h320vcp3.ini Driver File Contents (viewpointvbxsr1.zip)



vcx_dwVidScnInterlaceMode  = 0
vcx_dwVidDramControl       = 0x00 ; 0x0-Driver, 0x355-1M, 0x255-2M; 0x395-4m
bEncExtraGrabFrame         = 1     ; 0 for 1Meg, 1 for 2Meg

; Needed for 8x8 VCP release 3.0 code.
vcx_bH261SkipVpReadback    = 1
dbg_dwDecBuffSize          = 0x1710

; audio params
vcx_h261_audio             = 0  ; H320 ; was 1 ; 1/0 enable/audio 

;; added for T.123 support

;; stream for the T.123 stack and farsite
;;stream 0x29FF = c:\farsite3\farsite3.exe


[H.320]  ; This section is specific to H320.


; Trigger Counts

vcx_dwH242TxLsdTriggerCount = 30
vcx_dwH242TxLsdDataCount    = 50
vcx_dwH242RxLsdTriggerCount = 30
vcx_dwH242RxLsdDataCount    = 50

vcx_dwH242TxHsdTriggerCount = 20
vcx_dwH242TxHsdDataCount    = 40
vcx_dwH242RxHsdTriggerCount = 20
vcx_dwH242RxHsdDataCount    = 40

vcx_dwH242TxMlpTriggerCount = 0
vcx_dwH242TxMlpDataCount    = 100
vcx_dwH242RxMlpTriggerCount = 20
vcx_dwH242RxMlpDataCount    = 100

; H.221 Stuff - TDM settings for Promptus ISDN card

0x2000E004  = 0x0E   ; TDM: xmt delay & phase
0x2000E008  = 0x0E   ; TDM: rcv delay & phase
0x2000E00C  = 0x81   ; TDM: initialization of tdmctl

;;theses streams needed for Answering machine

stream 0x0e20 = vid1.in
stream 0x0e40 = aud1.in
stream 0x0800 = \\.\mailslot\h320_003.vtp

vcx_afH242LocalCaps[0]:4 = 0x00000000  ; ignored
vcx_afH242LocalCaps[1]:4 = 0x00000000  ; ignored
vcx_afH242LocalCaps[2]:4 = 0x00000000  ; ignored
vcx_afH242LocalCaps[3]:4 = 0x00000000  ; ignored
vcx_afH242LocalCaps[4]:4 = 0x013F0F3E  ; (1-6)B, (128-384), all audio
vcx_afH242LocalCaps[5]:4 = 0x00307FFE  ; CIF, QCIF, Enable data channel

vcx_afH242LocalCaps[16]:4 = 0x00000201 ; MLP 14.4K & 24K

vcx_bH242RestrictAdjacent = 0
vcx_bH242NewCapSet = 1                 ; use above capabilities



; [H.261]  ; This section is common to H320 and H261

; Variables common to all H261 configurations

stream 0x4102              = C:\WINNT\System32\Osprey\vph261.010
vcx_dwH261EncBitrate       = 96000 ; in bits per second              
vcx_dwH261EncTnr           = 0     ; turn on for rev3 chip only
vcx_bBchOn                 = 0     ; 0 for no BCH
vcx_dwH261EncIntraQuant    = 10    ; Quant for the intra frame
vcx_dwH261EncMotion15      = 1     ; switch for +-15/+-7 motion 
vcx_dwH261EncRateBuffer    = 1     ; if 0 will use MaxQuant always 

; CIF specific settings

vcx_dwH261EncCif           = 1
vcx_dwH261EncMaxQuantCif       = 10 ; 0 - 31 large=fast, bad quality
vcx_dwH261EncFrameRateIndexCif = 1  ; max fps = (30 fps / index)       
;vcx_dwH261EncIRefPeriodCif    = 17 ; Not in H320 executable
vcx_dwH261EncRepThrCif         = 20 ; replenishment threshold : 0 - 63 

; QCIF specific settings

vcx_dwH261EncMaxQuantQcif       = 10 ; 0 - 31 large=fast, bad quality
vcx_dwH261EncFrameRateIndexQcif = 1  ; max fps = (30 fps / index)      
;vcx_dwH261EncIRefPeriodQcif    = 17 ; Not in H320 executable


