MonitorMouse(TM) for Windows 2000 Release 1.00 March 1, 2000 Elo TouchSystems, Inc. MonitorMouse for Windows 2000 contains a native, 32-bit driver designed for Windows 2000, setup program, video alignment program, uninstall utility, and 32-bit control panel program, and diagnostic applications for Elo TouchSystems' touchmonitors. ======================================================= Supported Touchmonitors and Elo Touchscreen Controllers ======================================================= - All Elo Entuitive brand touchmonitors with an internal serial controller - Elo Serial Controllers (IntelliTouch(R) 2500S, 2310B, 2310, 21 t d50Ýã‹ 1252ã‹ 200aã‹ Tæ@ ESV ¤Ã@ VEN 850Ýã‹ 1252ã‹ $ 240x isr Windo does not s======interUSB==============, 240x nterUSB=c serial co prograPC-Bus=c serial c.‹ $ 240x 40x Refdo to www.elo=====.comel pravailab, vid ofns a nati40x stems Windonel prthe staductc.‹ $ 2 40x |, 2310, 21 t d50Ýã‹ monitors and Elo Touchscreen Controllers Ip proging Elo TouchSystemmonitors and Elo Touchscreen Controllers Note: you must ha===administrat praccess rightco n you wi TouchSystemssd dia to up progr Elo TouchS stem. You must also ha===administrat praccess rightcoto run the======= Supp program, unin====signed for Window control panions 1.‹ Shutuchno TouchSy=====urn off you p pmpuEntions 2.‹ Ip prog you p======= hardwar==asr e= ib===inrtheers (Itroller o prouch(R) 2 Ptaduct Rnual,=============ers (IUsdoneGuign, prthe Quick Sta==ip32-ntions 3.‹ Sta==iyou p pmpuEntions 4.‹ AfEnto TouchSyload=, click the Sta==ibuttoneo alithen clickers (IRunions 5.‹ Click the BrchSeibuttonoto lorole the -bit .exenstall u=iners (Ithe direc===ys, Inc. ing the dWindo up progrfilec.‹Highlighters (I-bit .exen aliclick Openeothen OKoto runI-bit .exeions 6.‹ FriaowIthe direc= paneon the - Supions 7.‹ Choose the COM ====ito - Allyou p======= . SWinct the COM ====iyou , Innctelithe======= Supp able=== inr2-np 2 above.=====nd touc====s re=======byo TouchSy=reers (Idisplayed. 8.‹ Click Next. 9.‹ Ifithe="Digipro Sor a=ure Not Frund", anlog isr isplayed=byers (I TouchS, click Yecoto , Ininue the up progol pa. isrndon paers (Iofn Elo TouchSystemshas not ye=ibSupptested=byers (IMicrosoft,ibutshas passe======softwar==qualvid assu===ceers (Itestnions 1m. Resta==i TouchSywhen stampted. Rke -ure you remo===anyers (Ifloppyr iskc.‹ The======= Suppsigned for Windnstall u=wi===automol crogyers (IrunIwhen TouchSysta==s t .====== ea o fithe=th Su ta=getsers (Ias theyt coeareon the - Supi Click Yecowhen the cursEloginesers (It dcorrec=ly - Allyou pfingntions and Elo Touchscreen Controllers Changing the ============ COM P===s and Elo Touchscreen Controllers Use the friaowing stacedure if you=ndlnctelithe=wrong COM ==== Eloyou p======= during up progol pa prwan=ito changertheerCOM ====ito - Allyou p======= . You must resta==i TouchS be Ele the newI-biting wi===tRke effnctions 1.‹Choose Sta==/Sbitings/ seri P unin====double-clickers (the ========== Suppobjnctions 2.‹SWinct the correc= COM ====il prthe======= Supers (c serial i Click OKoto close the ====== Supers (c serim, uniions 3.‹Resta==ithe compuEntywhen stampted.ons for Elo TouchSystems' touchmonitors. == Utup proging Elo TouchSystemmonitors and Elo Touchscreen Controllers 1. Click the Sta==ibuttoneopoin=ito Sbitingseo alithen clickers ( seri P uniions 2.‹Double-click the Add/Remo===Ptall us ic ions 3.‹SWinct Elo TouchSystemsftam the listo fers (etup progable=ptall us on the Ip prog/Utup prog=tRbions 4.‹Click the Add/Remo===buttonothen friaowIthe direc= paneoners (you p- Supions 5. Resta==i TouchSyto , mplele the etup progrstacestions for Elo Touch WindowsNotehmonitors and Elons - You must ha===administrat praccess rightcoto run(the ===ers ====== Supp program, unin====signed for Wind control panions - Beca nd touchmmmeturol panend vicesy=re not availableers uInil lole inrtheo TouchSystemssta==t drivcess,rtheer ======= Suppwi===not beginoto func= pa Elosendoa==nd prdsers afEntotheo TouchSy e=ktop isr isplayedions - To enable==he="2-wire",=no-handshaking mogn, -birtheer =friaowing DWORD registry keytto 0 ing regedit.exe: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nd dia\Current seriSbi\Sd vicesers (I \========= Sup\NTnal 0\Hardwar=HandShaking monitors and KnchnoBugsmonitors and s - The======= Suppwi===not workdrivperly -hen the m isers -bir Eloleft-handed=buttono prfigu=== pa inrtheo ers Pivperties(c serim, unii====== wi===always per Elm a righters m func= pa -hen the m is -bir Eloaoleft-handeders usntions - Ifiyou=press the C==cel=buttonoon(the === ====== Supers program, unin=fEnto ing the Aconyibuttoneosomeo fitheers aconted=-bitings wi===bd pme et-acontedions - Utup proging the dWindo wi===indve the friaowing emptyer =fridero n you hard dWind: C:\Ptall u Filec\ogram, and diag monitors and and sacting ===ernitors and and e-mail: March 1, 2000 65emsKaisnt DWind Fremont,iCA 94555 USA Phone: (800) 557-1458ers (I (510) 739-4999 Fax: (510) 739-5353 March 1, 2000 GmbH &( . KG Haidll ben 6 D-85521 OttobrunperGermanyerPhone: +49 (0) 89/60822-0 Fax: +49 (0) 89/60822-150 March 1, 2000 NV Diestnesteenweg 692 B-301msKessel-L=erBelgiumerPhone: +32 (16) 35-2100 Fax: +32 (16) 35-2101 Copyright ©ystems March 1, 2000 ====rightcoresd vedions i Mtrademarkd fi March 1, 2000Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.