README.TXT Driver File Contents (cop_soft_M208PS_windows.exe)



                                                       July 2002

Thank you very much for purchasing a SHARP Digital Imager.
This document gives you the details of important matters which
have to be checked before you install the printer driver. 
Be sure to read this document thoroughly before continuing with 
the installation.


                           Compatible Models


This printer driver is for following SHARP Digital Imagers. This 
printer driver does not work correctly, if it is used to other 

SHARP AR-235/AR-275/AR-N275/AR-M208/DM-2305/DM-2705


                           Compatible OS


PCL5e Driver:     Microsoft Windows 95
                  Microsoft Windows 98
                  Microsoft Windows Me
                  Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                  Microsoft Windows 2000
                  Microsoft Windows XP

PCL6 Driver:      Microsoft Windows 95
                  Microsoft Windows 98
                  Microsoft Windows Me
                  Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                  Microsoft Windows 2000
                  Microsoft Windows XP

PS2 Driver:       Microsoft Windows 95
                  Microsoft Windows 98
                  Microsoft Windows Me
                  Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                  Microsoft Windows 2000
                  Microsoft Windows XP

PS PPD Driver:    Microsoft Windows 95
                  Microsoft Windows 98
                  Microsoft Windows Me
                  Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                  Microsoft Windows 2000
                  Microsoft Windows XP




- If you upgrade the printer driver, be sure to install the new 
  version of the printer driver after deleting the older version.
  Otherwise, the new version of driver may prevent the older
  version of printer driver from working.

- If you install the printer driver on Windows 2000 with Plug and 
  Play function, be sure to check the [Specify a location] check 

- Please use the latest version of application software for your
  Operation System if possible.

- When some printer drivers do not print normally, if you use 
  other types of printer drivers, the printing may be improved.
  Features of each of printer drivers are the following:
  - PCL printer driver
      It provides high speed printing.
  - PostScript printer driver
      It provides high reproducibility for images including fine
  - PostScript PPD printer driver
      Some specific applications may normally print by only the 
      PPD printer driver.

- If you encounter printing problems with the Windows PCL6 printer
  driver, please try to use the Windows PCL5e printer driver

- When printing light colored lines and/or thin lines in your
  document the lines may not be visible. Please change the color
  of the lines to a darker color or make the lines thicker.

- Some fill effects and/or patterns might not be printed (or
  become invisible). At that time, please change the fill effect
  or pattern to one that can be printed correctly.

- When using a Novell network, if a blank Page prints after the
  Job is completed turn off the [Form Feed After Job] found in
  the network setting in the PC client software.

- When printing a large volume of data, an LPT1 Error might occur.
  In this case, please modify the setting time for timeout of the
  printer in the properties tab to a longer time by opening
  [Settings] - [Printers] and selecting your printers [Properties]
  in the start menu of Windows.

- If the setting [collate] exists in the print dialog box of the
  application's print settings, do not select this setting.
  This setting is not necessary because this printer always
  performs collated printing. If this setting is selected,
  two-sided printing or stapling with multiple prints may not be
  performed properly.

- When you use the "Pamphlet Style", the "Fit To Page" or "N-up
  Printing" can not be used at the same time.

- When you print the document created by different computers, 
  the computer that you use may not register the fonts that use
  in the document.
  If you print the document in this case, some printed documents
  slightly show the difference against the original document 
  (when you print it by the original computer).
  In this case, you are required to register the fonts that use
  in the document into your using computer.

- When occurring the garbled characters, if you change the 
  "Font Source:" of "Font..." of "Advanced" tab, the printed results
  may improve.

- The printing test in installing the printer driver indicates
  that [Color Printing] is ON. This is the setting to enhance the 
  reproducibility of gradation printing. This machine is possible
  to execute only the black and white printing.


    About SHARP AR-235/AR-275/AR-N275/DM-2305/DM-2705


- If you would like to print a word document by PS PPD Driver of 
  Windows9x with 1200dpi, few some graphic characters are not 
  printed. This is the problem of the PS PPD Driver of 
  Windows9x. When You can print the document with 600dpi setting 


    About SHARP AR-235/AR-275/AR-N275/AR-M208/DM-2305/DM-2705


- When you print with custom papers, use the bypass tray.

