[Info] Name=INTL Version=1.00.000 DiskSpace=8000 ;DiskSpace requirement in KB [Startup] CmdLine= Product=LabelShop ULTRA 6 PackageName=LabelShop ULTRA 6.msi MsiVersion=1.10.1029.1 EnableLangDlg=Y [0x0409] TITLE=Choose Setup Language DESCRIPTION=Select the language for this installation from the choices below. OK=OK Cancel=Cancel 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Setup is preparing the InstallShield Wizard which will guide you through the program setup process. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting %s to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in %s 1155=File %s not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=General Windows Installer engine error. Increase DiskSpace requirement in Setup.ini and try again. 1201=Setup needs %lu KB free disk space in %s. Please free up some space and try again 1202=You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation 1203=Command line parameters: 1204=/L language ID 1205=/S silent mode 1206=/V parameters to MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s found. This is an older version of the Windows(R) Installer. Click OK to continue. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x0407] TITLE=Wählen Sie eine Setup-Sprache aus DESCRIPTION=Wählen Sie die Sprache dieser Installation aus der unten aufgeführten Auswahl aus. OK=OK Cancel=Abbrechen 1100=Setup-Initialisierungsfehler 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Setup bereitet den InstallShield Wizard vor, der Sie durch den Setup-Vorgang leiten wird. Bitte warten. 1103=Überprüfen der Betriebssystemversion 1104=Überprüfen der Version von Windows(R) Installer 1105=Konfigurieren von Windows Installer 1106=Konfigurieren von InstallShield 1107=Setup hat die Konfiguration von Windows Installer auf Ihrem Computer abgeschlossen. Um mit der Installation fortzufahren muß das System neu gestartet werden. Wählen Sie Neustarten, um Ihr System neu zu starten. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup hat eine inkompatible Version von Windows\nentdeckt. Klicken Sie auf OK und führen Sie Setup\nauf Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 oder höher aus. 1151=Fehler beim Schreiben in das temporäre Verzeichnis 1152=Fehler beim Entpacken von %s in das temporäre Verzeichnis 1153=Fehler beim Lesen der Setup-Initialisierungsdatei 1154=Installer in %s wurde nicht gefunden 1155=Datei %s wurde nicht gefunden 1156=Interner Fehler in Windows Installer 1200=Starten Sie erneut 1603=Allgemeiner Fehler in Windows Installer Engine. Erhöhen Sie den Wert von DiskSpace in Setup.ini und versuchen Sie es erneut. 1201=Setup benötigt %lu kB freien Speicherplatz auf %s. Stellen Sie mehr Platz zur Verfügung und versuchen Sie es erneut. 1202=Sie besitzen keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen, um diese Installation für alle Benutzer dieses Computers auszuführen. Melden Sie sich als Administrator an, und wiederholen Sie diese Installation. 1203=Parameter der Befehlszeile: 1204=/L Sprach-ID 1205=/S Silent Mode 1206=/V Parameter für MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s wurde gefunden. Dies ist eine ältere Version von Windows(R) Installer. Klicken Sie auf OK, um fortzufahren. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Dieses Setup enthält nicht die Windows Installer-Engine (%s ), die zum Ausführen der Installation auf diesem Betriebssystem erforderlich ist. [0x040c] TITLE=Choisissez la langue d'installation DESCRIPTION=Choisissez la langue d'installation dans la liste ci-dessous. OK=OK Cancel=Annuler 1100=Erreur lors de l'initialisation de l'installation 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=L'installation %s prépare InstallShield Wizard, lequel vous guidera pour l'installation du logiciel. Veuillez patienter. 1103=Vérification de la version de système d'exploitation 1104=Vérification de la version de Windows(R) Installer 1105=Configuration de Windows(R) Installer 1106=Configuration d'InstallShield 1107=L'installation a terminé la configuration de Windows Installer sur votre ordinateur. Pour pouvoir poursuivre l'installation, le système doit être redémarré. Veuillez cliquer sur Redémarrer pour réinitialiser le système. 1108=InstallShield 1150=L'installation a décelé une version de\nWindows incompatible. Veuillez cliquer sur OK et relancer l'installation sur\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, ou toute autre version de Windows ultérieure. 1151=Erreur lors de l'écriture vers l'emplacement temporaire 1152=Erreur lors de l'extraction %s vers l'emplacement temporaire 1153=Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier d'initialisation de l'installation 1154=Programme d'installation introuvable dans %s 1155=Fichier %s introuvable 1156=Erreur interne dans Windows Installer. 1200=Redémarrer 1603=Erreur générale du moteur de Windows Installer. Augmentez la valeur de l'espace disque nécessaire dans Setup.ini et réessayez. 1201=Le programme d'installation nécessite %lu ko d'espace disque libre dans %s. Veuillez libérer de l'espace et réessayer. 1202=Vous ne possédez pas les privilèges nécessaires pour terminer cette installation pour tous les utilisateurs de l'ordinateur. Ouvrez une session en tant qu'administrateur puis réessayez cette installation. 1203=Paramètres de ligne de commande : 1204=/L Identification de langue 1205=/S mode silencieux 1206=/V paramètres à MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s trouvé. Ceci est une ancienne version de Windows(R) Installer. Cliquez sur OK pour continuer. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Cette configuration ne contient pas le moteur (%s) requis de Windows Installer pour exécuter l'installation sur ce système d'exploitation. [0x0410] TITLE=Seleziona la lingua dell'installazione DESCRIPTION=Selezionare la lingua per questa installazione tra le opzioni indicate di seguito. OK=OK Cancel=Annulla 1100=Errore di inizializzazione dell'installazione 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=Il programma di installazione %s sta preparando InstallShield Wizard. Attendere. 