fcbootrm.txt Driver File Contents (fc909.zip)

This file presents general information about the LSI Logic FC BIOS and
Configuration Utility Version 1.01.00.

This text file is divided into these sections:

Fibre Channel BIOS
   Boot Initialization with FC BIOS Boot Specification
   CD-ROM Boot Initialization
FC BIOS Configuration Utility
   Screen Format
   Main Menu
   Boot Adapter List
   Global Properties
   Adapter Properties
   Device Properties
   Quitting the FC BIOS Configuration Utility
Problem Solving

1.0 Fibre Channel BIOS

A Fibre Channel BIOS is the bootable ROM code that manages Fibre Channel hardware 
resources. It is specific to a family of LSI Logic FC controllers or processors. 
The LSI Logic BIOS integrates with a standard system BIOS, extending the standard 
disk service routine provided through INT13h.

During the boot time initialization, the FC BIOS determines if there are
other hard disks, such as an IDE drive, already installed by the system BIOS.
If there are, the FC BIOS maps any FC drives it finds behind the drive(s)
already installed. Otherwise, the FC BIOS installs drives starting with the
system boot drive. In this case, the system boots from a drive controlled by
the FC BIOS. LSI Logic supports the BIOS Boot Specification (BBS).

The next section, "Boot Initialization with BIOS Boot Specification (BBS),"
discusses selecting boot and drive order.

1.1 Features 

The LSI Logic FC BIOS features include:

o Configuration for up to 256 adapters-any 4 can be chosen for 
  INT13 (bootrom) support

o Automatic INT13 drive mapping for Fibre Channel drives

o All LSI Logic Fibre Channel devices are supported

o Shared User Interface with LSI Logic SCSI BIOS and Configuration Utility

1.2 Boot Initialization with BIOS Boot Specification (BBS) 

The LSI Logic FC BIOS provides support for the BIOS Boot Specification (BBS),
which allows you to choose which device to boot from by selecting the priority.

To use this feature, the system BIOS must also be compatible with the BBS. If
your system supports the BBS, then you will use the system BIOS setup menu to
select the boot and drive order. In the system BIOS setup, the Boot Connection
Devices menu appears with a list of available boot options. Use that menu to
select the device and rearrange the order. Then exit to continue the boot

1.3 CD-ROM Boot Initialization 

The LSI Logic FC BIOS supports boot initialization from a CD-ROM drive.
The five types of emulation are:

     o No emulation disk
     o Floppy 1.2 Mbyte emulation disk
     o Floppy 1.44 Mbyte emulation disk
     o Floppy 2.88 Mbyte emulation disk
     o Hard disk emulation

The type of emulation assigns the drive letter for the CD-ROM. For example, 
if a 1.44 Mbyte floppy emulation CD was loaded, then the CD-ROM drive would
become the designated A: drive, and the existing floppy would
become drive B:.

2.0 FC BIOS Configuration Utility 

The LSI Logic FC BIOS allows you to change the default configuration of your 
host adapters, using the embedded BIOS Configuration Utility. 

When the BIOS loads, the following message will appear on your monitor:

     Press Ctrl-C to start LSI Logic Configuration Utility...

This message remains on your screen for about five seconds, giving you time
to start the utility. After you press "Ctrl-C", the message changes to:

     Please wait, invoking LSI Logic Configuration Utility...

After a brief pause, your computer monitor displays the Main Menu of the
BIOS Configuration Utility.

NOTE: Not all devices detected by the Configuration Utility can be
      controlled by the BIOS. Devices such as tape drives and scanners
      require that a device driver specific to that peripheral be loaded.
      The FC BIOS Configuration Utility does allow parameters to be
      modified for these devices.

2.1 Screen Format

All FC BIOS Configuration Utility screens are partitioned into the fixed
areas. Here is an example:

 X 0                                      79
 Y  ----------------------------------------
 0  |   Header Area                        |
 1  |   Menu Area                          |
 2  |                                      |
    |                                      |
    ... Main Area                        ...
    |                                      |
21  |                                      |
22  |                                      |
    |   Footer Area                        |
24  |                                      |

Header Area

   This area provides static information text, which is typically
   the product title and version.

