Readme for TouchChip Protector Suite QL 5.1 Copyright 2001-2004 by UPEK All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using TouchChip Protector Suite QL. This Read Me file contains important information regarding the current version of this product. It is highly recommended to read the entire document. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - What is TouchChip Protector Suite QL - Installation - Silent Install - SMS Install - Documentation - Known Problems ___________________________________________________________________ WHAT IS TOUCHCHIP PROTECTOR SUITE QL TouchChip Protector Suite QL is a desktop security and convenience product for Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP. Its components provide an easy and convenient access to your computer, web pages, and sensitive files using a biometric device. The product is designed to be extremely easy to install and to use. TouchChip Protector Suite QL enables - fingerprint logon (with boot security support for strip sensor) - fingerprint fast user switching (on Windows XP) - accessing web pages and replaying forms using your fingerprint - registering dialogs - storing and accessing your sensitive files in a special "My Safe" folder using your fingerprints. TouchChip Protector Suite QL is designed with regard to needs of common users. No special knowledge is required to use it, despite the fact that it is top-level software using the most progressive security technologies. _____________________ INSTALLATION TouchChip Protector Suite QL installation is carried out by the Setup wizard. It is recommended to read explaining texts in wizard screens to avoid potential problems. The detailed description of the installation procedure can be found in the user documentation. Authentication hardware is installed together with the whole product. If you use an external type of hardware, connect it after you install the software part. You will be asked to do so after you reboot the computer after installation and log on your computer. If any problems, drivers and instructions can be found in Drivers subfolder of your installation CD-ROM. _______________________ SILENT INSTALL Silent installation of Protector Suite QL is also possible. Run Setup.exe in the Install directory on your CD-ROM. Use the following syntax: Setup.exe <PROPERTY=VALUE> /q /i You can specify the following properties: USERNAME Name of user for registration of installation COMPANYNAME Name of company for registration of installation INSTALLDIR Installation directory Example: Setup.exe USERNAME="Test user" COMPANYNAME="MyCompany" INSTALLDIR="F:\Program Files\Protector Suite QL" /q /i All properties are optional. WARNING: We recommend not to install the Protector Suite QL over existing instances of Protector Suite Server&Client solutions (PS version 4.x Client, Server, VNA). If you do so, you may encounter problems with these products. To restore their functionality, you must uninstall the Protector Suite QL and repair older products. To uninstall, use /x instead of /i. During standard uninstall with user interface, dialogs for selecting whether to delete existing passports and disable the boot security feature are displayed. In silent uninstall, you can use the following properties: DELPAS Set DELPAS="1" to delete existing passports. TBXOUT Set TBXOUT="1" to disable the boot security. If these properties are not defined, or have any other value, passports are left on the computer and the boot security remains enabled. If you leave the boot security on, you will not be able to edit fingerprints in the boot security memory unless you re-install the Protector Suite. Example: Setup.exe DELPAS="1" /q /x uninstalls Protector Suite QL, deletes all existing passports, and leaves the boot security on. ___________________ SMS INSTALL SMS Installations are also supported. Open SMS Administrator Console, create a new package and set package properties in a standard way. Open the package and select New-Program in Programs item. To the command line field, enter Setup.exe /m yourmiffilename /q /i Optionally, enter desired parameters as described in the Silent Install section. Setup normally reboots at the end of installation process. If you want to suppress all reboots during installation and reboot later (after installing more programs), add REBOOT="ReallySuppress" to the list of properties. __________________________ DOCUMENTATION You can find the documentation of the TouchChip Protector Suite QL in the \Doc directory on the installation CD. The documentation is in pdf format. If you do not have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download it from Hardware specific installation and troubleshooting information for your authentication hardware you will find in the README.TXT file in \Drivers directory on the installation CD-ROM. ____________________________ KNOWN PROBLEMS My Safe and various antivirus programs My Safe host files cannot be formatted and mounted when some antivirus programs are on. This problem exists e.g. with Norton AntiVirus, or Sophos. The solution is to set the antivirus program to ignore My Safe host files. Scanning host files does not make sense due to the encrypted nature of My Safe. Excluding My Safe in Norton AntiVirus: 1. Open NAV Options dialog 2. Go to System | Exclusions. Add a new entry for *.fdp and enable Include subfolders checkbox. 3. Go to System | Auto Protect |File types to scan | Select extensions and add .fdp entry. Excluding My Safe in Sophos: 1. Run Sophos AntiVirus "configuration center" 2. Select ICClient tab. 3. Choose Options | Configuration from the menu. 4. Choose Check tab and uncheck the Automatically detected as executable type checkbox. 5. Click OK. My Safe and Norton AntiVirus Due to a problem in Norton AntiVirus 2001 (and possibly other versions of NAV) on Windows 98/ME My Safe host files do not display progress bar during formatting. To avoid the problem, disable the Auto-Protect feature of NAV before you create or format a My Safe host file and reenable it after the operation is completed. Hints in Mozilla It is not recommended to use Password Bank's hints together with tabs in Mozilla. The logic is the following: pages are scanned for existing registrations and then for forms to be registered. Pages are scanned from the left to the right. The first appropriate hint found is displayed and the scanning is stopped. It means that if there is a registration for the first page, no hint is ever displayed for the second page. If there is no registration for the first page, the hint for registering the second page is displayed, but only after you make the second page active. Delay in replaying pages in Internet Explorer Registrations are replayed (and can be made) only after the page in fully loaded. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer sometimes incorrectly displays that the page is already loaded (the animation in the upper-right corner is stopped), although the page is not loaded yet. If the user presses Stop to finish loading, IE sometimes ignores the command and does not stop. In such situations, please wait until the loading is fully finished. The same problem may occur with pages where mouse over some active item (e.g. Flash animation) starts loading the object, although the page has already been loaded. Standby problem Computer can be woken up from standby by a finger even if "Allow this device to bring PC out of standby" is unchecked. The driver is not able to turn remote wakeup off in situation when remote wakeup is disabled and selective suspend enabled in the device manager. Both check boxes must be unchecked for the correct behavior.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.