;******************************************************************** ; ; The Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC miniport driver ; oemsetup file for WinNT 4.0 (NDIS 4.0) ; ;******************************************************************** [Identification] OptionType = NetAdapter [PlatformsSupported] ISA EISA "Jazz-Internal Bus" [Options] PNPNT [FileConstants] UtilityInf = "UTILITY.INF" ParamInf = "NCPARAM.INF" subroutineinf = "SUBROUTN.INF" SoftwareType = "driver" Exit_Code = 0 NetEventDLL = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll" IoLogMsgDLL = "%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll" Manufacturer = "Realtek Semiconductor Corp." ProductMajorVersion = "1" ProductMinorVersion = "0" ProductVersion = $(ProductMajorVersion)"."$(ProductMinorVersion) ProductSoftwareName = "PNPNT" ProductSoftwareImagePath = "\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\pnpnt.sys" NetRuleSoftwareType = "pnpntSys ndisDriver pnpntDriver" NetRuleSoftwareUse = $(SoftwareType) NetRuleSoftwareBindForm = """PnpntSys"" yes no container" NetRuleSoftwareClass = {"pnpntDriver basic"} NetRuleSoftwareBindable = {"pnpntDriver pnpntAdapter non exclusive 100"} ProductHardwareName = "PNPNT" NetRuleHardwareType = "pnpnt pnpntAdapter" NetRuleHardwareBindForm = " yes yes container" NetRuleHardwareClass = {"pnpntAdapter basic"} ProductKeyName = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(Manufacturer)"\"$(ProductSoftwareName)"\CurrentVersion" ParamKeyName = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\"$(ProductHardwareName)"\Parameters" [GeneralConstants] from = "" to = "" ExitCodeOk = 0 ExitCodeCancel = 1 ExitCodeFatal = 2 KeyNull = "" MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432 RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR KeyProduct = "" KeyParameters = "" TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 NoTitle = 0 ExitState = "Active" OldVersionExisted = $(FALSE) DriverPath = $(!STF_NTPATH)\drivers [date] Now = {} ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetSystemDate ; ; The [Identify] section is the first section executed by Setup. It ; returns information to Setup about the type of drivers that can ; be installed by this .INF file (in our case, network drivers). ; [Identify] read-syms Identification set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Identifier = $(OptionType) set Media = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1) Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media) ; ; If the [Identify] section indicates that the .INF file supports ; the appropriate type of driver, Setup calls the [ReturnOptions] ; section. Setup passes a single parameter to this section, ; indicating the language to be used for dialog strings. This ; section returns information to the Setup program, listing the ; names of any drivers which can be installed by this .INF file. ; It also returns the text strings for each driver to be used in ; the dialog box asking the user to select the driver to install. ; [ReturnOptions] ; ; Initialize variables to failure state. ; set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OptionList = {} set OptionTextList = {} ; ; See if our language list supports the language specified. ; If a second parameter was passed in, see if it is a supported ; platform. ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) ifstr(i) $($1) == "" goto returnoptions endif set PlatformList = ^(PlatformsSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($1) in $(PlatformList) goto returnoptions else set Status = STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED goto finish_ReturnOptions endif else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_ReturnOptions endif ; ; If we get here, we are successful, so return the option list. ; returnoptions = + set OptionList = ^(Options, 1) set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText$($0), 1) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ; Exit from this section. ; finish_ReturnOptions = + Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList) ; ; If the [ReturnOptions] section returns successfully, indicating ; the language is supported, Setup displays a dialog box from which ; the user can select a driver to install. Setup then calls the ; [InstallOption] section, with the following parameters: ; ; Language to use ; OptionID to install ; SourceDirectory ; AddCopy (yes/no) ; DoCopy (yes/no) ; DoConfig (yes/no) ; ; ScrDir seems to always be A:\, even when you later install from ; the oemnad#.inf which is copied to the system32 directory. ; ; AddCopy and DoCopy are valid only when NTN_InstallMode = install. ; AddCopy is yes if the files should be added to the copy list. ; DoCopy is yes if CopyFilesInCopyList should be called. ; ; DoConfig is not used for network cards. ; ; This .INF file is automatically copied to the SYSTEM32 directory, ; by WinNT, and renamed so as to have a unique name. ; [InstallOption] ;;; ;;; Change "Set !G:DebugOutputControl=0" to 1 in NCAPSHEL.INF for debug support. ;;; ;;; set !G:DebugOutputControl=1 ;; Debug output {1=turned on, 0= turned off} ; ; Read input parameters. ; set Option = $($1) set SrcDir = $($2) set AddCopy = $($3) set DoCopy = $($4) set DoConfig = $($5) ; ; Check if specified language is supported. ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) NOT-IN $(LanguageList) Return STATUS_NOLANGUAGE endif ; ; Set up local variables and constant values. ; set-subst LF = "\n" read-syms GeneralConstants read-syms FileConstants read-syms DialogConstants$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_Origination) == "NCPA" set Continue = $(OK) endif read-syms FileConstants$(!STF_LANGUAGE) detect date set-title $(FunctionTitle) set to = Begin set from = Begin set CommonStatus = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL EndWait ;; ; ;; ; Problem was discovered using unattend.txt files for automatic ;; ; installation. It was found that $2 passed into this section does ;; ; not have an appropriate value when using unattend.txt. It was ;; ; found that during manual AND unattended installations, the variable ;; ; STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE did contain an appropriate value. ;; ; ;; ifstr(i) $(!STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE) != "" ;; set SrcDir = $(!STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE) ;; endif Begin = + set ActivateDetection = FALSE ; ; NTN_InstallMode ; install - this is a primary or original installation, it ; may be an upgrade ; deinstall - this product and its binaries are to be removed ; from the disk ; configure - this product is to be (re-) configured ; bind - this product's relationships to other products ; have changed and should be reviewed. ; Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == deinstall set StartLabel = removeadapter else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == Update set StartLabel = UpgradeSoftware else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == bind set StartLabel = bindingadapter else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == configure set CommonStatus = STATUS_REBOOT set ActivateDetection = TRUE set StartLabel = configureadapter Ifstr(i) $(ProductKeyName) == $(!NTN_RegBase) Debug-Output "Cannot configure the Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP NIC driver software." Shell $(UtilityInf),RegistryErrorString,CANNOT_CONFIGURE_SOFTWARE ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) set from = end set to = end goto nonfatalinfo endif else set StartLabel = installadapter set OEM_ABANDON_OPTIONS = {} set OEM_ABANDON_SOFTWARE = FALSE set OEM_ABANDON_ON = TRUE set ActivateDetection = TRUE endif ;; ; ;; ; HARDWARE_PUT_IN_REGISTRY gets set to true once the hardware ;; ; component is installed. That way if we get an error we know ;; ; to uninstall it. HWList has the path to the hardware that ;; ; is needed by RemoveHardwareComponent. ;; ; ;; ; SOFTWARE_PUT_IN_REGISTRY gets set to true once the software ;; ; component is installed. ;; ; ;; set HARDWARE_PUT_IN_REGISTRY = $(FALSE) ;; set HWList = "" ;; set SOFTWARE_PUT_IN_REGISTRY = $(FALSE) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: ==================================================" Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: STF_CWDIR is: "$(!STF_CWDIR) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: STF_LANGUAGE is: "$(!STF_LANGUAGE) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Option is: "$(Option) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: !STF_NCDETECT is: "$(!STF_NCDETECT) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: !STF_NCOPTION is: "$(!STF_NCOPTION) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: !STF_NCDETCARD is: "$(!STF_NCDETCARD) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: !STF_NCDETINFO is: "$(!STF_NCDETINFO) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: ==================================================" Set DetectedCard = FALSE Set EtherID = "" Ifstr(i) $(ActivateDetection) != TRUE Goto skipdetection Endif ; Set TypeList = {{IRQ,IRQList,IRQValue},+ ; {IOADDR, IOBaseAddrDecList, IOBaseAddrValue}} ; Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Calling Param_BuildTypeLists" ; Shell $(ParamInf) Param_BuildTypeLists $(Option) $(TypeList) ; Set Status = $($R0) ; ifstr(i) $(Status) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; Goto fataldetect ; Endif ; Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Calling Param_SetDefaults" ; Shell $(ParamInf) Param_SetDefaults {} ; Shell $(ParamInf) HexListFromDecList $(IOBaseAddrDecList) ; Set IOBaseAddrHexList = $($R0) ; Shell $(UtilityInf) SortList $(IRQList) TRUE FALSE ; Set IRQList = $($R0) ; Jasper 3/1/95 { ; Ifstr(i) $(!STF_NCDETECT) == YES ; Ifstr(i) $(!STF_NCOPTION) == $(Option) ; Set DetectedCard = TRUE ; Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Setting DetectedCard to TRUE" ; Endif ; Endif ; } Jasper 3/1/95 skipdetection =+ set from = $(fatal) set to = $(fatal) goto $(StartLabel) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; InstallMode = install ; Came here straight from figuring out which platform we are on. ; Option, SrcDir, AddCopy, DoCopy, and DoConfig are valid. ; installadapter = + ;;install "Install-Hlp" Debug-Output "$(InfFile) $(Option): Installadapter" ; ; Get open handle KeyProduct. ; Returns an empty string if key does not exist. ; ; NTN_RegBase appears empty on the installation of the first card. ; KeyProduct will be KeyNull on the installation of the first card. ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ProductKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyProduct Ifstr $(KeyProduct) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) ifstr(i) !(NTN_RegBase) == $(ProductKeyName) Shell $(UtilityInf), VerExistedDlg, $(ProductSoftwareTitle),+ $(ProductVersion) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif goto end else Shell $(UtilityInf), CardExistedDlg ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif ifstr(i) $($R1) != "OK" set CommonStatus = STATUS_USERCANCEL goto end endif set OldVersionExisted = $(TRUE) endif endif Ifstr(i) $(DetectedCard) != TRUE Goto adaptersetup Endif StartWait Shell $(ParamInf) Param_QueryCard $(!STF_NCDETCARD) EndWait Ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto adaptersetup Endif Set DetectedParams = $($R1) Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Calling Param_SetDefaults to merge detected params" Shell $(ParamInf) Param_SetDefaults $(DetectedParams) goto adapteroptions configureadapter = + Debug-Output "$(InfFile) $(Option): Configureadapter" Ifstr $(KeyProduct) == $(KeyNull) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(!NTN_RegBase) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyProduct Ifstr $(KeyProduct) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE Debug-Output "Cannot find component product key" goto fatalregistry Endif Endif Debug-Output "INF: Shelling to FindService" Shell $(UtilityInf) FindService, $(KeyProduct) Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "INF: FindService shell failure" Goto ShellCodeError Endif Ifstr(i) $($R0) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "INF: FindService Shell error: "$($R0) Goto fatalregistry endif set KeyParameters = $($R2) CloseRegKey $($R1) Ifstr $(KeyParameters) == $(KeyNull) set RegistryErrorIndex = CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SERVICE Debug-Output "Cannot find component service" goto fatalregistry endif set OldVersionExisted = $(TRUE) set ValueName = "" set ValueData = "" set ValueStr = "" set ValueList = {} EnumRegValue $(KeyParameters) ValueList ForListDo $(ValueList) set ValueItem = $($) set ValueName = *($(ValueItem),1) set ValueData = *($(ValueItem),4) ; Ifstr(i) $(ValueName) == "InterruptNumber" ; set IRQValue = $(ValueData) ; else-ifstr(i) $(ValueName) == "IoBaseAddress" ; set IOBaseAddrValue = $(ValueData) Ifstr(i) $(ValueName) == "EtherID" set EtherID = $(ValueData) else-ifstr(i) $(ValueName) == "BusType" set BusInterfaceType = $(ValueData) else-ifstr(i) $(ValueName) == "BusNumber" set BusNumber = $(ValueData) endif EndForListDo ; ifstr(i) $(IRQValue) == "" ; set IRQValue = *($(IRQList), 2) ; endif ; ifstr(i) $(IOBaseAddrValue) == "" ; set IOBaseAddrValue = *($(IOBaseAddrDecList), 1) ; endif adaptersetup =+ Shell $(ParamInf) Param_ParameterConfidence Ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "OEMNADE2.INF: parameter confidence too low to bypass configuration" Goto adapteroptions Endif Ifstr(i) $(DetectedCard) == TRUE Ifstr(i) $(!STF_INSTALL_MODE) != CUSTOM Goto adapterverify Endif Endif goto adapteroptions adapteroptions = + Debug-Output "$(InfFile) $(Option): Adapteroptions" set from = adapteroptions ifstr(i) $(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED) == "YES" ifstr(i) $(!AutoNetInterfaceType) != "" set BusInterfaceType = $(!AutoNetInterfaceType) else set BusInterfaceType = 1 endif ifstr(i) $(!AutoNetBusNumber) != "" set BusNumber = $(!AutoNetBusNumber) else set BusNumber = 0 endif goto adapterverify endif ; set IOBaseAddress = *($(IOBaseAddrHexList), ~($(IOBaseAddrDecList),+ ; $(IOBaseAddrValue))) read-syms