avaya_user-defined.txt Driver File Contents (CM_messages_ru.zip)

CreatedDate 12-01-2005
Version 3.0
Featk_labels:0:/* IM_AUTODIAL button-labels, Speed Dial "SD" */:2:''YH''
Featk_labels:1:/* IM_S_LWC button-labels, Leave Word Calling "Store LWC" */:13:''AAT LWC''
Featk_labels:2:/* IM_CA_LWC button-labels, Leave Word Calling "Cancel LWC" */:13:''OTMEHT LWC''
Featk_labels:3:/* IM_INSPECT button-labels, Inspect Call Appearance "Inspect" */:13:''POBEPT''
Featk_labels:4:/* IM_STNUM button-labels, Display Stored Number "Stored Number" */:13:''COXP.HOMEP''
Featk_labels:5:/* IM_TOD button-labels, "Time/Date" */:13:''BPEM/ATA''
Featk_labels:6:/* IM_ELAPSED button-labels, "Timer" */:13:''TAMEP''
Featk_labels:7:/* IM_DIR button-labels, "Directory" */:13:''KATAO''
Featk_labels:8:/* IM_ICOM button-labels, Dial Intercom "Dial Icom" */:10:''HAOP.KOM''
Featk_labels:9:/* IM_CB_AUTO button-labels, "Auto Callback" */:13:''ABTO OTBOH''
Featk_labels:10:/* IM_PKUP button-labels,  "Call Pickup" */:13:''OXB.BOB''
Featk_labels:11:/* IM_SAC button-labels, "SendAllCalls" */:13:''HAP.BCEB.''
Featk_labels:12:/* IM_MEXCL button-labels, "Exclusion" */:13:''CKEHE''
Featk_labels:13:/* IM_CONSULT button-labels, "Consult" */:13:''CPABKA''
Featk_labels:14:/* IM_PARK button-labels, "Call Park" */:13:''APK.BOB''
Featk_labels:15:/* IM_ADIAL button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "AD" */:11:''CH''
Featk_labels:16:/* IM_ADPROG button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Program" */:13:''CH POPAM.''
Featk_labels:17:/* IM_ADSC ~p button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Pause" */:13:''CH AYA''
Featk_labels:18:/* IM_ADSC ~w button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Wait" */:13:''CH OAHE''
Featk_labels:19:/* IM_ADSC ~m button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Mark" */:13:''CH METKA''
Featk_labels:20:/* IM_ADSC ~s button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Suppress" */:13:''CH OABT''
Featk_labels:21:/* IM_ADSC ~W button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Stop" */:13:''CH CTO''
Featk_labels:22:/* IM_ADSC ~ button-labels, Abbreviated Dial "Abr Spec Char" */:13:''CH CECMBO''
Featk_labels:23:/* IM_AICOM button-labels, Auto Intercom "AutoIc" */:7:''ABTOK''
Featk_labels:24:/* IM_CFWD button-labels, Call Forward "CFrwd" */:5:''AP''
Featk_labels:25:/* IM_CUTRNG button-labels, "Ringer Off" */:13:''BOHOK BK.''
Featk_labels:26:/* IM_PRIO button-labels, "Priority Call" */:13:''POP.BOB''
Featk_labels:27:/* IM_INT_AUT button-labels, Internal Auto Answer "IntAutoAnswer" */:13:''BHYTP.ABTOOTB''
Featk_labels:28:/* IM_STROKE button-labels, "Stroke Count" */:12:''CET.ECTB''
Featk_labels:29:/* IM_VU_DISP button-labels, Vu-Stats Display "VU Display" */:11:''CE VU''
Featk_labels:30:/* IM_DIRECT_CP button-labels, Directed Call "Dir Pickup" */:13:''HAP.OXBAT''
Featk_labels:31:/* IM_ACCOUNT button-labels, "Account" */:13:''CET''
Featk_labels:32:/* IM_GRP_PAGE button-labels, Group Page "GrpPg" */:5:''PB''
Featk_labels:33:/* IM_WPAGE button-labels, Whisper Page Activate "WhisperAct" */:13:''AKTCEKPBOB''
Featk_labels:34:/* IM_WPANS button-labels, Whisper Page Answerback "WhisperAnbk" */:13:''CEKPABTOTB''
Featk_labels:35:/* IM_VIEW button-labels, "Button View" */:13:''B KHOK''
Featk_labels:36:/* IM_CTIMER button-labels, "Call Timer" */:13:''TAMEP BOBA''
Featk_labels:37:/* IM_ADDBSY button-labels, Add Busy Indication "AddBusyInd" */:13:''O.HAH''
Featk_labels:38:/* IM_REMBSY button-labels, Remove Busy Indication "RemBusyInd" */:13:''YA.HAH''
Featk_labels:39:/* IM_ABRV_RING button-labels, Abbreviated Ring "AbRng" */:5:''COKB''
Featk_labels:40:/* IM_AC_ALRM button-labels, Administered Connection Alarm "AdmConnAlarm" */:13:''ABAP.B.COE''
Featk_labels:41:/* IM_AFTER_CALL button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "AfterCall" */:10:''OCEB''
Featk_labels:42:/* IM_ALRT_AGCHG button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "Alert Agent" */:13:''CHA AEHTY''
Featk_labels:43:/* IM_ALTFRL button-labels, Facility Restriction Level "Alternate FRL" */:13:''MEHT FRL''
Featk_labels:44:/* IM_ANI_REQU button-labels,Automatic Number Identification "ANI Request" */:13:''APOC AOH''
Featk_labels:45:/* IM_ASSIST button-labels, "Assist" */:10:''OMO''
Featk_labels:46:/* IM_A_QCALLS button-labels, Attendent "AttQueueCall" */:13:''BOBOEPOEP''
Featk_labels:47:/* IM_A_QTIME button-labels, Attendent "AttQueueTime" */:13:''BPEMOEPOEP''
Featk_labels:48:/* IM_ASVN button-labels, Auth Code Security Violation Notification "ASVN Halt" */:13:''OCTAHOB.ASVN''
Featk_labels:49:/* IM_AUTO_IN button-labels, "Auto In" */:10:''ABTO PEM''
Featk_labels:50:/* IM_ACA button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "Auto Ckt Halt" */:13:''OCTAHOB ACkt''
Featk_labels:51:/* IM_AMW button-labels, Message Waiting "Msg" */:5:''COO''
Featk_labels:52:/* IM_AWU button-labels, "Auto Wakeup" */:13:''ABTOOYKA''
Featk_labels:53:/* IM_AUX_WORK button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "AuxWork" */:8:''O.COCT''
Featk_labels:54:/* IM_SBI button-labels, Station Busy Indication "Busy" */:5:''AHT''
Featk_labels:55:/* IM_CB_LWC button-labels, Directory, Call Displayed Number "Make Call" */:13:''CEAT BOB''
Featk_labels:56:/* IM_CFBDA button-labels, Call Forward Busy Don't Answer "CFBDA" */:5:''A_HO''
Featk_labels:57:/* IM_CALLRINFO button-labels, Caller Information "Caller Info" */:13:''HBOHEO''
Featk_labels:58:/* IM_CB_BU button-labels, Centralized Attendant Service "CAS Backup" */:13:''PEEPBH.OC''
Featk_labels:59:/* IM_SMDR1_ALRM button-labels,Call Detail Recording Device 1 "CDR1 Fail" */:13:''OTKA CDR1''
Featk_labels:60:/* IM_SMDR2_ALRM button-labels, Call Detail Recording Device 2 "CDR2 Fail" */:13:''OTKA CDR2''
Featk_labels:61:/* IM_CHKIN button-labels, Changes the state of the assocaited guest room "Check In" */:13:''PECTPA''
Featk_labels:62:/* IM_CHKOUT button-labels, Changes the state of the assocaited guest room "Check Out" */:13:''BCKA''
Featk_labels:63:/* IM_CLK_OV button-labels, Clocked Override TOD Routing "ClkOverride" */:12:''OTMEHABPEM''
Featk_labels:64:/* IM_CCB_LWC button-labels, Coverage Leave Word Calling Callback "CovrCallBack" */:13:''OTBOHA''
Featk_labels:65:/* IM_RC_LWC button-labels, Coverage Retrieve LWC Message "Cover Msg Ret" */:13:''BCOOA''
Featk_labels:66:/* IM_CPN_BLK button-labels, Calling Party Number "CPN Block" */:13:''OKP.CPN''
Featk_labels:67:/* IM_CPN_UNBLK button-labels, Calling Party Number "CPN Unblock" */:13:''PAOKP.CPN''
Featk_labels:68:/* IM_ALERT_FEAT button-labels, "Crisis Alert" */:13:''CHA KPC''
Featk_labels:69:/* IM_DEXT button-labels, Data Extension "Data" */:5:''AHH.''
Featk_labels:70:/* IM_DEL_LWC button-labels, Delete Message "Delete Msg" */:13:''YAT COO''
Featk_labels:71:/* IM_DIDVIEW button-labels, Direct In Dial number "DID View" */:13:''OKA. AHOM''
Featk_labels:72:/* IM_DIDRMV button-labels, Direct In Dial number "DID Remove" */:13:''YAT AHOM''
Featk_labels:73:/* IM_DISP_CHRG button-labels, Display Charges "Disp Charges" */:13:''OKA.CTOM''
Featk_labels:74:/* IM_DND button-labels, User Do Not Disturb "DoNotDisturb" */:13:''HE ECOKOT''
Featk_labels:75:/* IM_DNE button-labels, Extension Do Not Disturb "ExtDoNotDstrb" */:13:''HEECA''
Featk_labels:76:/* IM_TK_FLASH button-labels, Send a Trunk Flash signal to far end "Flash" */:13:''''
Featk_labels:77:/* IM_GOTO_CVR button-labels, "Goto Cover" */:13:''HA YT A''
Featk_labels:78:/* IM_DNG button-labels, Group Do Not Disturb "GrpDoNotDstrb" */:13:''HEECP''
Featk_labels:79:/* IM_HUNT_NS button-labels, Hunt Group Night Service "Hunt NS" */:10:''CEPPYHC''
Featk_labels:80:/* IM_COVR button-labels, Incoming Call ID "InCalID" */:8:''HBXB''
Featk_labels:81:/* IM_LO_LWC button-labels, Lockout Leave Word Call "Lock LWC" */:13:''OKP.LWC''
Featk_labels:82:/* IM_LINK_ALRM button-labels, Link Alarm "Link Fail" */:11:''OTKAKAHAA''
Featk_labels:83:/* IM_LSVN button-labels, Login Security Violation "LSVN Halt" */:13:''OCTAHOB LSVN''
Featk_labels:84:/* IM_MAJOR_ALRM button-labels, "Major Alarm" */:13:''ABAP''
Featk_labels:85:/* IM_MMALARM button-labels, Major/Minor Alarm "Mj/Mn Alarm" */:13:''ABAP/HECP''
Featk_labels:86:/* IM_MANUAL_IN button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "Manual In" */:10:''PYH.PEM''
Featk_labels:87:/* IM_MMW button-labels, Manual Message Waiting "MsgW" */:5:''MsgW''
Featk_labels:88:/* IM_MAN_OV button-labels, Manual Override-TOD Routing "ManOverid" */:12:''PYHAOTMEHA''
Featk_labels:89:/* IM_MCTACT button-labels, Malicious Call Trace Activate "MCT Activate" */:13:''TB BK.''
