Registry Interface.txt Driver File Contents (

SsInstal							-	Contains all driver registry information
	ErrorControl					-	Should be 1
	Group							-	Should be "Extended Base"
	Start							-	Should be 2 for Boot start
	Type							-	Should be 1

	LogLevel						-	This value does not get put in by the installation 
										program. It influences the amount of information written to the Event Log.
										4 values are possible : 
											0	-	no logging is performed
											1	-	only errors are logged
											2	-	errors and warnings are logged 
											3	-	full information is logged
										2 is the default for the driver, if no value is supplied.

Templates							- 	contains all the templates for the supported cards
	Bus1							-	contains all ISA templates.
		ComBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 8 for UART COM ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nComPorts is not 0.
		LptBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 4 for UART LPT ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nLptPorts is not 0.
		ClockFrequency				-	clock frequency in Hz
		ClockFrequencyAdjustment	-	value which adjusts the clock frequency by dividing or
										multiplying with the given value. Default is 1, which
										does not chage the clock frequency. If the value is 0,
										the driver defaults it to 1. Any other positive value
										is the multiplyer for the clock frequency. Any other
										negative value is made positive, and then the clock
										frequency gets divided by this value. This value gets overwritten
										by Parameters\Bus1\Cardx\ClockFrequencyAdjustment.
		Description			- 	Whatever you want call it (For example "Steve")
		HardwareID			-	Hardware ID, used to uniquely identify the card.
		nComPorts			-	Number of COM ports on the card
		nLptPorts			-	Number of LPT ports on the card
		PlxBaudClockType	-	If a card contains a jumper to configure the input clock frequency to
								the UART, then this value has to be set. possible values are :
									4	-	for Jumper setable prescaler. PlxBaudClockDivisor has to 
											be present.
		PlxBaudClockDivisor	-	Gives the divisor which should be selected by default. Possible
								values are : 1, 2, 4 and 8.
		RxTriggerLevel	-	Receive Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 100 by the driver.
		TxTriggerLevel	-	Transmit Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 1 by the driver. 
		SoftTxLimit		-	The amount of characters transmitted on each TX empty interrupt 
							in percent. The allowed range is 1 to 100. Setting it to 1 garanties
							that only 1 byte at a time is written to the FIFO. Setting it to 100 
							garanties, that the FIFO is filled up to its maximum on transmit.
							The default, if the value is not present in, is 100.
		UartType		-	This value should normally not be there. The Control Panel does
							not need to update this value. It only exists for debugging purposes,
							to overwrite the UART class to be installed on a port. For example :
							when the card has 950 on it. Setting this value to 5, forces the 
							driver to use only 550 support. Possible value are :
							4	-	450 UART
							5	-	550	UART
							7	-	750 UART
							9	-	950 UART
		AddressesBanked	-	Specifies, that the addresses passed to a card are not 8-byte blocks for each
							port, but only one set of addresses, containing all UART address spaces in
							consecutive order.	
		IrpShared		-	Specifies, that the IRQs passed to a card are not one IRQ per port, but only
							one IRQ for the whole card.

	Bus5							-	contains all PCI templates.
		ComBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 8 for UART COM ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nComPorts is not 0.
		LptBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 4 for UART LPT ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nLptPorts is not 0.
		ClockFrequency				-	clock frequency in Hz
		ClockFrequencyAdjustment	-	value which adjusts the clock frequency by dividing or
										multiplying with the given value. Default is 1, which
										does not chage the clock frequency. If the value is 0,
										the driver defaults it to 1. Any other positive value
										is the multiplyer for the clock frequency. Any other
										negative value is made positive, and then the clock
										frequency gets divided by this value.
		Description			- 	Whatever you want call it (For example "Steve")
		DeviceID			-	Device ID of the card, including the correct Revision ID
		nComPorts			-	Number of COM ports on the card
		nLptPorts			-	Number of LPT ports on the card
		VendorID			-	...