1103=Verifica della versione del sistema operativo in corso 1104=Verifica della versione di Windows(R) Installer in corso 1105=Configurazione di Windows Installer in corso 1106=Configurazione di InstallShield in corso 1107=Il programma di installazione ha completato la configurazione di Windows Installer sul sistema. Riavviare il sistema per continuare. Scegliere Riavvia per riavviare il sistema. 1108=InstallShield 1150=È stata rilevata una versione incompatibile di\nWindows. Scegliere OK e riavviare l'installazione su\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 o una versione successiva 1151=Errore durante la scrittura nella posizione temporanea 1152=Errore durante l'estrazione di %s nella posizione temporanea 1153=Errore durante la lettura dei file di inizializzazione dell'installazione 1154=Installer non trovato in %s 1155=File %s non trovato 1156=Errore interno di Windows Installer 1200=Riavvia 1603=Errore generale del modulo Windows Installer. Aumentare il requisito di spazio su disco (DiskSpace) in Setup.ini e riprovare. 1201=Per l'installazione occorrono %lu KB di spazio su disco in %s. Liberare dello spazio e riprovare. 1202=I privilegi di cui si dispone non sono sufficienti per completare questa installazione per tutti gli utenti del computer. Eseguire l'accesso come amministratore e riprovare ad eseguire l'installazione 1203=Parametri della riga di comando: 1204=/L ID lingua 1205=/S Modalità invisibile all'utente 1206=/V parametri per MsiExec.exe 1207=È stato rilevato Windows(R) Installer %s. È una versione precedente di Windows(R) Installer. Scegliere OK per continuare. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Questo programma di installazione non contiene il modulo di gestione di Windows Installer (%s) necessario per eseguire l'installazione su questo sistema operativo. [0x040a] TITLE=Elegir idioma de instalación DESCRIPTION=Seleccionar uno de los idiomas siguientes para la instalación. OK=Aceptar Cancel=Cancelar 1100=Error de inicio de instalación 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=El programa de instalación %s está preparando InstallShield Wizard, que le guiará durante el resto del proceso de instalación. Espere por favor. 1103=Comprobando la versión del Sistema Operativo 1104=Comprobando la versión del instalador de Windows(R) 1105=Configurando el instalador de Windows 1106=Configurando InstallShield 1107=El programa de instalación ha terminado de configurar el instalador de Windows en el sistema. El sistema se debe reiniciar para seguir con la instalación. Haga clic en Reiniciar para reiniciar el sistema. 1108=InstallShield 1150=El programa de instalación ha detectado una versión incompatible de \nWindows. Haga clic en Aceptar y vuelva a iniciar el programa de instalación en \nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 o posterior. 1151=Error al escribir en la ubicación temporal 1152=Error al extraer %s a la ubicación temporal 1153=Error al leer el archivo de inicialización 1154=El instalador no se ha encontrado en %s 1155=El archivo %s no se ha encontrado 1156=Error interno en el instalador de Windows 1200=Reinicie 1603=Error general del procesador del instalador de Windows. Aumente el valor del requisito de espacio en disco en Setup.ini e inténtelo de nuevo. 1201=La instalación necesita %lu KB de espacio en disco libre en %s. Libere espacio e inténtelo de nuevo. 1202=No tiene privilegios suficientes para completar esta instalación para todos los usuarios del equipo. Inicie la sesión como administrador y, a continuación, intente de nuevo efectuar la instalación. 1203=Parámetros de la línea de comandos: 1204=/L Identificador de idioma 1205=/S modo silencioso 1206=/V parámetros para MsiExec.exe 1207=Se ha encontrado el instalador de Windows(R) %s. Se trata de una versión antigua del instalador de Windows(R). Haga clic en Aceptar para continuar. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Este programa de instalación no incluye el Instalador de Windows (%s) necesario para ejecutar la instalación en este sistema operativo. [0x041d] TITLE=Välj installationsspråk DESCRIPTION=Välj installationsspråk bland valen nedan. OK=OK Cancel=Avbryt 1100=Initieringsfel vid installationen 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s startar InstallShield Wizard som kommer att leda dig genom installationen. Vänta. 1103=Kontrollerar operativsystemversion 1104=Kontrollerar versionen av Windows(R) Installer 1105=Konfigurerar Windows Installer 1106=Konfigurerar InstallShield 1107=Installationsprogrammet har konfigurerat Windows Installer på datorn. Om du vill fortsätta installationen måste datorn startas om. Starta om datorn genom att klicka på Starta om. 1108=InstallShield 1150=En inkompatibel version av\nWindows har upptäckts. Klicka på OK och starta om installationen på\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 eller senare 1151=Ett fel uppstod vid skrivning till den temporära platsen 1152=Det uppstod ett fel när %s skulle extraheras till den temporära platsen. 1153=Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av initieringsfilen till installationsprogrammet. 1154=Installationsprogrammet finns inte i %s 1155=Filen %s finns inte 1156=Internt fel i Windows Installer 1200=Starta om 1603=Generellt fel i installationsprogrammet till Windows Installer. Frigör diskutrymme i Setup.ini och försök igen. 1201=Installationen kräver %lu kB diskutrymme i %s. Frigör minne och försök igen. 1202=Du har inte de åtkomsträttigheter som krävs för att kunna ändra installationen för alla användare. Logga på som administratör och försök att installera på nytt. 1203=Kommandoradsparametrar: 1204=/L språk-ID 1205=/S utan att åtgärd från användaren krävs 1206=/V parametrar till MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s hittades. Det här är en äldre version av Windows(R) Installer. Klicka på OK om du vill fortsätta. