readme.txt Driver File Contents (

         Release Notes for Avaya AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 Access Point

Release 2.5.2                                          October 2004

Welcome to Release 2.5.2 of the Avaya Wireless AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 Access 
Point system.  These release notes describe new features, known issues, 
and known problems for the Avaya Wireless AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 Access Point. 


	1. Introduction
	2. New Features
	3. Software Description
        4. Installation Notes
	5. Fixes In This Release
        6. Bootloader Upgrade Instructions - Required for 802.11g
        7. Known Issues
        8. Addendum to the User's Guide
	9. Obtaining Technical Assistance


1.   Introduction

      The Avaya Wireless AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 provides wireless access to network 
      infrastructures. The access point automatically allows clients 
      to roam from one coverage cell to another within the same subnet. 
      The AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 system provides:

	- Easy installation and operation
	- Seamless roaming
	- WEP encryption
	- High-speed links to the Internet

      Access Point management is provided through a standard Web-based 
      interface, a CLI (Command Line Interface), and SNMP (Simple Network 
      Management Protocol). You can use any of these management interfaces 
      to view and adjust the Access Point's configuration.

      When you upgrade an AP-4 with the 802.11g upgrade kit, your AP-4
      is functionally identical to an AP-6.

      Release 2.5.2 supports the following versions.
      1. AP-4
      2. AP-5
      3. AP-6
      4. Avaya Wireless 11a/g Upgrade Kit for the AP-4, AP-5 or AP-6


2.    New Features

2.1     Radius-based authentication for management 
        - Access Device Management Access control using RADIUS
        - User Modes Supported – Super User, Limited User
	- Support for Telnet/SSH, HTTP/HTTPS
	- Authentication Mechanism based on Username-Password
	- Local authentication mode 

2.2     SSH2 protocol support for secure remote login for management access
2.3     CLI Batch file for Configuration
	- Upload and execution of CLI batch file via HTTP/TFTP
	- Enhanced auto-configuration feature

2.4     Ability to disable Hardware Reset option (Reset to Factory defaults)

2.5     VLAN Enhancements
	- Security Policy Configuration per VLAN 
          Includes mixed mode of security
        - Authentication Server Configuration per VLAN 
        - RADIUS Server-based VLAN assignment of users

2.6     Broadcast SSID
	We support the ability of broadcasting a single SSID when multiple SSIDs are
	configured on a wireless interface; the administrator must enable this 
        feature on the desired SSID to broadcast the SSID in the beacon.
	Closed system is also supported per SSID when multiple SSIDs are configured.  

2.7     Mixed Security Modes using Security Profiles
	- Security is now configured using Security Profiles which can be applied to
	  the wireless interface’s SSIDs.
	- Mixed security modes can be used with VLAN disabled, but VLAN must
          be enabled when you want to support multiple SSIDs.
        - The Security Profiles can be configured with combinations of supported
          security modes
2.8     WPA2 including Pre-authentication and PMK Caching
	- WPA2 is compliant with the IEEE 802.11i which includes mutual authentication
	  and CCMP/AES data confidentiality protocol.
	- Pre-authentication and PMK caching allows for an AP to pre-authenticate a
	  client which in turn will allow for faster roaming between APs.
        - WPA and WPA2 are only supported on the 802.11a upgrade kit and 802.11b/g
          upgrade kit. They are supported on Agere 802.11b and 5 GHz kits.	


3.    Software Description

3.1   Software 
     - Access Point image (Download from the Avaya web site)
     - Access Point scantool
     - Access Point MIBs  (Also available for download from the Avaya
       web site)
		802.11 MIB:             mib-802.mib
                MIB-II:                 rfc1213.mib
                Bridge MIB:             rfc1493.mib
                EtherLike MIB:          rfc1643.mib

    With this software you should have received One User's guide:

     - AP Getting Started Guide, which describes the
       hardware installation of the Access Point.
     Additionally, the "Avaya AP-4/5/6 User Guide" can be
     found on the CD accompanying this release and online
     at the proxim WEB site.

