hphioins.ini Driver File Contents (3511_enu_w2k_xp_release.exe)

; File: IoInst.ini
; Description: Template file for I/O Installer.
; Author: Steve Hines
; Origin Date: 2/18/99
; This file should be renamed "XxxIoIns.ini" where Xxx is
; the three-letter code for the division.
; The I/O installer should be named "XxxIoIns.exe"
; The Monitors section lists Language/Port monitors that should be added.
; Note that if the monitors already exist they will be deleted before file
; copying begins, and then added back afterwards. The section has the form:
;     <#> = [^]<monitor dll>,[^]<monitor name>
; The Drivers section lists device driver services that should be added.
; If the services already exist they will be stopped, but not deleted,
; before the copying beings, and then restarted afterward. The section
; has the form:
;     <#> = [^]<service name>,[^]<service it depends on>,[^]description
; The Files sections below list files to be installed. Each file list
; has the form: 
;     <#> = [^$]<filename>
; Where:
;     # is the index of the file in the list. The indices must be
;       sequential starting with 0 for the first file in the list.
;     ^ optionally denotes that the text that follows should be
;       interpreted verbatim. Use this for names or descriptions
;       that do not want the division prefix.
;     $ optionally denotes that the file is not compressed. If supplied
;       with ^, it must always *follow* that option.
;     <...> Text in a section. If not preceded with a ^, the division
;       prefix will be attached.
; If the filename ends in .sys, the file will be copied to system32\drivers.
; If the filename ends in .vxd, the file will be copied to the system dir.
; All other files are copied to the system dir.
; Examples:
;    0=ParNt.sys     - Decompresses XxxParNt.sy_ to XxxParNt.sys and copies
;                      it to system32\drivers.
;    1=^Dot4.sys     - Decompresses Dot4.sy_ to Dot4.sys and copies it to
;                      system32\drivers.
;    2=^$Dot4Rtl.dll - Copies Dot4Rtl.dll to system (Win9x) or system32 (NTx)

; Language/Port Monitors
0=imn09.dll,Dot4 Monitor V09

; Device drivers
0=^hphparnt,^parport,^Parallel Port Driver
1=id409,^hphparnt,1284.4 Protocol Driver V09

; Files for all O/Ss and all divisions

; Files for all O/Ss, specific to division Xxx
[Files Xxx]

; Files for NT for all divisions
[NT Files]

; Files for 95 for all divisions
[95 Files]

[98 Files]

; Files for NT, specific to division Xxx
[NT Files Xxx]

; Files for 95, specific to division Xxx
[95 Files Xxx]
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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