- When you print to the transparency, at first, place a check 
  mark in the "Transparency Inserts" in the "Paper" tab.

- When you want to use [collate] in the print dialog box of the
  application's print settings, please put a tick off the "ROPM"
  checkbox under the "Configuration" tab.


                      About PCL5e/PCL6 Driver


- When printing PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat 4.0 
  occasionally a very large print file may be generated causing 
  the document to be printed incorrectly. If this occurs please 
  upgrade to Acrobat version 4.05, which is available as a free 
  upgrade from Adobe.

- When printing a watermark, please select "HP-GL/2" / "Vector"
  setting found in the "Graphics Mode:" window, this can be done by
  selecting it from the "Advanced" tab of the driver.
  These setting can be eliminated by changing to "Raster" from
  "Vector" mode found in the "Advanced" Tab of the "Graphics Mode:"

- When you are using Windows PCL printer driver with some
  applications such as Adobe FreeHand, a watermark might not be
  printed even if you have set to print watermark in the printer

- It may take time to print an original containing a large amount
  of graphic data from a drawing application. This problem may be
  solved by taking the following measures.
  Open the printer properties dialog box and then change
  "Graphics Mode:" to "Raster" found under the "Advanced" tab in
  the print driver. 

- When printing an image by using applications such as MS paint,
  MS Word, image data may appear under the printed image. 
  This might be solved by modifying the graphic mode of the 
  "Advanced" tab to be "Raster" after opening the printer
  properties of print dialog.

- When printing with Netscape Navigator, the image of title or
  index might be not be printed.  This might be solved by
  modifying the graphic mode of the "Advanced" tab to be "Raster"
  after opening the printer properties of print dialog.

- With some applications such as Lotus Approach if you select
  "Download Fonts" as the "Font Source:" and select "Download as
  bitmap font" as the "TrueType Mode:" in the "Font..." dialog,
  shrunk fonts might be printed. At that time, please use
  resident fonts or select "Download as TrueType" as the
  "TrueType Mode:".

- When printing is performed using Adobe's Acrobat,
  garbled characters may be printed. This problem may be solved by
  taking the following measures.
  Open the printer properties of the print dialog and then change
  the "Graphics Mode:" found under the "Advanced" tab to "Raster",
  in addition, press the "Font..." button on the "Advanced" tab, and
  then select "Download Fonts" for "Font Source:" and select
  "Download as bitmap font" for "TrueType Mode:".

- When you use the Lotus123 and the map is not printed, this 
  problem may be solved by taking the following measures
  introduced in the Lotus's Web page.

     -Open the printer property, and select the "Advanced"tab.
     -Select the 300dpi in the "Resolution Settings:".

- When overlapping the characters or being printing as the dotted 
  lines change into the full lines, this problem may be solved by 
  taking the following measures.

     -Open the printer property, and select the "Advanced"tab.
     -Select the 300dpi in the "Resolution Settings:".

- If you produce a print from the application such as Adobe
  Photoshop by using the PCL 6 driver, color reproduction may
  be bad. In this case,  if you use PCL5e or PS driver,  screen
  quality may improve.

- If you paste a big bitmap in document of Microsoft PowerPoint
  with setting "Graphics Mode:" in "Advanced" Tab to "Raster", the
  error may occur when printing.
  In this case, please change "Graphics Mode:" to "Vector" or
  "HP-GL/2" and print it again.

- If the ruled lines for the graph area is not printed, put a tick
  on the checkbox of "Fit To Page".

- If the watermark of which size is larger than the printing area
  is set, the watermark is not correctly printed. Please adjust
  the watermark size within the printing area.

- If the printed character is overlapped or crowded when the data
  is printed using the PCL5e driver for Windows NT 4.0 or Windows
  2000, please use the PCL6 driver.


                          About PS Driver


- When printing using the Acrobat, please turn the checkbox
  on for "PS Pass-through".