    This document describes how to use software to configure, 
    monitor and manage your Access Point.
    Alternatively you can access detailed information in the online 
    help file provided through the WEB interface of the software 
    through the "Help" button available in web interface
3.2 Files Installed
    The following software will be installed in the directory
    specified during setup:
    Scanning Tool:                     SCANTOOL.EXE  v2.3 

    License Description:               LICENSE.TXT
    Readme file (this file):           README.TXT

3.3  XTRAs Folder--CD-ROM Only 
       In the XTRAs\Solarwinds folder we include a TFTP server 
       (OEM-TFTP-Server.EXE) and Adobe Acrobat that may be installed on 
       the user's PC for downloading and uploading files to and from the AP-4/
       It comes with help documentation included in the application when it is

3.3  The following software will be installed in the directory
     specified during setup:
     AP-4/5/6 image Software:          AV_AP456.BIN   v2.4.11
     Scanning Tool:                    SCANTOOL.EXE   v2.3 

     Access Point related MIBs:
                       MIB-II:         rfc1213.mib
                   Bridge MIB:         rfc1493.mib
     License Description:              LICENSE.TXT
     Readme file (this file):          README.TXT


4.    Installation Notes

4.1  If you download the installation from the web:
       The software, MIBs, and documentation are currently found at
       The WinZip Self-Extractor will request a temporary location
       to unzip files. You may use the default location or choose
       a customized location. 

4.2  System Requirements
       - Windows 98, NT, 2000, or XP
       - At least 5 Mb of free disk space
       - A web browser, preferably MS IE 6 with Service Pack 1 or
         Netscape 6.1
   Note : 
      For SSL, IE 5.00 (128 bit) with Service Pack 2 (or) 
      IE 5.0 (56 bit) with patch Q240308 (or) IE 6.0 
      (128 bit) with Service Pack 1 and Patch Q323308
      is required.                     
      For 802.1x Authentication using TLS, XP Clients should 
      have Service Pack 1 installed on it. 

4.3  Bootloader

       You need to have Bootloader version 3.0.4 for Release 2.2.2
       and 802.11g support.
       See Section 6 below for instructions on how to upgrade to
       the required Bootloader version.

4.4  Install Client Card Drivers
     These drivers are necessary if you are going to configure WiFi 
     Protected Access (WPA) for this release.

     4.4.1 Avaya 802.11a/b Platinum Card Driver Installation

         1. Go to the Avaya ftp site.
         2. Go to the AP3 or AP4-5-6 folder and then to the WPA_Driver
         3. Download the file. 
         4. Unzip the file once you have completed the download.
         5. Extract the files to a location on your computer.
         6. Go to the Install directory of the folder where you
            unzipped the files.
         7. Click on SETUP.EXE to start the installation.
         8. Read the Introduction dialog and press NEXT.
         9. When the License Agreement dialog appears, click to ACCEPT
            the license agreement and then click NEXT.
        10. Select 'Install Driver and Application (Recommended)' from 
            the dialog and click NEXT.
        11. Select the default destination folder (or enter your own)
            and click NEXT. The driver installation begins. Once the
            driver installation is completed, click FINISH.
        12. From Windows, go to the Control Panel and select 'Network 
            and Dial-up Connections'.
        13. Select the Avaya 802.11a/b Platinum Card from the list and
            then select PROPERTIES.
        14. Click CONFIGURE and select the DRIVER tab.
        15. Click UPDATE DRIVER and the 'Update Device Driver Wizard'
        16. Click NEXT on the Welcome dialog, select 'Search
            for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended)' on the
            'Install Hardware Device Drivers' dialog and then click
        17. Select 'Specify a location' on the Select Device Driver 
            dialog and click NEXT.
        18. Browse your computer to locate the driver you just installed
            in steps 1 through 11. Once the device driver is found, click
            on the filename and then click OPEN.
        19. The driver is updated for the client card.

     4.4.2 Avaya 802.11b Gold for Windows XP

        IMPORTANT: After you complete this installation, you must use
        the Windows XP wireless Manager to manage the client card. There
        is no other management software available for any other Windows
        operating system.

         1. Go to the Avaya ftp site.
         2. Go to the AP3 or AP4-5-6 folder and then to the WPA_Driver
         3. Download the file. 
         4. Unzip the file once you have completed the download.
         5. Extract the files to a location on your computer.
         6. From Windows, go to the Control Panel and select 'Network 
            and Dial-up Connections'.
         7. Select the Avaya 802.11b Gold Card from the list and
            then select PROPERTIES.
         8. Click CONFIGURE and select the DRIVER tab.
         9. Click UPDATE DRIVER and the 'Update Device Driver Wizard'
        10. Click NEXT on the Welcome dialog, select 'Search
            for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended)' on the
            'Install Hardware Device Drivers' dialog and then click
        11. Select 'Specify a location' on the Select Device Driver 
            dialog and click NEXT.
        12. Browse your computer to locate the driver you just installed
            in steps 1 through 11. Once the device driver is found, click
            on the filename and then click OPEN.
        13. The driver is updated for the client card.


5. Fixes In This Release

5.1  RADIUS Accounting setup has been made easier to configure.
5.2  Use the CLI "vlanmgmtid" command to change the value to untagged (-1).
     The value will show untagged in the "show vlanmgmtid".

