English1252.txt Driver File Contents (SLA56-V4.20.01-MV-WIN2K-XP32Bit.zip)

Advanced Status=Advanced Status
Auto Reliable=Auto Reliable
Bytes received=Bytes received
Bytes sent=Bytes sent
Compression Ratio=Compression Ratio
CPU Load=CPU Load
Data Compression=Data Compression
Detection Protocol=Detection Protocol
Error Correction=Error Correction
Graceful Degradation=Graceful Degradation
Hardware Manufacturer=Hardware Manufacturer
Hardware Version=Hardware Version
Inactive line=Inactive line
Last receiving=Last receiving
Last sending=Last sending
Last Throughput=Last Throughput
Line in use=Line in use
Maximum MNP block size=Maximum MNP block size
Modem Throughput=Modem Throughput
No Compression=No Compression
Operating mode=Operating mode
Software Manufacturer=Software Manufacturer
Software Version=Software Version
WEB Favorites=WEB Favorites
Speaker Control=Speaker Control
Speaker Volume=Speaker Volume
This slider controls the initial volume of your modem speaker=This slider controls the initial volume of your modem speaker
this may be changed by your communication application=this may be changed by your communication application
Soft Speaker=Soft Speaker
Boost - check to add a 6 dB gain=Boost - check to add a 6 dB gain
Enable PBX=Enable PBX
Attached to=Attached to
Assign Communication Port=Assign Communication Port
Auto Select=Auto Select
Audio/Modem Riser=Audio/Modem Riser
Audio Codec=Audio Codec
Modem Codec=Modem Codec
If you are having difficulties dialing=If you are having difficulties dialing
The Modem Helper utility can help you overcome most problems related to dialing (for example, NO DIALTONE)=The Modem Helper utility can help you overcome most problems related to dialing (for example, NO DIALTONE)
Press the Modem Helper button to launch the utility=Press the Modem Helper button to launch the utility
If you can dial but are having difficulties connecting=If you can dial but are having difficulties connecting
The following modes can help you overcome most problems related to poor phone line conditions=The following modes can help you overcome most problems related to poor phone line conditions
Try the following modes by checking one box at a time and trying to connect=Try the following modes by checking one box at a time and trying to connect
Safe Mode 1=Safe Mode 1
Safe Mode 2=Safe Mode 2
Safe Mode 3=Safe Mode 3
Communicating with Modem=Communicating with Modem
This may take a few moments, please wait=This may take a few moments, please wait
During the test you will hear sound while the modem is attempting to connect. You may stop the test any time using the button below=During the test you will hear sound while the modem is attempting to connect. You may stop the test any time using the button below
Start Test=Start Test
Checking phone line=Checking phone line
Checking line current=Checking line current
Checking Dial tone=Checking Dial tone
Pulse Dialing=Pulse Dialing
Test cancelled - please wait=Test cancelled - please wait
Modem Helper=Modem Helper
Modem set to operate in=Modem set to operate in
If you want to perform the dialing test, type a phone number of another modem (for instance, the number of your Internet Service Provider)=If you want to perform the dialing test, type a phone number of another modem (for instance, the number of your Internet Service Provider)
Line detection=Line detection
Dial tone detection=Dial tone detection
Dialing test=Dialing test
Modem test=Modem test
Another application is using the modem (probably your dialer)=Another application is using the modem (probably your dialer)
Close the application using the modem and try again=Close the application using the modem and try again
Test cancelled=Test cancelled
No answer=No answer
No carrier=No carrier
Modem OK=Modem OK
Error code=Error code
Click FIX to solve the problem=Click FIX to solve the problem
I Agree=I Agree
I Don't Agree=I Don't Agree
Don't show this message again=Don't show this message again
Not tested=Not tested
Not applicable=Not applicable
License agreement=License agreement
Modem On Hold=Modem On Hold
Card test=Card test
Result code=Result code
Not supported=Not supported
You are going to uninstall all the Modem drivers=You are going to uninstall all the Modem drivers
You must restart your computer in order to complete uninstallation=You must restart your computer in order to complete uninstallation
Close all open applications and choose one of the options below=Close all open applications and choose one of the options below
To finish removing your hardware, you must restart your computer=To finish removing your hardware, you must restart your computer
Do you want to proceed=Do you want to proceed
Restart the computer automatically now=Restart the computer automatically now
Shut down the computer automatically to remove the modem=Shut down the computer automatically to remove the modem
Checking card=Checking card
Test Cancelled=Test Cancelled
Check for Updated Drivers=Check for Updated Drivers
Go to=Go to
Incoming calls=Incoming calls
Always answer the call and stay on line=Always answer the call and stay on line