Featk_labels:90:/* IM_MCTCONTR button-labels, Malicious Call Trace Control "MCT Control" */:13:''TB KOHTPO''
Featk_labels:91:/* IM_RP_LWC button-labels, Retrieve Leave Word Call Messages "Msg Retrieve" */:13:''BE COO''
Featk_labels:92:/* IM_MWNACT button-labels, Message Notification Activate "MsgWaitAct" */:13:''AKTB.MsgW''
Featk_labels:93:/* IM_MWNDEACT button-labels, Message Notification Deactivate "MsgWaitDeact" */:13:''EAKTBMsgW''
Featk_labels:94:/* IM_VC_DATA button-labels, Multimedia Voice/Data Activate/deactivate "MM Basic" */:13:''AOB MM''
Featk_labels:95:/* IM_MMCALL button-labels, Multimedia Call Mode Activate "MM Call" */:13:''BOB MM''
Featk_labels:96:/* IM_MM_CFWD button-labels, Multimedia Call Forward Activate "MM Call Fwd" */:13:''AP MM''
Featk_labels:97:/* IM_DATACONF button-labels, Multimedia Data Conference Activate "MM Data Cnf" */:13:''ATA KOH. MM''
Featk_labels:98:/* IM_MULTNBR button-labels, Multimedia Multi Address Activate "MM Mult Nbr" */:13:''MHOO AP. MM''
Featk_labels:99:/* IM_PCAUDIO button-labels, Multimedia PC-Audio Activate "MM PC Audio" */:13:''K AYO MM''
Featk_labels:100:/* IM_ST_LWC button-labels, Next Leave Word Call Message "Next" */:13:''CEY''
Featk_labels:101:/* IM_NACT button-labels, "Night Service" */:13:''HOHO CEPBC''
Featk_labels:102:/* IM_NOANS_ALRT button-labels, Redirect On No Answer "NoAnsAlrt" */:10:''HEOTBHAP''
Featk_labels:103:/* IM_DS1_ALRM button-labels, Digital Signal Level 1 Alarm "OffBoardAlarm" */:13:''BHEH.OKA''
Featk_labels:104:/* IM_PCOL button-labels, Personal Central Office Line "CO Line" */:10:''H ATC''
Featk_labels:105:/* IM_PMS_ALRM button-labels, Property Management "PMS Failure" */:13:''CO PMS''
Featk_labels:106:/* IM_PR_AWU_ALRM button-labels, "AutoWakeAlarm" */:13:''ABAP.ABTOY''
Featk_labels:107:/* IM_PR_PMS_ALRM button-labels,  PMS Journal Printer "PMS Ptr Alarm" */:13:''O.PHT.PMS''
Featk_labels:108:/* IM_SP_ALRM button-labels, BCMS Printer Link "System Alarm" */:13:''CCTEMH.OK''
Featk_labels:109:/* IM_QCALLS button-labels, Hunt Groups "QueueCall" */:10:''BOBO''
Featk_labels:110:/* IM_QTIME button-labels, Hunt Groups "QueueTime" */:10:''BPEMO''
Featk_labels:111:/* IM_ACD_REL button-labels, Automatic Call Distribution "Release" */:13:''OCBOOT''
Featk_labels:112:/* IM_RSVN button-labels, Remote Security Violation "RSVN Halt" */:13:''OCTAHOB RSVN''
Featk_labels:113:/* IM_RSLRT button-labels, System Reset Alert "ResetAlert" */:13:''EPEA.CCT''
Featk_labels:114:/* IM_TEG_SAC button-labels, Terminating Ext. Group Send All Calls "Send TEG" */:13:''A PPB''
Featk_labels:115:/* IM_SERV_OBS button-labels, "Service Obsrv" */:13:''KOHTPOCOE''
Featk_labels:116:/* IM_MSIG button-labels, Manual Signalling "Sgnl" */:5:''CHP''
Featk_labels:117:/* IM_SSVN button-labels, Station Security Violation Notification "SSVN Halt" */:13:''OCTAHOB SSVN''
Featk_labels:118:/* IM_SEXT button-labels, Secondary Extensions "TermGroup" */:10:''PPB''
Featk_labels:119:/* IM_TRKACC button-labels, Facility/Trunk Access "FTC Alarm" */:13:''OKA FTC ''
Featk_labels:120:/* IM_TRKID button-labels, "Trunk ID" */:13:''EHT C''
Featk_labels:121:/* IM_TRKNAME button-labels, "Trunk Name" */:13:''M C''
Featk_labels:122:/* IM_TRUNK_NS button-labels, Night Service "Trunk NS" */:10:''HOCEPB C''
Featk_labels:123:/* IM_UUI_INFO button-labels, User to User Information "UUI Info" */:13:''HO UUI''
Featk_labels:124:/* IM_REPEAT button-labels, VDN Orgin of Annoucement "VOA Repeat" */:13:''OBTOP VOA''
Featk_labels:125:/* IM_BUSYV button-labels, "Verify" */:13:''POBEPT''
Featk_labels:126:/* IM_VIPCHKI button-labels, "VIP Check In" */:13:''VIP PECTPA''
Featk_labels:127:/* IM_VIP_RETRY button-labels, "VIP Retry" */:13:''VIP OBTOP''
Featk_labels:128:/* IM_VIP_WAKEUP button-labels, "VIP Wakeup" */:13:''VIP OYKA''
Featk_labels:129:/* IM_MDSTROKE button-labels, "Work Code" */:13:''PAO KO''
Featk_labels:130:/* IM_BTN_RING, button-labels, "Button Ring" */:13:''KHOKA BOHKA''
Featk_labels:131:/* IM_RING_STAT, button-labels, "Ring Stat" */:13:''CTAT BOHKA''
Featk_labels:132:/* IM_STRTBILL, button-labels, "Start Bill" */:13:''HAAT TAP''
Featk_labels:133:/* IM_WPOFF button-labels, Whisper Page "WhisperOff" */:13:''BK.CEKPB''
Featk_labels:134:/* IM_STA_LOCK button-labels, "Station Lock" */:13:''OKPAAPAT''
Featk_labels:135:/* IM_LIC_ERR button-labels, "License Error" */:13:''OKA EH''
Featk_labels:136:/* IM_CONFDISP button-labels, "Conf Display" */:13:''KOH. CE''
Featk_labels:137:/* IM_TGL_SWAP button-labels, "Toggle Swap" */:13:''EPEK.AMEHA''
Featk_labels:138:/* IM_DEBUG, button-labels, Message Sequence Tracer "MST Debug" */:13:''OTAKA TB''
Featk_labels:139:/* IM_FE_MUTE, button-labels, "Far End Mute" */:13:''YAOTKBYKA''
Featk_labels:140:/* IM_PG1_ALRM, button-labels, "PAGE1 Alarm" */:13:''OKA PAGE1''
Featk_labels:141:/* IM_PG2_ALRM, button-labels, "PAGE2 Alarm" */:13:''OKA PAGE2''
Featk_labels:142:/* IM_EC500, button-labels, "EC500" */:13:''EC500''
Featk_labels:143:/* IM_NHCONF, button-labels, No Hold Conference "No Hold Conf" */:13:''KOHEYEP''
Featk_labels:144:/* IM_POST_MSGS, button-labels, Posted Messages "Posted MSGs" */:13:''YBEOMEH''
Featk_labels:145:/* IM_AUDIX_REC, button-labels, Audix One-Step Recording "Audix Record" */:13:''AC Audix''
Featk_labels:148:/* IM_NH_CSL, button-labels, No Hold Consult "NoHoldConsult" */:13:''CPABKA Y''
Featk_labels:155:/* IM_EXTND, button-labels, Off-PBX Telephony Integration with MultiVantage (OPTIM) "Extend Call" */:13:''POOBOB''
Dy_rstrc:0:/* FULL_RST - FULL miscellaneous-features, restrictions "FULL" */:4:''OH''
Dy_rstrc:1:/* NONE_RST - NONE miscellaneous-features, restrictions "NONE" */:4:''HET''
Dy_rstrc:2:/* ORIG_RST - ORIGINATION miscellaneous-features, restrictions "ORIG" */:4:''BOH''
Dy_rstrc:3:/* OUTW_RST - OUTWARD miscellaneous-features, restrictions "OTWD" */:4:''CX''
Dy_rstrc:4:/* TOLL_RST - TOLL miscellaneous-features, restrictions "TOLL" */:4:''ME''
Dy_format:1:/* DY_LW_ENTER leave-word-calling, "%&MESSAGES FOR %-27s" */:24:''%&COOEH  %-15s''
Dy_format:3:/* DY_LW_DELETE leave-word-calling, "%&DELETED" */:40:''%&YAEHO''
Dy_format:4:/* DY_LW_NOMSGS leave-word-calling, "%&NO MESSAGES" */:40:''%&HET COOEH''
Dy_format:5:/* DY_LW_NDMSGS leave-word-calling, "%&END OF MESSAGES (NEXT TO REPEAT)" */:40:''%&KOHE COOEH (CEY  OBTOPA)''
Dy_format:9:/* DY_LW_INPROG leave-word-calling, "%&IN PROGRESS" */:40:''%&OPAATBAETC''
Dy_format:11:/* DY_LW_UNAVAIL leave-word-calling, "%&MESSAGES UNAVAILABLE - TRY LATER" */:40:''%&COOEH HE OCTYH - OPOYTE OE''
Dy_format:12:/* DY_CONFERENCE call-identifiers, "%&%c=   CONFERENCE %d" */:12:''%&%c=  KOHEPEH %d''
Dy_format:13:/* DY_CMR_WHOSE leave-word-calling, "%&WHOSE MESSAGES?  (DIAL EXTENSION NUMBER)" */:40:''%& COOEH? (HAPAT HOMEP AOHEHTA)''
Dy_format:14:/* DY_CMR_GETDT leave-word-calling, "%&GET DIAL TONE, PUSH Cover Msg Retrieval" */:40:''%&OYT OTBET CTAH, HAAT BCOOA''
Dy_format:15:/* DY_SN_NONE miscellaneous-features, "%&NO NUMBER STORED" */:40:''%&HOMEP HE COXPAHEH''
Dy_format:16:/* DY_DT_UNAVAIL date-time, "%&  SORRY, TIME UNAVAILABLE NOW" */:40:''%&BHTE, BPEM HE OCTYHO''
Dy_format:20:/* DY_REDIRECT call-identifier, redirected call "%19|to  %-15s %c" */:2:''%19|HA  %-15s %c''
Dy_format:24:/* DY_AREDIRECT call-identifier, attnd redirected call "%17|  to %-15s %2s" */:2:''%17|  HA %-15s %2s''
Dy_format:27:/* DY_NODELETE leave-word-calling, "%&CANNOT BE DELETED - CALL MESSAGE CENTER" */:40:''%&YAT HE - EHTP OPAOTK BOBOB''
Dy_format:28:/* DY_DIRENTER miscellaneous-features, directory "%&DIRECTORY - PLEASE ENTER NAME" */:40:''%&KATAO - BBETE M OAYCTA''
Dy_format:30:/* DY_NOMATCH miscellaneous-features, directory "%&NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN" */:40:''%&HET COBAEH - OPOYTE EE''
Dy_format:36:/* DY_MR_DENY leave-word-calling, "%&MESSAGE RETRIEVAL DENIED" */:40:''%&B BEEH COOEH OTKAAHO''
Dy_format:37:/* DY_MR_LOCK leave-word-calling, "%&MESSAGE RETRIEVAL LOCKED" */:40:''%&BEEHE COOEH AOKPOBAHO''
Dy_format:41:/* DY_5CONFERENCE call-identifiers, "%&%2|   CONFERENCE %d" */:12:''%&%2| KOHEPEH %d''
Dy_format:48:/* DY_CVGCONF call-identifiers, "%2|CONFERENCE %d   " */:12:''%2|KOHEPEH %d  ''
Dy_format:49:/* DY_QSTAT miscellaneous-features, queue status "%&%-15s Q-time %d:%2s calls %d" */:11:''%&%-15s Q-time %d:%2s BOB %d''
Dy_format:50:/* DY_EMRG miscellaneous-features, emergency call "%15| Ext%8s %2d in EMRG Q" */:12:''%15| AH%8s %2d B EMRG O''
