; ; $Header: //ijlib/cpdpvcs/projects/archives/babylon/lxca/nt/prebuilt/lxca.inf_v 1.7 10 Sep 2001 09:29:52 rs_maniks $ ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%LEXMARK% LayoutFile=lxca.inf ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer [Manufacturer] %LEXMARK%=LEXMARK_PRINTERS [LEXMARK_PRINTERS] "Lexmark Z11 Series ColorFine" = INST_DRVR,USBPRINT\LEXMARKLEXMARK_Z1189C1,LEXMARKLEXMARK_Z1189C1,LPTENUM\LEXMARKLEXMARK_Z1189C1 [INST_DRVR] CopyFiles=@LXCADRIV.DLL,ALL_FILES,SYSTEM32_FILES,DRIVER_FILES,PRTPROCS_FILES,DRIVER_SHARED_FILES,WINNT_FILES DataSection=LXCA_DATA LexAddGroup=ADD_GROUP LexAddUninstall=ADD_UNINSTALL ;LexRunApps=LXCA_PROGRAMS LexInstallFile=LXCA_INSTALLFILE LexUnZipZipFile=LXCA_UNZIPZIP ; The last entry here is the parameter passed to the status window ; when it's called from the program group that the installer sets up LexStatusWindow=lxcasw32.exe,lxcasw32.exe LexStatusWindowCart=lxcasw32.exe,lxcasw32.exe CART LexReadMe=lxcaRME.DOC,NOTEPAD lxcaRME.DOC LexTechSupp=CONTACT.HLP,WINHLP32 CONTACT.HLP SharedFiles=SYSTEM32_FILES,lxca_SHARED_FILES,DRIVER_SHARED_FILES LexInstCart=1 LexUI=lex_psu.exe,lex_psu %Printer% [ADD_GROUP] 0,3,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%README%,NOTEPAD.EXE,$66000$\3\lxcaRME.DOC 0,1,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%STATUS_WINDOW%,$66000$\3\lxcaSW32.EXE 0,1,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%STATUS_WINDOW_CART%,$66000$\3\lxcaSW32.EXE,CART 0,3,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%CONTACTING_LEXMARK%,WINHLP32.EXE,$66000$\3\CONTACT.HLP 0,3,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%UNINSTALL%,$66000$\3\LXCAUNST.EXE,-d%device% [ADD_UNINSTALL] 1,0,COMMON_PROGRAMS,%device%,%UNINSTALL%,$66000$\3\LXCAUNST.EXE,-d%device% [LXCA_PROGRAMS] ; ; <when_custom_install>,<when_post_install>,<program_name>,<program_arguments>,<show_flag>,<wait_flag>,<creation_type> ; ;0,1,winhlp32.exe,$66000$\2\lxcaci.hlp,8,2000,WIN32 ;0,1,DRIVER_DOC_PROP ;0,1,$66000$\2\lxcaSW32.EXE,SETUP,0,0,WIN32 [LXCA_INSTALLFILE] ; ; <when_custom_install>,<when_post_install>,<dest.>,<src.>,<temp.> ; ; Make sure files needed to do BIDi update on a Point-and-Print ; NT client get installed to the system32 directory ; 0,2,$11$\LEXLELM.DLL,$66000$\3\LEXLELM.DLL,$11$\LEXLELM.DL1 [WINNT_FILES] ;the following files go in ;\winnt LEXSTAT.INI [SYSTEM32_FILES] ;the following files are placed in ;\Winnt\System32 ;SW32.EXE wtw - commented out for point and print LEX_PSU.EXE DOSFNT32.DLL LDEEI.DLL LEXLELM.DLL [PRTPROCS_FILES] ;the following file is placed in ;\Winnt\System32\Spool\Prtprocs\w32x86 ; ;Note, if the dll is in use this allows an installation ;but you need to re-boot before the new one gets used LXCAPP.DLL,LXCAPP.DLL,LXCAPP.TMP [DRIVER_FILES] ;the following files