; /**************************************************************************** ; ** Copyright 1999, DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc., All Rights Reserved. ** ; ** THIS FILE IS Installation file for the DM9 Based Fast ** ; ** Ethernet PCI Adapter. ** ; ** Add ACPIEnable parameter to registry. ** ; ** V1.04 ** ; ** .Add NDIS2 driver ** ; ** .CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter - Don't check Sub System/ ** ; ** Vendor ID ** ; ** V1.05 - (1) Don't check SubVendor ID ** ; ** (2) Change Signature for Windows 2000 ** ; ** ** ; ** V1.06 - 11/17/99 Simoncc ** ; ** Combine all inf files, except of oemsetup.inf for NT 3.51/4.0 ** ; ** Add a network installer (DM9NDI.DLL) ** ; ** V1.07 - 11/24/99 Simoncc ** ; ** Add a CoInstaller for Windows 2000 (DM9INST.DLL) ** ; ** ** ; ** V1.08 - 12/23/99 Spenser ** ; ** Add "PME" parameter for WOL function, the default is ** ; ** "Disable". ** ; ** V1.09 - 12/29/99 Spenser ** ; ** Modified to meet WIN2000 INF Spec. ** ; ** V1.10 - 01/20/2000 Spenser ** ; ** Modified [SourceDisksFiles] to meet InfCatReady.exe ** ; ** V1,11 - 05/03/2000 Spenser ** ; ** V1.12 - 11/30/2000 Spesner ** ; ** V1.13 - 11/12/2001 Jeffery ** ; ** Add "PME" parameter for WOL function, the default is ** ; ** "ALL". ** ; ****************************************************************************/ [version] Signature = "$Chicago$" Compatible = 1 Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_DSI% DriverVer = 07/25/2001, CatalogFile = pro200wl.cat [Manufacturer] %V_CNET% = CNET [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_1282&DEV_9102&SUBSYS_434E4554, \ PCI\VEN_1282&DEV_9102&SUBSYS_50323030 [CNET] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %DM9102.DeviceDesc% = DM9102.ndi, PCI\VEN_1282&DEV_9102&SUBSYS_434E4554 %PRO200.DeviceDesc% = PRO200.ndi, PCI\VEN_1282&DEV_9102&SUBSYS_50323030 ;============================================================================= ; ; WIN9x ; ;============================================================================= [DM9102.ndi] AddReg = DM9102.id.reg, 9102.pci.reg, DM9102.con.reg, DM9.win.reg, DriverInfoReg CopyFiles = dm9pci.win.CopyFiles, dm9ndi.dll.CopyFiles, 9102.ndis2.CopyFiles ;============================================================================= ; ; WINNT specific entry ; ;============================================================================= [DM9102.ndi.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = DM9102.id.reg, DM9PCI.reg, 9102.pci.reg, DM9102.con.reg, DriverInfoReg CopyFIles = DM9PCI.CopyFiles, DM9PCI.DLL.CopyFiles [DM9102.ndi.NT.Services] AddService = DM9102, 2, DM9102.Service, common.EventLog ;===================== ; PRO200 ;===================== [PRO200.ndi] AddReg = DM9102.id.reg, P200.pci.reg, DM9102.con.reg, DM9.win.reg CopyFiles = dm9pci.win.CopyFiles, dm9ndi.dll.CopyFiles, 9102.ndis2.CopyFiles [PRO200.ndi.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = DM9102.id.reg, DM9PCI.reg, P200.pci.reg, DM9102.con.reg CopyFIles = DM9PCI.CopyFiles, DM9PCI.DLL.CopyFiles [PRO200.ndi.NT.Services] AddService = DM9102, 2, PRO200.Service, common.EventLog [DM9PCI.CopyFiles] DM9PCI5.SYS,,,2 [DM9PCI.DLL.CopyFiles] DM9Inst.DLL,,,2 ;============================================================================= ; ; Win9x id registry sections ; These are not needed by NT ; ;============================================================================= [DM9102.id.reg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_1282&DEV_9102" HKR,,AdapterPCIID,0,"91021282" ;============================================================================= ; ; Win9x flags section ; Flags are not needed by NT ; ;============================================================================= ;**************************************************************************** ; PCI common parameters ;**************************************************************************** [9102.pci.reg] ;params HKR, , AdapterType, 0,"5" HKR, , BusType, 0,"5" ;; PCI ;HKR, , PnPCapabilities,0x00010001, "0x20" ;StoreAndForward HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, ParamDesc, 0,"Store And Forward" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, default, 0,"1" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, type, 