MSBATCH.INF Driver File Contents (7505178.exe)

; msbatch.inf for Intel Network Adapters
; Version 1.1
; Answer File Parameters
; ----------------------
; You must include the sections below in any answer file you 
; create, even if the only information in the section is the
; section name. Otherwise, the Setup program will wait for
; user input.
; For new installations, you must specify all the parameters
; in the answer file because the system doesn't have existing
; information for the Setup program to use.
; For more information on msbatch.inf consult the Windows98 
; resource kit
Version=3.0 (32-bit)

Signature = "$CHICAGO$"


; Express specifies whether or not the 
; user can give input during setup.  The default
; value is 0.
; 0 = setup will ask the user for input. 
; 1 = setup will not ask the user for input and 
;     will use only the settings specified in this 
;     answer file or built-in defaults.  

; InstallType specifies how to install Windows95.
; 0 = Compact
; 1 = Typical
; 2 = Portable 
; 3 = Custom

; The value of the parameter "InstallDir" is the directory 
; where Windows95 is to be installed.  The default value 
; is the current windows directory, if it is present on 
; the computer. 

; This specifies the Product ID for your site, which is printed on the
; Win98 compact disc or your Certification of Authenticity

; EBD (Emergency Boot Disk) specifies if a startup disk is
; to be created during setup. 
; 0 = Setup will not create a startup disk. 
; 1 = Setup will create a startup disk. This is 
;     also the default.

; DevicePath specifies if Windows95 should check some 
; path to find INF files, in addition to the 
; Windows95 INF directory.  If the value is set to 
; check a path, INF files can be added to a single 
; location (the path).  Only specify a path if the 
; installation source files are on a network directory. 
; 0 = Do not add a path for INFs. 
; 1 = Add the path for finding additional INF files. 

; VRC specifies if setup should overwrite 
; existing files during setup, regardless of the 
; dates of all files. 
; 0 = If a file on the computer that is to be overwritten 
;     is more recent than its replacement, the user will
;     be prompted to confirm the operation. 
; 1 = Files are overwritten regardless of the date. 

; Listed are some common strings you can use to set the TimeZone
;	Pacific		Hawaiian
;	Central		Atlantic
;	US Eastern	W.Europe
;	US Mountain	GMT

; Uninstall specifies if a pre-existing version of 
; Windows and MS-DOS should be compressed into a 
; backup version to be used to automatically uninstall
; Windows98.  
; 0 = The user is not allowed to speciy uninstall 
;     options and the compressed backup files are not 
;     created.  
; 1 = Display the uninstall options for the user to 
;     select. 
; 5 = The unistall options are not displayed and the 
;     pre-existing version of Windows and MS-DOS are 
;     compressed into a backup version to be used to 
;      automatically uninstall Windows95. 

; SaveSuBoot specifies whether to save the SUBOOT directory
; for server based setup
; 0 = Delete SUBoot Directory
; 1 = Save SUBoot Directory

; PenWinWarning specifies if a warning is to be displayed 
; if an unknown version of Pen Windows is installed. 
; 0 = Do not display warning. 
; 1 = Display warning. 

; Other Values


; An INF section name from LOCALE.INF 

; SelectedKeyboard is any value from the  
; [Keyboard List] section of MULTILNG.INF

; DisplChar sets the initial display characteristics
; Values <ColorDepth>,<x-resolution>,<y-resolution>
; Common Values:
;		  4,640,480 (Default)
;		 16,640,480
; 		 24,640,480
; 		  4,800,600
; 		 16,800,600
; 		 24,800,600


; Name is a string that is the name 
; of the user of Windows98. 

; Org is a string that is the of the organization to
; which this license of Windows98 belongs. 

; Display specifies if the dialog box with Name and 
; Organization appears during setup. 
; 0 = The dialog box is not displayed. 
; 1 = The dialog box is displayed. 


; ComputerName is a string which specifies the 
; computer's network name. 
; It is important to not have two computers with the same network 
; name on the network at the same time, or being installed at the
; same time.  Consequently you can not use this file by itself to
; deploy Windows98 on multiple computers, without manually changing
; this value.
; Different configuration managers exist to overcome
; this hurdle in enterprise OS deployments.  For more information 
; on deploying Windows 98 in an enterprise network consult the
; Windows 98 resource kit

; Workgroup is a string which specifes the 
; workgroup name for the computer on which Windows98 is
; being installed. 

; Description is a string which is a description
; for the computer.  The string is a maximum of 48 
; characters with no commas. 
Description="Enter Description"

; Display specifies if the network configuration dialog
; boxes are to appear in custom setup. 
; 0 = Do not display the network configuration dialog boxes. 
; 1 = Display the network configuration dialog boxes. 

