SETUP.INI Driver File Contents (

; Master layout key: 12012EFDFF
; Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Logitech SA.  All rights reserved.

win31 = 0
win9x = 1
winNT = 1


files = winstFiles, hcetigol.tmp
name = winst.exe
script.default = setup.lis

setup.ini, 20737
setup.lis, 1431
slayout.lim, 7120
slginit.lim, 2336
sver.lim, 66
logilg16.dll, 78176
sux32.dll, 31232
winst.exe, 713888
wienu.dll, 8512
wifra.dll, 9776
wideu.dll, 9680
wiita.dll, 9264
wiesp.dll, 9456
winld.dll, 9344
widan.dll, 8688
wifin.dll, 8688
winor.dll, 8672
wiptb.dll, 9344
wisve.dll, 8720
wijpn.dll, 10976
wikor.dll, 10256
wichs.dll, 7232
wicht.dll, 7296
witha.dll, 8528
uninstal.lis, 11976
ulgenu.lim, 2364
ulgfra.lim, 2547
ulgdeu.lim, 2368
ulgita.lim, 2364
ulgesp.lim, 2393
ulgnld.lim, 2454
ulgdan.lim, 2361
ulgfin.lim, 2522
ulgnor.lim, 2410
ulgptb.lim, 2337
ulgsve.lim, 2335
ulgjpn.lim, 2314
ulgkor.lim, 2281
ulgchs.lim, 2030
ulgcht.lim, 2084
ulgtha.lim, 2537
sexit.lim, 2709
sdev9x.lim, 21160
sdevnt.lim, 23826
slog.lim, 410
smain.lim, 7466
slgenu.lim, 6109
slgfra.lim, 6947
slgdeu.lim, 6567
slgita.lim, 6682
slgesp.lim, 6613
slgnld.lim, 6494
slgdan.lim, 6400
slgfin.lim, 6457
slgnor.lim, 6414
slgptb.lim, 6445
slgsve.lim, 6253
slgjpn.lim, 6064
slgkor.lim, 5925
slgchs.lim, 5335
slgcht.lim, 5306
slgtha.lim, 6156
swin9x.lim, 22200
swinnt.lim, 18257
limw.dll, 6096

enu = 9,,strings.enu,,0
fra = 1036,,strings.fra,,0
deu = 1031,,strings.deu,,0
ita = 1040,,strings.ita,,0
esp = 1034,,strings.esp,,0
nld = 1043,,strings.nld,,0
dan = 6,,strings.dan,,0
fin = 11,,strings.fin,,0
nor = 20,,strings.nor,,0
ptb = 1046,,strings.ptb,,0
sve = 29,,strings.sve,,0
jpn = 17,,strings.jpn,,128
kor = 18,,strings.kor,,129
chs = 2052,,strings.chs,,134
cht = 1028,,strings.cht,,136
tha = 30,,strings.tha,,222