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Den här installationen saknar programmet till Windows Installer (%s) som behövs för att köra installationen på det här operativsystemet. [0x0416] TITLE=Escolha o idioma para a Instalação DESCRIPTION=Selecione o idioma para esta instalação entre as escolhas abaixo. OK=OK Cancel=Cancelar 1100=Erro de inicialização do InstallShield Wizard 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s A instalação está preparando o InstallShield Wizard, que irá conduzi-lo através do processo do programa de instalação. Aguarde. 1103=Verificando a versão do sistema operacional 1104=Verificando a versão do instalador do Windows(R) 1105=Configurando o instalador do Windows 1106=Configurando o InstallShield 1107=A instalação completou a configuração do instalador do Windows em seu sistema. O sistema precisa ser reiniciado para poder continuar com a instalação. Clique em Reiniciar para reinicializar o sistema. 1108=InstallShield 1150=A instalação detectou um versão incompatível do\nWindows. Clique em OK e reinicie a instalação no\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, ou superior 1151=Erro ao gravar no local temporário 1152=Erro ao extrair %s para o local temporário 1153=Erro ao ler o arquivo de inicialização de instalação 1154=Instalador não encontrado em %s 1155=Arquivo %s não encontrado 1156=Erro interno no instalador do Windows 1200=Reiniciar 1603=Erro de mecanismo do instalador geral do Windows. Aumente requisito de espaço em disco no Setup.ini e tente novamente. 1201=O Setup necessita de %lu KB espaço livre em disco em %s. Libere algum espaço e tente novamente 1202=Você não tem privilégios suficientes para completar esta instalação para todos os usuários da máquina. Efetue o logon como administrador e tente novamente esta instalação 1203=Parâmetros de linha de comando: 1204=/L ID de idioma 1205=/S modo silencioso 1206=/V parâmetros para MsiExec.exe 1207=Encontrado o instalador do Windows(R) %s. Existe uma versão mais antiga do instalador do Windows(R). Clique em OK para continuar. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Esta instalação não contém o mecanismo Windows Installer (%s) requerido para executar a instalação nesse sistema operacional. [0x0c0c] TITLE=Choisissez la langue d'installation DESCRIPTION=Choisissez la langue d'installation dans la liste ci-dessous. OK=OK Cancel=Annuler 1100=Erreur lors de l'initialisation de l'installation 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=L'installation %s prépare InstallShield Wizard, lequel vous guidera pour l'installation du logiciel. Veuillez patienter. 1103=Vérification de la version de système d'exploitation 1104=Vérification de la version de Windows(R) Installer 1105=Configuration de Windows(R) Installer 1106=Configuration d'InstallShield 1107=L'installation a terminé la configuration de Windows Installer sur votre ordinateur. Pour pouvoir poursuivre l'installation, le système doit être redémarré. Veuillez cliquer sur Redémarrer pour réinitialiser le système. 1108=InstallShield 1150=L'installation a décelé une version de\nWindows incompatible. Veuillez cliquer sur OK et relancer l'installation sur\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, ou toute autre version de Windows ultérieure. 1151=Erreur lors de l'écriture vers l'emplacement temporaire 1152=Erreur lors de l'extraction %s vers l'emplacement temporaire 1153=Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier d'initialisation de l'installation 1154=Programme d'installation introuvable dans %s 1155=Fichier %s introuvable 1156=Erreur interne dans Windows Installer. 1200=Redémarrer 1603=Erreur générale du moteur de Windows Installer. Augmentez la valeur de l'espace disque nécessaire dans Setup.ini et réessayez. 1201=Le programme d'installation nécessite %lu ko d'espace disque libre dans %s. Veuillez libérer de l'espace et réessayer. 1202=Vous ne possédez pas les privilèges nécessaires pour terminer cette installation pour tous les utilisateurs de l'ordinateur. Ouvrez une session en tant qu'administrateur puis réessayez cette installation. 1203=Paramètres de ligne de commande : 1204=/L Identification de langue 1205=/S mode silencieux 1206=/V paramètres à MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s trouvé. Ceci est une ancienne version de Windows(R) Installer. Cliquez sur OK pour continuer. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Cette installation ne contient pas le programme d'installation Windows (%s) requis pour lançer la configuration sur ce système d'exploitation. [0x042d] TITLE=Aukeratu instalazioa egiteko hizkuntza DESCRIPTION=Hautatu hizkuntza bat beheko aukeren artean. OK=Ados Cancel=Utzi 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x0403] TITLE=Esculli la llengua del Setup DESCRIPTION=Seleccioni la llengua per a aquesta instal.laci?de la següent llista. OK=D'acord Cancel=Cancel·la 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x0405] TITLE=Vybrat jazyk instalace DESCRIPTION=Pomocí voleb uvedených níe vyberte jazyk pro tuto instalaci. OK=OK Cancel=Storno 1100=Chyba inicializace instalace 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=Instalaèní program %s pøipravuje InstallShield Wizard, který vás provede procesem instalace programu. Èekejte, prosím. 1103=Probíhá kontrola verze operaèního systému 1104=Probíhá kontrola verze instalaèního programu systému Windows(R) 1105=Probíhá konfigurace instalaèního programu systému Windows 1106=Probíhá konfigurace programu InstallShield 1107=Byla dokonèena konfigurace instalaèního programu systému Windows v systému. Chcete-li v instalaci pokraèovat, je nutné restartovat systém. Chcete-li znovu zavést systém, klepnìte na tlaèítko Restartovat. