mfcem56.inf Driver File Contents (xem_270-1.exe)

; Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter 10/100 + Modem 56.
; Copyright (c) 1997-1998, Xircom, Inc.
; $Date:   Oct 17 2000 10:11:50  $
; $Revision:   1.28  $
Signature      = "$Chicago$"
Class          = MultiFunction
ClassGUID      = {4d36e971-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
DriverVer      = 09/05/2000,
Provider       = %Xircom%
CatalogFile    = MFCEM56.CAT

AddReg = ClassAddReg


%Xircom% = Models

ExcludeFromSelect.nt = PCMCIA\XIRCOM-CREDITCARD_ETHERNET_10/100_+_MODEM_56-C027


;  The following allow for installation on win 2000


AddReg = cem56.nt.RegHW


AddService = mf, 2, nt_Services

ServiceType    = 1                      ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                      ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl   = 1                      ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\mf.sys
LoadOrderGroup = System Bus Extender

LogConfig = cem56.nt.Override0
LogConfig = cem56.nt.Override1
LogConfig = cem56.nt.Override2
LogConfig = cem56.nt.Override3

[cem56.nt.Override0]    ;COM3

[cem56.nt.Override1]    ;COM2

[cem56.nt.Override2]    ;COM4
PcCardConfig= 67(W)

[cem56.nt.Override3]    ;COM1

;  The following allow for installation on win98

AddReg     = cem56.9x.reg, Overrides.9x.reg
CopyFiles  = cem56.inf.CopyFiles


AddReg = cem56.RegHW


; The override section is only needed if the CIS does NOT contain a proper
; Config_Table_Entry tuple describing the necessary I\O, IRQ, & memory
; resources.  We need it to allow us to open two memory windows, an attribute
; memory window and a common memory window.  We also need it to allow us
; to open separate I/O windows for the COM port and the network adapter.
; OVERRIDE for COM3 (3E8,4)
HKR,Override,0001,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
E8,03, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
EF,03, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
10,00, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
5F, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM2 (2F8,3)
HKR,Override,0002,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
F8,02, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,02, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
08,00, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
32, \          ; Vpp1
32, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
57, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM1 (3F8,4)
HKR,Override,0003,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
F8,03, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,03, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
10,00, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
4F, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM4 (2E8,xx)
HKR,Override,0004,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
E8,02, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
EF,02, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
67, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM3 (3E8,xx)
HKR,Override,0005,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
E8,03, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
EF,03, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
5F, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM2 (2F8,xx)
HKR,Override,0006,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
F8,02, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,02, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
57, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COM1 (3F8,xx)
HKR,Override,0007,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
F8,03, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,03, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
4F, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;

; OVERRIDE for COM4 (2E8,3)
HKR,Override,0000,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
E8,02, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
EF,02, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
08,00, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
67, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for COMx (VarIO,VarIrq)
HKR,Override,0008,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,30,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: COM port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,03, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : network port
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F0,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
10,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
64,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; MEM Resource Descriptor 0
; 8K attribute memory window mapped to adapter address offset F000
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;      // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;     // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;        // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;        // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;      // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
02,00,00,00, \  ; PC Card flags // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                               // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                               // 0x08 = 16-bit common men
00,F0,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; MEM Resource Descriptor 1
; 4K 16-bit common memory window mapped to adapter address offset 0
34,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \       ; MD_Count;
14,00, \       ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \ ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; MD_Reserved;
00,F0,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,10,00,00, \ ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes = 4K
00,00,00,00, \ ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \ ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \       ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \       ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags      // 0x02 = attribute mem
;                                  // 0x04 = 8-bit common mem (undocumented)
;                                  // 0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,00,00, \ ; Memory card address
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;           // Specify Logical Socket & Function on Card
02,00, \       ; Attributes;       // Enable IRQ Steering
32, \          ; Vcc;              // Tenths of Volts
00, \          ; Vpp1;             // Tenths of Volts
00, \          ; Vpp2;             // Tenths of Volts
02, \          ; IntType;          // Select I/O and Memory Interface
80,FF,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;       // Offset of FCR
00, \          ; Status;           // Val Written to Ext Status Reg if Present
00, \          ; Pin;              // Val Written to Pin Reg if Present
00, \          ; Copy;             // Val Written to Copy Reg if Present
47, \          ; ConfigIndex;      // Val Written to Option Reg to select Config
63, \          ; Present;		     // Option,Status,IO1,and IO2 Reg(s) are Present


1 = %Disk_Ndis5%,,,.\

MFCEM56.CAT  = 1

DefaultDestDir          = 11 ; SYSTEM directory
cem56.ndis.CopyFiles    = 11 ; 11 = System directory
cem56.inf.CopyFiles	= 17 ; 17 = INF directory

Xircom          = "Xircom"
CEM56.DevDesc   = "Xircom Multifunction CreditCard Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 Parent"
MFClassName     = "Multifunction PCMCIA Device Driver"
Disk_Ndis5	   = "Installation Disk for Xircom Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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