Readme.txt Driver File Contents (7509838.exe)

Intel(R) Boot Agent Release Notes
February 4, 2000


The Intel(R) Boot Agent is a software product that allows a personal 
computer to boot using a boot image that resides on a remote 
server. The product is compliant with the Wired for Management
Baseline 2.0 (WfM 2.0) specification and incorporates the PXE client
functionality described in the Pre-boot eXecution Environment Version
2.0 (PXE 2.0 and 2.1) specification. For more detailed information,
refer to the Intel(R) Boot Agent User's Guide included on the product

Installing the Boot Agent Software

All Intel WfM-compatible adapters, such as the Intel(R) PRO/100+
Management Adapter, have a factory-installed, integrated flash ROM
device that has been pre-programmed with a Boot Agent software image.
Therefore, no software installation is required.

Installation of the Boot Agent on other adapters requires a flash ROM 
device (non-volatile storage device) to be present within the client 
computer system. This flash ROM can take these forms:

• A factory-installed, integrated flash ROM device on the computer 
motherboard with remote boot enabled LOM (LAN on motherboard) hardware

• A field-upgraded, add-on flash ROM device installed into your
network adapter. See the list of flash ROM devices that are compatible
with Intel(R) PRO/100+ or PRO/100B adapters under "Flash ROM Devices

In cases involving hardware upgrades, once a flash ROM is available
within the client computer, a valid Boot Agent software image must
then be installed onto the flash ROM. The way in which the Boot Agent
software image is installed onto the flash ROM depends upon your
hardware configuration.

• If your computer includes the network adapter on its motherboard,
the Boot Agent software might need to be installed as part of a
motherboard BIOS code upgrade. Contact your computer or motherboard
manufacturer to upgrade your motherboard BIOS code. Alternatively,
it is possible that the motherboard has a ROM socket with a 64 KB
flash ROM device. In this case, contact the motherboard manufacturer
to get the code that must be loaded into the flash ROM.

• If your computer uses a flash ROM-equipped adapter, perform the
following steps to install or upgrade the Boot Agent software image:

1. The following operation requires use of a DOS bootable floppy disk
containing an executable image of the fboot.exe utility as well as the
current flash ROM image file, which will have an .FLS extension. If you
do not have fboot.exe on your DOS bootable floppy disk, copy it to
your system disk from the CD ROM that came with your product, or
acquire the most up-to-date version from Intel's website at:

2. Using your DOS bootable floppy disk, boot your computer to a DOS

Caution: The next several steps require that your computer be booted only
to DOS and not from a Windows* "DOS box". These steps cannot be
performed from a DOS Command Prompt window or using a DOS task within

Note: If the flash ROM device installed in the adapter ROM socket is
already programmed (not blank), you may need to take steps to enable
your computer to boot from the floppy drive. If necessary, disable
the network boot function from either the BIOS setup program or the
Boot Agent's configuration setup menu. Then reboot to the DOS bootable
floppy disk containing the fboot utility that you just prepared.

3. Type:


The utility displays a list of all compatible network adapters found
in your system.

4. In response to the first question from the utility, enter the
	a. If only a single adapter is installed on your system, 
	enter "1" to continue.

	b. If more than one adapter is installed in your system, you
	will need to enter the NIC number (from the displayed list)
	that corresponds to the Ethernet MAC Address of the desired

The next information prompt should say:

	Select Option (U)pdate or (R)estore:

5. Type U (update) if you want the fboot utility to update the flash
ROM device with the current version of Boot Agent software. Type R
(restore) if you want the fboot utility to write a previously-stored 
flash image file onto the flash ROM device.

Note1: As part of the Update operation, fboot creates a backup file
on the floppy disk. Make sure that the write-enable tab on the
floppy disk is properly set.

Note2: Prior to the Restore operation, make sure that a flash image
file is available in the same directory as the fboot utility. This
file will have an automatically-generated filename with a .FLS

If you select the U (update) response, this prompt appears:

	Create Restore Image (Y)es or (N)o:

6. Type Y (yes) to create a flash image file from the current (not yet
updated) image of the flash ROM device. Type N (no) to cause fboot 
to proceed without saving a copy of the current contents of the flash
ROM device.

If you choose not to save a copy of the current contents of the flash
ROM device (type N), fboot asks you the following question:

	Continue Update Without Restore Image (Y)es or (N)o:

7. Type Y (yes) to continue, which will update the flash image. Type
N (no) to cancel the update, which will leave the flash ROM contents

Note: The fboot utility automatically names the flash image file
(backup file) as XXXXXXXX.FLS, where XXXXXXXX are the last eight
digits of the adapter's Ethernet address. If there is already a
flash image file in the fboot directory, delete it first if you want
to save a new version of the flash ROM device image. The fboot
utility will not overwrite this file.

Once you have answered the questions posed by the fboot utility, it
creates the flash image file (if appropriate), then writes the current
version of the Boot Agent image to the flash ROM device used by your
network adapter. (The Boot Agent image is embedded in the fboot utility
itself.) This process takes approximately one minute and then fboot
exits to the DOS prompt.

Flash ROM Devices Supported

If you need to obtain a flash ROM device for your Intel(R) PRO/100+
or PRO/100B adapter, the following flash components are supported:

Vendor		Part No.
------		--------
AMD		28F020
INTEL		28F010
INTEL		28F020
SGS		28F512	
SST		29LE512	
SST		39SF512
SST		39VF512

Configuration Setup

Once you have installed the Boot Agent software, you may wish to
change the default settings for some of the Boot Agent's configuration
options. Generally, changing Boot Agent configuration options will be
required only after the first time you add a new network adapter to a
client computer within your network.

You can access the Boot Agent's configuration setup program while the 
computer cycles through the boot process. The Intel(R) Boot Agent
User's Guide provides detailed descriptions about configuring the
Boot Agent in a pre-boot Environment.


Once installed, the Boot Agent product has very few potential areas
where problems can arise. In general, those problems (and possible
causes) are as follows:

• An error message "Media test failure, check cable" appears. The 
network cable between your computer and the network is disconnected,
or there is a problem with the cable.

• Cannot change boot order. See the detailed description in the
Intel(R) Boot Agent User's Guide for corrective actions.

• For any other problems, see the detailed descriptions in the 
Troubleshooting Procedures section of the Intel(R) Boot Agent User's
Guide for corrective actions.

* Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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