are placed in ;\Winnt\System32\Spool\Drivers\w32x86 lxcaUI.DLL lxcaNTUI.HLP lxcaHH.HLP lxcaALGN.OUT lxcaALGK.OUT lxcaCLN.OUT lxcaCLNK.OUT lxcaTSTP.OUT lxcaTSTK.OUT lxcaRME.DOC lxcaSW32.EXE LXLESTAT.DLL DOSFNT32.DLL LDEEI.DLL lxcapp.dll LEDF.DLL LEXGO1.EXE LXLEREG.EXE [DRIVER_SHARED_FILES] HLP256.DLL CONTACT.HLP [LXCA_FILES] ;the following files are placed in ;\Winnt\System32\Spool\Drivers\w32x86 lxcaUI.DLL lxcaSTRN.DLL lxcaNTD$.INI lxcaNTUI.HLP lxcaHH.HLP lxcaNTCP.HLP [LXCA_SHARED_FILES] hlp256.dll hlp25632.dll [LXCA_DATA] DriverFile=lxcaDRIV.DLL ConfigFile=lxcaUI.DLL HelpFile=lxcaNTUI.HLP DataFile=lxcaUI.DLL LanguageMonitor=%LEX_MONITOR% ;PrintProcessor="Lexmark Z11 Print Processor,lxcapp.dll" ;DefaultDataType=LEMF LexPrintProcessor="Lexmark Z11 Print Processor,lxcapp.dll" LexDefaultDataType=LEMF [ALL_FILES] lxcadriv.dll lxcaui.dll lxcastrn.dll lxcantd$.ini lxcaNTUI.HLP lxcaHH.HLP lxcaNTCP.HLP HLP256.DLL hlp25632.dll dosfnt32.dll ldeei.dll lxcaalgn.out lxcaalgk.out lxcacln.out lxcaclnk.out lxcatstp.out lxcatstk.out lxcaRME.DOC contact.hlp lexstat.ini lxcaSW32.EXE lxlestat.dll lexdrvin.exe ptzipw32.dll lxcapp.dll ledf.dll WAVS.EXE lxca.INF LEX_PSU.EXE lexdwnld.dll lexwww.htm lexgo1.exe lxlereg.exe license.txt duplex1.prn duplex2.prn printray.exe printray.dll lexlelm.dll LXCAUNST.EXE [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 WINNT_FILES=10 SYSTEM32_FILES=11 SYSTEM32_SHARED_FILES=11 PRTPROCS_FILES=51,PRTPROCS\W32X86 ALL_FILES=66000 [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %instdisk%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] lxcadriv.dll = 1 lxcaui.dll = 1 lxcastrn.dll = 1 lxcantd$.ini = 1 lxcaNTUI.HLP = 1 lxcaHH.HLP = 1 lxcaNTCP.HLP = 1 HLP256.DLL = 1 hlp25632.dll = 1 dosfnt32.dll = 1 ldeei.dll = 1 lxcaalgn.out = 1 lxcaalgk.out = 1 lxcacln.out = 1 lxcaclnk.out = 1 lxcatstp.out = 1 lxcatstk.out = 1 lxcaRME.DOC = 1 contact.hlp = 1 lexstat.ini = 1 lxcasw32.exe = 1 lxlestat.dll = 1 lexdrvin.exe = 1 ptzipw32.dll = 1 lxcapp.dll = 1 ledf.dll = 1 WAVS.EXE = 1 lxca.INF = 1 LEX_PSU.EXE = 1 lexdwnld.dll = 1 lexwww.htm = 1 lexgo1.exe = 1 lxlereg.exe = 1 license.txt = 1 duplex1.prn = 1 duplex2.prn = 1 printray.exe = 1 printray.dll = 1 lexlelm.dll = 1 LXCAUNST.EXE = 1 [Strings] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark Z11 Series ColorFine" ONLINE_GUIDE="Online Guide" README="Readme" STATUS_WINDOW="Control Program" STATUS_WINDOW_CART="Cartridge Maintenance" UNINSTALL="Uninstall" CONTACTING_LEXMARK="Contacting Lexmark" LEX_MONITOR="Lexmark Inkjet Port,LEXLELM.DLL" [LXCA_UNZIPZIP] 0,3,$66000$\3\WAVS.EXE,-d -o $66000$\3,0,1,DOS ;[REGISTRY] ;the following file will be added in the Registry \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lexmark ;lxcasw32.exe = 1Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.