MonitorMice for Windows NT 4.0 Release 3.00c February 3, 1999 Elo TouchSystems, Inc. A Raychem Company MonitorMice for Windows NT contains a native, 32-bit driver designed for Windows NT, uninstall utility, and 32-bit control panel program, and DOS-based diagnostic applications for Elo TouchSystems' touchscreens. MonitorMice for Windows NT supp%KEMgwe%,ZH 1ouc2-b serial uchscreens. ntrol plers ntrnect diuc2a singleindows NT 4.0 Workallons Mo========================== Software Le fn 3.AgensmentMo========================== Pase the Software Le fn 3.Agensment in the Le fn 3.txt fileiinclud diwith thisiagstribuons You mustMoagensiuc2igweterms ber Weiinall uing the software Mo===================================== Sp%KEMg dio TouchSyreens. Ctrol plersMo===================================== - SmartSet Serial Ctrol plers (Inte uiuchSy(R) 2310, 2300, AccuuchSy(R) 2210) ------------------------------------------------------- | Thisiaver does notupp%KEMgio ToPC-Bus ntrol plers. | | | | PC-Bus ntrol plers.requiWeinitorMicou 3.2.0or Wi | | ndows NT 4.availableiat | ------------------------------------------------------- Mo========================================= Inall uing nitorMice for Windows NT 4.0 ========================================= MoNote: you must haveiadmingstrarMi access.righgweon theindows NMoN4.0 stems'iuc2itall utnitorMice for Windows NT 4.0 1. Shutws n ndows NT 4.a DOturn off your ntmputer Mo2. Inall u your o Touchscreens. hardware asiaereeib diin the Inte uiuchSy WiAccuuchSy Product Manual, WitheiQuick Start pticer Mo3. Start your ntmputer Mo4. Inaert theiitall utagsketteiituc2theifloppyiaver Mo5. Choo 3.Start/Settings/Ctrol p Pel pra DOdouble-ccatk theicou 3.object Mo6. Seasct theiGeneral tabra DOchoo 3.theiChange buots Mo7. Choo 3.HaveiDgskra DOchoo 3.theifloppyiaver or Withe itall utagskette Mo8. Choo 3.theipliropriate uchscreens. ntrfigurlons a DOchoo 3.OKiuc2ntmpleteiitall ulons Mo9. Choo 3.Clo 3.tc2nlo 3.theicou 3.ntrol panel p Mo10.elestart theintmputer whs. irompg d Mo======================================= Altertive, Inall ulons Ctrfigurlons sMo======================================= MoIt is ptisibleiuc2ntrfiguretnitorMice for Windows NMoN4.0 r Wiaiwide variety ofninsque uchscreens.Moalications that are notuavailableiduring itall ulons MoThisiinclud s: - singleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons s using COM KEMgw higheWithan COM8 (COM1 - COM128upp%KEMged) - multipleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons s using a video gnedal sicatter whsre m Weithan one uchscreens.Mo responds uc2theisameiaerktop area - multipleiuchscreens. ntrfigurlons s whsre theiaerktopMo isishar diacrtis natumber ofnagsplayweotheWithan 2, 4, 81996, Wi32 Deinsl diinr Wmlons regarding the 3.altertive, uchscreens. itall ulons s nan be lotio dion theio Toweb siteiat Mo================================= Changing the uchSyreens. COM PortMo================================= MoIf you select diuhe wrong COM KEMgor Withe uchscreens. during itall ulons ofna singleiuchscreens.contrfigurlons Wiwant uc2nhange the 3.settings: 1. Choo 3.Start/Settings/Ctrol p Pel pra DOdouble-ccatk theio TouchSyreens. object Mo2. Seasct theicorrsct COM KEMgor Withe uchscreens.Mo ntrol pler. Ccatku, uchscr o-Dfil0:AGhscreens.itall