0,"enum" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward\enum, 0, 0,"Disabled" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward\enum, 1, 0,"Enabled" ;Windows 2000 does not support Ndi\Params\param-key-name\flag values. ;HKR,NDI\params\StoreAndForward,flag,1,20,00,00,00 ;Transmit Threshold HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, ParamDesc,,"Transmit Threshold" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, default, 0,"200" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, type, 0,"enum" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 48, 0," 72 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 60, 0," 96 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 80, 0," 128 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, A0, 0," 160 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 100, 0," 256 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 200, 0," 512 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 400, 0,"1024 bytes" ;HKR,NDI\params\TransmitThreshold,flag, 1,20,00,00,00 ;ACPI Enable/Disable HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable,ParamDesc,,"PME" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable,default,,"4" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable,type,,"enum" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable\enum,0,,"Disabled" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable\enum,1,,"Link Change" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable\enum,2,,"Magic Packet" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable\enum,3,,"Pattern Match" HKR,Ndi\params\ACPIEnable\enum,4,,"ALL" ;HKR,NDI\params\ACPIEnable,flag,1,20,00,00,00 [DM9102.con.reg] ;ConnectionType HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType, ParamDesc, 0,"Connection Type" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType, default, 0,"0" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType, type, 0,"enum" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType\enum, 0, 0,"AutoSense" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType\enum, 2, 0,"100Mbps" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType\enum, 4, 0,"100Mbps Full_Duplex" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType\enum, 1, 0,"10Mbps" HKR, Ndi\params\ConnectionType\enum, 3, 0,"10Mbps Full_Duplex" ;HKR, NDI\params\ConnectionType, flag, 1,20,00,00,00 ;=================== ; PRO200 ;=================== [P200.pci.reg] ;params HKR, , AdapterType, 0,"5" HKR, , BusType, 0,"5" ;; PCI ;StoreAndForward HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, ParamDesc, 0,"Store And Forward" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, default, 0,"1" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward, type, 0,"enum" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward\enum, 0, 0,"Disabled" HKR, Ndi\params\StoreAndForward\enum, 1, 0,"Enabled" ;Windows 2000 does not support Ndi\Params\param-key-name\flag values. ;HKR,NDI\params\StoreAndForward,flag,1,20,00,00,00 ;Transmit Threshold HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, ParamDesc,,"Transmit Threshold" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, default, 0,"200" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold, type, 0,"enum" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 48, 0," 72 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 60, 0," 96 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 80, 0," 128 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, A0, 0," 160 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 100, 0," 256 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 200, 0," 512 bytes" HKR, Ndi\params\TransmitThreshold\enum, 400, 0,"1024 bytes" ;HKR,NDI\params\TransmitThreshold,flag, 1,20,00,00,00 ;============================================================================= ; ; DM9102 NT specific ; ;============================================================================= [DM9PCI.reg] ;HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "DM9PCI" HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "DM9102" ; use ndis5 as the upper bound because NT supports it HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefUpper, 0, "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefLower, 0, "ethernet" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR, , CoInstallers32, 0x00010000, "DM9Inst.dll, DM9InstProc" [DM9102.Service] DisplayName = %DM9PCI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\DM9PCI5.SYS LoadOrderGroup = NDIS ;==================== ; PRO200 ;==================== [PRO200.Service] DisplayName = %PRO200.