FileDependentDlg$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ;;;;SetHelpFile $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(OptionHelpFile) $(MinHelpId) $(MaxHelpId) $(Help$(Option)Id) ;;SetHelpFile $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"pnpnthlp.hlp 10 20 10 ui start "InputDlg" ifstr(i) $(DLGEVENT) == "CONTINUE" ; set IRQValue = $(Combo1Out) ; set IOBaseAddress = $(Combo2Out) set EtherID = $(EditTextOut) ui pop 1 else-ifstr(i) $(DLGEVENT) == "EXIT" ; set CommonStatus = STATUS_USERCANCEL ; Debug-Output "Action: exit. Bye." ui pop 1 ; goto end else ui pop 1 Debug-Output "Action: unknown. Bye." goto end endif ; set IOBaseAddrValue = *($(IOBaseAddrDecList), ~($(IOBaseAddrHexList),+ ; $(IOBaseAddress))) ifstr(i) $(!STF_NCDETINFO) == {} Shell $(UtilityInf),GetBusTypeDialog,$(ProductHardware$(Option)Description) $(BusInterfaceType) $(BusNumber) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error." goto ShellCodeError endif set BusInterfaceType = $($R1) set BusNumber = $($R2) else set BusInterfaceType = *($(!STF_NCDETINFO),5) set BusNumber = *($(!STF_NCDETINFO),6) endif adapterverify =+ Ifstr(i) $(DetectedCard) != TRUE Goto skipoptions Endif Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Calling Param_VerifyCard" Shell $(ParamInf) Param_VerifyCard $(!STF_NCDETCARD) Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "OEMNADN2.INF: Param_VerifyCard succeeded" Goto skipoptions Endif Set from = adapteroptions Set to = skipoptions Shell $(UtilityInf),RegistryErrorString,VERIFY_WARNING ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) Goto Warning skipoptions =+ ifint $(OldVersionExisted) == $(TRUE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == configure goto writeparameters endif endif StartWait ifint $(OldVersionExisted) == $(FALSE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "install" Ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" Shell $(UtilityInf), DoAskSource, $(!STF_CWDDIR), $(SrcDir) YES Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Goto ShellCodeError Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_FAILED Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "ASK_SOURCE_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) Goto fatal Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL Goto successful Endif Set SrcDir = $($R1) Endif install "Install-Option" ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != STF_SUCCESS Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "UNABLE_COPY_FILE" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) goto fatal endif endif Shell $(UtilityInf), AddSoftwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName), + $(ProductSoftwareName), + $(ProductSoftwareTitle), $(STF_CONTEXTINFNAME), + $(ProductSoftwareImagePath), "kernel", "NDIS", {}, "",+ $(NetEventDLL) Set OEM_ABANDON_SOFTWARE = TRUE ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) set KeyProduct = $($R1) Set SoftNetRulesKey = $($R2) CloseRegKey $($R3) CloseRegKey $($R4) CloseRegKey $($R5) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait Debug-Output "Registry error: add software components" CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRulesKey) goto fatalregistry endif set NewValueList = {{SoftwareType,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(SoftwareType)},+ {MajorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(ProductMajorVersion)},+ {MinorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(ProductMinorVersion)},+ {Title,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareTitle)},+ {Description,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareDescription)},+ {ServiceName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareName)},+ {InstallDate,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),*($(Now),1)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(KeyProduct), $(NewValueList) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error." goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait Debug-Output "Registry error: add value list." CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRulesKey) goto fatalregistry endif set NewValueList = {{type,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareType)},+ {use,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareUse)}, + {bindform,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareBindForm)}, + {class,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareClass)}, + {bindable,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareBindable)}, + {InfOption,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(Option)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(SoftNetRulesKey), $(NewValueList) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error." goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRulesKey) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait