; ; CoachDc.inf ; USB Driver for Digital Camera with Coach Chipset ; Windows 98, 2000 ; Copyright (C) 2003, FotoNation ; ; ===================== Version section ======================= [Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=Image ClassGUID={6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} Provider=%Provider% LayoutFile=layout.inf ;CatalogFile=CoachDc.cat DriverVer=02/03/2004, ; ====================== Files section ======================== [SourceDisksNames] ;1=%InstallDisk% ; this doesn't work on win98 1=%InstallDisk%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] CoachUsb.sys=1 CoachWrp.dll=1 CoachSti.dll=1 CoachWia.dll=1 GdiPlus.dll=1 CoachTW.ds=1 CoachTW.dll=1 [DestinationDirs] Files.Sys = 10,System32\Drivers Files.Dll = 11 Files.Wia = 11 Files.Sti = 11 Files.Gdi = 11 Files.Ds = 10,TWAIN_32\CoachTW [Files.Sys] ;CoachUsb.sys [Files.Dll] ;CoachWrp.dll [Files.Wia] ;CoachWia.dll [Files.Sti] ;CoachSti.dll [Files.Gdi] ;GdiPlus.dll [Files.Ds] ;CoachTW.ds ;CoachTW.dll ; ================== Manufacturer & Models section ============ [Manufacturer] %Mfg.Desc% = Models [Models] %DevDesc% = CamUsb, USB\VID_0feb&PID_200f ; ================== Win9x Device Install section ============= [CamUsb] CopyFiles = Files.Sys,Files.Dll,Files.Sti,Files.Ds AddReg = CamUsb.AddReg, CamUsb.W9x.AddReg SubClass = StillImage DeviceData = CamUsb.DeviceData ;UninstallSection = CamUsb.Uninstall ICMProfiles = "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" ; ; Device type ; 1 = scanner ; 2 = camera ; 3 = video DeviceType=2 ; ; Capabilities is a mask: ; 0x01 = Device generates events ; 0x02 = Polling needed ; 0x04 = Generate event when device installed ; 0x08 = Enable the "auto" port option ; 0x10 = WIA capable driver ; 0x20 = Driver has reduced functionality Capabilities=0x00000005 ; ; Hides port selection page in the wizard and on the ; device property sheet. PortSelect=No [CamUsb.W9x.AddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CoachUsb.sys ; ================== WinNT Device Install section ============= [CamUsb.NT] CopyFiles = Files.Sys,Files.Dll,Files.Sti,Files.Ds AddReg = CamUsb.AddReg CopyINF = CoachVc.inf ; this works only for XP and later SubClass = StillImage DeviceData = CamUsb.DeviceData ;UninstallSection = CamUsb.Uninstall ICMProfiles = "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" ; ; Device type ; 1 = scanner ; 2 = camera ; 3 = video DeviceType=2 ; ; Capabilities is a mask: ; 0x01 = Device generates events ; 0x02 = Polling needed ; 0x04 = Generate event when device installed ; 0x08 = Enable the "auto" port option ; 0x10 = WIA capable driver ; 0x20 = Driver has reduced functionality Capabilities=0x00000005 ; ; Hides port selection page in the wizard and on the ; device property sheet. PortSelect=No [CamUsb.NT.Services] AddService = %CamUsb.SvcName%,%SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%,CamUsb.NT.AddService,CamUsb.NT.EventLog [CamUsb.NT.AddService] DisplayName = %CamUsb.SvcDesc% ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\CoachUsb.sys [CamUsb.NT.EventLog] AddReg = CamUsb.NT.EventLog.AddReg [CamUsb.NT.EventLog.AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\CoachUsb.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,%REG_DWORD%,7 ; ================= Common Device Install section ============= [CamUsb.AddReg] HKR,Parameters,EnableStill,0x00010001,1 HKR,Parameters,EnableVC,0x00010001,1 ; CompressionRatio, valid range 10 .. 170 ; This will configure the compression ratio for a new ; still image to be captured with. ; 10 means ratio=1.0, 45 means ratio=4.5 ... HKR,Parameters,CompressionRatio,0x00010001,75 ; PreCaptureInterval, valid range 0 .. 30000 (milliseconds) ; This will configure the pre capture delay for still image. HKR,Parameters,PreCaptureInterval,0x00010001,2500 ; CaptureSaveTimeout, valid range 5000 .. 30000 (milliseconds) ; Maximum time allowed to save the image during still capture. HKR,Parameters,CaptureSaveTimeout,0x00010001,15000 ; EnableWB, enable white balance control during still capture. ; 0 - disable ; 1 - enable HKR,Parameters,EnableWB,0x00010001,1 ; EnableI43ExclusiveMode enable Exclusive mode for I43 Interface. ; 0 - disable (used only for chipset test) ; 1 - enable (for normal usage) HKR,Parameters,EnableI43ExclusiveMode,0x00010001,1 ; StartupIdleMode, for chipset testing. Do NOT change! HKR,Parameters,StartupIdleMode,0x00010001,1 ; MinViewEvttEntry, valid range 0 .. MaxViewEvttEntry ; The minimal index in EVTT table that corresponds to maximal brightenss HKR,Parameters,MinViewEvttEntry,0x00010001,0 ; MaxViewEvttEntry, valid range MinViewEvttEntry .. 