MonitorMouse(TM) for Windows 2000 1 5g 8, Elo TouchSystems, Inc. àð)u# contains a native, 32-bit driver designed , setup program, video alignment program, 32-bit control panel program, and diagnostic applications Elo TouchSystems' touchmð)s. ======================================================= Supported Touchmð)s and Elo Touchscreen Controllers ======================================================= - All Elo Entuitive brand touchmð)s with an internal serial controller - Elo Serial Controllers (IntelliTouch(R) 2500S, 310B, 310, 23 , AccuTouch(R) 2210) ------------------------------------------------------- | | | This driver does not support Elo USB Touchmð)s, | | Elo USB controllers Elo PC-Bus controllers. | | | | Refer to availability of | | drivers the products. | | | ------------------------------------------------------- ======================================== Installing àð)u# ======================================== Note: you must have administrat access rights n your system to install àð)u# . You must also have administrat access rights to run the touchscreen control panel and video alignment applications. 1. Shut n and turn off your w s p yus cn3n) 2 ogn ernunwa es d Manual,does not suppp yuUs Guree, | Quick Stais ppanand tur3menttais n and tur4menAf ancations. loadortclick | ttais buttonit con| ntclickp yuRund tur5menClick | Brns.e buttoninislod ve | tgned El.exeam, 32-bw sp yu| direcuppyu# ====| d filerivHe ale adp yutgned El.exea conclick Openit| ntOKinistrautgned El.exed tur6menFlerowu| direcund dios rightsd tur7menChoose | COM This nistem ive b . SorM d | COM This ====u#nM deon| ccess rights tabl cce s anap 2 ab .===== with aThishave=======bycations. r p yudisplayed. 8menClick Next. 9.nitostais ations. w ntm, mp===. Mak ru ====remo nyp yufloppyudiskriv # trau| ccess rights creen control pam, 32-bwaf anc ations. staiss upiv ============================= Run ====| d Touchmð)Vreen Aontrol paP, 32-b ============================= Use | flerow====m, cedu tn contr af anc vide alignmeChoose ttais/tgnt===s/ller Phe touchsdoubl -clickp y| orted Touchmð)objM dd turn oPro ha| contr buttoniv 3meunwa eeaogn fu| cchmð) taigess aha| y el earios p yrightsdnClick Ye. w nt curs ===es up=urreculy p yive b f===and tur4meClick OKinisclose | cess rights to run the t. p y ================ Chang====| d Tou COM P=== ================ Use | flerow====m, cedu i n = wlM deon| cwro===COM This to i du ==== vide wans nischange p COM This nistem ive b . # tostais ations. beto e | newsignt=== iv===tak effM dd turnmeChoose ttais/tgnt===s/ller Phe touchsdoubl -clickp y| orted Touchmð)objM dd turn oSorM d | urrecu COM This | cess rightsp yntrollers meClick OKinisclose | cess rightsp yntrolle the t. 3metostais | u an w ntm, mp===. ======================== Uni===================== Installing àð)u# ================== 1.nClick | ttais buttonitpoins nistgnt===sit con| ntclickp yller Phe td turn oDoubl -click | Add/Remo P, 32-bs icde alig3 oSorM d o TouchSystems, Inc. àð)f, m | lYoun fp yuni======abl cp, 32-bs os f your /Uni=======tabd tur4meClick | Add/Remo buttonin ntflerowu| direcund diosp y rightsd tur5.itostais ations. nisc mpleve | uni=======m, cesuchSystems' touchmð RorMouse====o Touchscreen CohSys- # . You must also have administray| ortp Tess rights to run the touchscreen control p el and video alig- Becastem with an mmuni, and di wiviso r | to www.l p until l ve s Inc. àð)staised so h, p cess rights may | begininisfuncund until se al seto dsp af anc Inc. à ktop isplayed. - Te enabl cc I"2-wire", | -handshak====moee, ign p flerow====DWORD togYou y k y nis0ste====togedit.exe: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\plicat\Currentller tgn\Swiviso \ortTess rights\NT contr0\H HandShak=== Touchscreen o run Swi.Tlss ==== d3& cn3===pers yrightsdmig3 ointlle -haSorMleftbl cc= wiick | nd figur ww.l p lig3 tlleP==perties | cess rightcontr bs ===always perSoreen . Ytllemig3 ots may | yrightsdmig3 oine -haSorMaMleftbl cc= o rsmenttai- Ilerow=pmð)objMCancs riick | o also havdministray| o ortp Tess rise D togY===tachsy 1.nClicsomeniv ntil chsc= wns. besbs ===bundmions- chsc= nttai- ============= buttppyus ===Sysv============== e yhak====dere: you mr ttppys0ste===C:\lick | F| \ program, and di\H HandSha o ruCHINac bethave HandSha o ru ru e-mi w: info@ ru 5g 8, 65ve Kaisme Dppy Fp===nt, CA 94555===SA Phone: (800) 557-1458tller (510) 739-4999 Fax: (510) 739-5353ru 5g 8, GmbH &it . KG Haidk |brig6 D-85521 O.nCbst o Germak rPhone: +49 (0) 89/60822-0 Fax: +49 (0) 89/60822-150ru 5g 8, NV Diestsesty| weg 692 B-301e Kð)el-Lve Belgium rPhone: +32 (16) 35-2100 Fax: +32 (16) 35-210 Copy . Y (c) l ve 5g 8, . Youmð)\Cu= nttai icde alig3 oinc. demacn3iv 5g 8,Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.