; Clients specifies which network clients are to be 
; installed during setup.  The value for this parameter is a 
; comma separated list of devices ids used in the INF files.
; The first client in a comma separated list will be the
; first to start.  
; Two values that may be used in this answer file are:
; VREDIR  - Client for Microsoft Windows
; NWREDIR - Microsoft Client* for NetWare*

; PrimaryLogon sets the default network client
; be sure to set this to one of the above values

; This parameter specifies which network protocols are to 
; be installed during setup.  The value for this parameter is 
; a comma separated list of protocol device ids  used 
; in the INF files.  
; Standard values used in this answer file are:
;	NETBEUI  - Microsoft NETBEUI
;	NWNBLINK - NetBIOS support for IPX/SPX
;	MSTCP    - Mircosoft TCP/IP  
; Other values possible: 
;	DEC40    - DECnet 4.1 Ethernet* 
;	DEC40t   - DECnet 4.1 Token Ring* 
;	DEC50    - DECnet 5.0A Ethernet* 
;	DEC50t   - DECnet 5.0A Ethernet* 
;	NDTOKBAN - Banyan VINES NDIS Token Ring*
;	NDISBAN  - Banyan VINES NDIS Ethernet*
;	MSDLC    - Microsoft DLC* 
;	IPXODI   - Novell IPXODI* 

; DefaultProtocol specifies the default protocol.  The value 
; of this parameter can be a protocol with an associated 
; network card OR just a protocol.  If a protocol is 
; listed with a network card, then that protocol is 
; bound to that network card.  The protocol must be 
; a protocol device id that is listed in the "Protocol" parameter 
; of the [Network] section of this answer file.  The network 
; card must be a network card device id that is listed in 
; the "Netcard" (which is not used in this default answer file) 
; parameter of the [Network] section of this answer file.  
; For example: 
; DefaultProtocol = MSTCP 
; specifies Microsoft TCP/IP* as the default protocol. 
; For example: 
; DefaultProtocol = MSTCP,<network card id> 
; would cause an instance of MSTCP to be bound to that  adapter. 

; Services defines which network services are to 
; be installed.  The value is a comma separated list
; of device ids used in the INF files.  
; The default values used in this answer file are:
;	VSERVER	   -   File/Printer sharing for Microsoft Networks*
; Other values possible: 
;	BKUPAGNT   -   Arcada Backup Exec* agent
;	CHEYAGNT   -   Cheyenne ARCserve* agent
;	JADM       -   HP Network Printer for Microsoft*
;	JANW	   -   HP Network Printer for NetWare*
;	NMAGENT    -   Microsoft Network Monitor Agent*
;	NWSERVER   -   File and Printer Shaing for NetWare Networks*
;	PSERVER    -   Microsoft Print Service for NetWare Networks*
;	REMOVEREG  -   Microsoft Remote Registry* service
;	SNMP	   -   Microsoft SNMP* agent

; Security specifies what kind of security model is 
; to be used and the type of pass-through agent for 
; user level security.  The client must be installed with 
; a security provider in order for this parameter to have the 
; desired effect. 
; SHARE    = share level security. 
; NWSERVER = user level security by a NetWare server. 
; DOMAIN   = user level security by a Windows NT domain.
; MSSERVER = user level security by a Windows NT Workstation.

; IgnoreDetectedNetCards specifies if setup uses detected
; information to configure network cards.  If detected information 
; is not used, then the value of the parameter "netcards" (which
; is not used in this default answer file) will
; be used to configure network cards.
; 0 = Use detected information to configure network cards. 
; 1 = Do not use detected information to configure 
;     network cards. 

; ValidateNetCardResources determines if a dialog box is to
; be displayed  to have the user respond to resource conflicts.  
; Resource conflicts include a partial configuration is 
; found or there is an IRQ conflict involving the network card. 
; 0 = The dialog box is not displayed. 
; 1 = The dialog box is displayed.


; The DHCP option specifies if TCP/IP should be configured 
; to use DHCP.
; 0 = Do not use DHCP.
; 1 = Use DHCP. 

; IPAddress sets the IP address if DHCP is disabled. 

; This parameter sets the IP subnet mask if DHCP is disabled.

; DNS specifies if DNS name resolution is to 
; be used. 
; 0 = Do not use DNS name resolution. 
; 1 = Use DNS name resoluiton. 

; WINS specifies if WINS for NetBIOS name 
; resolution is to be used. 
; 0 = Do not use WINS for NetBIOS name resolution. 
; 1 = Use WINS for NetBIOS name resolution.

; DNSServers specifies a comma separated list of DNS 
; servers to use.  The servers are tried in order.

; Domain specifies the internet domain the computer is in.

; Hostname specifies the DNS hostname for the computer. 

; Gateways specifies a comma separated list of IP gateways.
; The IP gateways are tried in order. 

; PrimaryWINS specifies ip address of the primary WINS name server.

; SecondaryWINS specifies the secondary WINS name server.



; BrowseMaster specifies if the computer has File and 
; Printer Sharing for NetWare networks can be elected 
; browse master.  
; 0 = The computer with File and 
;     Printer Sharing for NetWare networks can not 
;     be elected browse master. 
; 1 = The computer with File and 
;     Printer Sharing for NetWare networks can 
;     be a browse master. 
; 2 = The computer with File and 
;     Printer Sharing for NetWare networks is 
;     the preferred browse master. 