Dy_format:51:/* DY_SUPUPD, call-identifiers, service observing "%17|  to %-15s so" */:4:''%17|  K  %-15s KB''
Dy_format:52:/* DY_SUPCONF call-identifiers, service observing "%17|  to CONFERENCE %d    so" */:17:''%17|  K KOHEPEH %d   KB''
Dy_format:53:/* DY_AWUENTER auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&AUTO WAKEUP - Ext " */:19:''%&ABTO OYKA - AOH ''
Dy_format:54:/* DY_AWUBTIME auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%27|Time --:--   %32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM --:--%35|''
Dy_format:55:/* DY_AWUTIME auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%27|Time %2d:%2d %cM%32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM %2d:%2d%35|''
Dy_format:57:/* DY_AWUCONF auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&WAKEUP REQUEST CONFIRMED" */:40:''%&OTBEPEH APOC HA OYKY''
Dy_format:58:/* DY_AWUDENY auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&WAKEUP ENTRY DENIED - %s" */:24:''%&BPEM OYK OTKOHEHO - %s''
Dy_format:59:/* DY_AWUCANCEL auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&WAKEUP REQUEST CANCELED" */:40:''%&OTMEHEH APOC HA OYKY''
Dy_format:60:/* DY_INVEXT auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&INVALID EXTENSION - TRY AGAIN" */:40:''%&HEPABH HOMEP - OPOYTE EE''
Dy_format:62:/* DY_COENTER property-management, "%&CHECK OUT - Ext: " */:33:''%&BCKA - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:63:/* DY_VACANT property-management, "%&CHECK OUT: ROOM ALREADY VACANT" */:40:''%&BCKA: KOMHATA YE CBOOHA''
Dy_format:64:/* DY_COFAIL property-management, "%&CHECK OUT FAILED" */:40:''%&HEYCEHA OTKA BCK''
Dy_format:65:/* DY_COMSG property-management, "%&CHECK OUT COMPLETE: MESSAGE LAMP ON" */:40:''%&BCKA ABEPEHA: HKATOP COO BK''
Dy_format:66:/* DY_CONMSG property-management, "%&CHECK OUT COMPLETE: MESSAGE LAMP OFF" */:40:''%&BCKA ABEPEHA: HKATOP COO BK''
Dy_format:67:/* DY_CIENTER property-management, "%&CHECK IN  - Ext: " */:33:''%&PECTPA - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:68:/* DY_OCCUPIED property-management, "%&CHECK IN: ROOM ALREADY OCCUPIED" */:40:''%&PECTPA: KOMHATA YE ACEEHA''
Dy_format:69:/* DY_CIFAIL property-management, "%&CHECK IN FAILED" */:40:''%&HEYCEHA OTKA PECTPA''
Dy_format:70:/* DY_CICMPL property-management, "%&CHECK IN COMPLETE" */:40:''%&PECTPA ABEPEHA''
Dy_format:71:/* DY_MWNON property-management, "%&MESSAGE NOTIFICATION ON  - Ext: " */:32:''%&BEEHE O COO. BK - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:72:/* DY_LON property-management, "%&MESSAGE LAMP ON " */:40:''%&HKATOP COOEH BK''
Dy_format:73:/* DY_LOFF property-management, "%&MESSAGE LAMP OFF " */:40:''%&HKATOP COOEH BK''
Dy_format:74:/* DY_DNDENTER auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&DO NOT DIST - Ext " */:19:''%&HE ECOKOT - HOM''
Dy_format:75:/* DY_DNDBTIME auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%27|Time --:--   %32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM --:--%35|''
Dy_format:76:/* DY_DNDTIME auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%27|Time %2d:%2d %cM%32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM %2d:%2d%35|''
Dy_format:78:/* DY_DNDCONF auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST ENTRY CONFIRMED" */:40:''%&CACO - HAEHE HE EC OTBEPEHO''
Dy_format:79:/* DY_DNDDENY auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED - %s" */:24:''%&HAEHE HE EC. OTKA - %s''
Dy_format:80:/* DY_DNDCANCEL auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST REQUEST CANCELED" */:40:''%&CACO - APOC HE EC. OTMEHEH''
Dy_format:82:/* DY_DNGENTER auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&DO NOT DIST - Group: " */:23:''%&HE EC. - PYA: ''
Dy_format:86:/* DY_DNGINV auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&INVALID GROUP - TRY AGAIN" */:40:''%&HEPABHA PYA - OPOYTE EE''
Dy_format:87:/* DY_MSGFAIL property-management, "%&MESSAGE NOTIFICATION FAILED" */:40:''%&HEYCEHOE OOBEEHE O COOEH''
Dy_format:88:/* DY_NOGROUP miscellaneous-features, "%&HUNT GROUP %d NOT ADMINISTERED" */:36:''%&PYA CEP.CKAH %d HE APOPAMMPOBAHA''
Dy_format:89:/* DY_MWNOFF property-management, "%&MESSAGE NOTIFICATION OFF - Ext: " */:32:''%&OOBEEHE O COO BK - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:90:/* DY_1EMRG miscellaneous-features, emergency alert "%28|%2d in EMRG Q" */:9:''%28|%2d B EMRG O''
Dy_format:92:/* DY_DIRUNAVAIL miscellaneous-features, directory service "%&DIRECTORY UNAVAILABLE - TRY LATER" */:40:''%&KATAO HE OCTYEH - OPOYTE OE''
Dy_format:104:/* DY_AUDIX leave-word-calling,  "%&Message Center (AUDIX)              CALL" */:40:''%&EHTP COOEH (AUDIX)            BOB''
Dy_format:107:/* DY_MAN_OVR time-of-day-routing, Manual override "%&OLD ROUTE PLAN: %d  ENTER NEW PLAN:" */:34:''%&CTAP.AH MAPP.: %d BBETE HOB AH:''
Dy_format:108:/* DY_ACPTMAN_OVR time-of-day-routing, Manual override "%&OLD ROUTE PLAN: %d  NEW PLAN: %d" */:31:''%&CTAP.AH MAPP.: %d HOB AH: %d''
Dy_format:109:/* DY_CLK_OVR time-of-day-routing, clocked override "%&ENTER ACTIVATION ROUTE PLAN, DAY & TIME" */:40:''%&BBO AKTB.AHA MAPPYT, EH & BPEM''
Dy_format:110:/* DY_ACTCLK_OVR time-of-day-routing, override confirmation "%&ROUTE PLAN: %d FOR: %3s ACT-TIME: %2d:%2d" */:24:''%&AH MAPP: %d HA %3s BPEM-AKTB: %2d:%2d''
Dy_format:111:/* DY_DECLK_OVR time-of-day-routing, deactivate override "%&ENTER DEACTIVATION DAY & TIME" */:40:''%&BBETE E-AKTB.EH & BPEM''
Dy_format:112:/* DY_ACPTCLK_OVR time-of-day-routing, deactivate confirmation"%&ROUTE PLAN: %d FOR: %3s DEACT-TIME: %2d:%2d" */:24:''%&AH MAPP: %d HA %3s EAKTB-BPEM:%2d:%2d''
Dy_format:118:/* DY_STK_NO_SPCE miscellaneous-features, stroke counts "%&TRY AGAIN" */:40:''%&OPOYTE EE''
Dy_format:120:/* DY_CALLRINFO miscellaneous-features, caller information "%&%c=Info: %16s" */:5:''%&%c=HO:%16s''
Dy_format:124:/* DY_LSVN miscellaneous-features, security voilation notification "%&%c=Login Violation" */:38:''%&%c=HAPYEHE BXOA B CCTEMY''
Dy_format:125:/* DY_RSVN miscellaneous-features, security voilation notification "%&%c=Barrier Code Violation" */:38:''%&%c=HAPYEHE APEPHOO KOA''
Dy_format:126:/* DY_INTRUSION_OK call-identifiers, intrusion "%29|(I)" */:3:''%29|(I)''
Dy_format:127:/* DY_AOVER miscellaneous-features, Call Detail Recording "%15| %8s CDR OVERLOAD" */:15:''%15| %8s EPEPYKA CDR''
Dy_format:128:/* DY_MCT_INTRO mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&MALICIOUS CALL TRACE REQUEST" */:40:''%&APOC TPACC. OHAMEPEHHX BOBOB TB''
Dy_format:129:/* DY_MCT1 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&MCT activated by: %-8s for %-9s" */:19:''%&TB AY A: %-8s   %-9s''
Dy_format:130:/* DY_MCT2 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&original call redirected from: %-9s" */:29:''%&BOB EPEHAP OT A: %-9s''
Dy_format:131:/* DY_MCT3 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&party%d: %-8s (EXTENSION)" */:28:''%&YACTHK%d: %-8s (A.HOMEP)''
Dy_format:132:/* DY_MCT4 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&party%d: %-18s (SID/CNI)" */:24:''%&YACTHK%d: %-18s (SID/CNI)''
Dy_format:133:/* DY_MCT5 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&party%d: %9s (PORT ID)" */:25:''%&YACTHK%d: %9s (ID OPTA)''
Dy_format:134:/* DY_MCT6 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&party%d: %9s (ISDN PORT ID)" */:27:''%&YACTHK%d: %9s (ID ISDN OPTA)''
Dy_format:135:/* DY_MCT_END mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&END OF TRACE INFORMATION" */:40:''%&KOHE HOPMA TPACCPOBK''
Dy_format:136:/* DY_MCT7 mailcious-call-trace, MCT "%&voice recorder port: %-9s" */:29:''%&OPT ACBA. YCTPOCTBA: %-9s''
Dy_format:140:/* DY_RINGING call-identifiers,  "%17| ringing     " */:8:''%17| BOHT..  ''
Dy_format:141:/* DY_BUSY call-identifiers, "%17| busy       " */:8:''%17| AHTO   ''
Dy_format:142:/* Y_BUSY_INTOK call-identifiers, Busy With Intrusion "%17| busy(I)    " */:8:''%17| AHT(B)''
Dy_format:146:/* DY_ASAI miscellaneous-features, Adjunct Switch Application Interface "%&You have adjunct messages" */:40:''%&ECT COOEH OT BHEHEO POECCOPA''
Dy_format:155:/* DY_ACALLRINFO miscellaneous-features, automatic caller info "%&        %c=Info: %16s" */:5:''%&        %c=HO:%16s''
Dy_format:156:/* DY_AWUMESS auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&WAKEUP MESSAGE: %5s" */:32:''%&COOEHE OYK:  %5s''
Dy_format:157:/* DY_INVNUM auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do not disturb "%&INVALID NUMBER - TRY AGAIN" */:40:''%&HEPABH HOMEP - OPOYTE EE''