[VIDIN.NTSC]    ; Settings for NTSC video input source

vcx_dwH261EncNTSC     = 1
vcx_dwH261DecNTSC     = 1


vcx_dwVidCamHstart    = 140
vcx_dwVidCamHendCif   = 840
vcx_dwVidCamHendQcif  = 836

vcx_dwVidCamVstart    = 17
vcx_dwVidCamVend     = 256
vcx_dwVidCamVertirq   = 256
vcx_dwVidCamMode0Cif   = 0x01ED ; 7 tap filter with uv skew
vcx_dwVidCamMode0Qcif = 0x01ED ; 7 tap filter with uv skew


[VIDIN.PAL]    ; Settings for PAL video input source

vcx_dwH261EncNTSC     = 0
vcx_dwH261DecNTSC     = 0


vcx_dwVidCamHstart    = 150 ; Anything less has color problems at left edge
vcx_dwVidCamHendCif   = 850 ;
vcx_dwVidCamHendQcif  = 846 ;

vcx_dwVidCamVstart    = 21  ; 4/23/98    less than 16 gets junk at top of image
                                                ;                greater than 16  gets junk at bottom of image
                                                ; 16 leaves blank lines at the top of the image
vcx_dwVidCamVend     = 308
vcx_dwVidCamVertirq   = 308 ; greater doesn't update with our PAL camera

vcx_dwVidCamMode0Cif   = 0x11ED  ; 4/23/98  3 tap filter with uv skew
vcx_dwVidCamMode0Qcif = 0x11ED  ; 4/23/98  3 tap filter with uv skew
dbg_dwAnnexdFieldSize = 288 ;



; Settings for digital video out via PCI to video adapter or buffer on host

vcx_dwVidScnMisc0            = 0x18
vcx_dwVidScnOutputcntl       = 0x2010;    KH, was 2380    
vcx_dwVidScnCounterCtl       = 0x11;      KH, was 0x16
vcx_dwVidScnInterlaceMode    = 0x0

vcx_dwVidScnHstart	= 12     ; 4/23/98 LEM 10;
vcx_dwVidScnHend	= 365    ; 4/23/98 LEM  363; (352+vcx_dwVidScnHstart+1)
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStart	= 365    ; 4/23/98 LEM 363;
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStop	= 10
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncPeriod	= 820
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncWidth	= 2

vcx_dwVidScnVstart           = 3; 
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStop       = 2;   
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedOdd  = 1;
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedEven = 410;
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodOdd   = 490;
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodEven  = 490;
vcx_dwVidScnVertirq          = 480;
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncWidth       = 3

; CIF specific settings

vcx_dwVidScnYStartstopCif    = 0x2c48;   (88 << 7) | 72 ; 0x2c48
vcx_dwVidScnUVStartstopCif   = 0x1624;   (44 << 7) | 36 
vcx_dwVidScnIncvalCif        = 0x1000

; QCIF specific settings

vcx_dwVidScnYStartstopQcif   = 0x1624 ; H320 ; was 0x1817
vcx_dwVidScnUVStartstopQcif  = 0x0B12 ; H320 ; was 0x0d0c
vcx_dwVidScnIncvalQcif       = 0x0800 ; H320 ; was 0x1000

vcx_dwVidDmaScaleValueQcif     = 0x10   ; H320 ; was 0x20
vcx_dwVidDmaScaleTypeQcifLocal = 0x55   ; H320 ; was commented out
vcx_dwVidDmaScaleTypeQcifFar   = 0x55   ; H320 ; was commneted out

vcx_osprey_local_and_far        = 1;
vcx_osprey_local_and_far_select = 2; Default is far view
vcx_release_wait                = 0


[VIDOUT.PCI.NTSC]   ; Settings for NTSC video out via PCI to host

; CIF  244, 253  CIFs  292, 301  
; QCIF 124, 133  QCIFs 148, 157

vcx_dwVidScnVend             = 244 ;       
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStart      = 253 ;
vcx_dwVidScnVertsize         = 239 ; 
vcx_dwVidScnVendCif          = 244 ;       
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartCif   = 253 ;
vcx_dwVidScnVendQcif         = 244 ; H320 ; was 124     
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartQcif  = 253 ; H320 ; was 133 