Menu Area

   This area provides the current Main Area's menu, if any.
   This area has a cursor for menu item selection.

Main Area

   This is the main area for presenting data. This area has a cursor for item
   selection, horizontal scrolling, and vertical scrolling. The horizontal and
   vertical scroll bars appear here.

Footer Area

   This area provides general help information text.

Throughout the GUI, selections that are not permissible are grayed out.

F1 = Help
     Context sensitive help for the cursor-resident field.

F2 = Menu
     Sets cursor context to the menu selection area.
     Select a menu item and press Enter.

Arrow Keys = Select Item
Home/End   = Select Item
      Up, down, left, right movement to position the cursor.

+/- = Change [Item]
      Items with values in [] brackets are modifiable.
      Numeric keypad '+' and numeric keypad '-', update a modifiable field to
      its next relative value.

Esc = Abort/Exit 

      Escape aborts the current context operation and/or exits the current
      screen. User confirmation is solicited as required.

Enter = Execute <Item>

      Items with values in <> brackets are executable.
      Press Enter to execute the field's associated function.

2.2 Main Menu

When you invoke the LSI Logic FC BIOS Configuration Utility, the Main Menu
appears. This screen displays a scrolling list of up to 256 host adapters 
in the system and information about each of them.

Use the arrow keys to select an adapter, then press Enter to view and modify 
the selected adapter's properties (and to gain access to the attached devices).
After selecting an adapter and pressing Enter, the FC Link bus is scanned
and the Adapter Properties screen appears. An example is shown below.

On the Main Menu, two selections are: Boot Adapter List and Global Properties.

   Boot Adapter List allows selection and ordering of boot adapters. Refer to
   the section on Boot Adapter List below.

   Global Properties allows changes to global scope settings. Refer to the
   section on Global Properties below.

To execute an item, select it and press Enter. Here is an example of 
the Main Menu:

| LSI Logic PCI Configuration Utility Version MPTBIOS-x.xx        |
| <Boot Adapter List>  <Global Properties>                        |
|                                                                 |
| LSI Logic Host Bus Adapters                                     |
| Adapter          PCI  Dev/   Port    IRQ  NVM  Boot   LSI Logic |
|                  Bus  Func   Number            Order  Control   |
| <SYMFC909        0   60>     F600     5   yes  2      Enabled   |
| <SYMxxxxxx       0   88>     F400    10   Yes  0      Disabled  |
| <SYMxxxxxx       0   90>     F800     9   Yes  1      Enabled   |
| <SYMxxxxxx       0   A0>     E800    11   Yes  3      Enabled   |

2.2.1 Field Descriptions  

Adapter      Indicates the specific LSI Logic Host Adapter.

PCI Bus      Indicates the PCI Bus number (range 0x00 - 0xFF, 0 - 255 decimal) 
             assigned by the system BIOS to an adapter.

Dev/Func     Indicates the PCI Device/Function assigned by the system BIOS to
             an adapter.

             An 8-bit value mapped as follows:
             Bit # 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
                   |___________|  |_____|
                         |           |> Bits 2-0: Function (range 0 - 7)
                         |> Bits 7-3: Device (range 0x00 - 0x1F, 0 - 31 decimal).

Port Number  Indicates the I/O Port Number that communicates with an adapter. The
             system BIOS assigns this number.

IRQ          Indicates the Interrupt Request Line used by an adapter.
             The system BIOS also assigns this value.

NVM          Indicates whether an adapter has non-volatile memory (NVM)
             associated with it. An adapter's configuration is stored in its
             associated NVM. NVM can refer to NVRAM that is resident on a
             host adapter or to system NVS.

Boot Order   Indicates the relative boot order (0 to 3) of an adapter. 
             The LSI Logic FC BIOS traverses up to four adapters in the
             specified order in search of bootable media. Access the
             "Boot Adapter List" Menu to modify this item.

LSI Logic    Indicates whether an adapter is eligible for LSI Logic software
Control      control or is reserved for control by non-LSI Logic software.

Global       Indicates global properties that are not associated with a
Properties   specific adapter or device.

2.3  Boot Adapter List

The adapter boot order specifies the order in which adapters will boot when
more than one LSI Logic adapter is in a system.