; Use_SAP specifies if the computer with File and 
; Printer Sharing for NetWare networks will use 
; Server Advertising Protocol browsing. If Server
; Advertising Protocol is used, the computer with 
; File and Printer Sharing for NetWare networks can 
; be seen by a NetWare client but the computer will 
; not appear in the Network Neighborhood. 
; 0 = Do not use Server Advertising Protocol browsing. 
; 1 = Use Server Advertising Protocol browsing. 


; ValidatedLogon specifies whether logons are validated
; on a Windows NT Domain.
; 0 = Don't validate logons
; 1 = Validate logon

; LogonDomain is a string that specifies the Windows NT Domain


; LMAnnounce specifies that if the computer has Microsoft
; File and Printer Sharing, the computer will 
; announce itself to LAN Manager computers that are 
; present on the network.  
; 0 = The computer will not announce itself to the 
;     LAN Manager computers present on the network. 
; 1 = The computer will announce itself to the 
;     LAN Manager computers present on the network. 

; MaintainServerList specifies the behavior of the computer 
; in a browse master electon if that if the computer has
; Microsoft File and Printer sharing.  
; 0 = The computer with Microsoft File and Printer sharing 
;     can not be browse master. 
; 1 = The computer with Microsoft File and Printer sharing
;     is the browse master. 
; 2 = The computer with Microsoft File and Printer sharing
;     can be the browse master if required. 


; This section contains the optional components that 
; can be installed on Windows95.  The optional 
; components dialog box that appears in Windows95 
; during setup has the same parameters that are 
; in this section.  The value for each parameter in
; this section is 0 or 1. 
; 0 = Informs setup NOT to install this option.  
; 1 = Informs setup TO install this option. 

"Accessibility Options"=1
"Enhanced Accessibility"=1
"Desktop Wallpaper"=1
"Document Templates"=1
"Mouse Pointers"=1
"Quick View"=1
"Windows Scripting Host"=1
"Dial-Up Networking"=1
"Dial-Up Server"=0
"Direct Cable Connection"=1
"Microsoft Chat 2.0"=0
"Microsoft NetMeeting"=1
"Phone Dialer"=1
"Virtual Private Networking"=0
"Dangerous Creatures"=0
"Inside your Computer"=0
"Leonardo de Vinci"=0
"More Windows"=0
"The 60's USA"=0
"The Golden Era"=0
"Windows 95"=0
"Desktop Themes Support"=0
"Microsoft FrontPage Express"=1
"Microsoft VRML 2.0 Viewer"=1
"Microsoft Wallet"=1
"Personal Web Server"=1
"Web Publishing Wizard"=1
"Web-Based Enterprise Mgmt"=1
"Microsoft Outlook Express"=1
"Central European"=0
"Audio Compression"=1
"CD Player"=1
"DVD Player"=1
"Macromedia Shockwave Director"=1
"Macromedia Shockwave Flash"=1
"Media Player"=1
"Microsoft NetShow Player 2.0"=1
"Multimedia Sound Schemes"=1
"Sample Sounds"=1
"Sound Recorder"=1
"Video Compression"=1
"Volume Control"=1
"AT&T WorldNet Service"=0
"Prodigy Internet"=0
"The Microsoft Network"=0
"Additional Screen Savers"=1
"Flying Windows"=1
"OpenGL Screen Savers"=1
"Character Map"=1
"Clipboard Viewer"=1
"Disk compression tools"=1
"Drive Converter (FAT32)"=1
"Group policies"=1
"Net Watcher"=1
"System Monitor"=1
"System Resource Meter"=1
"TV Viewer"=0

; This section is used to install one or more printers.  
; If this section is left blank, the user is not 
; asked to select a printer the first time that 
; Windows95 is run. 
; To install a printer, follow the following format: 
; <printer name> = <driver model>,<port> 
; <printer name> = a string in quotes that does not contain \ , ; = 
; <driver model> = a string in quotes that is the driver name under Windows95. 
; <port> 	 = the port the printer is connected 
;		   to the computer or the unc path
;		   to a network printer. 
; Example : A printer to be called "myprinter" whose 
;	    driver model is "myprinter driver" and 
;           is connected to LPT1. 
;	    "myprinter" = "myprinter driver",LPT1

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; The remainder of this file contains more options relating to the 
; registry, installing the intel network card, and making sure the 
; setup is as unattended as possible.  All values after this point
; will not be commented.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

AddReg=RunOnce.BatchDelay, Skip.PCMCIA.Wizard

HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,BatchRun1,,"%25%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Delete.MSN.Icon 4 %10%\msbatch.inf"
HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,BatchRun2,,"%25%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Delete.OLS.Icons 4 %10%\msbatch.inf"
HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,BatchRun3,,"%25%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Delete.Welcome 4 %10%\msbatch.inf"
HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,BatchRun4,,"%25%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Delete.Regwiz 4 %10%\msbatch.inf"














Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web3, load: 0.56