Dy_format:158:/* DY_NOFORMAT vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&FORMAT %d NOT DEFINED" */:36:''%&OPMAT %d HE OPEEEH''
Dy_format:159:/* DY_NOID vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&FORMAT %d DOES NOT ALLOW OR REQUIRE ID" */:36:''%&OPMAT %d HE PAPEEH  TPEYET ID''
Dy_format:160:/* DY_NO1ADMIN vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&AGENT %s NOT ADMINISTERED" */:29:''%&AEHT %s HE APOPAMMPOBAH''
Dy_format:161:/* DY_NO2ADMIN vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&SPLIT/SKILL %s NOT ADMINISTERED" */:29:''%&PYA %s HE APOPAMMPOBAHA''
Dy_format:162:/* DY_NO3ADMIN vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&TRUNK GROUP %s NOT ADMINISTERED" */:29:''%&PYA C %s HE APOPAMMPOBAHA''
Dy_format:163:/* DY_NO4ADMIN vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats, Vector Directory Number "%&VDN %s NOT ADMINISTERED" */:29:''%&VDN %s HE APOPAMMPOBAH''
Dy_format:164:/* DY_NO1MEAS vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&AGENT %s NOT MEASURED" */:29:''%&AEHT %s HE MEPETC''
Dy_format:165:/* DY_NO2MEAS vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&SPLIT/SKILL %s NOT MEASURED" */:29:''%&PYA %s HE MEPETC''
Dy_format:166:/* DY_NO3MEAS vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&TRUNK GROUP %s NOT MEASURED" */:29:''%&PYA C %s HE MEPETC''
Dy_format:167:/* DY_NO4MEAS vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&VDN %s NOT MEASURED" */:29:''%&VDN %s HE MEPETC''
Dy_format:168:/* DY_NOAGENT vustats, Automatic Call Distribution view stats "%&AGENT NOT LOGGED IN" */:40:''%&AEHT HE APEECTPPOBAC''
Dy_format:169:/* DY_OCCENTER property-management, Propterty Management System "%&Occupied Rooms" */:40:''%&KOECTBO ACEEHHX KOMHAT''
Dy_format:170:/* DY_MDENTER property-management, PMS "%&Enter Desired Room State (1-6)" */:40:''%&BBETE EAEMOE COCTOHE KOMHAT (1-6)''
Dy_format:171:/* DY_MDINVALID property-management, PMS "%&Undefined State, Enter number from 1 - 6" */:40:''%&HEOPEEEHHOE COCTOHE, BBETE 1 - 6''
Dy_format:173:/* DY_1RMOREXT PMS "%17|  to  %-8s %38|%c" */:2:''%17|  K  %-8s %38|%c''
Dy_format:174:/* DY_2RMOREXT PMS "%17|  to  %-8s %37|%2s" */:2:''%17|  K  %-8s %37|%2s''
Dy_format:177:/* DY_A_SKILL miscellaneous-features, Automatic Call Distribution "%&Add Skill: Enter number, then # sign" */:40:''%&OABT PYY: BBETE HOMEP  #''
Dy_format:178:/* DY_R_SKILL miscellaneous-features, Automatic Call Distribution "%&Remove Skill:  Enter number, then # sign" */:40:''%&YAT PYY: BBETE HOMEP  #''
Dy_format:179:/* DY_SKILL_TYPE miscellaneous-features, Automatic Call Distribution "%&Enter skill level, then # sign" */:40:''%&BBETE YPOBEH PY  #''
Dy_format:181:/* DY_VDNSUP call-identifiers, service observing, Vector Directory Number supervisor "%0|%c=VDN: %-15s %-5s          so" */:5:''%0|%c=VDN: %-15s %-5s          KB''
Dy_format:182:/* DY_TRKSUP Trunk call-identifiers, service observing, Trunk supervisor "%&%c=Trk: %-15s %-5s          so" */:11:''%&%c=PYA C: %-15s %-5s    KB''
Dy_format:183:/* DY_STASUP, service observing, station supervisor "%&%c=Sta: %-15s %-8s       so" */:11:''%&%c=AOH: %-15s %-8s KB''
Dy_format:190:/* DY_AGNT_PRMT miscellaneous-features, Automatic Call Distribution skills "%&Enter Agent LoginID" */:40:''%&BBETE ID AEHTA ''
Dy_format:191:/* DY_ASVN miscellaneous-features, security violation notification "%&%c=Authorization Code Violation" */:38:''%&%c=HAPYEHE KOA ABTOPA ''
Dy_format:192:/* DY_EASTN, emergency alert "%30|%8s%38|EM" */:2:''%30|%8s%38|EM''
Dy_format:193:/* DY_TYPE_DISP miscellaneous-features, "%&Call Type: %d" */:15:''%&T BOBA %d''
Dy_format:196:/* DY_CCHRG_DISP miscellaneous-features, "%&       Call Charge: %-3s%9s %-7s" */:19:''%&CTOMOCT BOBA: %-3s%9s %-7s''
Dy_format:198:/* DY_ENTER_RC miscellaneous-features, "%&ENTER REASON CODE" */:40:''%&BBETE KO PH''
Dy_format:200:/* DY_SSVN miscellaneous-features, security "%&%c=Station Security Code Violation" */:38:''%&%c=HAPYEHE AOH CEKPETHOO KOA''
Dy_format:201:/* DY_UUI_INFO view-buttons User to User Information "%&%c=UUI-Info: %16s" */:9:''%&%c=UUI-HO:%16s''
Dy_format:204:/* DY_V_ABRG view-buttons "%&Analog Bridge Appearance %-15s" */:24:''%&APAEH. AHAO.H %-15s''
Dy_format:205:/* DY_V_PROGABR view-buttons "%&Abbreviated Dial Program" */:24:''%&POPAM. COKPA.HAOPA''
Dy_format:206:/* DY_V_SPCHAR view-buttons "%&Abbrev Dial Character %-5s" */:24:''%&CMBO COKPA.HAOPA %-5s''
Dy_format:207:/* DY_V_ABDIAL view-buttons "%&Abbrev Dial %-24s" */:24:''%&COKPAEHH HAOP %-15s''
Dy_format:208:/* DY_V_RING view-buttons "%&Abrv/Delayed Ring Change %-15s" */:24:''%&MEHT BOHOK CH/OT. %-15s''
Dy_format:209:/* DY_V_ACA_HALT view-buttons "%&Auto Circuit Assurance" */:24:''%&POBEPTE CPABHOCT C''
Dy_format:210:/* DY_V_AC_ALARM view-buttons "%&Admin Connection Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA BEEHHOO COE.''
Dy_format:211:/* DY_V_ACCOUNT view-buttons, Call Detail Recording "%&CDR Account Code" */:24:''%&KO CETA CDR''
Dy_format:212:/* DY_V_ADMIN view-buttons Terminal Self Administration "%&TSA Administration Mode" */:24:''%&PEM AMHCTPP. TSA''
Dy_format:213:/* DY_V_AFCALL view-buttons Automatic Call Distribution "%&ACD After Call Work %-15s" */:24:''%&CPB PAOTA OCE BOBA %-15s''
Dy_format:214:/* DY_V_CHGALRT view-buttons Automatic Call Distribution "%&ACD Change Alert" */:24:''%&CPB PEYPE O MEHEH''
Dy_format:215:/* DY_V_ALTFRL view-buttons Facility Restriction Level "%&Alternate FRL" */:24:''%&MEHT FRL''
Dy_format:216:/* DY_V_ASSIST view-buttons "%&Supervisor Assist %-15s" */:24:''%&OMO CYEPBAOPA %-15s''
Dy_format:217:/* DY_V_AUHALT view-buttons Security Violation Notification "%&SVN Auth Code Halt" */:24:''%&OCTAHOB SVN KOA ABTOP''
Dy_format:218:/* DY_V_ACALLQ view-buttons "%&Attendant Queue Calls" */:24:''%&BOB OEPE OEPATOPA''
Dy_format:219:/* DY_V_ATIMEQ view-buttons "%&Attendant Queue Time" */:24:''%&BPEM OEPE OEPATOPA''
Dy_format:220:/* DY_V_AMSGW view-buttons "%&Auto Message Waiting" */:24:''%&ABTOMATECKOE COOEHE''
Dy_format:221:/* DY_V_ACBACK view-buttons "%&Automatic Call Back" */:24:''%&ABTOMATECK OTBOH''
Dy_format:222:/* DY_V_AUTOD view-buttons "%&Automatic Dialing %-16s" */:24:''%&ABTOMATECK HAOP %-15s''
Dy_format:223:/* DY_V_AUICOM view-buttons "%&Automatic Intercom %-6s" */:24:''%&ABTOMATECK HTEPKOM %-6s''
Dy_format:224:/* DY_V_AUIN view-buttons "%&Auto-In Work Mode %-15s" */:24:''%&PEM ABTO.OCTYEH %-15s''
Dy_format:225:/* DY_V_AWKUP view-buttons "%&Automatic Wakeup" */:24:''%&ABTOMATECKA OYKA''
Dy_format:226:/* DY_V_AUXWRK view-buttons "%&Auxiliary Work Mode %-15s" */:24:''%&OOHT. PEM PAOT %-15s''
Dy_format:227:/* DY_V_BRDGAP view-buttons "%&Bridged Appearance %-15s" */:24:''%&APAEHA H %-15s''
Dy_format:228:/* DY_V_BUSYIND view-buttons "%&Busy Indicator %-8s" */:24:''%&HKATOP AHTOCT %-8s''
Dy_format:229:/* DY_V_CALLAP view-buttons "%&Call Appearance %-15s" */:24:''%&HKATOP H %-15s''
Dy_format:230:/* DY_V_DISCALL view-buttons "%&Call Displayed Number" */:24:''%&BBAT OTOPA.HOMEP''
Dy_format:231:/* DY_V_CFWD view-buttons "%&Call Forwarding" */:24:''%&EPEAPECA BOBA''
Dy_format:232:/* DY_V_CPARK view-buttons "%&Call Park" */:24:''%&APKOBAHE BOBA''
Dy_format:233:/* DY_V_CPKUP view-buttons "%&Call Pickup" */:24:''%&OXBAT BOBA''
Dy_format:234:/* DY_V_CINFO view-buttons "%&Caller Information" */:24:''%&HOPMA BBAEO''
Dy_format:235:/* DY_V_CASBK view-buttons Centralized Attendant Service "%&CAS (Branch) Backup" */:24:''%&OC (OTEEHE) PEEPB''
Dy_format:236:/* DY_V_1CDRALR view-buttons, Call Detail Recording "%&CDR 1st Printer Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA 1O PHTEPA CDR''
Dy_format:237:/* DY_V_2CDRALR view-buttons, Call Detail Recording "%&CDR 2nd Printer Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA 2O PHTEPA CDR''
Dy_format:238:/* DY_V_CHKIN view-buttons "%&Check In Hotel/Motel" */:24:''%&PECTPA OTE/MOTE''
Dy_format:239:/* DY_V_CHKOUT view-buttons "%&Check Out Hotel/Motel" */:24:''%&BCKA OTE/MOTE''
Dy_format:240:/* DY_V_CFBSY view-buttons "%&Call Forwarding Busy/DA" */:24:''%&EPEAPECA AHTO/HO''
Dy_format:241:/* DY_V_CLKOV view-buttons "%&Clocked Override %-20s" */:24:''%&OTMEHA O-BPEMEH %-20s''
Dy_format:242:/* DY_V_CONSUL view-buttons "%&Consult/Return" */:24:''%&CPABKA/BOBPAT''
Dy_format:243:/* DY_V_CVCBCK view-buttons "%&Coverage Callback" */:24:''%&OTBOH EPEAPECA''
Dy_format:244:/* DY_V_CVMSG view-buttons "%&Cover Message Retrieve" */:24:''%&BE COO.EPEAPEC''