[VIDOUT.PCI.PAL]   ; Settings for PAL video out via PCI to host

; CIF  244, 253  CIFs  292, 301  
; QCIF 124, 133  QCIFs 148, 157

vcx_dwVidScnVend             = 292 ; 
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStart      = 301 ;
vcx_dwVidScnVertsize         = 287 ; 
vcx_dwVidScnVendCif          = 291 ; 4/27/98 LEM 292
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartCif   = 301 ;
vcx_dwVidScnVendQcif         = 291 ; 4/27/98 LEM 292 was 148
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartQcif  = 301 ; H320 ; was 157


[VIDOUT.BT]   ; Settings for analog video out via Brooktree D/A

vcx_dwVidScnMisc0            = 0x18;    [0x18]
vcx_dwVidScnOutputcntl       = 0x2380;  [0x2010]
vcx_dwVidScnCounterCtl       = 0x17;    [0x11]; VCP is master
vcx_dwVidScnInterlaceMode    = 0x0;     [0x0]

vcx_dwVidScnYStartstopCif    = 0x2c48;  (88 << 7) | 72;  [0x2c48]
vcx_dwVidScnUVStartstopCif   = 0x1624;  (44 << 7) | 36;  [0x1624]
vcx_dwVidScnIncvalCif        = 0x800;   [0x1000]

vcx_dwVidScnYStartstopQcif   = 0x119b;  (35 << 7) | 27  [0x119b]
vcx_dwVidScnUVStartstopQcif  = 0x0a13;  (20<< 7) | 19   [0x0a13]
vcx_dwVidScnIncvalQcif       = 0x400;   [0x400]
vcx_dwVidDmaScaleValueQcif   = 0x10;    [0x20]
vcx_dwVidDmaScaleTypeQcifLocal = 0x55   ; H320 added
vcx_dwVidDmaScaleTypeQcifFar   = 0x55   ; H320 added

vcx_osprey_local_and_far        = 1;
vcx_osprey_local_and_far_select = 2; Default is far view
vcx_release_wait                = 0


[VIDOUT.BT.NTSC]    ; Settings for analog NTSC out with VCP as sync. master

vcx_dwVidScnHstart	= 131   ; 4/23/98 LEM 141 ; MUST BE ODD!
vcx_dwVidScnHend	= 834   ; 4/23/98 LEM 844 ; (Hstart+704-1) 
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStart	= 833   ; 4/23/98 LEM 840
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStop	= 135   ; 4/23/98 LEM 141
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncPeriod	= 858
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncWidth	= 60

vcx_dwVidScnVstart		= 18;      [10]
vcx_dwVidScnVend		= 259 ; H320 ; was 251;     [251]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStart		= 259 ; H320 ; was 260;     [260]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStop		= 19;       [3]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedOdd	= 429;     [858]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedEven	= 857;     [20]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncWidth		= 3;       [3]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodOdd	= 263;     [262]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodEven	= 262;     [262]
vcx_dwVidScnVertirq		= 260;     [252]

vcx_dwVidScnVendCif          = 259 ; H320 ; was 251;     [251]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartCif   = 259 ; H320 ; was 260;     [260]

vcx_dwVidScnVendQcif         = 259 ; H320 ; was 251;     [131]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartQcif  = 259 ; H320 ; was 260;     [140]


[VIDOUT.BT.PAL]    ; Settings for analog PAL out with VCP as sync. master

vcx_dwVidScnHstart	= 143   ; 4/23/98 LEM 141 ; MUST BE ODD!
vcx_dwVidScnHend	= 846   ; 4/23/98 LEM 844 ; (Hstart+704-1)
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStart	= 843   ; 4/23/98 LEM 840
vcx_dwVidScnHblankStop  = 146   ; 4/23/98 LEM 141
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncPeriod	= 864   ; 4/23/98 LEM 858
vcx_dwVidScnHsyncWidth	= 60

vcx_dwVidScnVstart		= 21;      [10]
vcx_dwVidScnVend		= 308;     [251]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStart		= 307;     [260]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStop		= 24;       [3]
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedOdd	= 431   ; 4/23/98 LEM 429
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncDelayedEven	= 20     ; 4/23/98 LEM 857
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodOdd	= 312   ; 4/23/98 LEM 311
vcx_dwVidScnVsyncPeriodEven	= 313   ; 4/23/98 LEM 310
vcx_dwVidScnVertirq		= 309;     [252]

vcx_dwVidScnVendCif          = 308;     [251]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartCif   = 307;     [260]

vcx_dwVidScnVendQcif         = 308;     [131]
vcx_dwVidScnVblankStartQcif  = 307;     [140]

; eof
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How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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