Up to four of the total adapters in a system may be selected as bootable.

To add an adapter to the boot list, press Insert while on the Boot Adapter
List. This puts the cursor on the adapter select list. Use the arrow keys to
select the desired adapter and press Enter to add it to the end of Boot
Adapter List.

To remove an adapter from the boot list, press Delete while on the desired 
adapter in the Boot Adapter List. Here is an example of the Boot Adapter
List Menu:

| LSI Logic PCI Configuration Utility Version MPTBIOS-x.xx    |
|                                                             |
| Boot Adapter List                                           |
| Insert=Add an adapter    Delete=Remove an adapter           |
|                                                             |
|           Adapter     PCI  Dev/    Boot   Current  Next     |
|                       Bus  Func    Order  Status   Boot     |
|        SYMFC909        0   60      [0]    On       [On]     |
|        SYMxxxxxx       0   90      [1]    Off      [Off]    |
|        SYMxxxxxx       0   98      [2]    On       [On]     |
|        SYMxxxxxx       0   A0      [3]    On       [On]     |
|                                                             |
| Press Insert to select an adapter from this list:           |
|       <SYMFC909        0   60>                              |
|       <SYMxxxxxx       0   90>                              |
|       <SYMxxxxxx       0   98>                              |
|       <SYMxxxxxx       0   A0>                              |

2.3.1 Field Descriptions  

Adapter      Indicates the specific LSI Logic Host Bus Adapter.

PCI Bus      Indicates the PCI Bus number (range 0x00 - 0xFF, 0 - 255 decimal) 
             assigned by the system BIOS to an adapter.

Dev/Func     Indicates the PCI Device/Function assigned by the System BIOS to
             an adapter.

             An 8-bit value mapped as follows:
             Bit # 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
                   |___________|  |_____|
                         |           |> Bits 2-0: Function (range 0 - 7)
                         |> Bits 7-3: Device (range 0x00 - 0x1F, 0 - 31 decimal).

Boot Order  Specifies the relative boot order (0 to 3) of an adapter.

            -     : decreases an adapter's relative boot order.
            +     : increases an adapter's relative boot order.

Current     Indicates whether an adapter in the boot list was enabled during
Status      the most recent boot. Disabled adapters and their attached devices
            are ignored by the LSI Logic PCI FC BIOS, they are still visible
            to the Configuration Utility.

Next Boot   Specifies whether to enable an adapter upon the next boot. The 
            LSI Logic FC BIOS ignores disabled adapters and their attached 
            devices although they are still visible to the Configuration 

2.4 Global Properties

The Global Properties option on the Main Menu allows you to set Display
and Video modes as well as a pause if an alert message has been displayed.
Here is an example of the Global Properties Menu:

| LSI Logic PCI Configuration Utility Version MPTBIOS-x.xx                 |
|                                                                          |
| Global Properties                                                        |
|                                                                          |
|           Pause When Boot Alert Displayed  [Yes]                         |
|           Boot Information Display Mode    [Verbose]                     |
|           Video Mode                       [Color]                       |
|           Support Interrupt                [Hook interrupt, the Default  |
|                                                                          |
|           <Restore Defaults>                                             |

2.4.1 Field Descriptions 

Pause When Boot Alert Displayed 

     This option specifies whether to pause for user acknowledgement after 
     displaying an alert message during boot. The Boot Alert setting can be
     either No or Yes.

     To continue after displaying a message, specify No.
     To wait for any key after displaying a message, specify Yes.

Boot Information Display Mode    

     This option specifies the information display mode of the BIOS during
     boot. It controls how much information about adapters and devices 
     are displayed during boot. The Display Mode setting can be either Terse 
     or Verbose.

     To display minimum information, specify Terse mode.
     To display detailed information, specify Verbose mode. 

Negotiate with devices

     For parallel SCSI, this option sets the default value for synchronous 
     and wide negotiations with specified devices. For Fibre Channel, this 
     option is not used, but will always display as "Supported".

Video Mode 

     This option specifies the default video mode for the Configuration
     Utility. The Video Mode setting can be either Color or Monochrome. The
     monochrome setting enhances readability on a monochrome monitor.