5.3  The field "Authorization lifetime" is not in "EAP/802.1x Auth" menu.
     But if Authorization lifetime is changed in the  "RADIUS Auth" menu,
     it is in effect.

5.4  CLI command for timeout of MAC addresses is included in the IP LAN table.

5.5  The web interface now includes enabled VoIP – a Spectralink option.

5.6  CLI:  Added management objects for enabling/disabling the trap groups.

5.7  CLI - Added command/parameter name for version in the 
     "show sysversion" command.
5.8  Request to modify DHCP client functionality to keep renewing the lease.

5.9  Added trap for manual reboot.

5.10 AP no longer allows allows configuration of VLAN ID 0.


6.   Bootloader Upgrade Instructions

6.1  Components

       Component   Version  Executable	       Size	            Date
       ---------   -------  -----------------  -------------------  -------
       BSP/BL UPG  3.0.4    bsp_upg_3.0.4.sgn  297KB(304,128 bytes) 3/19/03

       The .SGN file is used to upgrade an existing version 3.0.3 or older 

6.2    Compatibility With Other Released AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 System Components

       The AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 BSP/Bootloader Version 3.0.4 is compatible with
       the following AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 System Components:

       AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 Software Image:	Version 2.2.0 (Build 425 or higher)

6.3    Upgrade Instructions
       You can upgrade any earlier version of software and firmware with the
       AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 software image version 2.2.0 and BSP Bootloader version 
       3.0.4 using the following procedure:

    1. Setup your TFTP Server
       A Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server allows you to transfer 
       files across a network. You can upload the config file from the AP for
       backup or copying, and you can download the files for configuration 
       and AP Image upgrades. The Solarwinds TFTP server software is included
       with the Beta software provided to you. 

       If a TFTP server is not configured and running, you will not be able 
       to download and upload images and configuration files to/from the AP. 
       Remember that the TFTP server does not have to be local as long as you 
       have a valid TFTP IP address. Also, a TFTP server does not have to be 
       running for the AP to perform tasks that do not involve file transfers.

    2. After the TFTP server is installed:
       - Check to see that TFTP is configured to point to the directory 
         containing the AP Image.
       - Make sure you have the proper TFTP server IP address, the proper AP 
         Image file name, and that the TFTP server is operational.
       - Make sure the TFTP server is configured to both Transmit and Receive 
         files, with no automatic shutdown or time-out.

       How To Upgrade the Bootloader Using the Web Interface
       a. Click Commands > Download.
       b. Enter the IP address of your TFTP server in "Server IP Address" field.
       c. Enter the File Name (including the file extension) of the bootloader. 
          Specify the full directory path and file name. If the file is located in 
          the default TFTP directory, you only need to enter the file name.
       d. Select the File Type from the drop-down menu (use BspBl for bootloader
       e. Select "Download & Reboot" from the File Operation drop-down menu.
       f. Click OK. The Access Point will reboot automatically when the download 
          is complete.

       How To Upgrade the Bootloader Using CLI Commands
       a. Open the CLI interface via Telnet or a serial connection.
       b. Enter the CLI password when prompted.
       c. Type "set tftpfilename <file name>" (include the file extension) and press 
       d. Type "set tftpfiletype bootloader" and press Enter.
       e. Type "set tftpipaddr <IP address of your TFTP server>" and press Enter.
       f. Type "show tftp" and confirm that the IP address, file name, file type, and 
          tftp operation are correct.
       g. Type "download *" and press Enter.
          Result: The download will begin. Be patient while the image is downloaded 
          to the Access Point. 
       h. When the download is complete, the following messages will appear on the 
          telnet window:

             Message 1: File <file name> is being downloaded from <tftp ipaddr>
             Message 2: File <filename> has been downloaded successfully

             type "reboot 0" and press Enter at the prompt

6.4   What's New In This Bootloader

        This BSP/BL is required for AP units that contain an 802.11g radio for 
        optimized performance. 


7.   Known Issues

7.1   When the AP-4/5/6 with Release 2.4.11 is configured with vlan ID 0 and
      untagged in the same wireless slot, the vlan ID for the wireless
      slot displays as untagged for the vlan ID once you migrate to 
      Release 2.5.2.

7.2   Mixed Mode with WEP and WPA enabled does not work with a D-Link
      client using WEP.

7.3   Syslog requires you disable and re-enable the Syslog whenever
      you add or delete an IP address to the table.

7.4   Invalid security profiles may be created.  For example, a 
      profile you can create a profile that includes "no security" and 
      "WPA/WPA-PSK/802.11i/802.11i-PSK".  Please see the manual 
      for an explanation regarding why this is an invalid 
      security security profile.  Invalid security profiles may not, 
      however, be added to the SSID table.