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Byla zjitìna nekompatibilní verze systému\nWindows. Klepnìte na tlaèítko OK a znovu spuste instalaci v systému\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 nebo vyím 1151=Pøi zápisu na doèasné místo dolo k chybì. 1152=Pøi extrakci %s na doèasné místo dolo k chybì. 1153=Pøi ètení inicializaèního souboru instalace dolo k chybì. 1154=Instalaèní program nebyl v adresáøi %s nalezen. 1155=Soubor %s nebyl nalezen. 1156=Vnitøní chyba instalaèního programu systému Windows 1200=Restartovat 1603=Dolo k obecné chybì jádra instalaèního programu systému Windows. Zvyte hodnotu parametru DiskSpace v souboru Setup.ini a akci opakujte. 1201=Instalaèní program vyaduje %lu kB volného místa na jednotce %s. Uvolnìte místo a akci opakujte. 1202=Nemáte dostateèná oprávnìní k dokonèení této instalace pro vechny uivatele tohoto poèítaèe. Pøihlate se jako správce a pak tuto instalaci zopakujte. 1203=Parametry pøíkazového øádku: 1204=/L ID jazyka 1205=/S reim bez obsluhy 1206=/V parametry programu MsiExec.exe 1207=Nalezen instalaèní program %s systému Windows(R). Jedná se o starí verzi instalaèního programu systému Windows(R). Pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko OK. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Tato instalace neobsahuje modul Windows Installer (%s) potøebný pro bìh instalace v tomto operaèním systému. [0x0406] TITLE=Vælg installationssproget DESCRIPTION=Vælg installationssproget fra den følgende liste. OK=OK Cancel=Annuller 1100=Fejl under initialiseringen af installationsprogrammet 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Installationsprogrammet forbereder InstallShield Wizard, som vil hjælpe dig gennem installationen af programmet. Vent et øjeblik. 1103=Kontrollerer versionsoplysningerne for operativsystemet 1104=Kontrollerer versionsoplysningerne for Windows(R) Installer 1105=Konfigurerer Windows Installer 1106=Konfigurerer InstallShield 1107=Installationsprogrammet har konfigureret Windows Installer på systemet. Systemet skal genstartes, før installationen kan fortsætte. Klik på Genstart for at genstarte systemet. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Installation har fundet en version af\nWindows, der ikke er kompatibel. Klik på OK, og kør Installation igen under\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 eller en nyere version 1151=Der opstod en fejl under skrivning til den midlertidige placering. 1152=Der opstod en fejl under udpakning af %s til den midlertidige placering. 1153=Der opstod en fejl under læsning af initialiseringsfilen til installationsprogrammet. 1154=Installationsprogrammet blev ikke fundet i %s 1155=Filen %s blev ikke fundet 1156=Der opstod en intern fejl i Windows Installer 1200=Genstart 1603=Generel fejl i Windows Installer. Forøg kravet til diskplads i Setup.ini, og prøv igen. 1201=Installationsprogrammet skal bruge %lu KB ledig diskplads på %s. Frigør plads, og prøv igen 1202=Du har ikke de nødvendige privilegier til at udføre installationen for alle brugere af maskinen. Log på som administrator, og kør installationen igen 1203=Kommandolinjeparametre: 1204=/L sprog-id 1205=/S automatiseret tilstand 1206=/V parametre for MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s blev fundet. Dette er en ældre version af Windows(R) Installer. Klik på OK for at fortsætte. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Dette installationsprogram indeholder ikke Windows-installationsprogrammet (%s), der er nødvendigt for at køre installationen på dette operativsystem. [0x0413] TITLE=Setup-taal kiezen DESCRIPTION=Selecteer de taal voor deze installatie uit de onderstaande lijst. OK=OK Cancel=Annuleren 1100=Initialisatiefout voor Setup 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Setup is bezig met het voorbereiden van de InstallShield Wizard die u door de setup van het programma zal leiden. Een ogenblik geduld. 1103=Bezig met het controleren van de versie van het besturingssysteem 1104=Bezig met het controleren van de versie van Windows(R) Installer 1105=Bezig met het configureren van Windows Installer 1106=Bezig met het configureren van InstallShield 1107=Setup is klaar met het configureren van Windows Installer op uw systeem. Het systeem dient opnieuw te worden opgestart om verder te gaan met de installatie. Klik Opnieuw starten om het systeem opnieuw te starten. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup heeft een incompatibele versie van Windows\naangetroffen. Klik OK en start setup opnieuw binnen\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 of later 1151=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het schrijven naar de tijdelijke locatie 1152=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uitpakken van %s naar de tijdelijke locatie 1153=Er is een fout opgetreden bij lezen van het setup-initialisatiebestand 1154=Installatieprogramma niet gevonden in %s 1155=Bestand %s niet gevonden 1156=Interne fout in Windows Installer 1200=Opnieuw starten 1603=Algemene systeemfout in Windows Installer. Vergroot de specificatie van schijfruimte in Setup.ini en probeer opnieuw. 1201=Setup heeft %lu kB vrije schijfruimte nodig op %s. Maak schijfruimte vrij en probeer opnieuw 1202=U heeft onvoldoende bevoegdheid om voor alle gebruikers van de machine deze installatie te voltooien. Meld u aan als beheerder en probeer deze installatie opnieuw 1203=Opdrachtregelparameters: 1204=/L brontaal-id 1205=/S stille modus 1206=/V parameters voor MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s is gevonden. Dit is een ouderen versie van de Windows(R) Installer. Klik OK om verder te gaan. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=In deze setup ontbreekt de engine van het installatieprogramma voor Windows (%s) die benodigd is om de installatie op dit besturingssysteem uit te voeren. [0x040b] TITLE=Valitse asennuskieli DESCRIPTION=Valitse asennuskieli alla olevista vaihtoehdoista. OK=OK Cancel=Peruuta 1100=Asennuksen alustusvirhe 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Asennus valmistelee InstallShield Wizardia, joka opastaa sinua ohjelman asennuksessa. Odota hetki. 