<Restore Defaults> 

    Press Enter to obtain default settings.

2.5 Adapter Properties 

The Adapter Properties Menu allows you to view and modify adapter settings.
It also provides access to an adapter's device settings. Here is an
example of the Adapter Properties Menu:

| LSI Logic PCI Configuration Utility Version MPTBIOS-x.xx     |
|                                                              |
| Adapter Properties                                           |
|                                                              |
| Adapter              PCI    Dev/                             |
|                      Bus    Func                             |
| SYMFC909              0      60                              |
|                                                              |
|      <Device Properties>                                     |
|       Controllers WWPort Name   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX             |
|       Controllers WWNode Name   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX             |
|       Logical ID Scan Order     [Low to High (0..Max)]       |
|       Removable Media Support   [None]                       |
|       CHS Mapping               [SCSI Plug and Play Mapping] |
|       Spinup Delay (Secs)       [ 0]                         |
|       Secondary Cluster Server  [No]                         |
|      <Restore Defaults>                                      |

2.5.1 Field Descriptions 

<Device Properties> 

   To view and modify device properties, press Enter.

Controllers WWPort Name 

   This field displays the controllers assigned 64 bit World Wide Port Name.

Controllers WWNode Name

   This field displays the controllers assigned 64 bit World Wide Node Name.

   Note: 8-bit SCSI devices cannot see identifiers greater than 7.

Logical ID Scan Order

   This field indicates the order in which to scan SCSI identifiers on an
   adapter. Changing this item will affect drive letter assignment(s) if more
   than one device is attached to an adapter.

   Note: Changing this item may conflict with an operating system that
         automatically assigns drive order.

Removable Media Support 

   This field specifies the removable media support option for an adapter.
   Three settings are allowed:

   None indicates no removable media support whether the drive is selected as
   first (BBS), or is first in the scan order (non-BBS).

   Boot Drive Only provides removable media support for a removable hard drive
   if it is first in the scan order.

   With Media Installed provides removable media regardless of the drive 

CHS Mapping 

   This field defines how the Cylinder Head Sector values are mapped onto a disk 
   without pre-existing partition information. CHS Mapping allows two settings:
   SCSI Plug and Play Mapping (default value) and Alternate CHS Mapping.

   SCSI Plug and Play Mapping automatically determines the most efficient
   and compatible mapping.

   Alternate CHS Mapping utilizes an alternate, possibly less efficient mapping
   that may be required if a device is moved between adapters from different

   Note: Neither of these options has any effect after a disk has been
         partitioned using the FDISK command. To change the CHS Mapping on a
         partitioned disk, use FDISK command to delete all partitions. Then
         reboot the system to clear memory or the old partitioning data will
         be reused, thus nullifying the previous operation.

         CAUTION: Use care to ensure that the correct disk is the target of an
                  FDISK command.

Spinup Delay (Secs) 

   This field indicates the number of seconds to wait between spinups of
   devices attached to an adapter. Staggered spinups will balance the total
   electrical current load on the system during boot. The default value is 2
   seconds with choices between 1 and 10 seconds.

Secondary Cluster Server 

   This field indicates whether an adapter has one or more devices attached
   that are shared with one or more other adapters and therefore, the LSI Logic 
   PCI FC BIOS should avoid SCSI Bus resets as much as possible. 

   This option allows the user to enable an adapter to join a cluster of
   adapters without doing any SCSI bus resets. This is a requirement for
   Microsoft Cluster Server. The default value is No with an alternate option
   of Yes.

Restore Defaults 

   To obtain default settings, press Enter.

2.6 Device Properties 

The Device Properties screen provides viewing and updating of individual
device settings for an adapter.