title           = "Logitech Setup"
initializing    = "Setup is initializing. Please wait..."
noDiskSpace     = "Setup cannot find enough disk space for its working files.\nFree some disk space on your hard disk and start Setup again."
noMemory        = "There is insufficient memory available to run the installation.\nPlease close an application and try again."
filesMissing    = "Setup failed to find essential files.\nMake sure you are running it from an original distribution disk."
instCopyFailed  = "Working files are damaged.\nPlease contact Customer Support."
sysReadOnly     = "You have not enough privileges to access the Windows System folder.\nContact your administrator."
closeAll        = "Please close all pending applications and restart the system."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 not supported"
failWin9x       = "Windows 9x not supported"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT not supported"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 not supported"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Installation Logitech"
initializing    = "Veuillez patienter pendant l'initialisation..."
noDiskSpace     = "L'installation ne trouve pas assez d'espace disque pour ses fichiers de travail.\nLibérez de l'espace sur votre disque dur et recommencez l'installation."
noMemory        = "Mémoire insuffisante pour lancer l'installation.\nFermez une application et essayez à nouveau."
filesMissing    = "L'installation n'a pas pu trouver des fichiers essentiels.\nVérifiez que vous utilisez bien les disquettes originales."
instCopyFailed  = "Les fichiers de travail sont endommagés.\nVeuillez contacter le Support technique."
sysReadOnly     = "Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour accéder au dossier Windows System.\nContactez votre administrateur."
closeAll        = "Fermez toutes les applications ouvertes et redémarrez votre système."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Non géré par Windows 3.1"
failWin95       = "Non géré par Windows 95"
failWinNT       = "Non géré par Windows NT"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "Non géré par OS/2"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech Installation"
initializing    = "Initialisierung läuft. Bitte einen Moment warten..."
noDiskSpace     = "Die Installation kann nicht genug Speicherplatz für die Arbeitsdateien finden.\nGeben Sie auf Ihrer Festplatte Speicher frei, und starten Sie die Installation neu."
noMemory        = "Zu wenig Speicher vorhanden, um die Installation zu starten.\nSchließen Sie eine Anwendung, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
filesMissing    = "Das Installationsprogramm konnte keine wichtigen Dateien finden.\nVergewissern Sie sich, daß Sie das Programm von einer originalen Verteildiskette starten."
instCopyFailed  = "Die Arbeitsdateien sind beschädigt.\nKontaktieren Sie den technischen Hilfsdienst."
sysReadOnly     = "Sie haben keine Zugriffsrechte auf den Windows-Systemordner.\nWenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemverwalter."
closeAll        = "Schließen Sie bitte alle Anwendungen, und starten Sie das System neu."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 nicht unterstützt"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 nicht unterstützt"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT nicht unterstützt"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 nicht unterstützt"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Impostazione Logitech"
initializing    = "Inizializzazione in corso. Attendere..."
noDiskSpace     = "Spazio su disco insufficiente per i file di lavoro di Setup.\nLiberare spazio sul disco rigido e riavviare il programma Setup."
noMemory        = "Memoria insufficiente per eseguire l'installazione.\nChiudere un'applicazione e riprovare."
filesMissing    = "Setup non ha trovato file essenziali.\nAssicurarsi che venga eseguito da un disco di distribuzione originale."
instCopyFailed  = "I file di lavoro sono danneggiati.\nRivolgersi al servizio di assistenza clienti."
sysReadOnly     = "Non si hanno i diritti necessari per accedere alla cartella System di Windows.\nRivolgersi all'amministratore."
closeAll        = "Chiudere tutte le applicazioni aperte e riavviare il sistema."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 non è supportato"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 non è supportato"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT non è supportato"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 non è supportato"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Instalación de Logitech"
initializing    = "Iniciando instalación. Espere..."
noDiskSpace     = "El programa de instalación no ha encontrado suficiente espacio en disco para sus archivos.\nLibere espacio en el disco duro y vuelva a iniciar la instalación."
noMemory        = "No hay suficiente memoria disponible para ejecutar la instalación.\nCierre una aplicación y vuelva a intentarlo."
filesMissing    = "El programa de instalación no ha podido encontrar archivos esenciales.\nAsegúrese de que lo está ejecutando desde un disco de distribución original."
instCopyFailed  = "Los archivos de trabajo están dañados.\nPóngase en contacto con el departamento de atención al cliente."
sysReadOnly     = "No dispone de privilegios suficientes para acceder a la carpeta Windows System.\nPóngase en contacto con el administrador de su sistema."
closeAll        = "Cierre todas las aplicaciones abiertas y reinicie el sistema."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "No es compatible con Windows 3.1"
failWin95       = "No es compatible con Windows 95"
failWinNT       = "No es compatible con Windows NT"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "No es compatible con OS/2"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech-setup"
initializing    = "Setup wordt geïnitialiseerd. Even wachten..."
noDiskSpace     = "Setup heeft onvoldoende ruimte voor zijn werkbestanden.\nRuimte vrijmaken op uw vaste schijf en Setup opnieuw starten."
noMemory        = "Er is onvoldoende geheugen beschikbaar om de installatie te draaien.\nEen toepassing sluiten en opnieuw proberen."
filesMissing    = "Setup kon vereiste bestanden niet vinden.\nControleren dat hij via de oorspronkelijke distributiediskette gestart werd."
instCopyFailed  = "Werkbestanden zijn beschadigd.\nContact opnemen met klantendienst."
sysReadOnly     = "U heeft onvoldoende rechten voor de Windows-systeemmap.\nUw beheerder vragen."
closeAll        = "Alle geopende applicaties sluiten en het systeem herstarten."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 niet ondersteund"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 niet ondersteund"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT niet ondersteund"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 niet ondersteund"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech Installation"
initializing    = "Installationsprogrammet initialiseres. Vent..."
noDiskSpace     = "Der er ikke nok diskplads til installationsprogrammets arbejdsfiler.\nFrigør mere plads på harddisken, og start installationsprogrammet igen."
noMemory        = "Der er ikke nok hukommelse til at køre installationsprogrammet.\nLuk et program, og prøv igen."
filesMissing    = "Installationsprogrammet fandt ikke alle de nødvendige filer.\nKør installatonsprogrammet fra en original diskette."
instCopyFailed  = "Nogle af arbejdsfilerne er beskadiget.\nKontakt teknisk support."
sysReadOnly     = "Du har ikke tilladelse til at åbne mappen System i Windows.\nKontakt administratoren."
closeAll        = "Luk alle programmer, og genstart computeren."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 understøttes ikke"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 understøttes ikke"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT understøttes ikke"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 understøttes ikke"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech Asennus"
initializing    = "Asennuksen alustus on käynnissä. Odota..."
noDiskSpace     = "Asennus ei löydä riittävästi levytilaa työtiedostoja varten.\nVapauta kiintolevyltä levytilaa ja käynnistä Asennus uudelleen."
noMemory        = "Muisti ei riitä asennuksen ajamiseen.\nSulje jokin sovellus ja yritä uudelleen."
filesMissing    = "Asennus ei löytänyt tarvittavia tiedostoja.\nVarmista, että ajat asennusohjelman alkuperäiseltä jakelulevyltä."
instCopyFailed  = "Työtiedostot ovat vaurioituneet.\nOta yhteys asiakastukeen."
sysReadOnly     = "Sinulla ei ole valtuuksia Windowsin järjestelmäkansioon.\nOta yhteys pääkäyttäjään."
closeAll        = "Sulje kaikki auki olevat sovellukset ja käynnistä järjestelmä uudelleen."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1:tä ei tueta"
failWin95       = "Windows 95:tä ei tueta"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT:tä ei tueta"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2:tä ei tueta"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech installering"
initializing    = "Installeringsprogrammet starter. Vennligst vent..."
noDiskSpace     = "Installeringsprogrammet finner ikke nok diskplass til arbeidsfilene.\nFrigjør diskplass og start installeringsprogrammet igjen."
noMemory        = "Det er ikke nok minne til å kjøre installeringen.\nVennligst lukk en applikasjon og prøv igjen."
filesMissing    = "Installeringsprogrammet kunne ikke finne de nødvendige filene.\nKontroller at du kjører det fra en original distribusjonsdiskett."
instCopyFailed  = "Arbeidsfilene er ødelagt.\nTa kontakt med kundestøtten."
sysReadOnly     = "Du har ikke tilgang til systemmappen til Windows.\nTa kontakt med systemansvarlig."
closeAll        = "Lukk alle applikasjonene og start systemet på nytt."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 støttes ikke"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 støttes ikke"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT støttes ikke"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 støttes ikke"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Instalação Logitech"
initializing    = "A Instalação está sendo inicializada. Aguarde..."
noDiskSpace     = "A Instalação não encontrou espaço de disco suficiente para seus arquivos de trabalho.\nLibere algum espaço de disco em seu disco rígido e reinicie a Instalação."
noMemory        = "A memória disponível é insuficiente para executar a instalação.\nFeche um aplicativo e tente novamente."
filesMissing    = "A Instalação não localizou arquivos essenciais.\nCertifique-se de estar executando-a a partir de um disco de distribuição original."
instCopyFailed  = "Os arquivos de trabalho estão danificados.\nContate o Atendimento ao Cliente."
sysReadOnly     = "Você não tem privilégios suficientes para acessar a pasta Windows System.\nContate seu administrador."
closeAll        = "Feche todos os aplicativos pendentes e reinicie o sistema."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 não suportado"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 não suportado"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT não suportado"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "Windows OS/2 não suportado"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech Installation"
initializing    = "Installationsprogrammet initieras. Vänta..."
noDiskSpace     = "Det finns inte tillräckligt med utrymme på hårddisken till installationsprogrammets arbetsfiler.\nFrigör utrymme på hårddisken och försök igen."
noMemory        = "Minnet räcker inte till att köra installationen.\nAvsluta alla program och försök igen."
filesMissing    = "Installationsprogrammet hittade inte vissa filer som krävs.\nSe till att du kör installationsprogrammet från en originaldiskett."
instCopyFailed  = "Arbetsfilerna är skadade.\nKontakta kundtjänst."
sysReadOnly     = "Du har inte behörighet till Windows systemmapp.\nKontakta administratören."
closeAll        = "Avsluta alla program och starta om datorn."
needReboot      = "Please restart your computer before running this command."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 stöds inte"
failWin95       = "Windows 95 stöds inte"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT stöds inte"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x or below not supported"
failOS2         = "OS/2 stöds inte"
failNotIntel    = "Non-Intel platforms not supported"