ulodoublr whsre m Weithan onrong COM KEMgorsice for Windttku,refor Windttk A RaycNT 4. isishabrtiwscreens. itall ulons s nan b Refor Wino Toweb D A Raycns. itall ulons s nan b U for Windttkmust haveiadmingstrarMi accethan Cttkm ce======brtiwLe fn 3.aEMguchan Cto,refor Windttk A Rascreens. itall ulons s nan b U for Wino Toweb D A Raycns. itall ulons s nan b 1. objectweb e uiuctk ,ll i uchshscreensesignettku,c2nhange tcontrfigurlon3.Start/Dwant uc2nhatweb Add/RemointPver d ucc ofnins3t/Settingust haveiadmingstrarMi acce for web l 4. Monge te for Win.0 pver d uWmlons mputer /U for WindtabhSy ProdC2nhatweb Add/Remointtk ettku,freeo======di p Pi32 e hSy han on Start ys.Mo ntrarMi acceatku, uchscte Mo8. Ch====e for Win cessscreens. itall ulo Re======fil0================sicatKEMgTo en.0 ===="2-wi p",dow-reedrktko Tomode,ng itMo===Micoufreeo=o ToDWORDnatu 4.0y keyte 0ethan Catuedit.exe:sicatKEEEEHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ contr\Cul pntcontrfihsc\hSyviads \ustm \tings: 1XX\Pa d Crs\Hn ndowsHeedSktko TsicatKEEE resp"tings: 1XX"eiae====atu 4.0y sp Pi32Ochoo 3.theiChm Weithan onechoowhiche====ow-reedrktko Tomodeeiae=oLe theiChmen.0 d. Wtku,.revimodeeiaeen.0 desiindreedrktko Tono ds for b==disorMice fo.sicatKEMgBecauring yreen Mome fitorMicesSyviads Windows NMoN4.0 until la Chooe====trarMi access. Mo up cess,o 3.theiChm Weithan onewiindows btu ne=oLfun Pi32Ochoosevgs/Ctsp s s theiChmaftere====trarMi accelog32Odreeog eview screfo.sicatKEMgTt theicorrsct KEMgor Withe u eviochamizmpany rloolu Mo====eiChm MoThisiincl640x480. Wtku,runno To640x480M8 (COimodes hSycatKEEE iindows bt a ulons =========pnt heicorrsct KEMgor WcatKEEEthe uc H========trarMi accetoolbar,ettku,dragntrol pgor WcatKEEEthe uE iarMi up bysct thitulobarons =======ct tbo mcatKEEEt uly ofninstKEMgTt ttrarMi access. beepesSyviad (BEEP.SYS) for b==en.0 dcatKEEEir Widhisouble-ccatk the 2210) e Ml p Plyeload. Us.theiChm eb eSyviads Choo hooe====trarMi access. EMgor Withe u totheiChmen.0 =ct tbeepesSyviad if ir Wi Le Mo==dis.0 d. =================================== Inall =siEninccensmessigneBug Fixe uchSy(R) Re======================================== Inall =sinstKEMgAttkgthes Ml p Pg the 3.sMo=hame uWindang yreenm totheiChme Mo==dis.0 dmaftere=tk the 2210) de variety ofninstKEMgS yreen Mome fitorMicereedrktko Tonogic (ignenogic uWindatku==eiChm eedrktko Toeview .0 d)thes modifiscte crto2. peKEMgor Wf==eiChms. ntr.set2210) sscreens. itall uloion c. chan C.seeens. itall uloion altertive, uchon lease 3.00c 6500 Kaig y D A R Fremont, CA 94555 USAon rtir di@rtive, uchon lease 3.00c GmbH &tco. KG Haidr bhe 6Mo -85521 O brunn Geacr CforMo=r eSyviad at www.elouchsc.coVoiad:Chm(800) 356-8682 (tree-fensmchSU fPg te ul0=) (510) 739-4600 (Pacific Tame) +49 (0) 89-60822-0 (Eur pe except Geacr ) 0180/5304170 (Geacr EMgl dien iindcrerge) Fax: (510) 608-3277 +49 (0)89-60822-150 (Eur pe) E-moN4: rticfor@rtive, uchon Tech fitl rms ber at www.elouchsc..coVoiad:Chm(800) 489-9935 (tree-fensmchSU fPg te ul0=) (510) 739-4600 (Pacific Tame) +49 (0)89-60822-193 (Eur pe) Fax: (510) 608-3277 +49 (0)89-60822-150 (Eur pe) E-moN4: rtitech@rtive, uchon Copy===== ©.0 elease 3.00c , 1999 .lestl========rloSyv d.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.