readme.txt Driver File Contents (

                MonitorMice for Windows NT 4.0
                        Release 3.00c
                      February 3, 1999

                     Elo TouchSystems, Inc.
                       A Raychem Company

MonitorMice for Windows NT contains a native, 32-bit driver
designed for Windows NT, uninstall utility, and 32-bit
control panel program, and DOS-based diagnostic applications
for Elo TouchSystems' touchscreens.

MonitorMice for Windows NT supp%KEMgwe%,ZH 1ouc2-b serial
uchscreens. ntrol plers ntrnect diuc2a singleindows NT 4.0

Software Le fn 3.AgensmentMo==========================

Pase the Software Le fn 3.Agensment in the
Le fn 3.txt fileiinclud diwith thisiagstribuons
 You mustMoagensiuc2igweterms ber Weiinall uing the software

Sp%KEMg dio TouchSyreens. Ctrol plersMo=====================================
     - SmartSet Serial Ctrol plers (Inte uiuchSy(R) 2310, 2300,       AccuuchSy(R) 2210)
     -------------------------------------------------------    | Thisiaver
 does notupp%KEMgio ToPC-Bus ntrol plers.  |    |                                                       |    | PC-Bus ntrol plers.requiWeinitorMicou 3.2.0or Wi      |    | ndows NT 4.availableiat             |     -------------------------------------------------------  Mo=========================================
Inall uing nitorMice for Windows NT 4.0
  =========================================  MoNote: you must haveiadmingstrarMi access.righgweon theindows NMoN4.0
 stems'iuc2itall utnitorMice for Windows NT 4.0
1.  Shutws n ndows NT 4.a DOturn off your ntmputer

Mo2.  Inall u your o Touchscreens. hardware asiaereeib diin the
    Inte uiuchSy  WiAccuuchSy Product Manual,  WitheiQuick Start

Mo3.  Start your ntmputer

Mo4.  Inaert theiitall utagsketteiituc2theifloppyiaver

Mo5.  Choo 3.Start/Settings/Ctrol p Pel pra DOdouble-ccatk
    theicou 3.object

Mo6.  Seasct theiGeneral tabra DOchoo 3.theiChange buots

Mo7.  Choo 3.HaveiDgskra DOchoo 3.theifloppyiaver
or Withe
    itall utagskette

Mo8.  Choo 3.theipliropriate uchscreens. ntrfigurlons

    a DOchoo 3.OKiuc2ntmpleteiitall ulons

Mo9.  Choo 3.Clo 3.tc2nlo 3.theicou 3.ntrol panel p

Mo10.elestart theintmputer whs. irompg d

Mo=======================================  Altertive,  Inall ulons
sMo=======================================  MoIt is ptisibleiuc2ntrfiguretnitorMice for Windows NMoN4.0
 r Wiaiwide variety ofninsque uchscreens.Moalications
 that are notuavailableiduring
itall ulons

MoThisiinclud s:
   - singleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons
s using COM KEMgw
   higheWithan COM8 (COM1 - COM128upp%KEMged)
   - multipleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons
s using a video
   gnedal sicatter whsre m Weithan one uchscreens.Mo   responds uc2theisameiaerktop area
   - multipleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons
s whsre theiaerktopMo   isishar diacrtis natumber ofnagsplayweotheWithan 2, 4,     81996,  Wi32
  Deinsl diinr Wmlons
 regarding the 3.altertive, 
uchscreens. itall ulons
s nan be lotio dion theio Toweb
Changing the uchSyreens. COM PortMo=================================
MoIf you select diuhe wrong COM KEMgor Withe
uchscreens. during itall ulons
 ofna singleiuchscreens.contrfigurlons
  Wiwant uc2nhange the 3.settings:  
1. Choo 3.Start/Settings/Ctrol p Pel pra DOdouble-ccatk
   theio TouchSyreens. object

Mo2. Seasct theicorrsct COM KEMgor Withe uchscreens.Mo   ntrol pler. Ccatku, 
uchscr o-Dfil0:AGhscreens.itall ulodoublr whsre m Weithan onrong COM KEMgorsice for Windttku,refor Windttk   A RaycNT 4. isishabrtiwscreens. itall ulons
s nan b
Refor Wino Toweb
D A Raycns. itall ulons
s nan b