Changing a setting for the host device (for example, SCSI ID 7) changes
the setting for all devices. Here is an example of the Device Properties

| LSI Logic PCI Configuration Utility Version MPTBIOS-x.xx                                        |
|                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                 |
| SCSI  Device Identifier      Scan   Scan      Command   Boot    Format     Verify    Restore    |
| ID                           Id     LUNs > 0  Timeout   Choice                       Defaults   |
|  0    SEAGATE ST31055FC      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  1    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  2    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  3    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  4    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  5    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  6    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  7    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  8    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|  9    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 10    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 11    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 12    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 13    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 14    -                      [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
| 15    SYMFC909               [Yes]  [Yes]     <  10>    [No]    <Format>   <Verify>  <Defaults> |
|                                    << Scroll Indicator               >>                         |

2.6.1 Field Descriptions 


   This field indicates the device's SCSI Identifier. For Fibre Channel, all target 
   devices are assigned a logical SCSI Bus and Target ID. These logical IDs are shown
   in this table.
Device Identifier 

   This field indicates the ASCII device identifier string extracted from 
   the device's Inquiry Data.

Scan ID 

   This field indicates whether to scan for this SCSI identifier at boot time.
   This item can be used to ignore a device and to decrease boot time by
   disabling the inquiry of unused SCSI identifiers.

   Set this option to "No" if there is a device that you do not want to be
   available to the system. Also, on a bus with only a few devices attached, 
   the user can speed up boot time by changing this setting to "No" for all
   unused SCSI IDs.

Scan LUNs > 0  

   This field indicates whether to scan for LUNs greater than zero for a
   device. LUN zero is always queried. This option should be used if a 
   multi-LUN device responds to unoccupied LUNs or if it is desired to reduce
   the visibility of a multi-LUN device to LUN zero only.

   Set this option to "No" if you have problems with a device that responds to
   all LUNs whether they are occupied or not. Also, if a SCSI device with
   multiple LUNs exists on your system but you do not want all of those LUNs to
   be available to the system, then set this option to "No." This will limit 
   the scan to LUN 0 only.

Command Timeout 

   This field indicates the maximum amount of time [0 to 9999] in seconds to
   wait for a SCSI operation to complete.

   Since timeouts provide a safeguard that allows the system to recover
   should an operation fail, it is recommended that a value greater than
   zero be used. A value of zero allows unlimited time for an operation
   to complete and could result in the system hanging (waiting forever)
   should an operation fail.

   Press Enter, type in a value, and then press Enter again to specify a new
   timeout value.

Boot Choice  

   This field indicates whether this device may possibly be selected as the
   boot device. This option is only applicable to devices attached to adapter
   number zero (in the boot list) on non-BBS systems. It provides primitive BBS
   flexibility to non-BBS systems.


   Press Enter to low-level format the device.

   If enabled, this option allows low-level formatting on a disk drive.
   Low-level formatting will completely and irreversibly erase all data on the

   Note: Formatting will default the drive to a 512-byte sector size even if
         the drive had previously been formatted to another sector size.


   Press Enter to verify all sectors on the device and to reassign defective
   Logical Block Addresses (LBAs).

Restore Defaults 

   Press Enter to obtain default settings.

2.7 Quitting the BIOS Configuration Utility 

Since some changes only take effect after your system reboots, it is
important that you exit this configuration utility properly. To exit, press
Esc (Escape key) and respond to the verification prompts that follow.

Important:  If you reboot the system without properly exiting from this
            utility, some changes may not take effect.

3.0 Problem Solving

IMPORTANT: The LSI Logic FC BIOS Configuration Utility is a powerful tool. 
           If, while using it, you somehow disable all of your controllers, 
           pressing Ctrl-A or Ctrl-E after memory initialization during 
           reboot allows you to re-enable and reconfigure.

These messages may appear during the boot process:

1.  "Adapter removed from boot order, parameters will be updated accordingly"
    appears when an adapter is removed from the system or relocated behind a
    PCI bridge. This message is for information only, and no further user
    action is required.

2.  "Configuration data invalid, saving default configuration!" appears
    if none of the information in the NVRAM is valid. This message is for
    information only, and can occur when the BIOS is upgraded, or some 
    external event has rendered the NVRAM temporarily unreadable.  

3.  "Found FC Controller not in following Boot Order List, to Add: Press
    Ctrl-C to start LSI Logic Configuration Utility..." appears when less than
    four adapters are in the boot order and more adapters exist than are
    shown. This message is for information only, and indicates that more
    than four adapters exist in the system. The additional addapters will
    not be managed by the Configuration Utility.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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