Readme.txt Driver File Contents (

                MonitorMouse(TM) for Windows 2000
1                                       5g 8,                              Elo TouchSystems, Inc.    àð)ƒu#
                 contains a native, 32-bit driver
                , setup program, video alignment
program, 32-bit control panel program, and diagnostic 
applications     Elo TouchSystems' touchmð)ƒs.    =======================================================
Touchmð)ƒs and Elo Touchscreen Controllers  =======================================================
     - All Elo Entuitive brand touchmð)ƒs with an internal       serial controller
     - Elo Serial Controllers (IntelliTouch(R) 2500S,  310B,  310,       23  , AccuTouch(R) 2210)
     -------------------------------------------------------    |                                                       |    | This driver does not support Elo USB
Touchmð)ƒs,   |    | Elo USB
controllers    Elo PC-Bus
controllers.        |    |                                                       |    | Refer to     availability of         |    |      drivers     the
products.                      |    |                                                       |     -------------------------------------------------------    ========================================
Installing àð)ƒu#

Note: you must have administrat   access rights  n your
             system to install àð)ƒu#
    . You must also have administrat   access rights to run
the touchscreen control panel and video alignment
applications.    1.  Shut   n         and turn off your                                         w s    p   yus
cn3n) 2 ogn    ernunwa es     d Manual,does not suppp   yuUs    Guree,    |   Quick Stais ppanand tur3menttais  n         and tur4menAf ancations. loadortclick |   ttais buttonit con|  ntclickp   yuRund tur5menClick |   Brns.e buttoninislod ve |   tgned El.exeam, 32-bw sp   yu|   direcuppyu#
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  nyp   yufloppyudiskriv        #
    trau|  ccess rights creen control pam, 32-bwaf anc      ations. staiss upiv                      =============================
====|   d
Touchmð)ƒVreen Aontrol paP, 32-b                    =============================

Use |   flerow====m, cedu   tn contr                   af anc  
       vide alignmeChoose ttais/tgnt===s/ller
  Phe touchsdoubl -clickp   y|   orted
Touchmð)ƒobjM dd turn oPro ha|   contr buttoniv    3meunwa eeaogn fu|  cchmð) taigess aha|  y el earios     p   yrightsdnClick Ye. w  nt    curs   ===es up=urreculy p   yive b     f===and  tur4meClick OKinisclose |   cess rights to run
the t. p   y                    ================
Chang====|   d
Tou        COM P===                    ================

Use |   flerow====m, cedu   i   n = wlM deon|  cwro===COM This
to i                  du ====
       vide    wans nischange    p COM This nistem ive b                 . #
    tostais ations.
beto e |   newsignt=== iv===tak  effM dd turnmeChoose ttais/tgnt===s/ller
  Phe touchsdoubl -clickp   y|   orted
Touchmð)ƒobjM dd turn oSorM d |   urrecu COM This     |   cess rightsp   yntrollers meClick OKinisclose |   cess rightsp   yntrolle
the t.    3metostais |   u    an w  ntm, mp===.                      ========================
Installing àð)ƒu#

1.nClick |   ttais buttonitpoins nistgnt===sit con|  ntclickp   yller
  Phe td turn oDoubl -click |   Add/Remo
 P, 32-bs icde alig3 oSorM d o TouchSystems, Inc.    àð)ƒf, m |   lYoun fp   yuni======abl cp, 32-bs os     f your /Uni=======tabd tur4meClick |   Add/Remo
 buttonin  ntflerowu|   direcund diosp   y     rightsd tur5.itostais ations. nisc mpleve |   uni=======m, cesuchSystems' touchmð
RorMouse====o Touchscreen CohSys- #
    . You must also have administray|   ortp   Tess rights to run
the touchscreen control p el and video alig- Becastem with an mmuni, and di wiviso   r  |   to www.l p   until l ve  s    Inc.    àð)ƒstaised
   so h,    p   cess rights may |   begininisfuncund  until se   al seto dsp   af anc   Inc.    à   ktop     isplayed.    - Te enabl cc  I"2-wire", | -handshak====moee, ign    p   flerow====DWORD togYou y k y nis0ste====togedit.exe:       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\plicat\Currentller
 tgn\Swiviso         \ortTess rights\NT contr0\H       HandShak===     Touchscreen
o run
          Swi.Tlss ====
cn3===pers   yrightsdmig3 ointlle -haSorMleftbl cc= wiick | nd figur      ww.l p lig3 tlleP==perties |   cess rightcontr bs ===always perSoreen   . Ytllemig3 ots may |  yrightsdmig3 oine -haSorMaMleftbl cc= o   rsmenttai- Ilerow=pmð)ƒobjMCancs riick | o also havdministray| o    ortp   Tess rise   D togY===tachsy
1.nClicsomeniv    ntil chsc= wns.
besbs ===bundmions- chsc= nttai- ============= buttppyus ===Sysv==============
e   yhak====dere: you mr    ttppys0ste===C:\lick |  F|   \ program, and di\H       HandSha
o ruCHINac
bethave    HandSha
o ru
e-mi w:    info@            ru
         5g 8,          65ve Kaisme Dppy
Fp===nt, CA 94555===SA
Phone: (800) 557-1458tller
  (510) 739-4999
  (510) 739-5353ru
         5g 8,   GmbH &it . KG
Haidk |brig6
D-85521 O.nCbst  o Germak  rPhone: +49 (0) 89/60822-0
  +49 (0) 89/60822-150ru
         5g 8,    NV
Diestsesty| weg 692
B-301e Kð)ƒel-Lve Belgium rPhone: +32 (16) 35-2100
  +32 (16) 35-210     Copy  . Y (c) l ve          5g 8,                . Youmð)\Cu= nttai icde alig3 oinc. demacn3iv          5g 8,          
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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