Always ignore the call and stay on line=Always ignore the call and stay on line
Always answer the call and disconnect=Always answer the call and disconnect
Always ask me first=Always ask me first
If the ISP does not support wait on hold=If the ISP does not support wait on hold
I prefer to stay on line and ignore the call=I prefer to stay on line and ignore the call
I prefer to answer the call and disconnect the modem=I prefer to answer the call and disconnect the modem
To use the Modem on Hold option, your phone line MUST have call waiting feature support=To use the Modem on Hold option, your phone line MUST have call waiting feature support
Modem Log=Modem Log
Only use the Modem Log feature when instructed to by Customer Support Personnel=Only use the Modem Log feature when instructed to by Customer Support Personnel
Working Directory=Working Directory
Quick connect / V.44=Quick connect / V.44
Quick connect=Quick connect
Enable quick connect=Enable quick connect
Clear data=Clear data
Enable V.44=Enable V.44
Call Waiting=Call Waiting
You have an incoming phone call=You have an incoming phone call
Your Internet connection has been terminated=Your Internet connection has been terminated
Press the OK button and pick up the phone=Press the OK button and pick up the phone
Incoming phone call=Incoming phone call
The Internet connection has been placed on Hold=The Internet connection has been placed on Hold
You can pick up the phone and talk=You can pick up the phone and talk
When finished press the button below and return to the internet=When finished press the button below and return to the internet
Resume the internet connection=Resume the internet connection
Ignore call=Ignore call
You have just ignored an incoming call=You have just ignored an incoming call
Press the OK button=Press the OK button
The Internet connection can wait on Hold for a maximum of=The Internet connection can wait on Hold for a maximum of
Other side on hold for unlimited time=Other side on hold for unlimited time
There is an incoming call for you=There is an incoming call for you
Failed to put on hold, data call continues=Failed to put on hold, data call continues
Failed to put on hold, data call is terminated=Failed to put on hold, data call is terminated
The Internet connection is resuming=The Internet connection is resuming
Connected to=Connected to
Connected at=Connected at
Time To Connect=Time To Connect
Com Port=Com Port
Can't load MiniRecorder=Can't load MiniRecorder
Another trace application is running now=Another trace application is running now
Compatibility mode=Compatibility mode
Thanks for your cooperation=Thanks for your cooperation
Your Name=Your Name
Test Location=Test Location
CPU Type/Speed=CPU Type/Speed
Mother  Board=Mother  Board
BIOS Type/Version=BIOS Type/Version
RAM Type/Amount=RAM Type/Amount
Windows Version=Windows Version
Modem Manufacturer=Modem Manufacturer
Modem S/N=Modem S/N
Driver Version=Driver Version
Graphics Card=Graphics Card
Other Cards=Other Cards
Application Used=Application Used
Telephone Line Type/Parameters=Telephone Line Type/Parameters
Provider Name=Provider Name
Problem description=Problem description
Modem Settings=Modem Settings
Changes the settings for your modem=Changes the settings for your modem
Excessive current level detected on the phone line=Excessive current level detected on the phone line
To avoid damaging the modem please unplug the phone line=To avoid damaging the modem please unplug the phone line
Software Speaker=Software Speaker
Accept Sequence=Accept Sequence
Always disconnect from the Internet to answer calls=Always disconnect from the Internet to answer calls
Always pause the Internet to answer calls=Always pause the Internet to answer calls
Answer call=Answer call
Answer phone calls and disconnect=Answer phone calls and disconnect
Answering phone call denied=Answering phone call denied
Are You Sure You Want to Delete This Profile=Are You Sure You Want to Delete This Profile
Ask me whether to answer calls=Ask me whether to answer calls
Call Waiting received=Call Waiting received
Caller ID=Caller ID
Can't load recorder application=Can't load recorder application
Can't place outgoing call=Can't place outgoing call
Card test fail=Card test fail
Change V.92 features settings for your modem=Change V.92 features settings for your modem
Changes the country selection for your modem=Changes the country selection for your modem
Choose Directory=Choose Directory
Connection Speed=Connection Speed
Country Code=Country Code
Create Directory=Create Directory
Create Folder=Create Folder
Data call is terminated=Data call is terminated
Data Mode=Data Mode
Data on hold=Data on hold
Default Option if ISP Can Not go on Hold=Default Option if ISP Can Not go on Hold
Delete Operation is Forbidden=Delete Operation is Forbidden
Delete Profile=Delete Profile
Destination folder=Destination folder
Dial tone not detected=Dial tone not detected
Dialup Time=Dialup Time
Do you want to create it=Do you want to create it
Do you want to suspend PC anyway=Do you want to suspend PC anyway