1103=Käyttöjärjestelmän versiotietoja tarkistetaan. 1104=Windows(R) Installer -ohjelman versiotietoja tarkistetaan. 1105=Windows Installer -ohjelman asetuksia määritetään. 1106=InstallShield-asetuksia määritetään. 1107=Asennuksessa on määritetty järjestelmässä käytettävän Windows Installer -ohjelman asetukset. Järjestelmä on käynnistettävä uudelleen, jotta asennusta voitaisiin jatkaa. Käynnistä järjestelmä uudelleen napsauttamalla Käynnistä uudelleen. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Asennusohjelma on havainnut yhteensopimattoman \nWindows-version. Napsauta OK ja käynnistä asennus uudelleen käyttämällä \nWindows 95- tai Windows NT 4.0 -käyttöjärjestelmää tai uudempaa. 1151=Virhe kirjoitettaessa väliaikaiseen sijaintiin. 1152=Virhe purettaessa kohdetta %s väliaikaiseen sijaintiin. 1153=Virhe luettaessa asennuksen alustustiedostoa. 1154=Installer-ohjelmaa ei löydy kohteesta %s. 1155=Tiedostoa %s ei löydy. 1156=Windows Installer -ohjelman sisäinen virhe. 1200=Käynnistä uudelleen 1603=Yleinen virhe Windows Installer -ohjelmassa. Suurenna Setup.ini-tiedostossa olevaa levytilavaatimusta ja yritä uudelleen. 1201=Asennukseen tarvitaan %lu kt vapaata levytilaa kohteessa %s. Vapauta lisää tilaa ja yritä uudelleen. 1202=Käyttöoikeutesi eivät riitä tämän asennuksen suorittamiseen kaikille käyttäjille. Kirjaudu sisään pääkäyttäjänä ja yritä asennusta uudelleen. 1203=Komentorivin parametrit: 1204=/L kielitunnus 1205=/S vaimennus 1206=/V MsiExec.exe-parametrit 1207=Löydettiin Windows(R) Installer %s. Tämä on Windows(R) Installer -ohjelman aikaisempi versio. Jatka napsauttamalla OK. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Tämä asennus ei sisällä asennuksen suorittamiseen tässä käyttöjärjestelmässä tarvittavaa Windows Installer -ohjelmaa (%s). [0x0408] TITLE=ÅðéëÝîôå ôç ãëþóóá åãêáôÜóôáóçò DESCRIPTION=ÅðéëÝîôå ôç ãëþóóá ôçò åãêáôÜóôáóçò áõôÞò áðü ôéò ðáñáêÜôù åðéëïãÝò. OK=OK Cancel=¢êõñï 1100=ÓöÜëìá Ðñïåôïéìáóßáò ÅãêáôÜóôáóçò 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ôïõ %s ðñïåôïéìÜæåé ôïí InstallShield Wizard, ï ïðïßïò èá óáò êáèïäçãÞóåé óôç äéáäéêáóßá åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò. Ðáñáêáëþ ðåñéìÝíåôå. 1103=¸ëåã÷ïò ¸êäïóçò Ëåéôïõñãéêïý ÓõóôÞìáôïò 1104=¸ëåã÷ïò ¸êäïóçò ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows(R) 1105=ÐáñÜìåôñïé ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows 1106=ÐáñÜìåôñïé InstallShield 1107=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ïëïêëÞñùóå ôéò ðáñáìÝôñïõò ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows óôï óýóôçìÜ óáò. Ãéá íá óõíå÷ßóåé ç åãêáôÜóôáóç, ðñÝðåé íá ãßíåé åðáíåêêßíçóç ôïõ óõóôÞìáôïò. ÊÜíôå êëéê óôçí Åðáíåêêßíçóç ãéá åðáíåêêßíçóç ôïõ óõóôÞìáôïò. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç åíôüðéóå ìéá ìç óõìâáôÞ Ýêäïóç ôùí\nWindows. ÊÜíôå êëéê óôï OK êáé åðáíåêêéíÞóôå ôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç óôá\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 Þ ìåôáãåíÝóôåñá 1151=ÓöÜëìá åããñáöÞò óôçí ðñïóùñéíÞ èÝóç 1152=ÓöÜëìá åîáãùãÞò ôïõ %s óôçí ðñïóùñéíÞ èÝóç 1153=ÓöÜëìá áíÜãíùóçò áñ÷åßïõ ðñïåôïéìáóßáò åãêáôÜóôáóçò 1154=Áäýíáôç ç åýñåóç ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò óôï %s 1155=Áäýíáôç ç åýñåóç ôïõ áñ÷åßïõ %s 1156=Åóùôåñéêü óöÜëìá óôï ðñüãñáììá åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows 1200=Åðáíåêêßíçóç 1603=Ãåíéêü óöÜëìá ìç÷áíéóìïý ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows. ÁõîÞóôå ôçí áðáßôçóç ôïõ ×þñïõ Äßóêùí óôï áñ÷åßï Setup.ini êáé îáíáðñïóðáèÞóôå. 1201=Ç ÅãêáôÜóôáóç ÷ñåéÜæåôáé %lu KB åëåýèåñïõ ÷þñïõ óôï äßóêï óôï %s. Åëåõèåñþóôå ÷þñï êáé îáíáðñïóðáèÞóôå 1202=Äåí Ý÷åôå åðáñêÞ äéêáéþìáôá ãéá ôçí ïëïêëÞñùóç áõôÞò ôçò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ãéá üëïõò ôïõò ÷ñÞóôåò ôïõ õðïëïãéóôÞ. Óõíäåèåßôå ùò äéá÷åéñéóôÞò êáé ìåôÜ îáíáðñïóðáèÞóôå áõôÞí ôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç 1203=ÐáñÜìåôñïé ãñáììÞò åíôïëþí: 1204=/L áíáãíùñéóôéêü ãëþóóáò 1205=/S óéùðçëÞ ëåéôïõñãßá 1206=/V ðáñÜìåôñïé óôï MsiExec.exe 1207=Åíôïðßóôçêå ç Ýêäïóç %s ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows(R). Åßíáé ìéá ðáëáéüôåñç Ýêäïóç ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows(R). ÊÜíôå êëéê óôï OK ãéá óõíÝ÷åéá. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç áõôÞ äåí ðåñéëáìâÜíåé ôï ìç÷áíéóìü ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Windows (%s) ðïõ áðáéôåßôáé ãéá ôçí åêôÝëåóç ôçò åãêáôÜóôáóçò óå áõôü ôï ëåéôïõñãéêü óýóôçìá. [0x040e] TITLE=A nyelv kiválasztása DESCRIPTION=Válasszon egy nyelvet a telepítéshez az alábbiak közül. OK=OK Cancel=Mégse 1100=Telepítés-inicializálási hiba 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=A(z) %s telepítõ elõkészíti az InstallShield Wizard, amely végigvezeti önt a programtelepítés folyamatán. Várjon. 1103=Az operációs rendszer verziójának ellenõrzése 1104=A Windows(R) Installer verziójának ellenõrzése 1105=A Windows Installer beállítása 1106=Az InstallShield beállítása 1107=A Telepítõ befejezte a Windows Installer beállítását a rendszeren. A telepítés folytatásához a rendszert újra kell indítani. Kattintson az Újraindítás gombra a rendszer újraindításához. 1108=InstallShield 1150=A Telepítõ a Windows nem kompatíbilis verzióját\nérzékelte. Kattintson az OK gombra és indítsa újra a telepítõt\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 vagy újabb rendszeren. 1151=Hiba az ideiglenes könyvtárba való íráskor 1152=Hiba a(z) %s fájl ideiglenes könyvtárba való kibontásakor 1153=Hiba a telepítésinicializáló fájl olvasásakor 1154=Az Installer nem található a következõ helyen: %s 1155=A(z) %s fájl nem található 1156=Belsõ hiba a Windows Installerben 1200=Újraindítás 1603=Általános hiba a Windows Installer motorban. Növelje meg a Setup.ini fájl DiskSpace feltételét, majd próbálja újra. 1201=A Telepítõ %lu KB szabad lemezterületet igényel a következõ helyen: %s. szabadítson fel helyet, majd próbálja újra. 1202=Ön nem rendelkezik megfelelõ jogokkal ahhoz, hogy a telepítést a számítógép összes felhasználója számára elvégezze. Lépjen be rendszergazdaként, majd próbálkozzon újra a telepítéssel. 