INSTALL.TXT Driver File Contents (lan_67207_all.exe)

This document contains information about  RTL8139x driver for Macintosh Power Mac
series.  We urge you to read this document to gain some understanding of this product.
This document address the following topics:

*** The RTL8139x driver does not support the HOT-SWAP functionality of a PC Card.
    Thus you must plug the PC Card into your system before booting and should not
    remove the PC Card from your system before shuting down. PLEASE DO NOT

1. Adapter requirement for PCI adapter
2. Adapter requirement for PC Card
3. Software Installation
4. Setting up Open Transport
5. Setting up the TCP/IP

1. Adapter requirement for PCI adapter
1.1 The NIC on your Ethernet adapter must be RTL8139 series and the Subsystem
     Vendor ID must be 10ec and the Subsystem ID must be 8139.
     * You can contact your card provider to get the Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem
       ID. Or you can use the following method by yourself to check the Subsystem
       Vendor ID and Subsystem ID.
       - Select the "Apple System Profiler" from the Apple Menu.
       - Select the "Devices and Volumes" page from the "Apple System Profiler" window.
       - Check the "Card Name" field in the information of the PCI-slot where your ethernet
         adapter is plugged. The content of "Card Name" is in the form of pcixxxx,yyyy where
         xxxx is the Subsystem Vendor ID and yyyy is the Subsystem ID.
1.2 If the Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID is not 10ec,8139, please contact your
    card provider to get the driver for your adapter or follow the following steps to patch
    our driver to work with your adapter.
    - Get a binary editor to edit the driver.
      *** You can use "General Edit Lite" editor You can download "General Edit Lite" from

    - Use this editor to open the driver file "RTL8139x Driver".
    - Select "Unlock Data" from the "View" menu item to unlock data of the driver file to
      enable the editor to modify the driver file.
    - Click on the lower frame to activate the lower frame.
    - Replace all the pci10ec,8139 items with your pcixxxx,yyyy by using the "Replace"
      function provied in the "Replace" menu item in the  "Find" menu item. 
    - Save the driver file.
      note: "Quadrivio General Edit Lite" is a product of Quadrivio corporation. Please read
            the text file within the "Quadrivio General Edit Lite". You can contact Quadrivio 
            corporation for more information.

2. Adapter requirement for PC Card
2.1 The NIC on your PC Card must be RTL8139 series and the Vendor ID musb be 10ec 
    and the Device ID must be 8139. 
    * You can contact your PC Card provider to get the Vendor ID and Device ID of your
      PC Card. 
2.2 If the Vendor ID and Device ID is not 10ec,8139, please contact your PC Card provider   
    to get the driver for your PC Card or follow the following steps to patch our driver to 
    work with your PC Card.
    - Get a binary editor to edit the driver.
    *** You can use "General Edit Lite" editor You can download "General Edit Lite" from       
    - Use this editor to open the driver file "RTL8139x Driver".
    - Select "Unlock Data" from the "View" menu item to unlock data of the driver file to 
      enable the editor to modify the driver file.
    - Click on the lower frame to activate the lower frame.
    - Replace all the pci10ec,8139 items with your pcixxxx,yyyy whree xxxx is the Vendor
      ID and yyyy is the Device ID of your PC Card by using the "Replace" function provided
      in the "Replace" menu item in the  "Find" menu item. 
    - Save the driver file.
      note: "Quadrivio General Edit Lite" is a product of Quadrivio corporation. Please read
            the text file within the "Quadrivio General Edit Lite". You can contact Quadrivio 
            corporation for more information.

3. Software Installation
3.1 Double-click the "Installer" icon in the "RTL8139x Driver for Mac OS" folder. The
    installer program examines your computer and installs the appropriate driver 
    according to your selection.

4. Setting up the AppleTalk Control Panel
4.1 Select the "Control Panels" from the Apple Menu.
4.2 Select "AppleTalk" from the Control Panels submeu. 
4.3 Click the "Connect via:" dropdown list box to show available communication connections.
4.4 Select the slot where the adapter is installed.
4.5 Close the AppleTalk control panel. A dialog box will appear asking whether you 
    want to save changes. Click the "Save" button.

5. Setting up the TCP/IP
5.1 Select "Control Panels" from the Apple Menu.
5.2 Select "TCP/IP" from te Control Panels submenu.
5.3 Click the "Connect via:" dropdown list box to show available communication connections.
5.4 Select the slot where the adapter is installed.
5.5 Close the TCP/IP control panel. A dialog box will appear asking whether you want
    to save changes. Click the "Save" button.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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