ethpcmdm.inf Driver File Contents (

; Windows Modem Setup File
; Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corp.

LayoutFile=layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf

; --------------------------------------------------
; Manufacturers


; --------------------------------------------------
; Driver sections

%ACCTON1% = Gen144P, MF\ACCTON2218_DEV0

; --------------------------------------------------
; Generic modem install sections

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, GenReg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen3Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen12Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen24Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen24Reg, INTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen24Reg, PCMCIA

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen96Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen96Reg, INTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen96Reg, PCMCIA

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen144Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen144Reg, INTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen144Reg, PCMCIA

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen192Reg, EXTERNAL

AddReg=All, GenericAddReg, Gen288Reg, EXTERNAL

; --------------------------------------------------
; Common AddReg sections


HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 01

HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 02

HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 03

; standard init/monitor/answer mechanisms.  Override if different for a specific modem/manufacture
HKR, Init, 1,, "AT<cr>" ; do an "AT" to get autobaud correct (start other init strings with 2)
HKR, Monitor, 1,, "ATS0=0<cr>"
HKR, Monitor, 2,, "None"
HKR, Answer, 1,, "ATA<cr>"
HKR, Hangup, 1,, "ATH<cr>"
HKR,, Reset,, "ATZ<cr>"    ; slam in a reset before closing
HKR, Settings, Prefix,, "AT"
HKR, Settings, Terminator,, "<cr>"
HKR, Settings, DialPrefix,, "D"
HKR, Settings, DialSuffix,, ";"
HKR, Settings, CallSetupFailTimer,, "S7=<#>"
HKR, Settings, InactivityTimeout,, "S30=<#>"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Low,, "L0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Med,, "L2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_High,, "L3"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Off,, "M0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Dial,, "M1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_On,, "M2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Setup,, "M3"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Off,, "&K0"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Hard,, "&K3"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Soft,, "&K4"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Off,, "&Q6S36=3S48=128"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_On,, "&Q5S36=7S48=7"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Forced,, "&Q5S36=4S48=7"
HKR, Settings, Compression_Off,, "S46=136"
HKR, Settings, Compression_On,, "S46=138"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_CCITT,, "B0"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_Bell,, "B1"
HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_Off,, "N0"
HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_On,, "N1"
HKR, Settings, Pulse,, "P"
HKR, Settings, Tone,, "T"
HKR, Settings, Blind_Off,, "X4"
HKR, Settings, Blind_On,, "X3"

; These are the Hayes responses.
; Differences for non-Hayes modems should be addressed in the specific modem/manufacturer sections
;			      | State
;				  | Options (Compression, Error-Correction, Cellular)
;				      | DCE Rate
;						   | DTE Rate
; Command Response and Call Progress Monitoring
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>", 1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; OK
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "0<cr>",  1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; OK
HKR, Responses, "1<cr>",  1, 02, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT - Connection at 300 bps
HKR, Responses, "2<cr>",  1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; RING
HKR, Responses, "3<cr>",  1, 04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO CARRIER
HKR, Responses, "4<cr>",  1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "5<cr>",  1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 1200
HKR, Responses, "6<cr>",  1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO DIALTONE
HKR, Responses, "7<cr>",  1, 06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; BUSY
HKR, Responses, "8<cr>",  1, 07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO ANSWER
HKR, Responses, "9<cr>",  1, 02, 00, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 0600
HKR, Responses, "10<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 2400
HKR, Responses, "11<cr>", 1, 02, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 4800
HKR, Responses, "12<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 9600
HKR, Responses, "13<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 7200
HKR, Responses, "14<cr>", 1, 02, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 12000
HKR, Responses, "15<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 14400
HKR, Responses, "16<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,48,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 19200
HKR, Responses, "17<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 00,96,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 38400
HKR, Responses, "18<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 00,E1,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 57600
HKR, Responses, "19<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 00,C2,01,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 115200
HKR, Responses, "22<cr>", 1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 1200/75
HKR, Responses, "23<cr>", 1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 75/1200
HKR, Responses, "24<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; DELAYED
HKR, Responses, "32<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; BLACKLISTED
HKR, Responses, "33<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; FAX - FAX call detected
HKR, Responses, "34<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; +FCERROR
HKR, Responses, "35<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; DATA - Data call detected
HKR, Responses, "40<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 300
HKR, Responses, "42<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 600/75
HKR, Responses, "44<cr>", 1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 1200/75
HKR, Responses, "45<cr>", 1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 75/1200
HKR, Responses, "46<cr>", 1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 1200
HKR, Responses, "47<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 2400
HKR, Responses, "48<cr>", 1, 01, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 4800
HKR, Responses, "49<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 7200
HKR, Responses, "50<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 9600
HKR, Responses, "51<cr>", 1, 01, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 12000
HKR, Responses, "52<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CARRIER 14400
HKR, Responses, "66<cr>", 1, 01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; COMPRESSION: CLASS 5
HKR, Responses, "67<cr>", 1, 01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; COMPRESSION: V.42BIS
HKR, Responses, "69<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; COMPRESSION: NONE
HKR, Responses, "70<cr>", 1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; PROTOCOL: NONE
HKR, Responses, "77<cr>", 1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; PROTOCOL: LAPM
HKR, Responses, "80<cr>", 1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; PROTOCOL: ALT
HKR, Responses, "81<cr>", 1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; PROTOCOL: ISDN
HKR, Responses, "82<cr>", 1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; PROTOCOL: X.25

; DCB's - dwords and words are byte reversed
;									    ByteSize (Number of bits/byte, 4-8)
;										Parity (0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space)
;										    StopBits (0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2)
;	       |DCBLength   |BaudRate	 |Bit Mask    |Rsvd  |XonLim|XofLim|   |   |   |Xon|Xof|Err|Eof|Evt

; --------------------------------------------------
; Model AddReg sections

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 00,c2,01,00

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 2c,01,00,00, 2c,01,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 2C,01,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, b0,04,00,00, b0,04,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, B0,04,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 80,25,00,00, 60,09,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 60,09,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 00,96,00,00, 80,25,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 80,25,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

;HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 00,e1,00,00, 40,38,00,00
;HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 00,4B,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00
;HKR, Init, 2,, "AT&FE0V0W1&C1&D2S95=47<cr>"
;HKR,, Properties, 1, 80,01,00,00, ff,00,00,00, ff,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 0f,00,00,00, f7,03,00,00, 00,e1,00,00, 40,38,00,00
HKR, Init, 2,, "AT&FE0V0W1&C1&D2S95=47<cr>"
HKR,, Properties, 1, c0,01,00,00, ff,00,00,00, ff,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 0f,00,00,00, b7,03,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 80,70,00,00
HKR, Settings, DialSuffix,, ""

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 00,4b,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 00,4B,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,01,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 80,70,00,00
HKR,, DCB, 1, 1C,00,00,00, 00,96,00,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00

; --------------------------------------------------

ACCTON	= "Accton Technology Corporation"
ACCTON1 = "Accton EN2218 Multi-function PC Card (Modem)"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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