title           = "Logitech ¾¯Ä±¯Ìß"
initializing    = "¾¯Ä±¯Ìߪú»Å·B¨Ò¿­¾³¢B"
noDiskSpace     = "ìÆ̧²ÙpÌÃÞ¨½¸Ìæª\ªÅÍ èܹñB\nÊ°ÄÞ ÃÞ¨½¸Éó«½Íß°½ðìÁĤ¾¯Ä±¯ÌßðÄN®µÄ­¾³¢¡"
noMemory        = "gpÂ\\ÈÒÓتs«µÄ¢é½ß¤²Ý½Ä°ÙðÀsūܹñB\n±Ìßع°¼®Ýð¶ĩç¤ÄxÀsµÄ­¾³¢B"
filesMissing    = "¾¯Ä±¯ÌߪK{̧²ÙÌõɸsµÜµ½¡\nK¸µØ¼ÞÅÙÌñÃÞ¨½¸©çÀsµÄ­¾³¢B"
instCopyFailed  = "ìÆ̧²Ùªj¹µÄ¢Ü·¡\n¶½ÀÏ° »Îß°ÄÉAµÄ­¾³¢B"
sysReadOnly     = "Windows ̼½ÃÑ Ì«ÙÀÞɱ¸¾½·é ª èܹñ¡\nÇÓCÒÉAµÄ­¾³¢B"
closeAll        = "Û¯ÉÈÁÄ¢é·×Ä̱Ìßع°¼®Ýð¶ļ½ÃÑðÄN®µÄ­¾³¢¡"
needReboot      = "±ÌºÏÝÄÞðÀs·éOɺÝËß­°ÀðÄN®µÄ­¾³¢B"
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1 Í»Î߰ijêĢܹñ"
failWin9x       = "Windows 9x Í»Î߰ijêĢܹñ"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT Í»Î߰ijêĢܹñ"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x ÈOÍ»Î߰ijêĢܹñ"
failOS2         = "OS/2 Í»Î߰ijêĢܹñB"
failNotIntel    = "Intel ÈOÌÌßׯÄÌ«°ÑÍ»Î߰ijêĢܹñB"

