default.ini Driver File Contents (AUDIO_ALL_040525.ZIP)

#09/09/03, SWH
#This file is intended to serve as a running list of all possible .ini-configurable application/driver options.
#Default settings, which will be configured on any system that fails 4-part ID match in stac97.ini and/or self-reference 
#to a corresponding model-specific .ini file, are defined explicitly in the first sections of this file. Outcommented keys 
#that follow are *not* recommended default settings, which may be defunct. They should be configured on an as-needed basis 
#only. The intended purpose for this file, besides enabling rudimentary audio functionality on un-defined systems, is to 
#provide a cut and paste template for non-9758 system .ini files.



# Specify the registry keys to be deleted during Uninstall
HKCU\Software\Sigmatel\Settings=Yes    ; Delete the current user's settings subkey
HKCU\Software\Sigmatel\JackSense=Yes   ; Delete the current user's jacksense subkey
HKR\Settings=Yes                       ; Delete the driver's settings subkey
HKR\JackSense=Yes                      ; Delete the driver's jacksense subkey

# The following 2 keys cause the volume settings to be 'forgotten' during Uninstall
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=Yes
HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=Yes

# Specify the application software to install

StacApp = No
TinyUJ2 = No
SSWiz = No
StacSysTray = No
StacIt = No
SampleEQ = No
PassThru = No ; YesInvisible
StacSrv= No ;YesInvisible

# The following keys are used by StacSrv.application
RegistryVersionNum   = dword: 0x1     ; Newer registry format based on jacks, not pins
PollingPeriod        = dword: 333     ; 333 millliseconds
JSOscFreq            = dword: 16000   ; Set jacksense oscillator frequency to 16kHz
DockSupport          = dword: 0   ; Bios Interface dock support

# Policies
PolicyHPMuteSpkrs      = dword: 0x01ff    ; Plugging in any headphones mutes all speakers
#PolicyDefaultBassMgmt  = dword: 0         ; 1 = Enable 2.1 bass management at startup
#PolicyOnly1Input       = dword: 0x01ff    ; For multiple codecs

# Specify whether to route Line-Out/Front directly from Dac A or from the Analog Mixer
# The JackSense registry key “DigitalModel” should always be specified and set to Dword:1 
# in harmony w/ the driver setting EmulateAllMasters (binary) 01

DisableAnalogMixer   = dword: 1     ; 1 = Dac A, 0 = mixer

# The following keys specify the number of different setups displayed
# by the Jack Sharing applet, and the mode that they support.  This will
# subsequently effect the menu item displayed by the Jack Sharing applet.
# Typically 4 modes used are 2 (Headphones), 4 (Stereo Speakers), 5 (Quad), and 7 (5.1)

#    0 = None
#    1 = Mono Speaker
#    2 = Headphones
#    3 = Stereo Speakers (narrow)
#    4 = Stereo Speakers (wide)
#    5 = Quadraphonic (4 channel)
#    6 = Surround (4 channel)
#    7 = 5.1 Surround (6 channel)
#    All other values are invalid

NumSpkrSetups     = dword: 0x0004   ; The number of setups defined.

# The following sections define which pins are connected to jacks
# Each pin will have properties associated with it such as the color of the jack,
# where it is located, and which mode (front, rear, center/lfe) to select when a
# speaker is plugged in and autoconfigure is set.

# DefaultSpeakerMode specifies which channels to configure if JackSense is
#  active and AutoConfigure is set and speakers are plugged into the jack

DacCSwap          = dword: 0              ;Swap L/R on DAC C


#Default settings; key references below are not duplicated in other sections of this file
#Pin disabling (1 to disable; 0 is enabled, the default):