Debug-Output "Resgitry error: add value list." goto fatalregistry endif endif Shell $(UtilityInf), AddHardwareComponent, $(ProductHardwareName),$(STF_CONTEXTINFNAME),$(ProductKeyName) ifint $($R4) != -1 Set OEM_ABANDON_OPTIONS = >($(OEM_ABANDON_OPTIONS), $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards\"$($R4)) endif ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Cannot add hardware component" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait Debug-Output "Registry error: add hardware component" CloseRegKey $($R1) CloseRegKey $($R2) CloseRegKey $($R3) goto fatalregistry endif set KeyParameters = $($R3) set KeyAdapterRules = $($R2) set AdapterNumber = $($R4) set NewValueList = {{Manufacturer,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(Manufacturer)},+ {Title,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"["$($R4)"] "$(ProductHardware$(Option)Title)},+ {Description,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductHardware$(Option)Description)},+ {ProductName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductHardwareName)},+ {ServiceName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$($R5)},+ {InstallDate,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),*($(Now),1)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $($R1), $(NewValueList) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif CloseRegKey $($R1) set TempProdName = """"$(ProductHardwareName)$(AdapterNumber)"""" set TempBindForm = $(TempProdName)$(NetRuleHardwareBindForm) set NewValueList = {{type,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleHardwareType)},+ {bindform,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(TempBindForm)}, + {class,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(NetRuleHardwareClass)}, + {InfOption,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(Option)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(KeyAdapterRules), $(NewValueList) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error." goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait Debug-Output "Resgitry error: add value list." CloseRegKey $(KeyParameters) CloseRegKey $(KeyAdapterRules) goto fatalregistry endif CloseRegKey $(KeyAdapterRules) goto writeparameters writeparameters = + set NewValueList = {{EtherID,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(EtherID)},+ {BusType,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(BusInterfaceType)},+ {BusNumber,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(BusNumber)},+ {MediaType,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(KeyParameters), $(NewValueList) ifstr(i) $(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED) == "YES" Shell $(UtilityInf),AddDefaultNetCardParameters,$(KeyParameters) endif CloseRegKey $(KeyParameters) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error." goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR Debug-Output "Registry error: Add value list" goto fatalregistry endif EndWait goto successful bindingadapter =+ set Error = "Binding: Sorry, not yet implemented." goto fatal removeadapter = + Ifstr(i) $(ProductKeyName) == $(!NTN_RegBase) Shell $(UtilityInf), RemoveSoftwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto fatalregistry endif else Shell $(UtilityInf), RemoveHardwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName), $(!NTN_RegBase) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto fatalregistry endif endif goto end UpgradeSoftware = + OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ProductKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyProduct Ifstr $(KeyProduct) != $(KeyNull) install "Install-Update" ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != STF_SUCCESS goto fatal endif SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {MajorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductMajorVersion)} SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {MinorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductMinorVersion)} CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) else goto fatalregistry endif goto end successful = + goto end abandon = + ForListDo $(OEM_ABANDON_OPTIONS) Shell $(UtilityInf), RemoveHardwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName), $($) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto fatalregistry endif EndForListDo Ifstr(i) $(OEM_ABANDON_SOFTWARE) == TRUE Shell $(UtilityInf), RemoveSoftwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName), FALSE ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto fatalregistry endif endif goto end warning = + Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), "WARNING", $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "OK" goto $(to) else-ifstr(i) $($R1) == "CANCEL" goto $(from) else goto "end" endif nonfatalinfo = + Set CommonStatus = STATUS_USERCANCEL Set Severity = STATUS goto nonfatalmsg nonfatal = + Set Severity = NONFATAL goto nonfatalmsg nonfatalmsg = + ifstr(i) $(Error) == "" Set Severity = NONFATAL Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "SETUP_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) endif Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), $(Severity), $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "OK" goto $(from) else goto "end" endif fatalregistry = + Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString $(RegistryErrorIndex) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) goto fatal fataldetect = + Shell $(UtilityInf),RegistryErrorString,CANNOT_DETECT ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) Goto fatal fatal = + ifstr(i) $(Error) == "" Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "SETUP_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) endif Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), "FATAL", $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif goto setfailed ShellCodeError = + set DlgType = "MessageBox" set STF_MB_TITLE = $(ShellCodeErrorTitle) set STF_MB_TEXT = $(ShellCodeErrorText) set STF_MB_TYPE = 1 set STF_MB_ICON = 3 set STF_MB_DEF = 1 ui start "Error Message" goto setfailed setfailed = + set CommonStatus = STATUS_FAILED ifstr(i) $(OEM_ABANDON_ON) == TRUE set OEM_ABANDON_ON = FALSE goto abandon endif goto end end = + goto term term = + Return $(CommonStatus) [Install-Option] set STF_VITAL = "" ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-$(Option) $(SrcDir)WINNT $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers endif ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE CopyFilesInCopyList endif ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES" endif Exit ;;[Install-Hlp] ;; set STF_VITAL = "" ;; AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Hlp $(SrcDir)WINNT $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) ;; set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE ;; CopyFilesInCopyList ;; Exit [Install-Update] set STF_VITAL = "" set STF_OVERWRITE = "VERIFYSOURCEOLDER" ;;AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Hlp $(SrcDir)WINNT $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Inf $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-$(Option) $(SrcDir)WINNT $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE CopyFilesInCopyList exit [Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC OEM Driver Disk" [Signature] FileType = MICROSOFT_FILE [GetSignature] read-syms Signature return $(FileType) [ProductType] STF_PRODUCT = Winnt STF_PLATFORM = I386 [Files-Inf] 1, oemsetup.inf, SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(!UG_Filename) ;;[Files-Hlp] ;;1, PCINTHLP.HLP , SIZE=10000 ; ; Driver files ; [Files-PNPNT] 1,PNPNT.SYS , SIZE=50000 [LanguagesSupported] ENG [OptionsTextENG] PNPNT = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC" [FileConstantsENG] ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT Networking is not correctly installed. "+ "Are you sure you want to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Network Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:" FunctionTitle = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC Setup" ProductSoftwareDescription = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC Driver" ProductHardwarePNPNTDescription = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC" ProductSoftwareTitle = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC Driver" ProductHardwarePNPNTTitle = "Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP Ethernet NIC" ShellCodeErrorTitle = "Error: "$(FunctionTitle) ShellCodeErrorText = "Shell Code Error." [DialogConstantsENG] Help = "&Help" Exit = "Cancel" OK = "OK" HelpContext = "" Continue = "Continue" Cancel = "Cancel" [FileDependentDlgENG] Caption = "Input Ethernet ID" DlgText = "Please input adapter's Ethernet ID: "$(!LF)+ "For example:"$(!LF)+ " Ethernet ID: 00 01 02 A3 B4 C5"$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "(This option is only required when you have more than "+ "one Realtek RTL8019(AS) ISA PnP LAN adapters on this computer. "+ "Select SKIP if only one adapter is installed on "+ "this computer.)" Edit1Label = "&Ethernet ID:" Continue = "&OK" Exit = "&Skip" Help = "&Help" DlgType = "Edit" DlgTemplate = "QUERY_COMPUTER_NAME" EditTextLim = 17 EditTextIn = $(EtherID) EditFocus = "ALL"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.