title           = "Logitech ¼³Ä¡"
initializing    = "¼³Ä¡ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ÃʱâÈ­ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.\n±â´Ù·Á ÁֽʽÿÀ..."
noDiskSpace     = "ÀÛ¾÷ ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¼³Ä¡Çϱâ À§ÇÑ µð½ºÅ© °ø°£ÀÌ ºÎÁ·ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.\nÇÏµå µð½ºÅ©ÀÇ °ø°£À» Á¶ÀýÇؼ­ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇϽʽÿÀ."
noMemory        = "¸Þ¸ð¸® ºÎÁ·À¸·Î ¼³Ä¡¸¦ °è¼ÓÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.\nÀÀ¿ë ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ´Ý°í ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇϽʽÿÀ."
filesMissing    = "ÇÊ¿äÇÑ ÆÄÀÏÀ» ã´Âµ¥ ½ÇÆÐÇß½À´Ï´Ù.\n¿øº» ¹èÆ÷ µð½ºÅ©¿¡¼­ ½ÇÇàÇÏ°í ÀÖ´ÂÁö ´Ù½Ã Çѹø È®ÀÎÇϽʽÿÀ."
instCopyFailed  = "ÀÛ¾÷ ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¼Õ»óµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.\n°í°´ Áö¿øºÎ¿¡ ¹®ÀÇÇϽʽÿÀ."
sysReadOnly     = "Windows ½Ã½ºÅÛ Æú´õ¿¡ Á¢±ÙÇϱâ À§ÇÑ ±ÇÇÑÀÌ ºÎÁ·ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.\n°ü¸®ÀÚ¿¡°Ô ¹®ÀÇÇϽʽÿÀ."
closeAll        = "º¸·ù ÁßÀÎ ¸ðµç ÀÀ¿ë ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ´Ý°í ½Ã½ºÅÛÀ» ´Ù½Ã ½ÃÀÛÇϽʽÿÀ."
needReboot      = "ÀÌ ¸í·ÉÀ» ½ÇÇàÇϱâ Àü¿¡ ÄÄÇ»Å͸¦ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃÀÛÇϽʽÿÀ."
failWin31       = "Windows 3.1Àº Áö¿øµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
failWin9x       = "Windows 9x´Â Áö¿øµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
failWinNT       = "Windows NT´Â Áö¿øµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
failWinNT35x    = "Windows NT 3.5x³ª ±× ÀÌÇÏ´Â Áö¿øµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
failOS2         = "OS/2´Â Áö¿øµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
failNotIntel    = "ºñ ÀÎÅÚ Ç÷§ÆûÀº Áö¿øÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ½"