127 ; The maximal index in EVTT table that corresponds to minimal brightenss HKR,Parameters,MaxViewEvttEntry,0x00010001,127 ; VideoExposureDeviation, valid range 0 .. 31 ; This will configure the video autobrightness. HKR,Parameters,VideoExposureDeviation,0x00010001,15 ; VideoCompressionRatio, valid range 10 .. 170 ; This will configure the default compression ratio of video stream. ; 10 means ratio=1.0, 45 means ratio=4.5 ... HKR,Parameters,VideoCompressionRatio,0x00010001,75 ; VideoEdgeEnhancement, valid range 0 .. 255 ; This will configure the edge enhancement of video stream. HKR,Parameters,VideoEdgeEnhancement,0x00010001,2 ; FrameRate, valid range 1 .. 200 (frames per second) ; Should be defined for each video mode. ; If video mode not present then ignored. HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\0,FrameRate,0x00010001,22 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\1,FrameRate,0x00010001,30 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\2,FrameRate,0x00010001,10 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\3,FrameRate,0x00010001,0 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\4,FrameRate,0x00010001,0 ; MinFrameRate, valid range 1 .. FrameRate (frames per second) ; Should be defined for each video mode. ; If video mode not present then ignored. HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\0,MinFrameRate,0x00010001,1 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\1,MinFrameRate,0x00010001,1 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\2,MinFrameRate,0x00010001,1 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\3,MinFrameRate,0x00010001,1 HKR,Parameters\VideoModes\4,MinFrameRate,0x00010001,1 ; ; HardwareConfig entry indicates what type of connection ; the device uses. First number should always be 1. The ; second number varies: 1=unknown, 2=SCSI, 4=USB, ; 8=serial, 16=parallel HKR,,HardwareConfig,1,1 ; ; The GUID in the following entries must match the class ID ; of the STI/WIA minidriver HKR,,USDClass,,"{84E06DEF-C533-4534-9B06-4767ACF70C0E}" HKCR,CLSID\{84E06DEF-C533-4534-9B06-4767ACF70C0E},,,"Camera STI Minidriver" HKCR,CLSID\{84E06DEF-C533-4534-9B06-4767ACF70C0E}\InProcServer32,,,%11%\CoachSti.dll HKCR,CLSID\{84E06DEF-C533-4534-9B06-4767ACF70C0E}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,Both [CamUsb.DeviceData] Server=local ; ; Indicates COM component to load for UI. ; Use {4DB1AD10-3391-11D2-9A33-00C04FA36145} for ; default WIA UI. UI Class ID={4DB1AD10-3391-11D2-9A33-00C04FA36145} ; ; The DLL that gives access to the device. LowerDll=CoachWrp.dll ; ==================== String macro section =================== [Strings] ; ======== Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable) ======== ; Service Type SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 0x1 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER = 0x2 SERVICE_ADAPTER = 0x4 ; Driver Start Code SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0 SERVICE_SYSTEM_START = 1 SERVICE_AUTO_START = 2 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 3 SERVICE_DISABLED = 4 ; Error Control Level SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = 0 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 1 SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE = 2 SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL = 3 SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 ; Registry Value Type (don't use on Win 98/ME) REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001 REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000 ; ======= Private macro substitutions (non-localizable) ======= ; Modification of those strings can cause incorrect installation CamUsb.SvcName = "CoachUsb" CamUsb.SvcDesc = "Coach Digital Camera on USB" ; ============== Localizable macro substitutions ============== InstallDisk = "Install disk with drivers" Provider = "FotoNation" Mfg.Desc = "CRS" DevDesc = "DC310L Digital Camera"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.