		PlxBaudClockType	-	If a card contains a Baud Clock register on the PLX chip, 
								then this value has to be set. Possible values are :
									0	-	no Baud Clock is on the card. This causes the 
											following two Plx.. values to be ignored.
									1	-	Baud Clock as i.e. on cards with device ID 42, 81, 
											101, 121 or 161 ...
									2	-	Baud Clock as i.e. on cards with device ID E1 ...
									3	-	Baud Clock as i.e. on cards with device ID A0 ...
									4	-	ISA only
									5	-	PCMCIA only
									6	-	PCI only
									7	-	PCMCIA only
									8	-	PCI - Similar to 3, only for 4 ports.
									9	-	PCI as i.e. on cards with device ID 280.
								For 1 and 2, PlxBaudClockDivisor and PlxBaudClockOffset have 
								to be present. For 3, only PlxBaudClockDivisor has to be 
								there. In addition to this the values DuplexOperation and 
								CtsTrue have to be present for 3.
								For all except 0, MaximumBaudrate must be present.
		PlxBaudClockDivisor	-	Gives the divisor which should be selected by default. Possible
								values are : 1, 2, 4 and 8.
		PlxBaudClockOffset	-	Gives the offset for the PLX register(s) from the beginning of
								the PLX chip address range in I/O space.
		MaximumBaudrate		-	The maximum baudrate which the card supports by specification.
		DuplexOperation		-	0	-	RS485 half-duplex autogating mode
								1	-	RS485 half-duplex Rx/Tx state set by RTS line
								4	-	Tx and Rx both disabled
								5	-	Tx enabled, Rx disabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
								6	-	Tx disabled, Rx enabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
								7	-	full-duplex
		CtsTrue				-	If 0, CTS reflects the state of the CTS line receiver.
								If 1, CTS is held TRUE
		RxTriggerLevel	-	Receive Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 100 by the driver.
		TxTriggerLevel	-	Transmit Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 1 by the driver. 
		SoftTxLimit		-	The amount of characters transmitted on each TX empty interrupt 
							in percent. The allowed range is 1 to 100. Setting it to 1 garanties
							that only 1 byte at a time is written to the FIFO. Setting it to 100 
							garanties, that the FIFO is filled up to its maximum on transmit.
							The default, if the value is not present in, is 100.
		UartType		-	This value should normally not be there. The Control Panel does
							not need to update this value. It only exists for debugging purposes,
							to overwrite the UART class to be installed on a port. For example :
							when the card has 950 on it. Setting this value to 5, forces the 
							driver to use only 550 support. Possible value are :
							4	-	450 UART
							5	-	550	UART
							7	-	750 UART
							9	-	950 UART
		AlwaysUsePortSpaceAccess  -		If this value is set to 1, the port driver is forced to
										access the card through port address space, no matter if
										the card would support memory space access. Nothing can overwirte
										this value, when set to 1. If it is not 1, it is ignored.

	Bus8							-	contains all PCMCIA templates.
		ComBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 8 for UART COM ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nComPorts is not 0.
		LptBaseAddressAlignment		-	always 4 for UART LPT ports. This value has only got to be there,
										when nLptPorts is not 0.
		ClockFrequency				-	clock frequency in Hz
		ClockFrequencyAdjustment	-	value which adjusts the clock frequency by dividing or
										multiplying with the given value. Default is 1, which
										does not chage the clock frequency. If the value is 0,
										the driver defaults it to 1. Any other positive value
										is the multiplyer for the clock frequency. Any other
										negative value is made positive, and then the clock
										frequency gets divided by this value.
		Description			- 	Whatever you want call it (For example "Steve")
		DeviceID			-	Device ID of the card, including the correct Revision ID
		nComPorts			-	Number of COM ports on the card
		nLptPorts			-	Number of LPT ports on the card

