README.TXT Driver File Contents (

               Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card
                        SCO Unix 5.x Installation Guide

Installation Procedure 

  1. Login as root user (on maintenance mode).

  2. Use the "custom" utility to install the mtd80x SCO 5.x software package.

     2.1 doscp a:/<path>/mtd80x.dst  /tmp/VOL.000.000.

     2.2 Execute "custom" utility.

     2.3 Select "Software" item in the "Software Manager (custom) on
         hostname" window to get into pull down menu,
         Move to "Install New...", then press the [Enter] button.

     2.4 |------------ Begin Installation on hostname -----------|
         |                                                       |
         |  What host (machine) do you want to install from?     |
         |  ---------------------------------------------------  |
         | | <*> From hostname                                 | |
         | | <  > From another host                            | |
         |  ---------------------------------------------------  |
         |                                                       |
         |   [Continue]          [Cancel]                [Help]  |

         Select from hostname and press the [Continue] button.

     2.5 |--------------------------- Select Media ---------------------------|
         |                                                                    |
         | Insert media, and select media device.                             |
         |                                                                    |
         ||---------------------------------------------------------|         |
         ||Media Device:|| Floppy Disk Driver 0 __________________|v|         |
         ||---------------------------------------------------------|         |
         |              ||------------------------------------------|         |
         |              ||  Floppy Disk Driver 0                  | |         |
         | -------------||  SCSI CD-ROM Driver 0                  | |---------|
         | [Continue]   || *Media Images                          | |  [Help] |

         Press [] to get into pull-down menu. Select "Media Images" and
         press the [Continue] button.

     2.6 |---------------------- Enter Image Directory -------------------------|
         |                                                                      |
         |Enter the full path to the directory containing media images.         |
         |                                                                      |
         |Image Directory: | /tmp_______________________________________________|
         |                                                                      |
         |Note: media images must follow the naming convention VOL.000.000, etc.|
         |[OK]                            [Cancel]                        [Help]|

         Input the path name where VOL.000.000 is located,
         and press the [OK] button.

     2.7 |---------------------- Enter Image Directory --------------------------|
         |                                                                       |
         | Installing: Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card Network Drivers          |
         | Do you want a FULL or PARTIAL installation?                           |
         |                                                                       |
         |[FULL]             [Partial]            [Cancel]             [Help]    |

         Press [FULL] button, and wait for the following message is displayed:

         |----------- Question ------------|
         |     Installation Complete       |
         |               [OK]              |

     2.8 Press the [Enter] button and the  
         "Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card Network Drivers"
         is added to the package list.

  3. use the "netconfig" utility to install the driver.

     3.1 Select "Hardware" item from the "Network Configuration Manager" window
         to get into pull-down menu. Move to "Add new LAN adapter",
         then press the [Enter] button,

     3.2 |------------------------ Add new LAN adapter -----------------------|
         | Select network adapter to be added:                                |
         | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
         | |*    3COM EtherLink 16/16TP Adapter                             | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |                             .                                  | |
         | |     Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card                      | |
         | -----------------------------------------------------------------| |
         | [Continue]                     [Cancel]                     [Help] |
          Use [] key to move to "Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card"
          and press the [Continue] button.

     3.3 |-------------------- Network Driver Configuration -----------------------------|
         |                                                                               |
         |  Enter the configuration of Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card:            |
         |                                                                               |
         |                 --------------------------       [ Advanced                   |
         |   Device#:      | |0___________________|v|         Options ]                  |
         |                 --------------------------                                    |
         |   * - indicates conflict with other hardware.                                 |
         | [OK]                           [Cancel]                     [Help]            |

         You can set the Device# to select some specified MTD80x card. If you
         are not make sure of this value, do not change the value, just continue the
         installation. The driver will search for the supported PCI Ethernet card 

         When you finish the settings, press the [OK] button.

     3.4 |---------------------------- Information ---------------------------|
         |                                                                    |
         |  Please verify adapter is set to the configuration just entered.   |
         |                                  [OK]                              |
         Press the [Enter] button.

     3.5 |--------------------------- Add protocol -------------------------- |
         | Select one networking product to be added to                       |
         | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
         | |   HW Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card                     | |
         | | *       - SCO IPX/SPX                                          | |
         | |         - SCO TCP/IP                                           | |
         | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
         | [Add]                       [Cancel]                        [Help] |

          Use [] key to move cursor to "SCO TCP/IP" then press [Add] button.

     3.6 |-------------------- SCO TCP/IP Configuration ----------------------|
         |                                                                    |
         |                                                                    |
         |                                                                    |
         |   Local Host Name: | hostname_______________|  [ Advanced ]        |
         |        IP Address: ||    Options...        |
         |           Netmask: ||                      |
         | Broadcast Address: ||                      |
         |       Domain Name: | hostname.com___________|                      |
         |   TCP connections: | 256 ___________________|                      |
         |       Pseudo ttys: | 32_____________________|                      |
         |                                                                    |
         |  [OK]                       [Cancel]                        [Help] |

         Input the related information then press the [OK] button.

     3.7 |------------------------------ Message -----------------------------|
         | The following products were successfully configured into the system|
         | SCO TCP/IP        |                                                |
         | Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card - Deivce #0                  |
         |  [ OK]                                                    [Help]   |

         Press the [OK] button.

     3.8 At "Hardware" item press [Enter] to get the pull-down menu.
         Move to "Exit" and press [Enter].

     3.9 |--------------------------- Question ---------------------------|
         |     The Unix Kernel must be re-linked before the changed       |
         | ??? made here will have an effect.                             |
         |         Do you want to re-link the kernel now?                 |
         | [ YES ]                                                 [Help] |

         Press [YES] to relink to kernel.

     3.10 Do you want this kernel to boot by default (y/n) y

     3.11 Do you want to the kernel environment rebuilt (y/n) y

  4. Reboot this UNIX system.
     #shutdown -y -g0


  1. Login as root user (on maintenance mode).

  2. Use "netconfig" utility to reconfigure the driver.

     |--------------------- Network Configuration Manager --------------------|
     | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
     | |  Hardware    Protocol                                              | |
     | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
     | Current networking configuration:                                      |
     | -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
     | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
     | | * HW SCO TCP/IP Loopback driver                                    | |
     | |       SCO TCP/IP                                                   | |
     | |          - SCO NFS Runtime System                                  | |
     | |   HW Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card- Device #0              | |
     | |       SCO TCP/IP                                                   | |
     | |          - SCO NFS Runtime System                                  | |
     | |                                                                    | |
     | |                                                                    | |
     | |                                                                    | |
     | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
     | Current configuration of the networking software in this system        |

     Use the [TAB] key to select "HW Realtek RTL8139/810X Family PCI Fast Ethernet Card- Device #0".
     Select the "Hardware" item to get the pull-down menu. Move to
     "Modify hardware configuration", and press [Enter].

  3. Reboot this UNIX system.
     #shutdown -y -g0

Histories of Release:

  ***) 1.00,  11-24-1999
       First release.

  ***) 2.00,  06-13-2000
       For MTD800, MTD803 and MTD891.

  ***) 2.20,  09-02-2000
       Change the default value of burst length.

  ***) 2.30,  01-17-2001
       Modify for fatal bus error issue.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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