Disable3DControl	= hex: 1
DisableAux		= hex: 1
DisableCDIn		= hex: 1	;When DisableCDIn=0 (analog CD enabled), CDMute must = 0
					;When DisableCDIn=1 (analog CD diabled), CDMute should = 1
DisableHeadphone	= hex: 1
DisableLineInFromPlayback	= hex: 1	; but leaves it at the recording MUX
DisableLnlvl		= hex: 1
DisableMicFromPlayback	= hex: 1	; but leaves it at the recording MUX
DisablePCBeep		= hex: 1
DisablePhone		= hex: 1
DisableMICSelect	= hex: 1	; Disable Alternate Mic checkbox
DisableMonoVirtual	= hex: 1
DisableMonoOut		= hex: 1        ; only enabled if there is an analog connection to modem
DisableStereoVirtual 	= hex: 1
DisableVideo		= hex: 1
DisableWaveIn2		= hex: 1
DisableSubwooferAtMono = hex: 1

#Mixer control initial values:
3DDepthEnable		= hex: 1	; (inverted to match "Mute", 0 enabled, 1 disabled)
AuxMute			= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
CDMute			= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
LineInMute		= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
MasterMute		= hex: 0	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
MICMute			= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
PCBeepMute		= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
PhoneMute		= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
VideoMute		= hex: 1	; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
WaveInMux		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; WaveInMux selection values: (0: MIC), (1: CD), (2: Video), (3: Aux), (4: LineIn), (5: StereoMix), (6: MonoMix), (7: Phone).

#Other driver configuration entries.

EmulateAllMasters	= hex: 1	; Digital scaling of master volume
MasterControlsAux	= hex: 1	; normally disabled for STAC9758
MasterControlsMono	= hex: 1	; normally disabled for STAC9758

# _R64 (etc.) settings *cannot* be carried-over from an arbitrary, model-.ini. 
# These are system specific, hardware-dependant settings that configure a system to a known 
# initial state, independent of StacApp/StacSrv.
;0_76588384_R64	=hex:00, 00
;0_76588384_R66	=hex:00, 00
;0_76588384_R68	=hex:00, 00
;0_76588384_R6E	=hex:00, 10
0_76588384_R3E	=hex:00, 00	;GPIO's powered up
0_76588384_R4C	=hex:0f, 00	;All GPIO's configured as GPI's
;0_76588384_R4E	=hex:ff, ff
;0_76588384_R54	=hex:00, 00

#A running HKR key list follows (does not duplicate keys defined above)
#Uncomment lines to overwrite default settings.
#You can change the register values (and/or uncomment the line) to overwrite the driver default.
#Low byte comes first for hexadecimal values.

#Pin disabling (1 to disable; 0 is enabled, the default):
;DisableWaveOut		= hex: 1
;DisableMIC		= hex: 1
;DisableLineIn		= hex: 1
;DisableSurround	= hex: 1
;DisableCenter		= hex: 1
;DisableLFE		= hex: 1
;DisableStereoVirtual	= hex: 1
;DisableStereo2Virtual	= hex: 1
;DisableMono2Virtual	= hex: 1
;DisablePeakmeters	= hex: 1

