;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright (C) 1996-1998, Rockwell Semiconductor Systems, Inc. ; Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Conexant Systems ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The file must contain a Version section with a Signature= entry. ; ; The SetupNtDriverInfFile=<anything> entry identifies this as a "drv_roc" ; file, which allows the user to rename the file. This is a coding trick. The ; setup program looks for drv_roc.inf. If there is no such file, the setup ; program scans all *.INF files, stopping at the first. ; ; Note: the setup program only runs on Windows NT, version 4 ; Version: 3.05.18 ; Capabilities: ALL ; Controller: ALL ; Daa Type: ALL ; Codec: ALL ; Hardware type: ALL ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Version] Signature ="$WINDOWS NT$" SetupNtDriverInfFile = H215DT4.inf MMX_Required = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The file must contain a Strings section, with DriverName= and ; UninstallRegistryKey= entries. ; ; DriverName - the exact name of the device driver file, without extension ; UninstallRegistryKey - the exact registry key for uninstallation ; ; The following strings are used only in the INF file ; ; EventLogRegistryValue - instructions for event logging ; ModemName1 - default display name for the modem ; rksample_root - hokey HSF driver stuff ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Strings] CompanyName = "AOpen" ProductName = "AOpen FM56-SLM Soft PCI Modem" DriverName ="WinAcHsf" DriverFileName ="HSF_CNXT" UninstallRegistryKey ="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" EventLogRegistryValue ="%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\HSF_CNXT.sys" ModemName1 ="AOpen FM56-SLM Soft PCI Modem" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The file must contain a Models section, with entries for each modem to ; install or uninstall. NAME and SECTION are required for all types of ; modem. PNPID is required for "PCI\" - style matches, at this time only ; HSF uses this to match this file to the appropriate INF file. ; ; [Models] ; NAME = SECTION, PNPID ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Models] %ModemName1%=DataFax, PCI\RSSI [DataFax] AddReg = DriverRegistry, UninstallRegistry CopyFiles = InstallFiles, CsaAppletFiles, UninstallFiles, DriverFiles, InfFiles ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PciVendorID - 0x14F1 Conexant, 0x127A Rockwell, defaults to 127A ; PciDeviceID - board family to match, defaults to 0x1000 ; PciDeviceIDMask - significant bits of PciDeviceID, defaults to 0xF000 ; PciSubsystemVendorID - must match the board, 0 for "any", defaults to 0 ; PciSubsystemID - must match the board, 0 for "any", defaults to 0 ; SymbolicLink - the COM port for your installation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DriverRegistry] HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, SymbolicLink,,"COM3" HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciVendorID, 0x40001, 0x127A HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciDeviceID, 0x40001, 0x2014 HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciSubsystemVendorID, 0x40001, 0x127A HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciSubsystemID, 0x40001, 0x2014 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DisplayName shows up in the control panel add/remove programs applet ; UninstallString is the command line invoked by that applet to do the uninstall ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [UninstallRegistry] HKLM,%UninstallRegistryKey%\%DriverName% HKLM,%UninstallRegistryKey%\%DriverName%, DisplayName,,"%ModemName1% (Uninstall)" HKLM,%UninstallRegistryKey%\%DriverName%, UninstallString,,"%10%\%DriverName%\setup -u" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Files to be copied - where they are copied is specified in [DestinationDirs] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [InstallFiles] H215DT4.inf ;D215DTt.inf V215DTt.inf ;S215DTt.inf ;H215DTt.inf setup.exe [CsaAppletFiles] csacpl.cpl [UninstallFiles] isdel.exe [DriverFiles] HSF_CNXT.sys amosnt.sys tonesnt.sys v124nt.sys rksample.sys basic2.sys fallback.sys FSKsNT.sys Faxnt.sys k56nt.sys spkpnt.sys CNXStd.cty [InfFiles] ;D215DTt.inf V215DTt.inf ;S215DTt.inf ;H215DTt.inf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - the installer reads these to add the driver to the system ; [SECTION.Services] - SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry ; AddService = service-name, flag, service-install-section, eventlog-section ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DataFax.Services] AddService=%DriverName%,0,DriverService,DriverEventLog AddService=AmosNT,0,svc_amos,DriverEventLog AddService=Tones,0,svc_tones,DriverEventLog AddService=V124,0,svc_v124,DriverEventLog AddService=RKSAMPLE,0,svc_rksample,DriverEventLog AddService=basic2,0,svc_hw_ctrl,DriverEventLog AddService=Fallback,0,svc_fallback,DriverEventLog AddService=Fax,0,svc_fax,DriverEventLog AddService=Fsks,0,svc_fsks,DriverEventLog AddService=K56Flex,0,svc_k56flex,DriverEventLog AddService=Spkphone,0,svc_spkphone,DriverEventLog [DriverService] ServiceType = 1 ; must be 1, kernel mode driver StartType = 2 ; 0=boot,1=system,2=automatic,3=manual ErrorControl = 0 ; 0=ignore,1=normal,2=severe,3=critical ServiceBinary = %12%\%DriverFileName%.sys ; winnt\system32\drivers\driver.sys, exactly [svc_amos] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\amosnt.sys [svc_tones] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\Tonesnt.sys [svc_v124] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\v124nt.sys [svc_rksample] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\rksample.sys [svc_hw_ctrl] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\basic2.sys [svc_fallback] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\fallback.sys [svc_fsks] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\fsksnt.sys [svc_fax] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\faxnt.sys [svc_k56flex] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\k56nt.sys [svc_spkphone] ServiceType=1 StartType=2 ErrorControl=0 ServiceBinary=%12%\spkpnt.sys ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - the installer reads these to find out the driver's registry key ; [SECTION.RegKeyName] - SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DataFax.RegKeyName] %DriverName%0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; How the driver reports system event log entries ; AddReg defines how to expose the error messages to the system ; DelReg tells the un-installer how to remove them ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DriverEventLog] AddReg=DriverEventLogRegistry DelReg=DriverEventLogRegistry [DriverEventLogRegistry] HKR,,EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogRegistryValue% HKR,,TypesSupported, 0x00010001,7 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - the un-installer reads this to remove the modem later, ; [SECTION.Uninstall] - SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry ; DelFiles = file-section, file-section,... ; DelReg = reg-section, reg-section,... ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DataFax.Uninstall] DelFiles=CsaAppletFiles, DriverFiles, InfFiles, PnfFiles DelReg=UninstallRegistry [PnfFiles] ;D215DTt.inf V215DTt.inf ;S215DTt.inf ;H215DTt.inf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - the un-installer reads these to remove the driver ; [SECTION.Uninstall.Services] - SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry ; DelService = driver-service-name (must be the same as in AddService) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DataFax.Uninstall.Services] DelService=%DriverName% DelService=AmosNT DelService=Tones DelService=V124 DelService=RKSAMPLE DelService=basic2 DelService=Fallback DelService=Fsks DelService=Fax DelService=K56Flex DelService=Spkphone ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - one entry for each file that **must** be copied ; filename = disk-number[,subdir][,size] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SourceDiskFiles] csacpl.cpl = 1 ; country selection applet H215DT4.inf = 1 ; instructions for install and un-install (this file) ;D215DTt.inf V215DTt.inf ;S215DTt.inf ;H215DTt.inf setup.exe = 1 ; installer isdel.exe = 1 ; removes all traces of the un-installer, including itself HSF_CNXT.sys = 1 ; modem driver ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry - matched to the [sections] listed above ; file-list-section = drid[,subdir] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DestinationDirs] InstallFiles = 10,%DriverName% CsaAppletFiles = 11 UninstallFiles = 11 DriverFiles = 10,SYSTEM32\DRIVERS InfFiles = 17 PnfFiles = 17 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Entry ; ordinal = "disk-description", tag-file, unused, [absolute-path] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SourceDisksNames] 1="%ModemName1% Drivers Disk","setup.exe",1Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.