U for Windttkmust haveiadmingstrarMi accethan Cttkm 
ce======brtiwLe fn 3.aEMguchan Cto,refor Windttk   A Rascreens. itall ulons
s nan b
U for Wino Toweb
D A Raycns. itall ulons
s nan b

1. objectweb
e uiuctk
  ,ll i
uchshscreensesignettku,c2nhange tcontrfigurlon3.Start/Dwant uc2nhatweb
d ucc ofnins3t/Settingust haveiadmingstrarMi acce
for web
l 4.
Monge te for Win.0
d uWmlons
mputer /U for WindtabhSy ProdC2nhatweb
  ettku,freeo======di p Pi32
    hSy  han on Start ys.Mo   ntrarMi acceatku, 

Mo8.  Ch====e for Win
cessscreens. itall ulo
Re======fil0================sicatKEMgTo en.0
 ===="2-wi p",dow-reedrktko Tomode,ng itMo===Micoufreeo=o ToDWORDnatu 4.0y keyte

0ethan Catuedit.exe:sicatKEEEEHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
contr\Cul pntcontrfihsc\hSyviads           \ustm    \tings:  
d  Crs\Hn ndowsHeedSktko TsicatKEEE  resp"tings:  
1XX"eiae====atu 4.0y sp Pi32Ochoo 3.theiChm Weithan onechoowhiche====ow-reedrktko Tomodeeiae=oLe theiChmen.0
d. Wtku,.revimodeeiaeen.0
desiindreedrktko Tono ds        for b==disorMice fo.sicatKEMgBecauring yreen
Mome fitorMicesSyviads Windows NMoN4.0
       until la Chooe====trarMi access. Mo   up  
cess,o 3.theiChm Weithan onewiindows btu ne=oLfun Pi32Ochoosevgs/Ctsp s
s theiChmaftere====trarMi accelog32Odreeog eview screfo.sicatKEMgTt theicorrsct KEMgor Withe u eviochamizmpany
MoThisiincl640x480. Wtku,runno To640x480M8 (COimodes hSycatKEEE iindows bt a ulons
=========pnt    heicorrsct KEMgor WcatKEEEthe uc H========trarMi accetoolbar,ettku,dragntrol pgor WcatKEEEthe uE iarMi up bysct thitulobarons
=======ct tbo
 mcatKEEEt uly ofninstKEMgTt ttrarMi access. beepesSyviad (BEEP.SYS)  for b==en.0
dcatKEEEir Widhisouble-ccatk
   the 2210)

Ml p Plyeload. Us.theiChm eb
eSyviads  Choo hooe====trarMi access. EMgor Withe u totheiChmen.0
=ct tbeepesSyviad if ir Wi
d.        ===================================
Inall =siEninccensmessigneBug Fixe uchSy(R) Re========================================
Inall =sinstKEMgAttkgthes
Ml p Pg the 3.sMo=hame
  uWindang yreenm     totheiChme 
   the 2210)
de variety ofninstKEMgS yreen
Mome fitorMicereedrktko Tonogic (ignenogic uWindatku==eiChm
eedrktko Toeview .0

crto2. peKEMgor Wf==eiChms. ntr.set2210)
sscreens. itall uloion c.
chan C.seeens. itall uloion
lease 3.00c
           6500 Kaig y
Fremont, CA 94555
rtir di@rtive, 
lease 3.00c
    GmbH &tco. KG
bhe 6Mo -85521 O
Geacr      CforMo=r
at www.elouchsc.coVoiad:Chm(800) 356-8682 (tree-fensmchSU fPg te ul0=)           (510) 739-4600 (Pacific Tame)           +49 (0) 89-60822-0 (Eur pe except Geacr  )           0180/5304170 (Geacr  EMgl dien
iindcrerge)  Fax:     (510) 608-3277           +49 (0)89-60822-150 (Eur pe)  E-moN4:  rticfor@rtive, 
Tech fitl rms ber
at www.elouchsc..coVoiad:Chm(800) 489-9935 (tree-fensmchSU fPg te ul0=)           (510) 739-4600 (Pacific Tame)           +49 (0)89-60822-193 (Eur pe)  Fax:     (510) 608-3277           +49 (0)89-60822-150 (Eur pe)  E-moN4:  rtitech@rtive, 
Copy===== ©.0
 elease 3.00c
         , 1999

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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