# Mixer control initial values:
;3DDepthControl		= hex: 00, 80, 04, 00       ; (0-90000), 50%: 48000	(2 bit control).
;AuxAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000		(4 bit controls).
;AuxVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),   (5 bit controls).
;AuxVolumeInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;AuxMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;CDAtRecMuxMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;CDAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000            (4 bit controls).
;CDVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),   (5 bit controls).
;CDVolumeInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;CDMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;CenterVolume		= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), (5 bit controls).
;CenterVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;CenterMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;CenterMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;HeadphoneVolume	= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), 50%: ffe8c000	(5 bit controls).
;HeadphoneVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;HeadphoneMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;HeadphoneMuteInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;LFEVolume		= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), (5 bit controls).
;LFEVolumeInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;LFEMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 mute
;LFEMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;LineInAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;LineInAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000		(4 bit controls).
;LineInVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),   (5 bit controls).
;LineInVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;LineInMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;MasterVolume		= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), (5 bit controls).
;MasterVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;MasterMuteInc		= hex: 0		    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;MICSelect		= hex: 0
;MICBoost		= hex: 1                    ; normally set to 1
;MICVolume             	= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),   (5 bit control).
;MICVolumeInc          	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;MICMuteInc            	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;MICAtMonoOutMute      	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;MICAtMonoOutVolume	= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), 50%: ffe8c000       (5 bit controls).
;MICAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;MICAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000            (4 bit controls).
;MonoMixAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;MonoMixAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000		(4 bit controls).
;MonoMixerAtMonoOutMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;MonoMixerAtMonoOutVolume	= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), 50%: ffe8c000       (5 bit controls).
;MonoOutMux		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; MonoOutMux selection values: (0: MIC), (1: MonoMix).
;MultichannelEnabledByUser	= hex: 0                    ; not enabled
;PCBeepVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffd30000-0), (4 bit control).
;PCBeepVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;PCBeepMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;PhoneAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;PhoneAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000		(4 bit controls).
;PhoneVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),   (5 bit control).
;PhoneVolumeInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;PhoneMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;StereoMixAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;StereoMixAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000	(4 bit controls).
;SurroundVolume		= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), (5 bit controls).
;SurroundVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;SurroundMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;SurroundMuteInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;TrueLevelVolume	= hex: 00, c0, e8, ff       ; (ffd18000-0), 50%: ffe8c000	(5 bit controls).
;TrueLevelVolumeInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;TrueLevelMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;TrueLevelMuteInc	= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;VideoAtRecMuxVolume	= hex: 00, 40, b0, 00       ; (0-168000), 50%: b4000		(4 bit controls).
;VideoAtRecMuxMute	= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted
;VideoVolume		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000),	(5 bit controls).
;VideoVolumeInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;VideoMuteInc		= hex: 0                    ; 0, instantaneous, 1 incremental
;WaveOutVolume		= hex: 00 ,80, 01, 00       ; (ffdd8000-c0000), (5 bit controls).
;WaveOutMute		= hex: 0                    ; 0, unmuted, 1 muted