1203=A parancssor paraméterei: 1204=/L nyelv ID 1205=/S csendes üzemmód 1206=/V MsiExec.exe paraméterei 1207=A(z) %s Windows(R) Installert talátam meg. Ez a Windows(R) Installer régebbi verziója. A folytatáshoz kattintson az OK-ra. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Ez a telepítõ nem tartalmazza a Windows Installer engine (%s) alkalmazást, amely szükséges, ha erre az operációs rendszerre telepít. [0x0414] TITLE=Velg språk for installasjonen DESCRIPTION=Velg språk for denne installasjonen blant alternativene nedenfor. OK=OK Cancel=Avbryt 1100=Initialiseringsfeil for installeringsprogram 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=Installere %s gjør klar InstallShield Wizard, som vil lede deg gjennom installeringen av programmet. Vent litt. 1103=Kontrollerer operativsystem-versjon 1104=Kontrollerer versjon av Windows(R) Installer 1105=Konfigurerer Windows Installer 1106=Konfigurerer InstallShield 1107=Installeringsprogrammet har fullført konfigurering av Windows Installer på datamaskinen. Datamaskinen må startes på nytt før installeringen kan fortsette. Klikk Start på nytt for å starte maskinen på nytt. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Installeringsprogrammet har funnet en ikke-kompatibel\nversjon av Windows. Velg OK og start installeringen på nytt i\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 eller nyere 1151=Feil under skriving til midlertidig plass i minnet 1152=Feil under utpakking av %s til midlertidig plassering 1153=Feil under lesing av initialiseringsfil for installering 1154=Installeringsprogram ikke funnet i %s 1155=Fant ikke filen %s 1156=Intern feil i Windows Installer 1200=Start på nytt 1603=Generell feil i Windows Installer-motoren. Øk mengden nødvendig diskplass (DiskSpace) i Setup.ini og prøv på nytt. 1201=Installasjonsprogrammet trenger %lu kB ledig diskplass i %s. Frigjør plass og prøv på nytt 1202=Du har ikke de rette privilegiene til å fullføre denne installasjonen for alle brukerne av maskinen. Logg deg på som administrator og prøv å utføre denne installasjonen på nytt 1203=Kommandolinjeparametere: 1204=/L språk-ID 1205=/S stille modus 1206=/V parametere for MsiExec.exe 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s funnet. Dette er en eldre versjon av Windows(R) Installer. Velg OK for å fortsette. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Dette installasjonsprogrammet inneholder ikke Windows Installer-motoren (%s) som kreves for å kjøre installeringen på dette operativsystemet. [0x0415] TITLE=Wybierz jêzyk instalacji DESCRIPTION=Wybierz jêzyk dla tej instalacji sporód dostêpnych poni¿ej. OK=OK Cancel=Anuluj 1100=B³¹d inicjowania Instalatora 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=Program instalacyjny %s przygotowuje Kreatora instalacji InstallShield Wizard, który pomo¿e zainstalowaæ program. Proszê czekaæ. 1103=Sprawdzanie wersji systemu operacyjnego 1104=Sprawdzanie wersji Instalatora Windows(R) 1105=Konfigurowanie Instalatora Windows 1106=Konfigurowanie Kreatora InstallShield 1107=Instalator zakoñczy³ konfiguracjê Instalatora Windows w systemie. Aby kontynuowaæ instalacjê, system musi zostaæ ponownie uruchomiony. Kliknij przycisk Uruchom ponownie, aby ponownie uruchomiæ system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Instalator wykry³ niezgodn¹ wersjê systemu\nWindows. Kliknij przycisk OK i ponownie uruchom Instalatora, w systemie\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 lub nowszym 1151=B³¹d zapisu do lokalizacji tymczasowej 1152=B³¹d wyodrêbniania %s do lokalizacji tymczasowej 1153=B³¹d odczytu pliku inicjuj¹cego Instalatora 1154=W pliku %s nie znaleziono Instalatora 1155=Nie znaleziono pliku %s 1156=B³¹d wewnêtrzny Instalatora Windows 1200=Uruchom ponownie 1603=B³¹d ogólny aparatu Instalatora Windows. Zwiêksz wartoæ parametru DiskSpace w pliku Setup.ini i spróbuj ponownie. 1201=Instalator wymaga %lu KB wolnego miejsca na dysku %s. Zwolnij trochê miejsca i spróbuj ponownie. 1202=Nie posiadasz wystarczaj¹cych uprawnieñ, aby dokonaæ tej instalacji dla wszystkich u¿ytkowników tego komputera. Zaloguj siê jako administrator i ponów próbê instalacji 1203=Parametry wiersza poleceñ: 1204=/L identyfikator jêzyka 1205=/S tryb dyskretny 1206=/V parametry dla MsiExec.exe 1207=Znaleziony zosta³ Windows(R) Installer %s. Jest to starsza wersja programu. Kliknij OK, aby kontynuowaæ. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Ta konfiguracja nie obejmuje modu³u Windows Installer (%s), wymaganego do uruchomienia instalacji w tym systemie operacyjnym. [0x0816] TITLE=Seleccionar o idioma de configuração DESCRIPTION=Seleccione o idioma para esta instalação a partir das opções abaixo indicadas. OK=OK Cancel=Cancelar 1100=Erro na inicialização do programa de configuração 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s O programa de configuração está a preparar o InstallShield Wizard que o orientará ao longo do processo de configuração do programa. Aguarde. 1103=Verificar a versão do sistema operativo 1104=Verificar a versão do programa de instalação do Windows(R) 1105=Configurar o programa de instalação do Windows 1106=Configurar o InstallShiled 1107=Configuração do programa do Windows Installer no sistema concluída. É necessário reiniciar o sistema para continuar a instalação. Faça clique sobre Reiniciar para reinicializar o sistema. 