		PlxBaudClockType	-	Note : PCMCIA cards do not have PLX chips. The name PLX... for
								the registry entries is here for compatibility reasons with the 
								spcification already existing in PCI.
								If a card contains a Baud Clock register then this value has 
								to be set. Possible values are :
									0	-	no Baud Clock is on the card. This causes the 
											following two Plx.. values to be ignored.
									1	-	PCI only
									2	-	PCI only
									3	-	PCI only
									4	-	ISA only
									5	-	PCMCIA Baud Clock. It works on a per port basis. 
											PlxBaudClockDivisor must be present. For cards like 
											DeviceID 1941.
									6	-	PCI only
									7	-	PCMCIA Baud Clock. It works on a per port basis. 
											PlxBaudClockDivisor must be present. For cards like 
											DeviceID 594c.
									8	-	PCI - Similar to 3, only for 4 ports.
									9	-	PCI as i.e. on cards with device ID 280.
		PlxBaudClockDivisor	-	Gives the divisor which should be selected by default. Possible
								values are : 1, 2, 4 and 8.
		DuplexOperation		-	0	-	RS485 half-duplex autogating mode
								1	-	RS485 half-duplex Rx/Tx state set by RTS line
								4	-	Tx and Rx both disabled
								5	-	Tx enabled, Rx disabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
								6	-	Tx disabled, Rx enabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
								7	-	full-duplex
		CtsTrue				-	If 0, CTS reflects the state of the CTS line receiver.
								If 1, CTS is held TRUE
		RxTriggerLevel	-	Receive Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 100 by the driver.
		TxTriggerLevel	-	Transmit Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
							As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
							set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If the value is not there, the default
							is set to 1 by the driver. 
		SoftTxLimit		-	The amount of characters transmitted on each TX empty interrupt 
							in percent. The allowed range is 1 to 100. Setting it to 1 garanties
							that only 1 byte at a time is written to the FIFO. Setting it to 100 
							garanties, that the FIFO is filled up to its maximum on transmit.
							The default, if the value is not present in, is 100.
		UartType		-	This value should normally not be there. The Control Panel does
							not need to update this value. It only exists for debugging purposes,
							to overwrite the UART class to be installed on a port. For example :
							when the card has 950 on it. Setting this value to 5, forces the 
							driver to use only 550 support. Possible value are :
							4	-	450 UART
							5	-	550	UART
							7	-	750 UART
							9	-	950 UART


Parameters					-	contains all parameter informationfor the cards
	Bus1					-	contains all ISA parameters
		CardX				-	contains all parameters for 1 card. The card keys must be consecutive 
								order, based on 1
			HardwareID					-	Hardware ID, used to uniquely identify the card.
			DeviceReference				-	DeviceReference value of the installed card. This value is
											importent to match up the card with its Parameters/Cardx 
			PlxBaudClockDivisor			-	Gives the divisor which should match the jumper settings 
											on the card. Possible values are : 1, 2, 4 and 8. This
											value overwrites the Templates information.
			ClockFrequencyAdjustment	-	value which adjusts the clock frequency by dividing or
											multiplying with the given value. Default is 1, which
											does not chage the clock frequency. If the value is 0, or if
											it is not there, the driver does not use it. 
											Any other positive value
											is the multiplyer for the clock frequency. Any other
											negative value is made positive, and then the clock
											frequency gets divided by this value.

			ComPortX		- 	COM port key. The X values must be consecutive and 1 based. (If for 
								example parameters should be added to ComPort3, then the ComPort 
								keys 1 and 2 need to be created, but do not need to contain 
				RxTriggerLevel	-	Receive Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
									As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
									set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. 									
				TxTriggerLevel	-	Transmit Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
									As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
									set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. 
				SoftTxLimit		-	The amount of characters transmitted on each TX empty interrupt 
									in percent. The allowed range is 1 to 100. Setting it to 1 garanties
									that only 1 byte at a time is written to the FIFO. Setting it to 100 
									garanties, that the FIFO is filled up to its maximum on transmit.
									The default, if the value is not present in Parameters, is 100.
				UartType		-	This value should normally not be there. The Control Panel does
									not need to update this value. It only exists for debugging purposes,
									to overwrite the UART class to be installed on a port. For example :
									when the card has 950 on it. Setting this value to 5, forces the 
									driver to use only 550 support. Possible value are :
									4	-	450 UART
									5	-	550	UART
									7	-	750 UART
									9	-	950 UART
				NoSleepMode		-	If this value is not present (default) or is set to 0, the UART chip
									goes automatically into sleep mode when idle. Setting this value to 
									anything but not 0 prevents the chip from doing so.
	Bus5					-	contains all PCI parameters
		CardX				-	contains all parameters for 1 card. The card keys must be consecutive 
								order, based on 1
			DeviceID		-	Device ID of the card, including the correct Revision ID
			VendorID		-	...
			nBus			- 	Bus number where the device was found. The information is transferred
								from the corresponding value from CurrentConfig
			nSlot			- 	Slot number where the device was found. The information is 
								transferred from the corresponding value from CurrentConfig
			PlxBaudClockDivisor	-	Gives the divisor values for the PLX Baud Clock. This value
									overwrites the Templates setting. Possible values are : 1, 2, 
									4 and 8. This Baud Clock Divisor can only be present for cards 
									with Baud Clock registers working on a per-card basis. This are 
									cards with PlxBaudClockType set to 1 or 2.
			AlwaysUsePortSpaceAccess  -		If this value is set to 1, the port driver is forced to
											access the card through port address space, no matter if
											the card would support memory space access. If it is not 1,
											it is ignored.

