI video cursor overlay. This value is
        either a file name, the keyword RESIDENT, or blank for no VCI
        support. If only a file name is present, the driver will assume
        that the VCI file is located in the drivers root directory. By
        default, the directory where MOUSEDRV.INI is located is used.
1.5  [WinGlobal] Section

     The section describes the settings used by the Windows mouse driver.

        This parameter must be used with caution and might help to solve
        some compatibility problems. If you experience serious troubles
        with the Windows mouse driver, you can still use your mouse (with
        limited functionality) under Windows through the use of the DOS
        mouse driver. When you set this parameter to On, make sure you've
        got the DOS mouse driver launched before you start Windows.
          On           Use the DOS mouse driver under Windows. The mouse
                       functionality will be then limited.
          Off          Normal use of the Windows mouse driver (default)

        Windows mouse driver version number.
        The full path and file name of the Windows Control Center. The
        default directory is same as the location of the Windows mouse
        driver LMOUSE.DRV.
1.6  [DeviceType] Section

     Each connected device will have its own section defining that device's
     characteristics. The 'DeviceType' name will be a text string
     describing the mouse model as follows. Values written here are for
     mice that can identify themselves (e.g. MouseMan) or for general
     groups of mice (e.g. SerialM). For unidentifiable mice, the
     'DeviceModel' parameter may be used to specify a device shape. By
     default, the DeviceModel name will be the same as the DeviceType.
     Note for DOS dual mode: Only one device's [DeviceType] section will be
     supported at a time. For dual mode, the DOS mouse driver will write
     out the second mouse's [DeviceType] section but will not use it. Only
     the first mouse found section will be used. To indicate the active
     device section, the parameter 'ActiveMouse' will be used. Please see
     ActiveMouse description in the [Global] section.
     The device types are:
       Bus                 Bus mouse
       Inport              Microsoft Inport mouse
       PS2                 Non-identifiable PS/2 type mice
       SerialC             C7, C9, TrackMan I, etc. (Non-identifiable C-
                            Series type mice)
       SerialM             Kidz mouse, Microsoft mouse, etc. (Non-
                            identifiable M-type mice)
       SerialV             MouseMan Serial, First mouse, etc. (Non-
                            identifiable V-type mice)
       MouseMan            MouseMan mice (W-type, W-type lefty, A-type)
       TrackMan2           TrackMan II stationary mouse (W-type)
       TrackMan3           TrackMan II stationary mouse (A-type)
       TrackManPortable1   TrackMan Portable (W-type)
       TrackManPortable2   TrackMan Portable (A-type)
       Cordless1           MouseMan Cordless (original cordless mouse)
       Cordless2           MouseMan Cordless (new cordless mouse)
       IntegratedTrackBall1PS/2 Integrated trackball
       OS2Mouse            Windows driver only: for use under WINOS2, OS2
        The acceleration setting for the mouse drivers.
          Low          Low acceleration setting (default)
          Medium       Medium acceleration setting
          High         High acceleration setting
          Off          Disable acceleration
        Defines special button mappings.
          2Key         Maps the middle button to function as a
                       simultaneous click of the primary and secondary
          3Key         Disables the 2Key option (default)
          Kidz         Maps the middle and secondary buttons to function
                       as the primary button
        Defines the button swapping feature. This feature is set according
        to the type of mouse attached. If a TrackMan Portable is attached,
        then the middle and secondary buttons are swapped. For all other
        mice, the primary and secondary buttons are swapped.
          On           Swap buttons according to the mouse attached
          Off          Disables button swapping (default)
        This parameter sets the baud rate for the mouse. Values of 1200
        and 9600 are valid for M series type 'W' mice. All values are
        valid for C series mice.
          1200         Mouse is communicating at 1200 baud
          2400         Mouse is communicating at 2400 baud
          4800         Mouse is communicating at 4800 baud
          9600         Mouse is communicating at 9600 baud
        The default value various according to mouse type:
            C Series = 2400
            M Series = 1200
            Cordless = 9600
        Identifies the channel number that the cordless mouse is
        communicating through. Available channels are 1 through 8 for
        original cordless mice, and 1 through 4 for new cordless mice.
        This value is provided for information only. The default value is
        The drag lock setting used by the DOS mouse driver. The Windows
        mouse driver drag lock setting will be maintained by the Windows
        Control Center. Drag lock is defined for the primary button only.
          Secondary    The secondary mouse button will enable drag lock.
          Middle       The middle mouse button will enable drag lock.
          Off          Drag lock is disabled (default)
        A text string that identifies mice that do not have identification
        sending ability. This command will allow the Windows Control
        Center to display pictures of unidentifiable mice. This parameter
        will be entered either by the end user or through the installation
        program. By default, the DeviceModel name will be the same as the
          C7           C7 three button square mice
          C9           Series 9 three button mice
          TrackMan1    TrackMan I stationary mouse
          Kidz         Kidz mouse
          Microsoft1   Old Microsoft mouse
          Microsoft2   Actual Microsoft mouse
          Microsoft3   New Microsoft mouse
          FirstMouse   First mouse
          PilotMouse   Pilot mouse
          MouseManLeft1Original left-handed MouseMan
        This parameter identifies the number of buttons a mouse has. It is
        used for mice that cannot identify the number of buttons they have
        (such as Inport mice). The default is 3 buttons.
        Degree setting from 0 to 359. The default is 0 degrees.
        Mouse sensitivity value ranging from 1 to 100. The default is 50.