7.5   When "set radiustbl 0 status enable" command is executed, 
      an invalid paramter error message is generated. But a row entry is 

7.6   If Vlan is enabled, it is possible to set a WEP transmit key as 
      key 1/2/3. Only key 0 is used as the transmit key.

7.7   It is possible to configure and enable multiple RADIUS 
      profiles (with different vlan IDs) for the same RADIUS 
      server. The functionality involving that RADIUS server 
      may not work correctly in such cases.

7.8   It is possible to configure two SSIDs, one with non-secure 
      security profile and the other with security profile containing
      WPA/WPA-PSK/802.11i/802.11i-PSK, on the same interface. Some 
      WPA/WPA-PSK/802.11i/802.11i-PSK clients may not properly connect
      in this configurations.

7.9   Configuring security mode WPA/WPA-PSK/802.11i/802.11i-PSK for 
      the first security profile will return an error. 

      Workaround: Configure a new security profile with these values and 
      assign it to the SSID. 

      A second workaround is to do the following for the first security 
	- Go to the SSID/VLAN/Security page
	- Go to the SecProfiles page and edit the first security profile.
	- Enable 802.1x security mode and click OK
	- Disable non-secure security mode and click OK
	- Enable WPA/WPA-PSK/802.11i/802.11i-PSK and click OK
	- Disable 802.1x and click OK. (

7.10  If you have an Avaya 802.11b Gold Client Card, Per User Per 
      Session is not supported by the client card. This is a limitation 
      of the client card hardware.

7.11  The Web interface tabs may not appear in the application 
      immediately after you upgrade to Release 2.5.2. The tabs that 
      do not appear are the high-level tabs. The tabs do not appear 
      because your Internet browser cache must be cleared.

      Workaround: Because some of the Web interface tabs changed in 
      the upgrade to Release 2.5.2, the earlier version of the Web 
      interface is cached by the Internet browser. The tabs will 
      appear correctly when one of the following occurs.

       1. Refresh the browser until the tabs appear OR
       2. Manually clear out the Internet browser's cache, then open
          the Web interface. The tabs will now appear correctly.

7.12   An internal DHCP Server will only service management VLAN 
       when VLAN support is enabled on the AP-4/5/6.
       When you configure your AP3 to use VLANs and you enable the 
       internal DHCP server, the DHCP server will only service DHCP 
       requests from clients on the management VLAN.  This means 
       the DHCP server will administer IP addresses on the Ethernet 
       interface and it will not give out addresses to wireless 
       clients on the other VLANs.

       Workaround: Use an external DHCP server and disable the on-board 
       DHCP server AND/OR do not use VLAN's.  

7.13   Some VPN sessions may time-out while roaming which can cause
       you to lose your connection.

       If you lose your VPN session, restablish it or avoid roaming 
       when you are in a VPN session.


8. Addendum to the User's Guide

Configuring an Avaya 36xx or SpectraLink-compatible phones for 802.11g

     Avaya 36xx or SpectraLink-compatible phones will not connect to an 
     AP-4 that is upgraded to an 802.11g radio or an AP-6 (802.11g radio) 
     if both of the following conditions are true:

     1. The Access Point and phone are configured to use WEP encryption


     2. The Avaya 36xx or SpectraLink-compatible phone is configured to 
        use "Shared Key" authentication.

     "Shared Key" authentication is not supported in the new 802.11g 
     Access Point hardware. You need to configure your Avaya 36xx or 
     Spectralink-compatible phones to use "Open System" authentication.  
     It is recommended that you also use WEP Encryption with "Open 
     System" authentication. Alternatively, you can disable WEP 

     **Note: "Shared Key" authentication is supported in the AP-4 
             (802.11b radio only).


9.  Obtaining Technical Assistance

      If you encounter problems when installing or using this 
      product, or would like information about our other Avaya 
      Wireless products, please contact your local authorized 
      Avaya Wireless reseller or sales office. For Customer
      Technical Support, call +1 877-874-4916.

9.1  Troubleshooting

     For the most up-to-date, detailed troubleshooting information, 
     refer to the Avaya AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 User's Guide.

9.2  Obtaining Documentation

     You can access the most recent software and user documentation 
     on the World Wide Web at the following site: 

      Documentation CD-ROM

      Avaya documentation and additional literature are available 
      on a CD-ROM that is included with your product. You 
      can find the documentation in the docs\English\ folder on 
      the included CD-ROM. The User Guide and the Command Line (CLI) 
      Reference manuals may be viewed using the EZ-Install browser. 

      The documentation for the AP-4/AP-5/AP-6 is updated periodically.  
      Updated documents may be available on our WEB site. 

                             END OF FILE
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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