Dy_format:245:/* DY_V_DATEX view-buttons "%&Data Extension" */:24:''%&AOH. HOMEP AHHX''
Dy_format:246:/* DY_V_DTIME view-buttons "%&Time of Day/Date Display" */:24:''%&CE BPEM/ATA''
Dy_format:247:/* DY_V_DELMSG view-buttons "%&Delete LWC Message" */:24:''%&YAT COOEHE LWC''
Dy_format:248:/* DY_V_DIALIC view-buttons "%&Dial Intercom %-9s" */:24:''%&HAPAT HTEPKOM %-9s''
Dy_format:249:/* DY_V_DIR view-buttons "%&Integrated Directory" */:24:''%&HTEPPOBAHH KATAO''
Dy_format:250:/* DY_V_DPKUP view-buttons "%&Directed Call Pickup" */:24:''%&HAPAB. OXBAT BOBA''
Dy_format:251:/* DY_V_TNORM view-buttons "%&Normal/Local Mode Toggle" */:24:''%&EPEK PEMA HOPM/MECTH''
Dy_format:252:/* DY_V_DNDST view-buttons "%&Do Not Disturb" */:24:''%&HE ECOKOT''
Dy_format:253:/* DY_V_DROP view-buttons "%&Drop" */:24:''%&CPOC''
Dy_format:254:/* DY_V_DS1ALR view-buttons "%&Off-Board DS1 Alarm" */:24:''%&BHEH OKA DS1''
Dy_format:255:/* DY_V_EXCL view-buttons "%&Manual Exclusion" */:24:''%&PYHOE CKEHE''
Dy_format:256:/* DY_V_EXDND view-buttons "%&Do Not Disturb Extension" */:24:''%&AHOMEP HE ECOKOT''
Dy_format:257:/* DY_V_FLASH view-buttons "%&Flash" */:24:''%&''
Dy_format:258:/* DY_V_GTCOV view-buttons "%&Go To Cover" */:24:''%&HA YT EPEAPECA''
Dy_format:259:/* DY_V_GRPDND view-buttons "%&Do Not Disturb Group" */:24:''%&PYA HE ECOKOT''
Dy_format:260:/* DY_V_GPAGE view-buttons "%&Group Paging %-5s" */:24:''%&PYOBO EH %-5s''
Dy_format:261:/* DY_V_HEADSET view-buttons "%&Headset On/Off" */:24:''%&OOBHO TEE.BK/BK''
Dy_format:262:/* DY_V_HNTNS view-buttons "%&Hunt Night Service %-10s" */:24:''%&HO.CEPB. CEPH.P. %-10s''
Dy_format:263:/* DY_V_INCAID view-buttons "%&Coverage Call Identify %-15s" */:24:''%&EHTKA BOBA A %-15s''
Dy_format:264:/* DY_V_INSP view-buttons "%&Inspect Call Appearance" */:24:''%&POBEPT H''
Dy_format:265:/* DY_V_INAUAN view-buttons "%&Internal Auto Answer" */:24:''%&BHYTPEHH ABTO OTBET''
Dy_format:266:/* DY_V_LND view-buttons "%&Last Number Dialed" */:24:''%&HAOP OCEHEO HOMEPA''
Dy_format:267:/* DY_V_LKALR view-buttons "%&Link Failure Alarm link# %-15s" */:24:''%&CO CHAHOO KAHAA# %-15s''
Dy_format:268:/* DY_V_LSVN view-buttons "%&Login Security Violation" */:24:''%&HAPYEHE BXOA B CCTEM''
Dy_format:269:/* DY_V_CLWC view-buttons "%&Cancel Leave Word Call" */:24:''%&OTMEHA LWC''
Dy_format:270:/* DY_V_LLWC view-buttons "%&Lockout Leave Word Call" */:24:''%&OKPOBKA LWC''
Dy_format:271:/* DY_V_SLWC view-buttons "%&Leave Word Call Message" */:24:''%&COOEHE LWC''
Dy_format:272:/* DY_V_MJALR view-buttons "%&Major Hardware Alarm" */:24:''%&ABAP OOPYOBAH''
Dy_format:273:/* DY_V_MMWAIT view-buttons "%&Manual Message Waiting" */:24:''%&PYHOE COOEH.OAHE''
Dy_format:274:/* DY_V_MOVER view-buttons "%&Manual Override %-20s" */:24:''%&PYHA OTMEHA %-20s''
Dy_format:275:/* DY_V_MANIN view-buttons Automatic Call Distribution "%&ACD Manual-In %-15s" */:24:''%&CPB PYH.PEM %-15s''
Dy_format:276:/* DY_V_MCTACT view-buttons Malicious Call Trace "%&MCT Call Trace Activate" */:24:''%&TB AKTBA''
Dy_format:277:/* DY_V_MCCONT view-buttons Malicious Call Trace "%&MCT Call Trace Control" */:24:''%&TB KOHTPO''
Dy_format:278:/* DY_V_MJMNAL view-buttons "%&Major/Minor Alarm" */:24:''%&ABAP/HECPABHOCT''
Dy_format:279:/* DY_V_MSGRET view-buttons "%&Message Retrieve" */:24:''%&BEEHE COOEH''
Dy_format:280:/* DY_V_MWON view-buttons "%&Message Waiting On" */:24:''%&HKATOP COOEH BK''
Dy_format:281:/* DY_V_MWOFF view-buttons "%&Message Waiting Off" */:24:''%&HKATOP COOEH BK''
Dy_format:282:/* DY_V_NEXT view-buttons "%&Next" */:24:''%&CEY''
Dy_format:283:/* DY_V_NISERV view-buttons "%&Night Service Activate" */:24:''%&AKTBP. HOHO CEPBC''
Dy_format:284:/* DY_V_NOANS view-buttons "%&Redirect On No Answer %-20s" */:24:''%&EPEAPEC. O HEOTBETY %-20s''
Dy_format:285:/* DY_V_NORM view-buttons "%&Normal Display Mode" */:24:''%&HOPMAH PEM OTOPA''
Dy_format:286:/* DY_V_PCOL view-buttons "%&Personal CO Line - Grp %-6s" */:24:''%&H ATC - PYA - %-6s''
Dy_format:287:/* DY_V_PMALR view-buttons "%&Property Management Fail" */:24:''%&CO CCTEM PMS''
Dy_format:288:/* DY_V_PWKUP view-buttons "%&Wakeup Printer Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA PHTEPA OYK''
Dy_format:290:/* DY_V_PRIO view-buttons "%&Priority Calling" */:24:''%&POPTETH BOB''
Dy_format:291:/* DY_V_PRALR view-buttons "%&PMS Printer Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA PHTEPA PMS''
Dy_format:292:/* DY_V_PSYSAL view-buttons "%&System Printer Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA CCTEMH PHTEPA''
Dy_format:293:/* DY_V_QCALLS view-buttons "%&Number of Queued Calls %-12s" */:24:''%&KO-BO BOBOB B OEPE %-15s''
Dy_format:294:/* DY_V_QTIME view-buttons "%&Oldest Queued Time %-12s" */:24:''%&MAKC BPEM OAH %-15s''
Dy_format:295:/* DY_V_REL view-buttons Automatic Call Distribution "%&ACD Release" */:24:''%&CPB OCBOOT''
Dy_format:296:/* DY_V_ROFF view-buttons "%&Ringer Cut-Off" */:24:''%&OTKEHE BOHKA''
Dy_format:297:/* DY_V_RSALR view-buttons "%&System Reset Alert" */:24:''%&EPEAPYKA CCTEM''
Dy_format:298:/* DY_V_RSVN view-buttons "%&Remote Access Violation" */:24:''%&HAPYEHE YAEH OCTYA''
Dy_format:299:/* DY_V_SCRL view-buttons "%&Scroll Mode" */:24:''%&PEM POKPYTK''
Dy_format:300:/* DY_V_SAC view-buttons "%&Send All Calls %-6s" */:24:''%&EPEAPEC. BCE BOB %-15s''
Dy_format:301:/* DY_V_STERM view-buttons "%&TEG Send All Calls  %-20s" */:24:''%&EPEAPEC BOB APY %-20s''
Dy_format:302:/* DY_V_SERVOB view-buttons "%&Service Observing" */:24:''%&HAEHE A BOBOM''
Dy_format:303:/* DY_V_SIG view-buttons "%&Manual Signalling %-7s" */:24:''%&PYHA CHAA %-7s''
Dy_format:304:/* DY_V_SSVN view-buttons "%&Station Security Call" */:24:''%&BOB EOACHOCT AOH.''
Dy_format:305:/* DY_V_STORN view-buttons "%&Stored Number Display" */:24:''%&OTOPA ACAH. HOMEPOB''
Dy_format:306:/* DY_V_STRKCNT view-buttons "%&Stroke Counts code: %-10s" */:24:''%&KO OCETA ECTB %-10s''
Dy_format:307:/* DY_V_TERMX view-buttons "%&Term Extension %-8s" */:24:''%&KOHEH AOH. HOMEP %-8s''
Dy_format:308:/* DY_V_TIMER view-buttons "%&Timer" */:24:''%&TAMEP''
Dy_format:309:/* DY_V_TACALR view-buttons "%&Facility Test Call Alarm" */:24:''%&OKA CTAT. BOBA''
Dy_format:310:/* DY_V_TID view-buttons "%&Trunk ID" */:24:''%&EHTKTOP C''
Dy_format:311:/* DY_V_TNAME view-buttons "%&Trunk Name" */:24:''%&M C''
Dy_format:312:/* DY_V_TNS view-buttons "%&Trunk Night Service %-20s" */:24:''%&HOHO CEPBC C %-20s''
Dy_format:313:/* DY_V_UUI User to User Information view-buttons "%&UUI Info" */:24:''%&HOPMA UUI''
Dy_format:314:/* DY_V_VERIFY view-buttons "%&Busy Verification" */:24:''%&POBEPKA AHTOCT''
Dy_format:315:/* DY_V_VOA_REP view-buttons "%&VDN of Origin Announce" */:24:''%&VDN CXOHOO OBEH''
Dy_format:316:/* DY_V_VUDSP view-buttons "%&Vu-Stats Displays %-20s" */:24:''%&CE Vu-Stats %-15s''
Dy_format:317:/* DY_V_WACT view-buttons "%&Activate Whisper Page" */:24:''%&AKTBP CEKPETH BOB''
Dy_format:318:/* DY_V_WABK view-buttons "%&Whisper Page Answerback" */:24:''%&CEKPETH BOB OTBOH''
Dy_format:319:/* DY_V_WOFF view-buttons "%&Whisper Page Off" */:24:''%&CEKPETH BOB BK''
Dy_format:320:/* DY_V_WRKCODE view-buttons "%&Call Work Code" */:24:''%&KO OPAOTK BOBA''
Dy_format:321:/* DY_V_UNASSG view-buttons "%&Unassigned Button" */:24:''%&HE HAHAEHHA KHOKA''
Dy_format:322:/* DY_V_VIEW view-buttons "%&View Button" */:24:''%&KHOKA OTOPAEH''
Dy_format:323:/* DY_VMI  MODE CODES "%&MESSAGE WAITING %d/%d %d:%2s%c CALL VMS" */:15:''%&O.COO %d/%d %d:%2s BOB VMS''
Dy_format:324:/* DY_WPFROM miscellaneous-features "%&%c=Whisper from %-25s " */:20:''%&%c=CEKPETH BOB OT %-17s ''
Dy_format:325:/* DY_WPTO miscellaneous-features "%&%c=Whisper to %-27s " */:20:''%&%c=CEKPETH BOB K %-17s ''
Dy_format:329:/* DY_CONFIRM2 auto-wakeup-dn-dst "%&CONFIRMED. 2nd WAKEUP: " */:24:''%&OTBEPEH.2 OYKA: ''
Dy_format:330:/* DY_V_CTIMER view-buttons "%&Call Timer" */:24:''%&TAMEP BOBA''
Dy_format:331:/* DY_AD_B2PROG ad-programming "%&Press button to program." */:40:''%&HAAT KHOKY  POPAMMPOBAH''
Dy_format:332:/* DY_AD_CHGNUM ad-programming "%&Change number?" */:23:''%&MEHT HOMEP?''
Dy_format:333:/* DY_AD_YESNO ad-programming "Yes=1 No=2" */:16:''A=1 HET=2''
Dy_format:334:/* DY_AD_ENTRNUM ad-programming "%&Enter number:" */:40:''%&BBETE HOMEP:''
Dy_format:335:/* DY_AD_PND2SAVE ad-programming "Press # to save." */:16:''AC HAAT #''
Dy_format:336:/* DY_AD_NUMSAVED ad-programming "%&Number saved." */:40:''%&HOMEP ACAH''
Dy_format:337:/* DY_AD_CHGLABEL ad-programming "%&Change label?" */:23:''%&MEHT METKY?''