			ComPortX		- 	COM port key. The X values must be consecutive and 1 based. (If for 
								example parameters should be added to ComPort3, then the ComPort 
								keys 1 and 2 need to be created, but do not need to contain 
				RxTriggerLevel	-	Receive Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
									As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
									set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If present, this value overwrites
									those set under Templates.
				TxTriggerLevel	-	Transmit Trigger Level for 950 chips. (not yet implemented) Range 1-100
									As an extra feature, if both, RxTriggerLevel and TxTriggerLevel, are 
									set to 0, the FIFOs are disabled. If present, this value overwrites
									those set under Templates.
				SoftTxLimit		-	The amount of characters transmitted on each TX empty interrupt 
									in percent. The allowed range is 1 to 100. Setting it to 1 garanties
									that only 1 byte at a time is written to the FIFO. Setting it to 100 
									garanties, that the FIFO is filled up to its maximum on transmit.
									The default, if the value is not present in Parameters, is 100 for all
									card with other than 750 or 950 chips. On 750 or 950 cards, the default
									is 24, to pass the HCT tests under standard configuration.
									As soon as the Parameters key for a card is present, the default changes 
									to 100 automatically!! If present, this value overwrites
									those set under Templates.
				PlxBaudClockDivisor	-	Gives the divisor values for the PLX Baud Clock. This value
										overwrites the Templates setting. Possible values are : 1, 2, 
										4 and 8. This Baud Clock Divisor can only be present for cards with Baud Clock
										registers working on a per-port basis. This are cards with
										PlxBaudClockType set to 3.
				DuplexOperation		-	0	-	RS485 half-duplex autogating mode
										1	-	RS485 half-duplex Rx/Tx state set by RTS line
										4	-	Tx and Rx both disabled
										5	-	Tx enabled, Rx disabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
										6	-	Tx disabled, Rx enabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
										7	-	full-duplex
										These value overwrites the Templates settings.
				CtsTrue				-	If 0, CTS reflects the state of the CTS line receiver.
										If 1, CTS is held TRUE
										These value overwrites the Templates settings.
				UartType		-	This value should normally not be there. The Control Panel does
									not need to update this value. It only exists for debugging purposes,
									to overwrite the UART class to be installed on a port. For example :
									when the card has 950 on it. Setting this value to 5, forces the 
									driver to use only 550 support. If present, this value overwrites
									those set under Templates. Possible value are :
									4	-	450 UART
									5	-	550	UART
									7	-	750 UART
									9	-	950 UART
				NoSleepMode		-	If this value is not present (default) or is set to 0, the UART chip
									goes automatically into sleep mode when idle. Setting this value to 
									anything but not 0 prevents the chip from doing so.

The cards underneath templates have to be in a particular order : On templates for cards with the same device ID, a lower 
card numbers is not allowed to contain a higher revision number than a template with a higher card number. For Example :

	Templates/Card Number :		Device ID :		Revision number :
	Card1				60			0
	Card2				60			3	// Not allowed, as card3 revision is lower !!
	Card3				60			2
	Card4				e0			1
	Card5				60			4	// Allowed - other card types can be inbetween.


The card key under the Enum registry tree contains a Device Parameters key, which is used to comunicate
driver settings to the CardDLL control panel. When a device (card) is started on the SsInstal driver,
SsInstal creates the Device Parameters subkey, and adds values which represent the current state. The
CardDLL can read those values and build up the user-interface appropriately.

CurrentControlSet/Enum/PCI/VEN_.../...number.../Device Parameters :

	VendorID			-	Vendor ID of the card
	DeviceID			-	Device ID of the card
	BusNumber			-	Number of the bus, where the card resides 
	BusType				-	Type of the bus, where the card resides
	SlotNumber			-	Slot number on the bus, where the card resides
	nCom				-	Number of COM ports on the card
	nLpt				-	Number of LPT ports on the card
	BaseAddressX		-	Base Address of the COM or LPT port with the number X. X is 1-based, the 
							maximum is 8.
	BaseAddressRangeX	-	The length of the base address range.
	IrqX				-	The IRQ of the port.