title           = "Logitech °²×°³ÌÐò"
initializing    = "°²×°³ÌÐòÕýÔÚÆô¶¯£¬ÇëµÈºò..."
noDiskSpace     = "°²×°³ÌÐòÎÞ·¨ÎªÆ乤×÷ÎļþÕÒµ½×ã¹»´ÅÅ̿ռ䡣\nÀ©´ó´ÅÅ̿ռ䣬ÖØÐÂÆô¶¯°²×°³ÌÐò¡£"
noMemory        = "´æ´¢Á¿²»×ãÎÞ·¨¼ÌÐø°²×°¡£\nÇë¹Ø±ÕÓ¦ÓóÌÐòÈ»ºóÖØÊÔ¡£"
filesMissing    = "°²×°³ÌÐòÎÞ·¨ÕÒµ½ÖØÒªÎļþ¡£\nÇë¼ì²éÊÇ·ñ´Óԭʼ·Ö²¼Ê½´ÅÅÌÖÐÖ´Ðа²×°³ÌÐò¡£"
instCopyFailed  = "¹¤×÷ÎļþÓÐË𻵣¬ÇëÓ롸Óû§Ö§³Ö¡¹ÁªÏµ¡£"
sysReadOnly     = "ÄúÎÞ·¨½øÈë Windows ϵͳҳÃ棬ÇëÓëϵͳ¹ÜÀíÔ±ÁªÏµ¡£"
closeAll        = "Çë¹Ø±ÕÔËÐÐÖеÄËùÓгÌÐò£¬²¢ÇÒÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ÏµÍ³¡£"
needReboot      = "ÔÚÔËÐдËÃüÁîÇ°£¬ÇëÖØÐÂÆô¶¯¼ÆËã»ú¡£"
failWin31       = "²»Ö§³Ö Windows 3.1"
failWin9x       = "²»Ö§³Ö Windows 9x"
failWinNT       = "²»Ö§³Ö Windows NT"
failWinNT35x    = "²»Ö§³Ö Windows NT 3.5x »ò¸ü¾É°æ±¾¡£"
failOS2         = "²»Ö§³Ö OS/2"
failNotIntel    = "²»Ö§³Ö·Ç-Intelƽ̨"