Dy_format:338:/* DY_AD_ENTRLABL ad-programming "%&Enter label:" */:40:''%&BBETE METKY:''
Dy_format:339:/* DY_AD_STAR2ADV ad-programming "Press * to advance; # to save." */:30:''HAAT * POO.; # ACAT''
Dy_format:340:/* DY_AD_STAR2REE ad-programming "Press * to reenter; # to save." */:30:''HAAT * BBO; # ACAT''
Dy_format:341:/* DY_AD_LABSAVED ad-programming "%&Label saved.  Hang up to update display." */:40:''%&METKA ACAHA OOTE TPYKY''
Dy_format:344:/* DY_IDSDDIRENTERWAIT, Integrated Directory Service over DCS IDSD info "%&DIRECTORY - PLEASE ENTER NAME   W" */:40:''%&KATAO - OAYCTA BBETE M       W''
Dy_format:345:/* DY_IDSDNOMATCHWAIT, Integrated Directory Service over DCS IDSD info "%&NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN   W" */:40:''%&HET COBAEH - OPOYTE EE        W''
Dy_format:346:/* DY_IDSDNOMATCHERR, Integrated Directory Service over DCS IDSD info "%&NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN   E" */:40:''%&HET COBAEH - OPOYTE EE        E''
Dy_format:348:/* DY_ANI, "%2|  CALL FROM  %-15s" */:12:''%2|BOB OT  %-15s''
Dy_format:350:/* DY_AD_B2REM miscellaneous-features, Station User Admin of FBI, Facility Busy Indicators "%&Press button to remove." */:40:''%& YAEH HAMTE KHOKY.''
Dy_format:351:/* DY_AD_PND2REM miscellaneous-features, Station User Admin of FBI, Facility Busy Indicators "Press # to remove." */:20:''HAAT #  YAEH.''
Dy_format:352:/* DY_AD_BUTREM miscellaneous-features, Station User Admin of FBI, Facility Busy Indicators "%&Button removed." */:40:''%&KHOKA YAEHA.''
Dy_format:353:/* DY_V_ADDBSY view-buttons, Station User Admin of FBI, Facility Busy Indicators "%&Add Busy Indicator" */:24:''%&OAB. HK. AHTOCT''
Dy_format:354:/* DY_V_REMBSY view-buttons, Station User Admin of FBI, Facility Busy Indicators "%&Remove Busy Indicator" */:24:''%&YA. HK. AHTOCT''
Dy_format:355:/* DY_EBTXFER transfer-conference "%&Transfer Completed." */:32:''%&EPEAA BOBA ABEPEHA''
Dy_format:356:/* DY_VIPWKUP auto-wakeup-dn-dst "%&VIP WAKEUP: %-19 %-8s" */:12:''%&VIP OYKA%-19s %-8s''
Dy_format:357:/* DY_DAILY auto-wakeup-dn-dst, "%&DAILY? %c" */:37:''%&EEHEBHO? %c''
Dy_format:358:/* DY_VIP auto-wakeup-dn-dst "%&VIP? %c" */:37:''%&VIP? %c''
Dy_format:359:/* DY_VIPANNC auto-wakeup-dn-dst "%&NEED REPEATING ANNOUNCEMENT" */:40:''%&TPEYET OBTOPEOC OBEH''
Dy_format:363:/* DY_V_VWKUP view-buttons "%&VIP Wakeup" */:24:''%&VIP OYKA''
Dy_format:364:/* DY_V_VRETRY view-buttons "%&VIP Retry" */:24:''%&VIP OBTOPHA OTKA''
Dy_format:365:/* DY_V_CRISIS view-buttons "%&Crisis Alert" */:24:''%&KPCHOE PEYPEEHE''
Dy_format:367:/* DY_AWU2TIME, dual wakeup "%27|Time %2d:%2d %cM%32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM %2d:%2d%35|''
Dy_format:369:/* DY_AWU2BTIME, dual wakeup "%27|Time --:--   %32|" */:5:''%29|BPEM --:--%35|''
Dy_format:370:/* DY_EXTNUM mailcious-call-trace "%&%-23s (Ext:PORT ID)" */:20:''%&%-23s (AOHEHT:ID OPTA''
Dy_format:373:/* DY_DIDCMPL property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&CHECK IN COMPLETE, DID=%8s" */:32:''%&PECTPA OKOHEHA, AOHHOM=%8s''
Dy_format:374:/* DY_XDID property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&DID?" */:32:''%&AOHHOM?''
Dy_format:375:/* DY_DIDENTER property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&DID VIEW:    EXT?" */:40:''%&OTOPAEHE AOHHOMEP:     HOMEP?''
Dy_format:376:/* DY_CURRXDID property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&DID=%8s CHANGE?" */:30:''%&AOHHOMEP=%8s MEHT?''
Dy_format:377:/* DY_V_DIDVIEW view-buttons, Direct In Dial number "%&DID View" */:24:''%&OTOPAEHE AOHHOMEPA''
Dy_format:378:/* DY_DIDEXIT property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&DID VIEW DONE" */:40:''%&AOHHOMEP OTOPAEH''
Dy_format:379:/* DY_NODIDS property-management, PMS Direct In Dial number "%&NO DID AVAILABLE" */:40:''%&AOHHOMEP HEOCTYEH''
Dy_format:382:/* DY_LW_EX2 miscellaneous-features, Log external calls "%&CALL     %d/%d %d:%2s %17s" */:4:''%&B.     %d/%d %d:%2s   %17s''
Dy_format:383:/* DY_DIDROR property-management, auto-assigned Direct In Dial number "%&REMOVE(1), REPLACE(2)?" */:40:''%&YAT(1), AMEHT(2)''
Dy_format:384:/* DY_DIDRMV property-management, auto-assigned DID, Direct In dial number "%&DID REMOVED" */:40:''%&AOHHOMEP YAEH''
Dy_format:385:/* DY_LREDIRECT call-identifiers,  redirected call "%19| to %-15s %c" */:2:''%19| K %-15s %c''
Dy_format:387:/* DY_RING_ON miscellaneous-features, Station User Button Ring Control "%&Ringer On" */:40:''%&BOHOK BK''
Dy_format:388:/* DY_RING_OFF miscellaneous-features, Station User Button Ring Control "%&Ringer Off" */:40:''%&BOHOK BK''
Dy_format:389:/* DY_RING_ABBREV miscellaneous-features, Station User Button Ring Control "%&Ringer Abbreviated" */:40:''%&BOHOK YKOPOEH''
Dy_format:390:/* DY_RING_DELAYED miscellaneous-features, Station User Button Ring Control "%&Ringer Delayed" */:40:''%&BOHOK OTOEH''
Dy_format:391:/* DY_V_DIDRMV view-buttons, Direct In Dial "%&DID Remove" */:24:''%&AOHHOMEP YAT''
Dy_format:392:/* DY_V_VIPCHKI view-buttons "%&VIP Check In" */:24:''%&VIP PECTPA''
Dy_format:393:/* DY_VIPCIENTER view-buttons "%&VIP CHECK IN - Ext: " */:39:''%&VIP PECTPA - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:395:/* DY_SPVDID property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&SPECIFY VIP DID: " */:39:''%&OPEET VIP AOHHOMEP:''
Dy_format:396:/* DY_CIC_INVDID property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&CHECK IN COMPLETE, INVALID DID" */:40:''%&PECTPA ABEPEHA, HEBEPH AOHHOM''
Dy_format:397:/* DY_CIC_DIDUNV property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&CHECK IN COMPLETE, DID UNAVAILABLE" */:40:''%&PECTPA ABEPEHA,AOHHOM HEOCTYEH''
Dy_format:398:/* DY_DIDRMVE property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&DID REMOVE   - Ext: " */:39:''%&YAT AOHHOMEP - HOMEP:''
Dy_format:399:/* DY_DIDCHGD property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&DID CHANGED" */:40:''%&AOHHOMEP MEHEH''
Dy_format:400:/* DY_DIDCOA property-management, PMS "%&AUTOMATIC ASSIGN(1), SELECT(2)?" */:40:''%&ABTOMAT HAHAEHE(1), O-BOPY(2)''
Dy_format:401:/* DY_DIDUNAV property-management, PMS, Direct In Dial number "%&DID UNAVAILABLE" */:40:''%&AOHHOMEP HEOCTYEH''
Dy_format:402:/* DY_V_STALCK view-buttons "%&Station Lock" */:24:''%&AAPAT AOKPOBAH''
Dy_format:403:/* DY_UNHOLD miscellaneous-features "%&Select a held party's line to talk." */:40:''%&BPAT YEPBAEMY H  PAOBOPA''
Dy_format:404:/* DY_V_LICERR view-buttons "%&License Error" */:40:''%&OKA EH''
Dy_format:405:/* DY_CALL_NEXT transfer-conference "%&Call next party." */:40:''%&BOB CEYEO YACTHKA''
Dy_format:406:/* DY_PRESS_CONF transfer-conference "%&Press conference to add party." */:40:''%& OK.YACTHKA HAAT KOHEPEH''
Dy_format:407:/* DY_N_PARTY_CONF transfer-conference "%&^-party conference in progress." */:40:''%&^-CTOPOHH KOHEPEH B POECCE''
Dy_format:408:/* DY_CONF_CANCELED transfer-conference "%&Conference canceled." */:40:''%&KOHEPEH OTMEHEHA.''
Dy_format:409:/* DY_SELECT_LINE_CANCEL transfer-conference "%&Select line ^ to cancel or another line." */:40:''%&BP. H ^  OTMEH  PY.H''
Dy_format:410:/* DY_DIAL_NUMBER transfer-conference "%&Dial number." */:40:''%&HAPAT HOMEP''
Dy_format:411:/* DY_PRESS_XFER transfer-conference "%&Press transfer to complete." */:40:''%&HAAT EPEAY BOBA  ABEPEH''
Dy_format:412:/* DY_HANGUP_COMPLETE transfer-conference "%&Hang-up to complete transfer." */:40:''%&OBECT TPYKY  ABEPEH EPEA''
Dy_format:413:/* DY_DIAL_SELECT_HELD transfer-conference "%&Dial number or select held party." */:40:''%&HAPAT HOMEP  BPAT YEP.YACTH.''
Dy_format:414:/* DY_SELECT_HELD_CONF transfer-conference "%&Select held party to conference." */:40:''%&BPAT YEP.YACTH.  KOHEPEH''
Dy_format:415:/* DY_SELECT_ADD_PARTY transfer-conference "%&Select line ^ to add party." */:40:''%&BPAT H ^ OABT YACTHKA''
Dy_format:416:/* DY_SELECT_ALERTING_LINE transfer-conference "%&Select alerting line to answer call." */:40:''%& OTBETA BPAT CHAP. H''
Dy_format:417:/* DY_XFER_CANCELED transfer-conference "%&Transfer canceled." */:40:''%&EPEAA BOBA OTMEHEHA.''
Dy_format:418:/* DY_V_CONFDISP view-buttons "%&Conference Display" */:24:''%&OTOPAEHE KOHEPEH''
Dy_format:420:/* DY_V_TGLSWAP view-buttons "%&Conf/Trans Toggle-Swap" */:24:''%&KOH/EPE EPEK-AMEHA''
Dy_format:421:/* DY_V_FE_MUTE transfer-conference "%&Far End Mute for Conf" */:24:''%&OTK.MKP. AH.YACTH.''