1108=InstallShield 1150=O programa de configuração detectou uma versão incompatível do\nWindows. Faça clique sobre OK e volte a iniciar o programa de configuração no\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0 ou superior 1151=Erro ao escrever para a localização temporária 1152=Erro ao extrair %s para a localização temporária 1153=Erro ao ler o ficheiro de inicialização da configuração 1154=O Installer não foi localizado em %s 1155=Ficheiro %s não localizado 1156=Erro interno no Windows Installer 1200=Reiniciar 1603=Erro geral do motor do Windows Installer. Aumente o requisito Espaço em disco em Setup.ini e tente novamente. 1201=O programa de configuração necessita de %lu KB de espaço livre em disco em %s. Liberte algum espaço e tente novamente 1202=Não tem privilégios suficientes para concluir a instalação para todos os utilizadores. Inicie a sessão como administrador e, em seguida, repita a instalação 1203=Parâmetros da linha de comandos: 1204=/L ID do idioma 1205=/S modo silencioso 1206=/V parâmetros para o MsiExec.exe 1207=O Windows(R) Installer %s foi localizado. É uma versão antiga do Windows(R) Installer. Faça clique sobre OK para continuar. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Esta configuração não contém o motor Windows Installer (%s) necessário para executar a instalação neste sistema operativo. [0x0424] TITLE=Izberite jezik za pripravo DESCRIPTION=Izberite jezik, ki ga elite uporabljati pri tej namestitvi izmed teh, ki so navedeni spodaj. OK=OK Cancel=Prekini 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x041b] TITLE=Vyberte jazyk DESCRIPTION=Vyberte jazyk z uvedenej ponuky pre túto intaláciu. OK=OK Cancel=Storno 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x0411] TITLE=ZbgAbv¾êÌIð DESCRIPTION=±ÌCXg[Ågp·é¾êðÌXg©çIðµÄ¾³¢B OK=OK Cancel=LZ 1100=ZbgAbvú»G[ 1101=InstallShield EBU[h 1102=%s ZbgAbvÍAvOZbgAbvÌèð²Äà·éInstallShield EBU[hðõµÄ¢Ü·BµÎç¨Ò¿¾³¢... 1103=Iy[eBOVXeÌo[WðmFµÄ¢Ü· 1104=Windows(R) InstallerÌo[WðmFµÄ¢Ü· 1105=Windows InstallerðÝèµÄ¢Ü· 1106=InstallShieldðÝèµÄ¢Ü· 1107=ZbgAbvÍAVXeãÌWindows InstallerÌÝè𮹵ܵ½BCXg[ð±s·éÉÍAVXeðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·BuÄN®vðNbNµÄAVXeðÄN®µÄ¾³¢B 1108=InstallShield 1150=ZbgAbvÍAεȢo[WÌWindowsðoµÜµ½B\nuOKvðNbNµÄAZbgAbvðWindows 95AWindows NT 4.0AܽÍ\n»êÈ~Ìo[WÅÄxÀsµÄ¾³¢B 1151=êtH_É«ÝÉG[ª¶µÜµ½B 1152=%s ðêtH_ÉðÉG[ª¶µÜµ½B 1153=ZbgAbvú»t@CðÇÝæèÉG[ª¶µÜµ½B 1154=Installerð %s ÉoūܹñB 1155=t@C %s ðoūܹñB 1156=Windows InstallerÅàG[ª¶µÄ¢Ü· 1200=ÄN® 1603=êÊIÈWindows InstallerGWÌG[Å·BSetup.ini ÌKvÈfBXNeÊÌlðâµÄ©çAÄxÀsµÄ¾³¢B 1201=ZbgAbvÍA%lu KoCgÌó«fBXNeÊihCu: %sjðKvƵܷBó«fBXNeÊðâµÄ©çAÄxÀsµÄ¾³¢B 1202=·×ÄÌ[UÉηéCXg[𮹷é½ßÌ Àª èܹñBAh~jXg[^Á ÅOIµÄ©çA±ÌCXg[ðÄxÀsµÄ¾³¢B 1203=R}hCp[^: 1204=/L ¾ê ID 1205=/S TCg[h 1206=/V p[^ðMsiExec.exeÖé 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s ðoµÜµ½Bâo[WÌWindows(R) InstallerÅ·BuOKvðNbNµÄ±sµÄ¾³¢B 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=±Ì¾¯Ä±¯ÌßÉÍA±ÌµÍßڰèݸ޼½ÃÑŲݽİÙðÀs·éÌÉKvÈ Windows Installer ´Ý¼ÞÝ (%s) ªÜÜêĢܹñB [0x0419] TITLE=Âûáîð ÿçûêà DESCRIPTION=Âûáåðèòå íóæíûé ÿçûê èç ñïèñêà. OK=ÎÊ Cancel=Îòìåíà 1100=Îøèáêà èíèöèàëèçàöèè ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Èäåò ïîäãîòîâêà ê çàïóñêó ìàñòåðà InstallShield Wizard, âûïîëíÿþùåãî óñòàíîâêó ïðîãðàììû. Æäèòå. 1103=Ïðîâåðêà âåðñèè îïåðàöèîííîé ñèñòåìû 1104=Ïðîâåðêà âåðñèè ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè Windows(R) 1105=Íàñòðîéêà ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè Windows 1106=Íàñòðîéêà InstallShield 1107=Ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâêè çàâåðøèëà íàñòðîéêó ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè Windows â ñèñòåìå. Äëÿ ïðîäîëæåíèÿ óñòàíîâêè íåîáõîäèìî ïåðåçàïóñòèòü ñèñòåìó. Íàæìèòå êíîïêó ""Ïåðåçàïóñê"", ÷òîáû ïåðåçàãðóçèòü ñèñòåìó. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâêè îáíàðóæèëà íåñîâìåñòèìóþ âåðñèþ\nWindows. 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[0x0804] TITLE=Ñ¡Ôñ°²×°³ÌÐòµÄÓïÑÔ DESCRIPTION=´ÓÒÔÏÂÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡Ôñ´Ë°²×°³ÌÐòµÄÓïÑÔ¡£ OK=È·¶¨ Cancel=È¡Ïû 1100=°²×°³ÌÐò³õʼ»¯´íÎó 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s °²×°³ÌÐòÕýÔÚ×¼±¸ InstallShield Wizard£¬InstallShield Wizard ½«Òýµ¼ÄúÖ´ÐгÌÐò°²×°¹ý³Ì¡£ ÇëÉÔºò¡£ 1103=ÕýÔÚ¼ì²é²Ù×÷ϵͳ°æ±¾ 1104=ÕýÔÚ¼ì²é Windows(R) Installer °æ±¾ 1105=ÕýÔÚÅäÖà Windows Installer 1106=ÕýÔÚÅäÖà InstallShield 1107=°²×°³ÌÐòÒÑÔÚÄúµÄϵͳÖÐÍê³ÉÁË Windows Installer µÄÅäÖᣠÐèÒªÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ÏµÍ³ÒÔ±ã¼ÌÐø°²×°¡£ Çëµ¥»÷¡°ÖØÐÂÆô¶¯¡±À´ÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ÏµÍ³¡£ 1108=InstallShield 1150=°²×°³ÌÐò¼ì²âµ½²»¼æÈݵÄ\nWindows °æ±¾¡£ Çëµ¥»÷¡°È·¶¨¡±£¬È»ºóÔÚ Windows 95¡¢Windows NT 4.0 \n»ò¸ü¸ß°æ±¾ÖÐÖØÐÂÆô¶¯°²×°³ÌÐò 1151=дÈëÁÙʱλÖÃʱ³ö´í 1152=½« %s ½âѹËõµ½ÁÙʱλÖÃʱ³ö´í 1153=¶ÁÈ¡°²×°³ÌÐò³õʼ»¯Îļþʱ³ö´í 1154=ÔÚ %s ÖÐÕÒ²»µ½ Installer 1155=Îļþ %s δÕÒµ½ 1156=Windows Installer ÖеÄÄÚ²¿´íÎó 1200=ÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ 1603=³£¹æ Windows Installer ÒýÇæ´íÎó¡£ Ôö¼Ó Setup.ini ÖÐµÄ DiskSpace ÒªÇóÈ»ºóÖØÊÔ¡£ 1201=°²×°³ÌÐòÐèÒª %lu KB ¿ÉÓôÅÅÌ¿Õ¼äÔÚ %s ÖС£ÇëÊÍ·ÅһЩ¿Õ¼äÈ»ºóÖØÊÔ 1202=ÄúûÓÐ×ã¹»µÄȨÏÞΪ¸Ã¼ÆËã»úËùÓÐÓû§Íê³É´Ë°²×°¡£ ÇëÒÔ¹ÜÀíÔ±µÄÉí·ÝµÇ¼£¬È»ºóÖØг¢ÊÔ½øÐд˰²×° 1203=ÃüÁîÐвÎÊý£º 1204=/L ÓïÑÔ ID 1205=/S ÎÞÉùģʽ 1206=/V MsiExec.exe ²ÎÊý 1207=ÕÒµ½ Windows(R) Installer %s¡£ ÕâÊǾɰæ Windows(R) Installer¡£ µ¥»÷¡°È·¶¨¡±ÒÔ¼ÌÐø¡£ 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=´Ë°²×°³ÌÐò²»°üº¬Ôڴ˲Ù×÷ϵͳÉÏÔËÐа²×°³ÌÐòËùÐèµÄ Windows Installer ÒýÇæ (%s)¡£ [0x0404] TITLE=¿ï¾Ü¦w¸Ë»y¨¥ DESCRIPTION=±q¥H¤U¿ï¶µ¤¤¿ï¾Ü¦¹¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡ªº»y¨¥¡C OK=½T©w Cancel=¨ú®ø 1100=¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡°_©l¿ù»~ 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s ¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡¥¿¦b·Ç³Æ InstallShield Wizard¡AInstallShield Wizard ±N¤Þ¾É±z³q¹Lµ{¦¡¦w¸Ë¹Lµ{¡C ½ÐµyÔ¡C 1103=¥¿¦bÀˬd§@·~¨t²Îª©¥» 1104=¥¿¦bÀˬd Windows(R) installer ª©¥» 1105=¥¿¦b³]©w Windows installer 1106=¥¿¦b³]©w InstallShield 1107=¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡¤w¦b±zªº¨t²Î¤¤§¹¦¨¤F Windows installer ªº³]©w¡C »Ýn«·s±Ò°Ê¨t²Î¥H«KÄ~Äò¦w¸Ë¡C ½Ð«ö¤@¤U¡u«·s±Ò°Ê¡v¨Ó«·s±Ò°Ê¨t²Î¡C 1108=InstallShield 1150=¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡°»´ú¨ì¤£¬Û®eªº\nWindows ª©¥»¡C ½Ð«ö¤@¤U¡u½T©w¡v¡AµM«á¦b Windows 95¡BWindows NT 4.0 \n©Î§ó°ªª©¥»¤¤«·s±Ò°Ê¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡ 1151=¼g¤JÁ{®É¦ì¸m®É¥X¿ù 1152=±N %s ©â¨ú¨ìÁ{®É¦ì¸m®É¥X¿ù 1153=Ū¨ú¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡°_©lÀɮ׮ɥX¿ù 1154=¦b %s ¤¤§ä¤£¨ì Installer 1155=ÀÉ®× %s ¥¼§ä¨ì 1156=Windows installer ¤¤ªº¤º³¡¿ù»~ 1200=«·s±Ò°Ê 1603=¤@¯ë Windows Installer ¤ÞÀº¿ù»~¡C ¼W¥[ Setup.ini ¤¤ªº DiskSpace n¨DµM¦Z«¸Õ¡C 1201=¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡»Ýn %lu KB ¥i¥ÎºÏºÐªÅ¶¡¦b %s ¤¤¡C½ÐÄÀ©ñ¤@¨ÇªÅ¶¡µM¦Z«¸Õ 1202=±z¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªºÅv§¹¦¨©Ò¦³¨Ï¥ÎªÌªº¦w¸Ë¡C ½Ð¥Î¨t²ÎºÞ²zªÌ¨¥÷µn¤J¦A«·s¦w¸Ë¤@¦¸ 1203=«ü¥O¦æ°Ñ¼Æ¡R 1204=/L »y¨¥ ID 1205=/S ¦wÀR¼Ò¦¡ 1206=/V MsiExec.exe °Ñ¼Æ 1207=§ä¨ì Windows(R) Installer %s¡C ³o¬Oª© Windows(R) Installer¡C «ö¤@¤U¡u½T©w¡v¥HÄ~Äò¡C 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=¦¹¦w¸Ëµ{¦¡¤£¥]§t¦b¦¹§@·~¨t²Î¤W°õ¦æ¦w¸Ë©Ò»Ý¤§ Windows Installer ¤ÞÀº (%s)¡C [0x041f] TITLE=Kurulum Dilini Seç DESCRIPTION=Bu yükleme dilini aþaðýdaki seçenekler arasýndan seçin. OK=Tamam Cancel=Ýptal 1100=Kur Baþlatma Hatasý 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=%s Kur, programýn kurulum iþlemi sýrasýnda size yol gösterecek olan InstallShield Wizard'ý hazýrlýyor. Lütfen bekleyin. 1103=Ýþletim Sistemi Sürümünü Denetleme 1104=Windows(R) Installer Sürümünü Denetleme 1105=Windows Installer Yapýlandýrma 1106=InstallShield Yapýlandýrma 1107=Kur, sisteminizdeki Windows Installer programýný yapýlandýrmayý tamamladý. Yüklemeye devam edilebilmesi için sistemin yeniden baþlatýlmasý gerekir. Sistem önyüklemesi için Yeniden Baþlat'ý týklatýn. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Kur, Windows'un uyumsuz bir sürümünü\nalgýladý. Tamam'ý týklatýn ve kurulum programýný Windows 95,\nWindows NT 4.0 veya daha üstü iþletim sisteminde yeniden baþlatýn. 1151=Geçici konuma yazma hatasý 1152=Geçici konuma %s açma hatasý 1153=Kurulum baþlatma dosyasý okuma hatasý 1154=%s içinde yükleyici bulunamadý 1155=%s dosyasý bulunamadý 1156=Windows Installer'da iç hata 1200=Yeniden Baþlat 1603=Genel Windows Installer altyapý hatasý. Setup.ini dosyasýndaki DiskSpace gereksinimini arttýrýn ve yeniden deneyin. 1201=Kur, %s içinde %lu KB'lik boþ disk alanýna gereksinim duyar. Kullanýlabilir disk alaný elde ettikten sonra yeniden deneyin. 1202=Makinenin tüm kullanýcýlarý için bu yüklemeyi tamamlayacak yeterli ayrýcalýða sahip deðilsiniz. Oturumu yönetici olarak yeniden açýn ve bu yüklemeyi yeniden deneyin 1203=Komut satýrý parametreleri: 1204=/L Dil Kimliði 1205=/S sessiz mod 1206=/V MsiExec.exe parametreleri 1207=Windows(R) Installer %s bulundu. Bu, Windows(R) Installer'ýn daha eski bir sürümü. Devam etmek için Tamam'ý týklatýn. 1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language. 1604=Bu kurulum türü, ilgili yüklümeyi bu iþletim sisteminde çalýþtýrmak için gerekli olan (%s) Windows Installer altyapýsýna sahip deðil. [0x0401] TITLE=ÇáÚäæÇä DESCRIPTION=ÇáãæÇÕÝÇÊ OK=ãæÇÝÞ Cancel=ÅáÛÇÁ 1100=ÎØà ÃËäÇÁ ÊåíÆÉ ÇáÅÚÏÇÏ 1101=InstallShield 1102= Úáì äÙÇãß. ÇáÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇäÊÙÇÑ. %s Ýí ÕÏÏ ÊÍÖíÑ ãÚÇáÌ ÇáÊËÈíÊ ÇáÐí ÓæÝ íÓÇÚÏß Ýí ÊËÈíÊ InstallShield(R) 1103=íÊã ÍÇáíÇð ÇáÊÍÞÞ ãä ÅÕÏÇÑ äÙÇã ÇáÊÔÛíá 1104=Windows(R) Installer íÊã ÍÇáíÇð ÇáÊÍÞÞ ãä ÅÕÏÇÑ 1105=Windows Installer íÊã ÍÇáíÇð Êßæíä 1106=InstallShield íÊã ÍÇáíÇð Êßæíä 1107= Úáì äÙÇãß. áãÊÇÈÚÉ ÚãáíÉ ÇáÊËÈíÊ¡ Úáíß ÅÚÇÏÉ ÊÔÛíá ÇáäÙÇã áÊãåíÏå ãä ÌÏíÏ ÈÇáäÞÑ Úáì ÇáÒÑ ÃÚÏ ÇáÊÔÛíá. Windows InstalleráÞÏ ÃäÌÒ ÈÑäÇãÌ ÇáÅÚÏÇÏ ÚãáíÉ Êßæíä 1108=InstallShield 1150= Ãæ ÅÕÏÇÑÇÊ áÇÍÞÉ. Windows NT 4.0 Ãæ \nWindows 95ÛíÑ ãÊæÇÝÞ. 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Run the setup and select another language. 1604=â»Ãá¡ÃÁµÔ´µÑ駹ÕéäÁèä´éºÃÃ¨Ø Windows Installer engine (%s) «Ö觵éͧãªé㹡Ò÷ӧҹµÔ´µÑ駺¹Ãкº»¯ÔºÑµÔ¡ÒùÕé [0x042a] TITLE=Choòn ngôn ngýÞ caÌi ðãòt DESCRIPTION=Choòn ngôn ngýÞ cho phâÌn caÌi ðãòt naÌy týÌ danh muòc dýõìi ðây. OK=Ðýõòc Cancel=Thôi 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [0x0412] TITLE= ¼³Ä¡ ¾ð¾î ¼±Åà DESCRIPTION= ¼³Ä¡ÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È »ç¿ëÇÒ ¾ð¾î¸¦ ¾Æ·¡¿¡¼ ¼±ÅÃÇϽʽÿÀ. OK=È®ÀÎ Cancel=Ãë¼Ò 1100=¼³Ä¡ ÃʱâÈ ¿À·ù 1101=InstallShield Wizard 1102=InstallShield Wizard°¡ ±ÍÇÏÀÇ ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ¿¡ %sÀ»(¸¦) ¼³Ä¡ÇÒ ¼³Ä¡ ¸¶¹ý»ç¸¦ Áغñ ÁßÀÔ´Ï´Ù. 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[0x0421] TITLE=Pilih bahasa yang akan dipakai DESCRIPTION=Pilih bahasa untuk dipasang dari daftar dibawah ini OK=Setuju Cancel=Pembatalan 1100=Setup Initialization Error 1101=InstallShield 1102=InstallShield(R) is preparing the Installation Wizard, which will install %s on your computer. Please wait. 1103=Checking Operating System Version 1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version 1105=Configuring Windows Installer 1106=Configuring InstallShield 1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system. 1108=InstallShield 1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of\nWindows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on\nWindows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later 1151=Error writing to the temporary location 1152=Error extracting '%s' to the temporary location 1153=Error reading setup initialization file 1154=Installer not found in '%s' 1155=File '%s' not found 1156=Internal error in Windows Installer 1200=Restart 1603=You need administrator privileges to install the Windows Installer engine. 1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system. [Languages] count=16 default=409 key0=405 key1=406 key2=413 key3=409 key4=40B key5=40C key6=407 key7=40E key8=410 key9=414 key10=415 key11=816 key12=419 key13=40A key14=41D key15=41FDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.