does not exist=does not exist
Don't care=Don't care
Download Upgrade From The Internet=Download Upgrade From The Internet
Enable Incoming Modem on Hold=Enable Incoming Modem on Hold
Enable MOH with PBX=Enable MOH with PBX
Enable Outgoing Modem On Hold=Enable Outgoing Modem On Hold
Enable PCM Upstream=Enable PCM Upstream
Enable V.44 Compression=Enable V.44 Compression
Fail to put on hold=Fail to put on hold
Get last Modio Info and News=Get last Modio Info and News
Go to Smart Link Resource Center=Go to Smart Link Resource Center
Ignore phone calls and stay online=Ignore phone calls and stay online
Incoming Modem On Hold=Incoming Modem On Hold
Initializing recording=Initializing recording
Installation Cancelled=Installation Cancelled
is an invalid directory name=is an invalid directory name
ISP denied modem on hold, data call is terminated=ISP denied modem on hold, data call is terminated
Leave Name Empty=Leave Name Empty
Line current too high=Line current too high
Line current too low=Line current too low
Loose CAS Detection=Loose CAS Detection
Make a phone call=Make a phone call
Make Current=Make Current
Making a phone call=Making a phone call
Message can not be displayed. Please contact support=Message can not be displayed. Please contact support
Modem error=Modem error
Modem Helper Error=Modem Helper Error
Modem Helper HtmlHelp Problem=Modem Helper HtmlHelp Problem
Modem Installation=Modem Installation
Modem Name=Modem Name
Modem not installed properly. You should uninstall the modem drivers (using Control panel->Add/Remove programs) , restart and install it again=Modem not installed properly. You should uninstall the modem drivers (using Control panel->Add/Remove programs) , restart and install it again
Modem On Hold lets you pause your Internet connection to make phone calls or answer phone calls while online=Modem On Hold lets you pause your Internet connection to make phone calls or answer phone calls while online
Modem On Hold pauses your Internet connection while you use the phone.  (requires support from your ISP)=Modem On Hold pauses your Internet connection while you use the phone.  (requires support from your ISP)
Modem patents info=Modem patents info
Modem Setup=Modem Setup
Modem Uninstall=Modem Uninstall
New Profile=New Profile
No, I will restart my computer later.=No, I will restart my computer later.
Not connected=Not connected
OEM Code Page=OEM Code Page
of hold time. When your call is complete, hang up the phone and then click "Resume my Internet connection"=of hold time. When your call is complete, hang up the phone and then click "Resume my Internet connection"
Outgoing Modem On Hold=Outgoing Modem On Hold
Outgoing phone call denied by ISP=Outgoing phone call denied by ISP
Outgoing Sequence=Outgoing Sequence
Over Current Protection=Over Current Protection
Patents Info=Patents Info
PCM Upstream=PCM Upstream
Please pick up the phone and dial=Please pick up the phone and dial
Please select the directory=Please select the directory
Please Wait=Please Wait
Port Connection=Port Connection
Port is open=Port is open
Port number=Port number
Profile Name=Profile Name
Profile Name Will be its Sequential Number=Profile Name Will be its Sequential Number
Profiles 0-100 Are System Profiles=Profiles 0-100 Are System Profiles
Profiles Configuration=Profiles Configuration
Ready to compress=Ready to compress
Receiving Phone Call=Receiving Phone Call
Register Online to Modio Upgrade=Register Online to Modio Upgrade
Reject Sequence=Reject Sequence
Remaining hold time=Remaining hold time
Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete setup.=Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete setup.
Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete uninstall.=Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete uninstall.
Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Next to complete setup.=Remove any floppy disks from their drives, and then click Next to complete setup.
Restore Default=Restore Default
Resume Incoming Sequence=Resume Incoming Sequence
Resume my Internet Connection=Resume my Internet Connection
Resume Outgoing Sequence=Resume Outgoing Sequence
Resuming your Internet Connection=Resuming your Internet Connection
Setup  - Install/Replace modem driver=Setup  - Install/Replace modem driver
Setup  ? - Show this window=Setup  ? - Show this window
Setup  [PATH] - Install/Replace modem driver with new driver from [PATH]=Setup  [PATH] - Install/Replace modem driver with new driver from [PATH]
Setup / Remove=Setup / Remove
Setup /NONGUI - Installation without GUI=Setup /NONGUI - Installation without GUI
Setup /Remove - Remove modem driver=Setup /Remove - Remove modem driver
Setup /Silent - Silent, without GUI installation=Setup /Silent - Silent, without GUI installation
Setup Complete=Setup Complete
Setup failed=Setup failed
Setup Progress=Setup Progress
Setup usage=Setup usage
Setup Wizard=Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard has finished installing the Modem driver on your computer.=Setup Wizard has finished installing the Modem driver on your computer.