Dy_format:422:/* DY_V_PG1_ALRM view-buttons "%&Paging 1st Link Alarm" */:24:''%&EH CO 1O KAHAA''
Dy_format:423:/* DY_V_PG2_ALRM view-buttons "%&Paging 2nd Link Alarm" */:24:''%&EH CO 2O KAHAA''
Dy_format:424:/* DY_MULT_EMR miscellaneous-features, Emergency Queue "%14| Ext%-8s %2d in EQ %-4s" */:8:''%14| AH%-8s %2d B EQ %-4s''
Dy_format:425:/* DY_MULT_EMR_UPD miscellaneous-features, Emergency Queue "%27|%2d in EQ %-4s" */:5:''%27|%2d B EQ %-4s''
Dy_format:427:/* DY_V_EC500 view-buttons "%&EC500" */:24:''%&EC500''
Dy_format:428:/* DY_V_NHCONF view-buttons "%&No Hold Conference" */:40:''%&HET KOHEPEH HA YEPAH''
Dy_format:429:/* DY_CONNECT_TO transfer-conference,  no hold conference "%&Connecting to ^" */:40:''%&COEHC C ^''
Dy_format:430:/* DY_NHC_BUSY transfer-conference,  no hold conference "%&Called party ^ is busy." */:40:''%&BBAEM YACTHK ^ AHT''
Dy_format:431:/* DY_NHC_INVALID transfer-conference,  no hold conference "%&Invalid number dialed ^." */:40:''%&HAPAH HEPABH HOMEP ^''
Dy_format:432:/* DY_NHC_NOANS transfer-conference,  no hold conference "%&Party ^ is not available." */:40:''%&YACTHK ^ HE OCTYEH''
Dy_format:433:/* DY_V_POMSGS view-buttons "%&Posted Messages" */:24:''%&YBEOMEH''
Dy_format:436:/* DY_EC500_ON miscellaneous-features, EC500 feature "%&EC500 Enabled" */:40:''%&EC500 BKEHA''
Dy_format:437:/* DY_EC500_OFF miscellaneous-features, EC500 feature "%&EC500 Disabled" */:40:''%&EC500 OTKEHA''
Dy_format:438:/* DY_EC500_DENIED miscellaneous-features, EC500 feature Denied "%&Contact System Administrator" */:40:''%&OPATTEC K AMHCTPATOPY CCTEM''
Dy_format:439:/* DY_EC500_TIMER miscellaneous-features, EC500 feature "%&EC500 Timer Enabled" */:40:''%&YCTAHOBEH TAMEP EC500''
Dy_format:440:/* DY_V_AUDIXREC view-buttons "%&Audix Recording          %-15s" */:24:''%&ET AC Audix %-15s''
Dy_format:441:/* DY_V_EXTND view-buttons, Off-PBX Telephony Integration with MultiVantage (OPTIM) "%&Extend Call              %-15s" */:24:''%&POOT BOB %-15s''
Dy_format:442:/* DY_PSA_ASSOC     Used when PSA associated station is idle */:6:''%&ON: %-15s %8s''
Dy_format:443:/* DY_PSA_DISSOC    Used when PSA dissociated station is idle */:10:''%&OFF: %-15s''
Dy_format:444:/* DY_NO_LIC miscellaneous-features, System in No License  */:38:''%2|OKA EH''
Dy_format:446:/* DY_ERN_DND miscellaneous-features, this format is used to display Do Not Disturb ERN message */:40:''%&AKTBPOBAHA HE ECOKOT''
Dy_format:447:/* DY_ERN_SAC miscellaneous-features, this format is used to display Send All Calls ERN message */:40:''%&AKTBPOBAHA HAPABT BCE BOB''
Dy_format:448:/* DY_ERN_CFWD miscellaneous-features, this format is used to display Call Forward ERN message */:23:''%&EPEAPECA %-16s''
Dy_format:449:/* DY_EMMC_PTYCONF miscellaneous-features, ^-party conference: */:34:''%&^-CTOPOHH KOHEPEH:''
Dy_format:451:/* DY_V_NH_CSL view-buttons, "%&No Hold Consult" */:40:''%&CPABKA E YEPAH''
Dy_reason:0:/* ACDSA_RS call-identifiers,  Automatic Call Distribution Supervisor Assistance "sa" */:2:''C''
Dy_reason:2:/* AMDBS_RS miscellaneous-features "ALL MADE BUSY" */:15:''BCE AOKP.''
Dy_reason:3:/* ANSBY_RS miscellaneous-features "    ANSWERED BY" */:15:''    OTBEEH''
Dy_reason:4:/* ATDAS_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Assistance Call "ac" */:2:''O''
Dy_reason:5:/* ACTTR_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Control Of A Trunk Group "tc" */:2:''Y''
Dy_reason:6:/* ATDNA_RS call-identifiers, Attendant No Answer "an" */:2:''OH''
Dy_reason:7:/* ATDPC_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Personal Call "pc" */:2:''OB''
Dy_reason:8:/* ATDRC_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Recall Call "rc" */:2:''O''
Dy_reason:9:/* ATDRT_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Return Call "rt" */:2:''OO''
Dy_reason:10:/* ATDSC_RS call-identifiers, Attendant Serial Call "sc" */:2:''CB''
Dy_reason:11:/* AUTCB_RS call-identifiers, Automatic Callback "ACB" */:8:''AO''
Dy_reason:12:/* AUTRS_RS call-identifiers, Automatic Route Selection "ARS" */:8:''ABM''
Dy_reason:13:/* BRIDG_RS miscellaneous-features "BRIDGED" */:15:''OKC''
Dy_reason:14:/* CAFW1_RS call-identifiers, Call Forwarding "forward" */:8:''HAPAB.''
Dy_reason:16:/* CAFRM_RS miscellaneous-features "     CALL FROM " */:15:''     BOB OT ''
Dy_reason:17:/* CAPRK_RS call-identifiers, Call Park "park" */:8:''APK''
Dy_reason:19:/* CABCK_RS call-identifiers, Callback Call "callback" */:8:''OTBOH''
Dy_reason:20:/* CNTRL_RS call-identifiers,  "control" */:8:''KOHTPO''
Dy_reason:21:/* CTORS_RS call-identifiers, controlled outward restriction "co" */:2:''O''
Dy_reason:22:/* CTSRS_RS call-identifiers, controlled station to station restriction "cs" */:2:''AO''
Dy_reason:23:/* CTTRS_RS call-identifiers, controlled termination restriction "ct" */:2:''BO''
Dy_reason:24:/* COVER_RS call-identifiers, "cover" */:8:''-APEC''
Dy_reason:28:/* DENYD_RS miscellaneous-features "DENIED" */:15:''OTKAAHO''
Dy_reason:29:/* DIDBS_RS call-identifiers, DID find busy with CO tones "db" */:2:''T''
Dy_reason:30:/* DIDRC_RS call-identifiers, DID recall go to attendant "da" */:2:''KO''
Dy_reason:31:/* DNDST_RS call-identifiers, Do Not Disturb "DND" */:8:''HC''
Dy_reason:32:/* EQFRD_RS call-identifiers, Emergency Queue full redirection "qf" */:2:''BH''
Dy_reason:33:/* HCARM_RS call-identifiers, held call timed reminder "hc" */:2:''YB''
Dy_reason:34:/* INTCP_RS call-identifiers, intercept "ic" */:2:''X''
Dy_reason:35:/* INTCM_RS call-identifiers, intercom call "ICOM" */:8:''HTEPKOM''
Dy_reason:36:/* INTPS_RS call-identifiers, interposition call "ip" */:2:''ip''
Dy_reason:37:/* INTVF_RS auto-wakeup-dn-dst, Do Not Disturb "INTERVAL FULL" */:13:''BPEM AHTO''
Dy_reason:38:/* INTNL_RS miscellaneous-features, international "INTL" */:4:''ME''
Dy_reason:39:/* INVLD_RS miscellaneous-features "INVALID" */:15:''HE PABHO''
Dy_reason:40:/* LDNCA_RS call-identifiers, LDN calls on DID trunks "ld" */:2:''B''
Dy_reason:42:/* NOMBR_RS, miscellaneous-features "NO MEMBER" */:15:''HET YACTHKOB''
Dy_reason:43:/* NPRMS_RS auto-wakeup-dn-dst, no permission "NO PERMISSION" */:13:''HET PAB''
Dy_reason:44:/* OUTSV_RS miscellaneous-features "OUT OF SERVICE" */:15:''HE PAOTAET''
Dy_reason:45:/* OTRKQ_RS call-identifiers, Outgoing Trunk Queuing "OTQ" */:8:''OCXC''
Dy_reason:46:/* PRIOR_RS call-identifiers, priority call "priority" */:8:''POPT.''
Dy_reason:47:/* RECAL_RS call-identifiers, recall call "recall" */:8:''OBTOP''
Dy_reason:48:/* RESTR_RS miscellaneous-features "RESTRICTED" */:15:''OPAHEHE''
Dy_reason:49:/* RETRN_RS call-identifiers, return call "return" */:8:''BOBPAT''
Dy_reason:51:/* SYSFL_RS auto-wakeup-dn-dst, "SYSTEM FULL" */:13:''CCT.AOH.''
Dy_reason:52:/* TERMD_RS miscellaneous-features "TERMINATED" */:15:''AKOHEHO''
Dy_reason:53:/* TSOON_RS auto-wakeup-dn-dst "TOO SOON" */:13:''CKOM PAHO''
Dy_reason:54:/* TRKSZ_RS miscellaneous-features "TRUNK SEIZED" */:15:''AHTE C''
Dy_reason:55:/* UOIDC_RS call-identifiers, unanswered or incomplete did call "na" */:2:''HH''
Dy_reason:56:/* VERFY_RS miscellaneous-features "VERIFIED" */:15:''POBEPEHO''
Dy_reason:57:/* NWAIT_RS call-identifiers, "wait" */:5:''TE''
Dy_reason:58:/* WAKUP_RS auto-wakeup-dn-dst "Wakeup Call" */:38:''OYKA''
Dy_reason:61:/* S_HNT1_RS call-identifiers, station hunt "Hunt" */:8:''CEPH''
Dy_reason:63:/* QCO_RS call-identifiers, QSIG Call Offer "offered" */:8:''OCTY''
Dy_reason:64:/* CATOL_RS call-identifiers, controlled toll restriction "cl" */:2:''MO''
Dy_reason:65:/* ATDVM_RS call-identifiers, Call to Attendant Out of Voicemail "vm" */:2:''P''
Dy_reason:66:/* SERVOB_RS call-identifiers, Service Observing "so" */:2:''KB''
Dy_reason:67:/* MLPP_FO_RS call-identifiers, Multiple Level Precedence & Preemption (MLPP) Flash Override Precedence Call "FO" */:2:''FO''
Dy_reason:68:/* MLPP_FL_RS call-identifiers, MLPP Flash Precedence Call "FL" */:2:''FL''
Dy_reason:69:/* MLPP_IM_RS call-identifiers, MLPP Immediate Precedence Call "IM" */:2:''IM''
Dy_reason:70:/* MLPP_PR_RS call-identifiers, MLPP Priority Precedence Call "PR" */:2:''PR''