	/Card			-	Card subkey : contains all the information which is card specific

		Enable_BaudrateSettings		-	If 1 (TRUE), the Baudrate Settings control group is to be 
										displayed to the user on the Card Settings dialog box. 
										The following entries have then got to be present :
		PlxBaudClockDivisor			-	As documented above, this value can be 1, 2, 4 or 8. If
										it is 1, the maximum baudrate can be selected by the user.
		MaximumBaudrate				-	This is the highest baudrate, the card is able to support
										by specification.

		Enable_HardwareAccess		-	If 1 (TRUE), the Hardware Settings control group is to be 
										displayed to the user on the Card Settings dialog box.
										The following entries have then got to be present :
		UsePortSpaceAccess			-	If this value is 1 (TRUE), the driver accesses hardware through
										port space, otherwise it is through memory space.

		Enable_DriverSettings		-	If 1 (TRUE), the Driver Settings control group is to be 
										displayed to the user on the Card Settings dialog box.
										The following entries have then got to be present :
		LogLevel					-	This is the log level, the driver is set to currently.

		/PortX		-	Port subkey : contains all the information specific to a port on the card. 
						X represents the number of the port on the card, starting from 1.

			Enable_TriggerLevel				-	If 1 (TRUE), the Trigger Levels control group is to be
												displayed to the user on the Port Setttings dialog box.
												The following entries have then got to be present :
			RxTriggerLevel					-	Receiver tirgger level in percent. The range is 1 - 100.
			TxTriggerLevel					-	Transmitter Trigger level. This is not implemented due to 
										problems with the 950 UART chip. The value is still important,
										as the FIFOs will be disabled when Tx and Rx trigger levels
										are set to 0.
			SoftTxLimit					-	Software transmit limit in percent. The range is 1 - 100.

			Enable_422485Settings			-	If 1 (TRUE), the 422/485 Options control group is to be
												displayed to the user on the Port Settings dialog box.
												The following entries have then got to be present :
			DuplexOperation					-	This describes what duplex operation is active on the card. 
												Possible values are :
												0	-	RS485 half-duplex autogating mode
												1	-	RS485 half-duplex Rx/Tx state set by RTS line
												4	-	Tx and Rx both disabled
												5	-	Tx enabled, Rx disabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
												6	-	Tx disabled, Rx enabled (RS485 half-duplex manual)
												7	-	full-duplex
			CtsTrue							-	If 0, CTS reflects the state of the CTS line receiver.
												If 1, CTS is held TRUE

			Enable_BaudrateSettingsFixed	-	If 1 (TRUE), the Baudrate Settings control group is to be
												displayed to the user on the Port Settings dialog box. The 
												Baudrate Multiplier drop down list in the control group gets 
												grayed out. 
												The following entries have then got to be present :
			MaximumBaudrate					-	This is the highest baudrate, the card is able to support
												by specification.
			BaudrateMultiplier				-	This is the factor by which an application selected baudrate
												is multiplied to reach a higher baudrate. This is necessary,
												if the application can not select the higher baudrate.

			Enable_BaudrateSettingsFlexible	-	If 1 (TRUE), the Baudrate Settings control group is to be
												displayed to the user on the Port Settings dialog box.
												The following entries have then got to be present :
			MaximumBaudrate					-	This is the highest baudrate, the card is able to support
												by specification.
			PlxBaudClockDivisor				-	As documented above, this value can be 1, 2, 4 or 8. If
												it is 1, the maximum baudrate can be selected by the user.
			BaudrateMultiplier				-	This is the factor by which an application selected baudrate
												is multiplied to reach a higher baudrate. This is necessary,
												if the application can not select the higher baudrate.

			Enable_UartType					-	If 1 (TRUE), the Uart Type and FIFO Depth controls are to 
												be displayed to the user on the Port Settings dialog box.
												The following entries have then got to be present :
			UsedUartType					-	Is the Uart type which is currently used as the representation
												of the real Uart found on the card.
			DetectedUartType				-	This is the real Uart present on the card.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.12