1.7  [Technical] Section

     This section describes technical settings used by the mouse drivers.
     These settings might help to solve compatibility problems with certain
     type of hardware or BIOS.
        Indicates if the driver should force the detection of a PS2 mouse.
          On           The driver forces the flag to be set (simulate a
                       PS2 mouse found during the boot time)
          Off          The flag is set by the BIOS during boot time
        Indicates which timing procedures the driver should use.
          Software     Use software loops to compute timing
          Hardware     Use the timer chip to compute timing (default)

     The DOS mouse driver has the ability to read parameters from the
     command line. This section lists the valid parameters.
     The syntax for the command line is:
         MOUSE [Option1], [Option2], ...
2.1  Acceleration

     With Acceleration, you can make the mouse more or less sensitive to
     movement relative to the speed with which you move the mouse. By
     moving the mouse quickly, you can sweep the cursor across your screen
     with very little mouse movement. Likewise, by moving the mouse slowly
     you can zero in on an exact screen position.
          AOFF         Turns acceleration off
          ALOW         Sets acceleration to low
          AMEDIUM      Sets acceleration to medium
          AHIGH        Sets acceleration to high
2.2  Button Mapping
     Button Mapping determines how the buttons on the mouse is interpreted.
          2K           Maps the middle button to function as a
                       simultaneous click of the primary and secondary
          3K           Disables the 2K option (default)
          KIDZ         Maps the middle and secondary buttons to function
                       as the primary button
2.3  Button Swap
     Use the Button Swap option to logically swap the function of the mouse
          MSWAP        Swaps the right and middle mouse buttons(3 buttons
                       only). This setting is useful for the TrackMan
          SWAP         Swaps the left and right mouse buttons
2.4  COM Port
     This setting forces the driver to look for the serial mouse on either
     COM1 or COM2. If not found, the driver will search for all the other
     attached mice.
          1            Serial COM port 1
          2            Serial COM port 2
2.5  Cursor Blinking Rate

     This settings determine how fast the cursor blinks. This option is
     only available if the mouse driver was loaded with cursor
          COFF         Turns off the cursor blinking rate
          CSLOW        Sets the cursor blinking rate to slow
          CFAST        Sets the cursor blinking rate to fast
2.6  Cursor Lock

     This locks the shape of the cursor in the DOS environment. This option
     is only available if the mouse driver was loaded with cursor
          DCURSOR      Sets the default mouse cursor
          LCURSOR      Locks the mouse cursor shape
2.7  Cursor Trail

     This flags sets the mouse trail either on or off. The mouse trail is
     useful on laptop/notebook computers where the cursor is sometimes
     difficult to find. This option is only available if the mouse driver
     was loaded with cursor enhancements.
          TON          Turns on the mouse tail for text video modes
          TOFF         Turns off the mouse tail
2.8  Device Type
     This setting allows you to force the mouse driver to look for the type
     of mouse attached. If the device is not found, it will search for the
     other types.
          BUS          Search for a bus mouse
          SER          Search for a serial mouse
          INP          Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse
          PS2          Search for a PS/2 mouse
2.9  Drag Lock

     Drag lock lets you drag an object without having to hold down a mouse
     button as you move the mouse. When you click the mouse button assigned
     to Drag Lock, the driver interprets this as though you were pressing
     and holding down the left mouse button. Simply moving your mouse
     performs the drag. To end the drag, click the assigned mouse button
          DMIDDLE      Sets the drag lock function to the middle button.
                       This drags the left (primary) button.
          DRIGHT       Sets the drag lock function to the right button.
                       This drags the left (primary) button.
          DBOTH        Sets the drag lock function to both the middle and
                       right buttons. This drags the left (primary)
          DNONE        Disables the mouse drag lock effect.
2.10 Mouse Speed

     You can make the mouse move faster or slower relative to the distance
     in which you move your mouse. By setting the speed very fast (e.g.
     S10), you can move your mouse a very small distance to sweep the mouse
     cursor from one side of the screen to the other. A slow speed setting
     (e.g. S01) requires that you move the mouse a greater distance to
     sweep the cursor from one side of the screen to the other.
          S00 - S10    Values range from S00 (slow) to S10 (fast)
2.11 Orientation

     This option is useful for the TrackMan Portable. Orientation sets the
     direction to which the mouse ball must be moved in order to move the
     mouse cursor in a given direction on the screen.
          NORTH        Sets the orientation to north (default). This
                       setting is mainly used by right-handed people.
                       Rolling the track ball away from you moves the
                       cursor up.
          SOUTH        Sets the orientation to south. This setting is
                       mainly used by left-handed people. Rolling the
                       track ball away from you moves the cursor up.
          WEST         Sets the orientation to west. This setting can be
                       used by both left- and right-handed people. Rolling
                       the track ball up moves the cursor up.
          EAST         Sets the orientation to east. Though supported,
                       this option is not useful for the TrackMan
2.12 Miscellaneous