Dy_reason:71:/* FE_MUTE_RS Conf Select Far End Mute transfer-conference "Mute" */:4:''MKOT''
Dy_pomsg:0:/* PM_INMEETING posted-messages "In Meeting" */:28:''HA BCTPEE''
Dy_pomsg:1:/* PM_OUTTOLNCH - posted-messages "Out To Lunch" */:28:''HA OEE''
Dy_pomsg:2:/* PM_AFDESK - posted-messages "Away From Desk" */:28:''CKOPO BEPHYC''
Dy_pomsg:3:/* PM_DONOTDIST - posted-messages "Do Not Disturb" */:28:''POY HE ECOKOT''
Dy_pomsg:4:/* PM_OUTALLDAY - posted-messages "Out All Day" */:28:''CEOH MEH HE YET''
Dy_pomsg:5:/* PM_ONVAC - posted-messages "On Vacation" */:28:''B OTYCKE''
Dy_pomsg:6:/* PM_GONEFTDAY - posted-messages "Gone For The Day" */:28:''MEH HE YET O KOHA H''
Dy_pomsg:7:/* PM_OUTSICK - posted-messages "Out Sick" */:28:''OE''
Dy_pomsg:8:/* PM_ONBTRIP - posted-messages "On Business Trip" */:28:''B KOMAHPOBKE''
Dy_pomsg:9:/* PM_WCLIENT - posted-messages "With Client" */:28:''PAOTA C KEHTOM''
Dy_pomsg:10:/* PM_WFHOME - posted-messages "Working From Home" */:28:''PAOTA OMA''
Dy_pomsg:11:/* PM_ONLEAVE - posted-messages "On Leave" */:28:''B OTYCKE''
Dy_pomsg:12:/* PM_BI5MINS - posted-messages "Back In 5 Minutes" */:28:''BEPHYC EPE 5 MHYT''
Dy_pomsg:13:/* PM_BI30MINS - posted-messages "Back In 30 Minutes" */:28:''BEPHYC EPE 30 MHYT''
Dy_pomsg:14:/* PM_BIONEHOUR - posted-messages "Back In 1 Hour" */:28:''BEPHYC EPE 1 AC''
Dy_month:1:/* "JANUARY" */:11:''HBAP''
Dy_month:2:/* "FEBRUARY"*/:11:''EBPA''
Dy_month:3:/* "MARCH" */:11:''MAPT''
Dy_month:4:/* "APRIL" */:11:''APE''
Dy_month:5:/* "MAY" */:11:''MA''
Dy_month:6:/* "JUNE" */:11:''H''
Dy_month:7:/* "JULY" */:11:''''
Dy_month:8:/* "AUGUST" */:11:''ABYCT''
Dy_month:9:/* "SEPTEMBER" */:11:''CEHTP''
Dy_month:10:/* "OCTOBER" */:11:''OKTP''
Dy_month:11:/* "NOVEMBER" */:11:''HOP''
Dy_month:12:/* "DECEMBER" */:11:''EKAP''
Dy_wkday:1:/* "SUNDAY" */:11:''BOCKPECEHE''
Dy_wkday:2:/* "MONDAY" */:11:''OHEEHK''
Dy_wkday:3:/* "TUESDAY" */:11:''BTOPHK''
Dy_wkday:4:/* "WEDNESDAY" */:11:''CPEA''
Dy_wkday:5:/* "THURSDAY" */:11:''ETBEP''
Dy_wkday:6:/* "FRIDAY" */:11:''THA''
Dy_wkday:7:/* "SATURDAY" */:11:''CYOTA''
Soft_labels:0:/* IM_S_LWC  " LWC " */:5:''LWC''
Soft_labels:1:/* IM_CA_LWC  "CnLWC" */:5:''CnLWC''
Soft_labels:2:/* IM_INSPECT  "Inspt" */:5:''Inspt''
Soft_labels:3:/* IM_STNUM  "View " */:5:''View''
Soft_labels:4:/* IM_TOD  "TmDay" */:5:''TmDay''
Soft_labels:5:/* IM_ELAPSED  "Timer" */:5:''Timer''
Soft_labels:6:/* IM_DIR  " Dir " */:5:''Dir''
Soft_labels:7:/* IM_ICOM  "IDial" */:5:''IDial''
Soft_labels:8:/* IM_CB_AUTO  "AutCB" */:5:''AutCB''
Soft_labels:9:/* IM_PKUP  "CPkUp" */:5:''CPkUp''
Soft_labels:10:/* IM_SAC  " SAC " */:5:''SAC''
Soft_labels:11:/* IM_MEXCL  "Excl " */:5:''Excl''
Soft_labels:12:/* IM_CONSULT  "Cnslt" */:5:''Cnslt''
Soft_labels:13:/* IM_PARK  "CPark" */:5:''CPark''
Soft_labels:14:/* IM_ADIAL  " AD  " */:5:''CH''
Soft_labels:15:/* IM_LND  "Last " */:5:''Last''
Soft_labels:16:/* IM_ADPROG  "Prog " */:5:''PO''
Soft_labels:17:/* IM_ADSC ~p  "Pause" */:5:''AYA''
Soft_labels:18:/* IM_ADSC ~w  "Wait " */:5:''TE''
Soft_labels:19:/* IM_ADSC ~m  "Mark " */:5:''Mark''
Soft_labels:20:/* IM_ADSC ~s  "Spres" */:5:''Spres''
Soft_labels:21:/* IM_ADSC ~W  "Stop " */:5:''CTO''
Soft_labels:22:/* IM_ADSC ~  "SFunc" */:5:''SFunc''
Soft_labels:23:/* IM_AICOM  "IAuto" */:5:''IAuto''
Soft_labels:24:/* IM_CFWD  "CFrwd" */:5:''AP''
Soft_labels:25:/* IM_CUTRNG  "RngOf" */:5:''RngOf''
Soft_labels:26:/* IM_PRIO  "PCall" */:5:''PCall''
Soft_labels:27:/* IM_INT_AUT  "HFAns" */:5:''HFAns''
Soft_labels:28:/* IM_STROKE  "Count" */:5:''Count''
Soft_labels:29:/* IM_VU_DISP  "Stats" */:5:''Stats''
Soft_labels:30:/* IM_DIRECT_CP "DPkUp" */:5:''DPkUp''
Soft_labels:31:/* IM_ADMIN  "Admin" */:5:''AMH''
Soft_labels:32:/* IM_ACCOUNT  "Acct " */:5:''CET''
Soft_labels:33:/* IM_CDROP  "Drop " */:5:''CPOC''
Soft_labels:34:/* IM_GRP_PAGE  "GrpPg" */:5:''GrpPg''
Soft_labels:35:/* IM_WPAGE  "WspPg" */:5:''WspPg''
Soft_labels:36:/* IM_WPANS  "WspAn" */:5:''WspAn''
Soft_labels:37:/* IM_VIEW  "BtnVu" */:5:''BtnVu''
Soft_labels:38:/* IM_CTIMER  "CTime" */:5:''CTime''
Soft_labels:39:/* IM_ADDBSY  "AdBsy" */:5:''AdBsy''
Soft_labels:40:/* IM_REMBSY  "RmBsy" */:5:''RmBsy''
Soft_labels:41:/* IM_CONFDISP  "CnfDs" */:5:''CnfDs''
Soft_labels:42:/* IM_TGL_SWAP  "Swap " */:5:''Swap''
Soft_labels:43:/* IM_FE_MUTE  "FMute" */:5:''FMute''
Soft_labels:44:/* IM_NHCONF  "NHCnf" */:5:''NHCnf''
Soft_labels:45:/* IM_POST_MSGS  "PoMsg" */:5:''PoMsg''
Dy_iden1:0:/* EXT "EXT" */:15:''AOH. HOMEP''
Dy_iden1:1:/* OPERATOR "OPERATOR" */:15:''OEPATOP''
Dy_ident:0:/* EXT "EXT" */:15:''AOH. HOMEP''
Dy_ident:1:/* OPERATOR "OPERATOR" */:15:''OEPATOP''
Dy_tsastate:0:/* TSA_ST_SEC 0 SECURITY CODE */:24:''CEKPETH KO''
Dy_tsastate:2:/* TSA_ST_SELFEAT1 2 SELECT FEATURE 1st screen */:24:''BEPTE YHK''
Dy_tsastate:6:/* TSA_ST_ACCT 6 CDR Account Code */:24:''KO CETA CDR''
Dy_tsastate:7:/* TSA_ST_AUTOD 7 Automatic Dialing */:24:''ABTOMATECK HAOP''
Dy_tsastate:8:/* TSA_ST_BLANK 8 Blank Button */:24:''YCTA KHOKA''
Dy_tsastate:9:/* TSA_ST_CRFWD 9 Call Forwarding */:24:''EPEAPECA''
Dy_tsastate:10:/* TSA_ST_CPARK 10 Call Park */:24:''APKOBAT BOB''
Dy_tsastate:11:/* TSA_ST_CPKUP 11 Call Pickup */:24:''OXBAT BOBA''
Dy_tsastate:12:/* TSA_ST_DPKUP 12 Directed Call Pickup */:24:''HAPAB.OXBAT BOBA''
Dy_tsastate:13:/* TSA_ST_GRPPG 13 Group Paging */:24:''PYOBO BOB''
Dy_tsastate:14:/* TSA_ST_SAC 14 Send All Calls */:24:''HAPABT BCE BOB''
Dy_tsastate:15:/* TSA_ST_WSPPG 15 Activate Whisper Page */:24:''AKTBP.CEKPETH BOB''
Dy_tsastate:16:/* TSA_ST_WSPAN 16 Whisper Page Answerback */:24:''CEKPETH BOBABT.OTBET''
Dy_tsastate:17:/* TSA_ST_WSOFF 17 Whisper Page Off */:24:''OTK.CEKPETH BOB''
Dy_tsastate:18:/* TSA_ST_EXT 18 EXTENSION:24:''AOH. HOMEP''
Dy_tsastate:19:/* TSA_ST_OPT_EXT 19 OPTIONAL EXTENSION:24:''O.T''
Dy_tsastate:20:/* TSA_ST_TEL_NUM 20 TEL NUM:24:''TEEOH''
Dy_tsastate:26:/* TSA_ST_BUSY 26 BUSY, TRY AGAIN LATER */:24:''AHTO, OPOYTE OE''
Dy_tsastate:27:/* TSA_ST_PHBUSY 27 YOUR PHONE IS BUSY */:24:''BA TEEOH AHT''
Dy_tsastate:31:/* TSA_ST_TGL_SWAP 31 Conf/Trans Toggle-Swap */:24:''Conf/Trans Toggle-Swap''
Dy_tsaskeys:1:/* TSA_SK_DONE   "Done" */:5:''Done''
Dy_tsaskeys:2:/* TSA_SK_CONT   "Cont" - Continue */:5:''Cont''
Dy_tsaskeys:3:/* TSA_SK_EXPL   "Expl?" - Explain */:5:''Expl?''
Dy_tsaskeys:4:/* TSA_SK_SHTMODE   "ShortMode?" - spans 2 softkeys */:10:''ShortMode?''
Dy_tsaskeys:5:/* TSA_SK_NEXT   "Next" */:5:''CE.''
Dy_tsaskeys:6:/* TSA_SK_SELCT   "Selct" - for Select  */:5:''BOP''
Dy_tsaskeys:7:/* TSA_SK_CLEAR   "Clear" */:5:''OCT''
Dy_tsaskeys:8:/* TSA_SK_CANCEL   "Cancel */:6:''OTMEHA''
Dy_tsaskeys:9:/* TSA_SK_DELETE   "Delete" */:6:''YA.''
Dy_tsaskeys:10:/* TSA_SK_REPLACE   "Replace" - spans 2 softkeys */:11:''AMEHT''
Dy_tsaskeys:11:/* TSA_SK_BKSP   "Bksp" */:5:''HAA''
Dy_tsaskeys:12:/* TSA_SK_PAUSE   "Pause" */:5:''AYA''
Dy_tsaskeys:13:/* TSA_SK_KEEP   "Keep" */:5:''COXP.''
Dy_tsaskeys:14:/* TSA_SK_ACCT   "Acct" */:5:''CET''
Dy_tsaskeys:15:/* TSA_SK_AUTOD   "AutoD" */:5:''AutoD''
Dy_tsaskeys:16:/* TSA_SK_BLANK   "Blank" */:5:''YCTO''
Dy_tsaskeys:17:/* TSA_SK_CFRWD   "CFrwd" */:5:''AP''
Dy_tsaskeys:18:/* TSA_SK_CPARK   "CPark" */:5:''CPark''
Dy_tsaskeys:19:/* TSA_SK_CPKUP   "CPkUp" */:5:''CPkUp''
Dy_tsaskeys:20:/* TSA_SK_DPKUP   "DPkUp" */:5:''DPkUp''
Dy_tsaskeys:21:/* TSA_SK_GRPPG   "GrpPg" */:5:''GrpPg''
Dy_tsaskeys:22:/* TSA_SK_SAC   " SAC" */:5:''SAC''
Dy_tsaskeys:23:/* TSA_SK_WSPPG   "WspPg" */:5:''WspPg''
Dy_tsaskeys:24:/* TSA_SK_WSPAN   "WspAn" */:5:''WspAn''
Dy_tsaskeys:25:/* TSA_SK_WSOFF   "WsOff" */:5:''WsOff''
Dy_tsaskeys:26:/* TSA_SK_TGL_SWAP   "Swap"  */:5:''Swap''
Dy_spchar:0:/* Mark miscellaneous-features "m" */:1:''m''
Dy_spchar:1:/* Pause miscellaneous-features */:1:''p''
Dy_spchar:2:/* Suppress miscellaneous-features */:1:''s''
Dy_spchar:3:/* Wait miscellaneous-features */:1:''w''
Dy_spchar:4:/* Wait Forever miscellaneous-features */:1:''W''
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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