timdm34.inf Driver File Contents (ti28pcm.zip)

; Windows 95 INF File

Signature="$Windows 95$"

; Manufacturer and Device Sections



; Installation Sections

AddReg=TEXASINST.AddReg,TEXASINST.Overrides,TEXASINST.VerboseResultCodes, PCMCIA, Voice, Parallel_Voice

; Source for files in CopyFiles sections



; Destination for files in CopyFiles sections
;       11 -> C:\WIN95\SYSTEM
;       17 -> C:\WIN95\INF


; CopyFiles Sections


; DelFiles Sections


system.ini, drivers,, "wave1=mdmwave.drv"


system.ini, drivers,"*=mdmwave.drv",,1

HKR,,DCB,3,1c,00,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 11,33,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00


; PCMCIA Configuration Tuple Overrides

; COM1 Configuration

HKR,Override,0000,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - COM1
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
; COM1
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
F8,03, \                ; IOR_Min
FF,03, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - IRQ 4
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
10,00, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // IRQ 4
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

; COM2 Configuration

HKR,Override,0001,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - COM2
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
; COM2
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
F8,02, \                ; IOR_Min
FF,02, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - IRQ 3
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
08,00, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // IRQ 3
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

; COM3 Configuration

HKR,Override,0002,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - COM3
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
; COM3
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
E8,03, \                ; IOR_Min
EF,03, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - any IRQ
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
B8,DE, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

; COM4 Configuration

HKR,Override,0003,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - COM4
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
; COM4
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
E8,02, \                ; IOR_Min
EF,02, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - any IRQ
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
B8,DE, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

; All COM Configuration

HKR,Override,0004,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - COM 1-4, any IRQ
48,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
04,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
; COM1
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
F8,03, \                ; IOR_Min
FF,03, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
; COM2
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
F8,02, \                ; IOR_Min
FF,02, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
; COM3
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
E8,03, \                ; IOR_Min
EF,03, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
; COM4
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
E8,02, \                ; IOR_Min
EF,02, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - any IRQ
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
B8,DE, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

; Any IO Port Configuration

HKR,Override,0005,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor - any IO port, any IRQ
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
F8,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // 8 byte align
08,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // 8 ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \                ; IOD_Count
0C,00, \                ; IOD_Type              // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_Base
00,00, \                ; IOD_Alloc_End
00,00, \                ; IOD_DesFlags
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Alias
00, \                   ; IOD_Alloc_Decode
C0,FF, \                ; IOR_Align             // Mask for base alignment
40,00, \                ; IOR_nPorts            // Number of ports
00,00, \                ; IOR_Min               // Min port address
FF,FF, \                ; IOR_Max               // Max port address
00,00, \                ; IOR_RangeFlags        // Flags
00, \                   ; IOR_Alias             // Alias offset
00, \                   ; IOR_Decode            // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor - any IRQ
14,00,00,00, \          ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \          ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Flags
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Alloc_Num        // Allocated IRQ number
B8,DE, \                ; IRQD_Req_Mask         // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \                ; IRQD_Reserved
20,00,00,00, \          ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode int's
19,00,00,00, \          ; Length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \          ; ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID = 0x897C
00,00, \                ; Socket
02,00, \                ; Attributes
32, \                   ; Vcc
00, \                   ; Vpp1
00, \                   ; Vpp2
02, \                   ; IntType
00,08,00,00, \          ; ConfigBase
08, \                   ; Status
00, \                   ; Pin
00, \                   ; Copy
01, \                   ; ConfigIndex
03, \                   ; Present
00,00,00,00             ; TERMINATOR

HKR,,Properties, 1, 80,01,00,00, ff,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, f7,03,00,00, 00,c2,01,00, 80,70,00,00
HKR,,FClass, 1, c3,00,00,00
HKR,,DeviceType, 1, 01
HKR, Init, 2,, "AT&FE0&C1&D2V1\V1<cr>"

HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>", 1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Init, 1,, "AT<cr>"
HKR, Monitor, 1,, "ATS0=0<cr>"
HKR, Monitor, 2,, "None"
HKR, Answer, 1,, "ATA<cr>"
HKR, Hangup, 1,, "ATH<cr>"
HKR,,Reset,, "AT&F<cr>"

HKR, Settings, Prefix,, "AT"
HKR, Settings, Terminator,, "<cr>"
HKR, Settings, DialPrefix,, "D"
HKR, Settings, DialSuffix,, ";"
HKR, Settings, CallSetupFailTimer,, "S7=<#>"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Low,, "L0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Med,, "L2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_High,, "L3"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Off,, "M0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Dial,, "M1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_On,, "M2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Setup,, "M3"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Off,, "&K0"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Hard,, "&K3"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Soft,, "&K4"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_On,, "\N3"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Off,, "\N0"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Forced,, "\N4"
HKR, Settings, Compression_Off,, "%C0"
HKR, Settings, Compression_On,, "%C1"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_CCITT,, "B0"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_Bell,, "B1"
;HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_Off,, "N0"
;HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_On,, "N1"
HKR, Settings, Pulse,, "P"
HKR, Settings, Tone,, "T"
HKR, Settings, Blind_Off,, "X4"
HKR, Settings, Blind_On,, "X3"

HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>",          1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>RING<cr><lf>",        1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>",       1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>NO DIALTONE<cr><lf>", 1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>NO DIAL TONE<cr><lf>",1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>BUSY<cr><lf>",        1, 06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>NO CARRIER<cr><lf>",  1, 07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>FAX<cr><lf>",         1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DATA<cr><lf>",        1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>VOICE<cr><lf>",       1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>RINGING<cr><lf>",     1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DELAYED<cr><lf>",     1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>BLACKLISTED<cr><lf>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>+FCERROR<cr><lf>",    1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT<cr><lf>",                 1, 02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300 NoEC<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300 MNP4<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300 MNP5<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 03, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300 V42<cr><lf>",         1, 02, 02, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 300 V42bis<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 600 NoEC<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 00, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 600 MNP4<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 600 MNP5<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 03, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 600 V42<cr><lf>",         1, 02, 02, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 600 V42bis<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200 NoEC<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200 MNP4<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200 MNP5<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200 V42<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200 V42bis<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200/75<cr><lf>",         1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200/75 MNP4<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200/75 MNP5<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200/75 V42<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200/75 V42bis<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200TX/75RX<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200TX/75RX MNP4<cr><lf>",1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200TX/75RX MNP5<cr><lf>",1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200TX/75RX V42<cr><lf>", 1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200TX/75RX V42bis<cr><lf>",1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75/1200 NoEC<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75/1200 MNP4<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75/1200 MNP5<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75/1200 V42<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75/1200 V42bis<cr><lf>",  1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75TX/1200RX<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75TX/1200RX MNP4<cr><lf>",1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75TX/1200RX MNP5<cr><lf>",1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75TX/1200RX V42<cr><lf>", 1, 02, 02, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 75TX/1200RX V42bis<cr><lf>",1, 02, 03, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400 NoEC<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400 MNP4<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400 MNP5<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 03, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400 V42<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400 V42bis<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 03, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800 NoEC<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800 MNP4<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800 MNP5<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 03, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800 V42<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800 V42bis<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 03, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200 NoEC<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200 MNP4<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200 MNP5<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 03, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200 V42<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200 V42bis<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 03, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600 NoEC<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600 MNP4<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600 MNP5<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 03, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600 V42<cr><lf>",        1, 02, 02, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600 V42bis<cr><lf>",     1, 02, 03, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800 NoEC<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 00, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800 MNP4<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 02, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800 MNP5<cr><lf>",      1, 02, 03, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800 V42<cr><lf>",       1, 02, 02, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800 V42bis<cr><lf>",    1, 02, 03, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00

; Common Voice Section

HKR,, ForwardDelay,             1, 88,13    
HKR,, SpeakerPhoneSpecs,        1, ff,00,00,00,  01,00,00,00,  ff,00,00,00,  00,00,00,00
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneEnable,       1,, "at<cr>"
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneDisable,      1,, "at+fclass=8<cr>"
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneDisable,      2,, "at+vls=1<cr>"
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneUnMute,       1,, "at+vls=7<cr>"
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneMute,         1,, "at+vls=5<cr>"
HKR,  SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain,  1,, "at+vgt=<Vol><cr>"

HKR, EnableCallerID, 1,, "at+vcid=1<cr>"
HKR, EnableDistinctiveRing, 1,, "at+vdr=1,10<cr>"

HKR,  GenerateDigit,            1,, "at+vts=<Digit><cr>"
HKR,  VoiceToDataAnswer,        1,, "at+fclass=0<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceToDataAnswer,        2,, "ata<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceAnswer,              1,, "at+fclass=8<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceAnswer,              2,, "ata<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceDialNumberSetup,     1,, "at+fclass=8<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceDialNumberSetup,     2,, "at+vls=0<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceDialNumberSetup,     3,, "at+vrn=5<cr>"
HKR,  VoiceDialNumberSetup,     4,, "at+vra=0<cr>"
HKR,, CallerIDPrivate,,         "P"
HKR,, CallerIDOutside,,         "O"
HKR,, VariableTerminator,,      "<cr><lf>"

HKR,  Responses, "<cr><lf>DATE=", 1, 93, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "TIME=",         1, 94, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "NMBR=",         1, 95, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "NAME=",         1, 96, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "MESG=",         1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "MESG=",         1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "MESG=",         1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "DRON=",         1, 91, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "DROF=",         1, 92, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR,  Responses, "RING<cr><lf>",  1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
; Parallel Voice Section
HKR,, VoiceProfile,             1, 07,a1,00,00

HKR,  LineSetPlayFormat,        1,, "None"
HKR,  LineSetPlayFormat,        2,, "NoResponse"
HKR,  LineSetRecordFormat,      1,, "None"
HKR,  LineSetRecordFormat,      2,, "NoResponse"
HKR,  StartPlay,                1,, "at+fclass=8<cr>"
HKR,  StartPlay,                2,, "at+vsd=128,0<cr>"
HKR,  StopPlay,                 1,, "None"
HKR,  StopPlay,                 2,, "NoResponse"
HKR,  StartRecord,              1,, "at+fclass=8<cr>"
HKR,  StartRecord,              2,, "at+vsd=128,50<cr>"
HKR,  StopRecord,               1,, "None"
HKR,  StopRecord,               2,, "NoResponse"

TEXASINST="Texas Instruments"
TEXASINST.DeviceDesc="Texas Instruments 28.8 Data,Fax,Voice"
TEXASINST.InstDisk="Texas Instruments Installation Disk"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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