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\DM9PCI5.SYS LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [common.EventLog] AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg [common.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;============================================================================= ; ; DM9102 Win9x specific ; ;============================================================================= [DM9.win.reg] HKR, , DevLoader, 0, "*ndis" HKR, NDIS, LogDriverName, 0, "DM9PCI" HKR, NDIS, MajorNdisVersion, 1, 03 HKR, NDIS, MinorNdisVersion, 1, 0A HKR, NDIS\NDIS2, DriverName, ,"DM9PCI$" HKR, NDIS\NDIS2, FileName, ,"DM9PCI.dos" HKR, , EnumPropPages, 0, "netdi.dll,EnumPropPages" HKR,Ndi,NdiInstaller, , "DM9ndi.dll,DM9NdiProc" ; memphis appears to not support the ndis5 upper range, so use ndis3 HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,DefUpper, 0, "ndis3,ndis2" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,DefLower, 0, "ethernet" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange, 0, "ndis3,ndis2" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR, ,WIN98Timer, 0,"1" ;============================================================================= ; ;Ndis driver selection ; ;============================================================================= HKR,Ndi\params\NdisVersion,ParamDesc,,"NDIS Version" HKR,Ndi\params\NdisVersion,default,,0 HKR,Ndi\params\NdisVersion,type,,enum HKR,Ndi\params\NdisVersion\enum,0,,"Auto Selection" HKR,NDI\params\NdisVersion,flag,1,20,00,00,00 ;============================================================================= ; ;DriverInfoReg ; ;============================================================================= [DriverInfoReg] HKLM,Software\InstallOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,Description,,%DriverDescription% HKLM,Software\InstallOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,CurrentVer,,%DriverOEMVersion% HKLM,Software\InstallOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,Ver_%DriverOEMVersion%,,%DriverVersionID% HKLM,Software\InstallOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,BaseDriverFileName,,%BaseDriverFileName% HKLM,Software\InstallOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,BaseDriverFileVersion,,%BaseDriverFileVersion% ;============================================================================= ; ; DestinationDirs ; ;============================================================================= [dm9pci.win.CopyFiles] DM9PCI5.SYS DM9PCI4.SYS DM9PCI3.SYS [dm9ndi.dll.CopyFiles] dm9ndi.dll ;[dm9pci.inf.CopyFiles] ;netdm.inf ; Install NDIS2 ;[9102.ndis2] ;CopyFiles=9102.ndis2.CopyFiles [9102.ndis2.CopyFiles] DM9PCI.dos [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 12 DM9PCI.CopyFiles = 12 DM9PCI.DLL.CopyFiles = 11 dm9pci.win.CopyFiles = 11 dm9ndi.dll.CopyFiles = 11 9102.ndis2.CopyFiles = 10 ; LDID_WINBOOT;26 ;dm9pci.inf.CopyFiles = 17 ; LDID_INF [SourceDisksNames] 50=%DISK_NAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] DM9PCI5.sys = 50 DM9Inst.dll = 50 DM9PCI4.sys = 50 DM9PCI3.sys = 50 DM9NDI.dll = 50 DM9PCI.DOS = 50 [Strings] V_DSI = "DAVICOM" DM9102.DeviceDesc = "CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter " PRO200.DeviceDesc = "CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter " DM9PCI.Service.DispName = "CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet NT Driver " PRO200.Service.DispName = "CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet NT Driver " V_CNET = "CNet Technology, Inc." DISK_NAME = "CNet PCI Fast Ethernet Drivers Disk " DriverOEM = "Dell" DriverMfgr = "CNet Technology, Inc." DriverVersionID = "1.46" DriverFamily = "NIC" DriverProduct = "CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter" DriverDescription = "NDIS 3/4/5 drivers for CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter" DriverOEMVersion = "1.46" BaseDriverFileName = "DM9PCIx.SYS" BaseDriverFileVersion = "1.46"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.