#Other driver configuration keys:
#The BiosInterfaceAddress key provides BIOS interface physical memory addres on systems that implement Sigmatel BIOS 
#specification (for example on one model we have HKR BiosInterfaceAddress = dword: 0x4e8)
;ADCVRADisables		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00
	;DACVRADisables		= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00
	; VRA Disable bit positions:  D6: 8KHz, D5: 11.025KHz, D4: 16KHz, D3: 22.050KHz, D2: 32KHz, D1: 44.1KHz, D0: 48KHz (D0 will be ignored).
;ActiveMuteDelayEnabled	= hex: 1	; If FadeAudio, zipper noise mute of PCM is deferred until signal fade has completed.
;BiosInterfaceAddress	= dword: 0x4e1	; address in physical memory
;CodecColdResetWaitMicroSeconds	= hex: dc, 05, 00, 00	;Delay (in uS) after RESET# deassertion before continued processing.
;CodecPinsMuteMask  	= DWORD: 0x8000
;CodecPowerDownMask	= hex: 00, 47		; To 1 at power down (PR6+PR2+PR1+PR0)
;CodecPowerUpDelayInMCS = Dword: 0x1000
;CodecPowerUpMask	= hex: 00, 6f		; To 0 at power up (PR6+PR5+PR3+PR2+PR1+PR0)
;CPL_SpdifTransmitterEnabledByUser	= hex: 0	; not enabled
;DCRecordBias		= hex: 10, 00, 00, 00
;DisableEQ		= hex: 0
;DisableMultiChannelControl	= hex: 0
;DisableNonPCM		= hex: 0
;DisableSPDIFControl	= hex: 0
#The DigitalMasterControlsAnalog key will allow to enable required analog sources and make Master Volume slider to affect 
#them too. This affects all analog controls exposed by the driver. ( Needs testing - 07-12-2003 )
;DigitalMasterControlsAnalog = hex: 0	; can be used along with EmulateAllMasters set to 1
					; DigitalModel must be set to 0 for this to work
;DockCodecID		= hex: 2
;D0DelayMilliSeconds	= hex: 00, 00, 00, 00	; Milliseconds to delay on (D2,D3)->D0 transitions.
;EnableLinearVolumes	= hex: 0	; Used to make the volume curve linear.
;EnableNewVolumeControls = hex: 1
;EnableNonPCMOnWin2K	= hex: 0
;EnableStereoMic	= hex: 1
;EnableSPDIFIn		= hex: 1        ; creates analog source ( Video In volume register )
;EnableVRA		= hex: 0
#EnableExtAmpControl should be set to (binary) 00 or, better yet, 
#excluded from .ini’s for models that implement either SPDIF-in, 
#or StacSrv control of EAPD during JackSense cycles. This setting 
#arbitrates codec R74’s state and stands to cause a direct resource conflict.
;EnableExtAmpControl	= hex: 1	; enables EAPD control of an extenal amplifier
	;ExtAmpPowerDownTimeInMCS = Dword: 0x5000
	;ExtAmpPowerUpTimeInMCS   = Dword: 0x5000
;EnableVrefPowerDown   = hex: 1
	;VrefPowerDownTimeInMS = Dword: 0x6000 ;6 seconds
#note: the SPDIFInSupportVariant and SPDIFInMute keys have no effect unless the EnableSPDIFIn key (above) = 1
	;SPDIFInSupportVariant	= hex: 1
	;SPDIFInMute		= hex: 1 	; muted
;FadeAudio		= hex: 1
;GPIOJackSenseEnable	= hex: 0
;       The default poll time for GPIO changes is 50 milliseconds.
;GPIOPollTimeMilliSeconds	= hex: 32, 00
;       ORs SPDIF control with "DRM Digital Disable State" GPO.
;GPIOSPDIFControl     = hex: 0

;GPIOControl		= hex: 0	; not enabled, enables GPIO actions
#GPIO actions are expressed as a binary string, a sequence of one or more 4-BYTE tuplets 
#      (beyond the initial "1" type value required for registry entry). 
#    The 4 fields (each a BYTE in length) in each tuplet are:
#      { (Codec CID), (GPIO pin number), (GPIO action code), (Pin assertion sense) }
#    The "Codec CID" must match a recognized CODEC (by CID) on the AC97 link, and the "GPIO pin number"
#      must be a valid GPIO pin index for that CODEC.  If GPIO is enabled, there must be at least one
#      well-formed specification.
#    GPIO Pin number = GPIO0=00, GPIO1=01, GPIO2=02, GPIO3=03, EAPD=04, VREF=05
#    The valid values for "GPIO action code" (and implicit directions, GPI or GPO) are:
#    0=    Disable software equalization             (GPIDisableSoftwareEQ)        (GPI)
#    1=    Mute master volume, pins 35/36            (GPIMuteMasterVolume)         (GPI)
#    2=    DRM Digital Disable State                 (GPODRMDigitalDisable)        (GPO)
#    3=    GPI Mic Select                            (GPIMicSelect)
#    4=    Mutes headphone volume, pins 39/41        (GPIMuteHPVolume) 
#    5=    GPI to GPO                                (GPIToGPO)
#    6=    Mute codec pins according to mask in reg64h (9758 only)	(GPIMuteCodecPins)
#    "Pin assertion sense" maps the CODEC pin state to the logical assertion state of the action
#        0 means the action is asserted on a sensed (or driven for GPO) CODEC pin value 0
#        1 (non-zero) means asserted on sensed (driven) CODEC pin value 1.
;mutually exclusive w/ the same stacsrv action; potential conflict!!!
;GPIOActions		= hex: 00, 05, 06, 00	;configures driver to mute amp using EAPD/GPIO/*VrefOut (current setting)*
;GPIOActions		= hex: 00,00,01,01	;GPIO0 mutes lineout when high