- Adobe PostScript uses the binding edge definitions "LongEdge" 
  / "ShortEdge" for paper orientation. Our PS3 driver is using 
  "Book" / "Tablet" for "image orientation" to provide an easy 
  to understand user interface.
  Some Adobe application like AcrobatReader will inform the 
  driver that the document is Portrait even if the images are 
  Landscape so that the Main page of the driver will incorrectly 
  show the page orientation in the page icons under "Frequently 
  Used Settings." 
  As a result of this mixing up by the application, the driver 
  may flip the binding edge (Book/Tablet) for Landscape 
  document.  If this occurs, just set the PS3 driver to the 
  opposite binding direction and the document will print 

- If you would try to print with "N-Up", "Fit to page" or 
  "PS Pass-through" off by PS3 driver of Windows9x, the color 
  map may be wrong.

- With some applications such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw,
  some extra features of the Windows PS printer driver such as
  "Watermark", "N-Up Printing" or "Different Paper" may not work
  properly. At that time, when you use the PCL printer driver,
  this problem may be solved.

- When you print with custom papers, there are some cases that
  negative printing doesn't operate normally.

- When the printing is cancelled during using the PS printer 
  driver, the blank paper may be output.

- When you print the type of download font by using the download
  of "Download as TrueType (Type 42)", the error may occur.
  At this time, if you set the "Download Font Mode:" into the
  "Download as Bitmap   (Type  3)" by the "Font..." of "Advanced"
  tab, the print may be improved.

- When you execute the overlay print, please do not use the 
  "Negative Image" and "Mirror Image" functions.
  It may not be output normally.


                        About PS PPD Driver


- When you install the PPD printer driver onto Windows NT 4.0, the
  CD-ROM for Windows NT4.0 requires. the other required files like
  PSCRIPT.DLL are in the i386 folder of CD-ROM.

- With the [Table Edit] of [Font] Tab in the printer properties
  dialog, do not push this button [Reverse previously arranged
  value] in the substituted list of fonts. The print speed will be
  slow and the driver will treat all fonts as software fonts. To
  change this back to the original setting, execute "PFMSetup.exe"

- When you use the PageMaker, please print in the following method
  described in the Readme of PageMaker.
  - When you open the print dialog box by [File] - [Print] of the
    menu bar, pressing the [Alt] key, operate to open the 
    [Print Dialog Box].

- Under Windows NT4.0 environment, when you use the PPD printer 
  driver, you can not use the N-up function (Layout Function).

- When you execute the watermark print, the watermark is printed
  to the [Portrait] direction, regardless of the print setting.

- If you use N-up printing and staple feature, a printer may not
  staple papers to the correct position.
  If you check the staple position, use the PCL5e, PCL6, or PS
  driver except PPD drivers.

- Correct stapling or punching depends on the paper size or the 
  paper orientation.

- If stapling or punching function is used in duplex mode, then 
  the "Flip on short edge" option may have to be selected.


                     About Overlay Function


- When you register the overlay form data, please print only one 

- When you execute the overlay print, please print the document in
  the same printer setting as created the overlay form data.


          About Limitations for each Application Software


- Some image printing problems such as PhotoShop printing of an
  oversize image( bigger then the printer margins ) which results
  in extra printed matter or a blue screen. Reducing the image
  size to fit the paper size may solve this problem.

- If Microsoft Publisher is installed, sometimes the Configuration
  settings of the printer will return to the default values.

- When printing is performed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader,
  garbled characters may be printed. This problem may be solved
  by taking the following measures.
  Open the printer properties of the print dialog and then click
  on the "Font..." button found using the "Advanced" tab, and then
  select "Download Fonts" for "Font Source:" and select "Download

- When the print error occurs on the Microsoft binder, this
  problem  may be solved by taking the following measures.
  - Turn off the [Print binder as a single job] of the [Binder
  - Set all setting items of the printer driver into the default.

- If you stop printing at the alert dialog at the time of print
  in some application software such as MS Word2000, the print
  may not stop properly. 

- If the print setting is changed for Wordpad, please go to the
  Properties page which appears after clicking the [Properties]
  on [Printer...] from [Page Setup] dialog. The print setting from
  [Properties] on [Print] dialog is sometimes not applicable.


SHARP Corporation does not guarantee the accuracy of the 
information contained in this document and the software (SHARP 
printer driver) which accompanies this document for any purpose 
other than what they are intended for.


Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and worldwide.
Windows is an abbreviation for the Microsoft Windows operating

All other company names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective companies.

                            Copyright (C) 2002 SHARP Corporation
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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