; mixer default value for restore [Default] ; default volume (range from 0 - FFFFh, 0 is minimum) MasterVol=E000 CdVol=FFFF MicVol=FFFF WaveVol=FFFF FmVol=FFFF AuxVol=FFFF PcSpkVol=0 LineInVol=FFFF MicRecVol=FFFF ; default mute status (1=mute, 0=on) MuteMaster=0 MuteCd=1 MuteMic=1 MuteWave=0 MuteFm=0 MuteAux=1 MutePcSpk=1 MuteLineIn=1 ; default record channel (1=select, 0=no) RecCd=0 RecMic=0 RecWave=1 RecFm=1 RecAux=0 RecLineIn=0 RecSpdifIn=0 ; default SPDIF in/out controls (0=disable, 1=enable) SpdifOutMon=0 SpdifInMon=0 SpdifLoop=0 SpdifValid=0 SpdifCopyRight=0 SPDIFInSel2=0 ; default SPDIF-out level (0=5v,1=0.5v) SpdifVolt=0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CONNECTOR SETTING] ; 0:Show connector definition 1:Show speaker bitmap DisplaySpeakerBitmap=1 ; 0:On motherboard 1:On sound card OnSoundCard=1 ; 0:No bracket 1:Use bracket MotherboardWithBracket=0 ; How many phone jacks and SPDIF-OUT connector ---> 3:3 phone jacks 4:4 phone jacks 5:5 phone jacks (include SPDIF-OUT) PhoneJacksNumber=5 ; Game/MIDI port information (for sound card and motherboard) ---> 0:No Game/MIDI port 1:Has Game/MIDI port HasGameMIDIPort=1 ; Phone jacks information, for sound card (top -> dwon) and motherboard (left -> right) ; Input function description of Jack 1 Jack1InDesc=Line In ; Output function description of Jack 1 Jack1OutDesc= ; Phone Jack Color ---> 1:Lime 2:Orange 3:Light Blue 4:Pink 5:Black 6:SPDIF-OUT Jack1Color=3 ; Share Status ---> 0:No Share 1:Share with Rear Speaker 2:Share with Center/Sub-woofer Jack1Share=0 ; Input function description of Jack 2 Jack2InDesc=Microphone In ; Output function description of Jack 2 Jack2OutDesc= ; Phone Jack Color ---> 1:Lime 2:Orange 3:Light Blue 4:Pink 5:Black 6:SPDIF-OUT Jack2Color=4 ; Share Status ---> 0:No Share 1:Share with Rear Speaker 2:Share with Center/Sub-woofer Jack2Share=0 ; Input function description of Jack 3 Jack3InDesc= ; Output function description of Jack 3 Jack3OutDesc=Line Out/Front Speaker Out ; Phone Jack Color ---> 1:Lime 2:Orange 3:Light Blue 4:Pink 5:Black 6:SPDIF-OUT Jack3Color=1 ; Share Status ---> 0:No Share 1:Share with Rear Speaker 2:Share with Center/Sub-woofer Jack3Share=0 ; Input function description of Jack 4 Jack4InDesc= ; Output function description of Jack 4 Jack4OutDesc=Line Out/Rear Speaker Out ; Phone Jack Color ---> 1:Lime 2:Orange 3:Light Blue 4:Pink 5:Black 6:SPDIF-OUT Jack4Color=5 ; Share Status ---> 0:No Share 1:Share with Rear Speaker 2:Share with Center/Sub-woofer Jack4Share=0 ; for Center,Sub-woofer Speaker Out or S/PDIF OUT ; Input function description of Jack 5 Jack5InDesc= ; Output function description of Jack 5 Jack5OutDesc=Center, Sub-woofer Speaker Out ; Phone Jack Color ---> 1:Lime 2:Orange 3:Light Blue 4:Pink 5:Black 6:SPDIF-OUT Jack5Color=2 ; Share Status ---> 0:No Share 1:Share with Rear Speaker 2:Share with Center/Sub-woofer Jack5Share=0 [MIXER_INFORMATION] AlwaysMuteCDonStartup=0 Has_44K_SPDIFOUT_Function=0 [Applications] ; 0: no SPDIF function 1: Full function FullVersion=1 ; 0: 037 chip is full function, 1: 037 chip is no SPDIF Is037noSPDIFFunction=1 ; Applications' location for all kinds of functions and environments CDPlayer_VxD_Full=VxD\Full\CD Player.exe CDPlayer_VxD_noSPDIF=VxD\noSPDIF\CD Player.exe CDPlayer_WDM_Full=WDM\CD Player.exe CDPlayer_WDM_noSPDIF=WDM\CD Player.exe MIDIPlayer_VxD_Full=MIDI Player.exe MIDIPlayer_VxD_noSPDIF=MIDI Player.exe MIDIPlayer_WDM_Full=MIDI Player.exe MIDIPlayer_WDM_noSPDIF=MIDI Player.exe MP3Player_VxD_Full=VxD\Full\MP3 Player.exe MP3Player_VxD_noSPDIF=VxD\noSPDIF\MP3 Player.exe MP3Player_WDM_Full=WDM\MP3 Player.exe Mp3Player_WDM_noSPDIF=WDM\MP3 Player.exe Mixer_VxD_Full=VxD\Full\Mixer.exe Mixer_VxD_noSPDIF=VxD\noSPDIF\Mixer.exe Mixer_WDM_Full=WDM\Full\Mixer.exe Mixer_WDM_noSPDIF=WDM\noSPDIF\Mixer.exe VCDDisplay_VxD_Full=VxD\VCD Display Window.exe VCDDisplay_VxD_noSPDIF=VxD\VCD Display Window.exe VCDDisplay_WDM_Full=WDM\VCD Display Window.exe VCDDisplay_WDM_noSPDIF=WDM\VCD Display Window.exeDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.