     The following lists the miscellaneous options available to the mouse
          ?            Displays the mouse configuration information
          /?           Display the list of options
          INIT         Resets the mouse to the factory default settings
          NOINI        Loads the driver without using the MOUSEDRV.INI
                       file settings. The driver default settings will be
          NOVCI        Loads the driver without Super VGA support. This
                       happens when any cursor enhancements are loaded.
          OUT          Removes the mouse driver from memory
          CENHANCE     Loads the mouse driver with cursor enhancement

3.   VESA Super VGA Support

3.1  VESA Background

     The VGA standard was established by IBM to define a video architecture
     and video mode. Super VGA is loosely defined as anything above the VGA
     standard. This includes higher resolutions (e.g. 800 x 600 for VESA
     mode 100h) and greater or equal number of colors (e.g. 256 colors for
     VESA mode 103h).
     While many video manufacturers follow the VGA standard, some add their
     own custom enhancements. VESA (Video Electronics Standard Association)
     was formed to bring together the different video schemes, and to give
     direction to the future of video standards for the IBM personal
3.2  VCI Background

     Under DOS, many applications require the mouse driver to draw the
     mouse cursor. To do this, the mouse driver must have knowledge of the
     underlying video architecture and video mode being displayed. This
     present problems as video boards surpass the VGA limit. As video
     boards become more complex the mouse driver must be expanded to handle
     all situations.
     To remedy this, both VESA and Logitech Inc. have established the Video
     Cursor Interface (VCI) Standard. This standard outlines the interface
     between an input device, such as a mouse, and a small overlay program
     containing hardware dependent cursor movement and drawing code. The
     host (or mouse driver in this case) calls the VCI module to perform
     all cursor functions. The host need not have any knowledge of the
     cursor drawing software/hardware.
     The VCI module can be implemented in one of three forms:
     - as an overlay program that the host program loads,
     - as a TSR/device driver program that redirects INT 10h to itself,
     - as a ROM resident code.
     The Logitech mouse driver implements the overlay program method. The
     overlay program, LVESA.OVL, contains video cursor support for CGA,
     EGA, VGA and VESA Super VGA video modes.

3.3  The Logitech VCI Module LVESA.OVL

     During initialization, MOUSE.COM searches MOUSEDRV.INI for the
     location of LVESA.OVL. Refer to Section 1 for more information on
     MOUSEDRV.INI. If an overlay file is specified, the mouse driver loads
     it into memory, then calls the LVESA.OVL initialization routine. If
     initialization is successful, the overlay code is copied into the
     mouse driver, becoming part of the resident mouse driver. If
     initialization fails, the mouse driver uses it's default video cursor
     Because of DOS system constraints, MOUSE.SYS does not have the ability
     to read the MOUSEDRV.INI file nor load the LVESA.OVL file.
     Note: The Logitech DOS mouse driver contains cursor enhancement
     features which enhances cursor viewing in DOS programs that use the
     mouse driver's cursor. Cursor enhancements are not available when the
     LVESA.OVL is being used.
3.4  Other Operating Environments/Systems
     Under other operating environments (Windows, GEM) and operating
     systems (OS/2, UNIX) the mouse driver is not required to display the
     cursor on the video screen. The mouse driver simply acquires button
     and movement information and passes it to the operating
     environment/system which does the rest of the work. The VCI does not
     apply to such operating environments/systems.
3.5  Enabling LVESA.OVL
     Cursor enhancements must be disabled in order to get the Super VGA
     support. Use the 'NOCENHANCE' parameter on the first call to the DOS
     mouse driver:
     MOUSEDRV.INI is modified to turn cursor enhancements off and to use
     the LVESA.OVL found in the mouse directory.
3.6  Loading Other VCI Overlays Modules

     To change the overlay file being used, edit MOUSEDRV.INI as follows:
     where NEW_OVL.OVL is the name of the new overlay program. The
     DRIVE:PATH are needed if the overlay is not located in the mouse
     driver's directory.
3.7  ROM Resident Overlay or TSR's
     Some video manufacturers may put their video overlay code in ROM BIOS
     or in a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program. The video
     manufacturer should provide information to the user about this. To
     enable the mouse driver to search for a BIOS VCI implementation or
     TSR, edit MOUSEDRV.INI as follows:
     This tells the mouse driver to search for the video overlay that is
     already present in memory.
3.8  Disabling LVESA.OVL Loading

     To disable the usage of the LVESA.OVL overlay, edit MOUSEDRV.INI.
     Either remove the filename:
     or comment out the line by putting a semicolon in the beginning of the
          ; VideoModule=LVESA.OVL
     Alternatively, on the first call to the DOS mouse driver, type:
          MOUSE NOVCI
     NOVCI forces the mouse driver to use it's internal video code.
     CENHANCE loads the mouse driver with cursor enhancements. Both options
     disable the loading of LVESA.OVL.
End of file MOUSEDRV.TXT
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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