title           = "Logitech ³]©wµ{¦¡"
initializing    = "³]©w±Ò©l¤¤¡C½Ðµy­Ô..."
noDiskSpace     = "³]©wµ{¦¡¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªººÏºÐªÅ¶¡¨Ñ¤u§@ÀɨϥΡC\n½ÐÄË¥X¤@ÂIºÏºÐªÅ¶¡«á¦A­«·s±Ò°Ê³]©wµ{¦¡¡C"
noMemory        = "°O¾ÐÅ餣¨¬µLªk°õ¦æ¦w¸Ë¡C\n½ÐÃö³¬¤@­ÓÀ³¥Îµ{¦¡«á¦A¸Õ¤@¦¸¡C"
filesMissing    = "³]©wµ{¦¡§ä¤£¨ì°ò¥»ÀɮסC\n½Ð½T©w±z¬O±q­ìª©ºÏ¤ù°õ¦æ¡C"
instCopyFailed  = "¤u§@ÀÉ·lÃa¡C\n½Ð¬¢¸ß«È¤á¤ä´©ªA°È³¡ªù¡C"
sysReadOnly     = "±z¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªºÅv§Q¨Ó¨Ï¥Î Windows ¨t²Î¸ê®Æ§¨¡C\n½Ð¬¢¸ß±zªººÞ²z­û¡C"
closeAll        = "½ÐÃö³¬©Ò¦³¶}±ÒªºÀ³¥Îµ{¦¡«á­«·s±Ò°Ê¨t²Î¡C"
needReboot      = "½Ð¥ý­«·s±Ò°Ê±zªº¹q¸£¦A°õ¦æ¦¹«ü¥O¡C"
failWin31       = "¤£¤ä´© Windows 3.1 ¨t²Î"
failWin9x       = "¤£¤ä´© Windows 9x ¨t²Î"
failWinNT       = "¤£¤ä´© Windows NT ¨t²Î"
failWinNT35x    = "¤£¤ä´© Windows NT 3.5x ©Î§ó¦­ªº¨t²Î"
failOS2         = "¤£¤ä´© OS/2 ¨t²Î"
failNotIntel    = "¤£¤ä´©«D-Intel¥­¥x"

title           = "¡ÒõԴµÑé§ Logitech"
initializing    = "¡ÓÅѧàÃÔèÁµé¹¡ÒõԴµÑé§ â»Ã´ÃÍÊÑ¡¤ÃÙè..."
noDiskSpace     = "¡ÒõԴµÑé§äÁèÊÒÁÒö¤é¹ËÒ¾×é¹·ÕèÇèÒ§·Õèà¾Õ§¾ÍÊÓËÃѺä¿Åì·Õèãªé§Ò¹¢Í§â»Ãá¡ÃÁ\n¨Ñ´¾×é¹·ÕèÇèÒ§º¹ÎÒÃì´´ÔÊ¡ì¢Í§·èÒ¹áÅÐàÃÔèÁ¡ÒõԴµÑé§ÍÕ¡¤ÃÑé§"
noMemory        = "ÁÕ˹èǤÇÒÁ¨ÓäÁèà¾Õ§¾Í㹡ÒÃÊÑ觧ҹ¡ÒõԴµÑé§\nâ»Ã´»Ô´â»Ãá¡ÃÁáÅÐÅͧÍÕ¡¤ÃÑé§"
filesMissing    = "¡ÒõԴµÑé§äÁ辺ä¿Åì·Õè¨Óà»ç¹\nâ»Ã´µÃǨÊͺãËéá¹èã¨ÇèÒ·èÒ¹¡ÓÅѧãªé§Ò¹´ÔÊ¡ì·Õè¶Ù¡µéͧ"
instCopyFailed  = "ä¿Åì·Õèãªé§Ò¹¶Ù¡·ÓÅÒÂ\nâ»Ã´µÔ´µè͡Ѻ½èÒÂʹѺʹعÅÙ¡¤éÒ"
sysReadOnly     = "·èÒ¹äÁèÁÕÊÔ·¸Ô㹡ÒÃà¢éÒ¶Ö§á¿éÁÃкº¢Í§ Windows\nâ»Ã´µÔ´µèͼÙé¤Çº¤ØÁÃкº¢Í§·èÒ¹"
closeAll        = "â»Ã´»Ô´â»Ãá¡ÃÁ·Õè·Ó§Ò¹¤éÒ§ÍÂÙèáÅÐàÃÔèÁ¡Ò÷ӧҹ¢Í§Ãкº¢Í§·èÒ¹ãËÁèÍÕ¡¤ÃÑé§"
needReboot      = "â»Ã´àÃÔèÁ¡Ò÷ӧҹ¢Í§¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃìãËÁè¡è͹·Õè¨Ðãªé§Ò¹¤ÓÊÑ觹Õé"
failWin31       = "äÁèʹѺʹع Windows 3.1"
failWin9x       = "äÁèʹѺʹع Windows 9x"
failWinNT       = "äÁèʹѺʹع Windows NT"
failWinNT35x    = "äÁèʹѺʹع Windows NT 3.5x ËÃ×͵èÓ¡ÇèÒ"
failOS2         = "äÁèʹѺʹع OS/2"
failNotIntel    = "äÁèʹѺʹعà¤Ã×èͧ·ÕèäÁèãªè Intel"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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