Setup Wizard has finished removing the Modem driver from your computer.=Setup Wizard has finished removing the Modem driver from your computer.
Setup Wizard is installing the Modem driver=Setup Wizard is installing the Modem driver
Setup Wizard is removing the Modem driver=Setup Wizard is removing the Modem driver
Show only primary connection rate=Show only primary connection rate
Suspending your machine will close the connection=Suspending your machine will close the connection
The call was not answered by a remote modem=The call was not answered by a remote modem
The Following Countries Use This Profile=The Following Countries Use This Profile
The line is busy=The line is busy
The number is Blacklisted=The number is Blacklisted
The test did not detect the presence of a phone line connected to your modem=The test did not detect the presence of a phone line connected to your modem
There was no answer from the remote side=There was no answer from the remote side
This application is unavailable while the port is open=This application is unavailable while the port is open
This is an active Modem connection=This is an active Modem connection
This Setup Wizard will install the Modem driver on your computer. To continue, click >>.=This Setup Wizard will install the Modem driver on your computer. To continue, click >>.
This Uninstall Wizard will remove the Modem driver from your computer. To continue, click >>.=This Uninstall Wizard will remove the Modem driver from your computer. To continue, click >>.
Time Connected=Time Connected
To answer the call and disconnect from the internet, click on "Answer Call", wait for the phone to ring and pick up the handset. Otherwise, click on "Ignore Call" to stay connected=To answer the call and disconnect from the internet, click on "Answer Call", wait for the phone to ring and pick up the handset. Otherwise, click on "Ignore Call" to stay connected
Total Cleanup=Total Cleanup
Type a Profile Name=Type a Profile Name
Undisclosed party=Undisclosed party
Uninstall Complete=Uninstall Complete
Uninstall Progress=Uninstall Progress
Uninstall Wizard=Uninstall Wizard
Unknown help error=Unknown help error
V.44 Compression=V.44 Compression
V.92 Features=V.92 Features
V.92 features settings=V.92 features settings
Welcome to Setup Wizard=Welcome to Setup Wizard
Welcome to the Setup Wizard=Welcome to the Setup Wizard
Welcome to Uninstall Wizard=Welcome to Uninstall Wizard
What about Internet Browser=What about Internet Browser
With this setting modem may not work properly=With this setting modem may not work properly
Yes, I want to restart my computer now.=Yes, I want to restart my computer now.
You are receiving a phone call from=You are receiving a phone call from
You are receiving a phone call. You can pause your Internet connection to answer this call or ignore the call and stay online.=You are receiving a phone call. You can pause your Internet connection to answer this call or ignore the call and stay online.
You can assign this port to the modem=You can assign this port to the modem
You can not answer the call since your ISP does not support wait on Hold=You can not answer the call since your ISP does not support wait on Hold
You can not place outgoing call since your ISP does not support wait on Hold=You can not place outgoing call since your ISP does not support wait on Hold
You Can Only Use DTMF Keys=You Can Only Use DTMF Keys
You have just ignored an incoming call from=You have just ignored an incoming call from
You may pick up the phone=You may pick up the phone
You need Call Waiting to receive calls with Modem On Hold=You need Call Waiting to receive calls with Modem On Hold
You need Three-Way calling service to use Modem on Hold to make outgoing calls=You need Three-Way calling service to use Modem on Hold to make outgoing calls
You need Three-Way Calling to make phone calls with Modem On Hold=You need Three-Way Calling to make phone calls with Modem On Hold
Your ISP does not support Modem On Hold=Your ISP does not support Modem On Hold
Your ISP supports=Your ISP supports
Your ISP supports unlimited on hold time. When your call is complete, hang up the phone and then click "Resume my Internet connection"=Your ISP supports unlimited on hold time. When your call is complete, hang up the phone and then click "Resume my Internet connection"
Please wait while Modem Blaster V.92 resumes your Internet connection=Please wait while Modem Blaster V.92 resumes your Internet connection
Your ISP has denied your Modem on Hold request and will deny all future Modem on Hold requests for this session=Your ISP has denied your Modem on Hold request and will deny all future Modem on Hold requests for this session
Bad Frequency=Bad Frequency
No dial tone=No dial tone
Black listed=Black listed
Re-install Modem Driver=Re-install Modem Driver
Modem on Hold request denied=Modem on Hold request denied
The Modem is Locked by The System. Reboot the System and Run Setup Again=The Modem is Locked by The System. Reboot the System and Run Setup Again
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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