;MakeCodecsPlayInParallel	= hex: 1
;MasterVolumeSwapHp	= hex: 0	; Swap master and headphone controls at register level (MasterControlsAux must be false to be effective).
;MasterControlsSPDIFPCM	= hex: 0
;MICBoost30dB		= hex: 0	; prefer 30dB to 20dB Boost on MIC if available.
;MixerIncrementMicroSeconds	= hex: d0, 07, 00, 00	; 2000 uS delay on incremental mixer control updates (500 uS minimum enforced).
;ModemInhibitsD3RST	= hex: 1
;MultiChannelDisable	= hex: 0
;MuteInactiveDac	= hex: 0	; Prevent pops on PA1
;MutePinsOnDocking	= hex: 1
;NonPCMLimitedByLinkRate	= hex: 0	; If true, and the user has limited the link to a non-48KHz rate, AC3 will not override the rate and the stream open will fail.
	;LinkRateChangeLimitedByStreams	= hex: 0	; If true, a change to a "fixed" link rate will fail if it conflicts with the data rate of an active stream.
;PCMVolumeFixedLevel	= hex: 08, 08	; only meaningful in analog or DigitalMasterControlsAnalog mode
;PCMVolumeFixedLevelEQ	= hex: 06, 06
;RecMuxMuteAtFloor	= hex: 0        ; don't mute rec gain, even at bottom of slider
;SPDIFMutesMaster	= hex: 0
;SPDIFMutesInactiveMaster	= hex: 0
;SPDIFAssertsPR6	= hex: 0
;SPDIFOutputDisable	= hex: 0
#The SPDIFSharedPinMuxBits key is required when we have SPDIF OUT on the same jack as any analog inputs/outputs 
#(LINE IN, REAR etc.). When user enables SPDIF OUT driver uses this mask to check if this jack is configured as 
#analog input or output and if it is it will remember that SPDIF OUT is on but actually won't turn it on until this 
#jack is reconfigured as digital input/output. Digital input/output means that this jack is turned off in reg 64 and 
#is not selected as input source in reg 66. Last three bits are shared pin mux bits from register 66
#In all higher bits the "1" should be provided at position of the bit that powers shared pin in reg. 64. 
#Above we have bit 15 set, which powers pin43/44 and 5 is mux value of pin 43/44 in reg66.
;SPDIFSharedPinMuxBits	= DWORD:0x0042 ; pin 23/24 is shared with SPDIF on Piranha
#Speaker Auto detection threshold expressed as signed, 16 bit signal value (should be positive), 0 - 32767.
	;SpeakerAutoDetection = hex: 0
	;SpeakerDetectionInput= hex: 0		; Record mux selection values: (0: MIC), (1: CD), (2: Video), (3: Aux), (4: LineIn), (5: StereoMix), (6: MonoMix), (7: Phone).
	;SpeakerDetectionAltMIC	= hex: 0	; Use Alternate MIC if MIC selected as speaker detection input.
	;SpeakerDetectionOutputAux	= hex: 0	; Use Aux Out, else Line Out.
	;SpeakerDetectionThreshold	= hex: 0a, 00
	;SpeakerDetectionRecordOnsetMilliSeconds	= hex: 02
	;SpeakerDetectionSamplingDelayMilliSeconds	= hex: 04	;Enables jack sensing. 		
	;render_taps          = hex: 0b, 00, 00, 00
	;render_roll_off      = hex: b6, 03, 00, 00
	;render_beta          = hex: 28, 23, 00, 00
	;capture_taps         = hex: 0b, 00, 00, 00
	;capture_roll_off     = hex: b6, 03, 00, 00
	;capture_beta         = hex: 28, 23, 00, 00
;UseSpeakerTypeForPcBeep= hex: 1	; Uses speaker topology type (instead of analog control) to affect display by sndvol.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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