HPW6ST1.INI Driver File Contents (pr200en.exe)

;HP's PrintSmart for Windows Installation File
;Copyright Hewlett Packard 1996
;SETUP.INI file for HP 2500C Series Printer (Floppy version)

;Common to all printers
DriverFile          =HPW6DDI.DRV
DataFile            =HPW6DDI.DRV
OtherDriverFiles    =
DiskSection         =Setup.Disks
WizardSection       =Setup.Wizard
DirSection          =Setup.Dir
SharedFileSection   =
UnLoadModuleSection =Setup.UnLoadFiles
DetectModuleSection =2500C.Driver.Files
FileSection         =
ConfigSection       =
AccessSection       =
LaunchSection       =
RegistrySection     =
RegistrySection     =2500C.Install.Registry
PrinterSection      =Setup.Printers
DefaultPrinter      =HP 2500C Series Printer
1284File            =HPW6ECP.DLL
CableTstFile        =HPW6CBL.DLL
ServicesFile        =HPW6SVC.DLL
PrintProcessor      =WinPrint
DriverFileSection   =2500C.Driver.Files, 2500C.Help.Files, 2500C.ICM.Files, 2500C.32BIT.Files
LanguageMonitorFile =HPW6LMN.DLL
LanguageMonitorName =HPW6LMN
DiskSpace           =10000
ICM2File            =sRGB Color Space Profile.icm
ICFDir              =..\..\dsk16

Language            =1,1,1,1,1
Version             =1,0,1,0,1
UnLoadModules       =1,1,1,1,1
Welcome             =0,0,0,0,0
License             =1,1,1,1,1
PrinterSelect       =1,0,1,0,1
PrinterDelete       =1,1,1,1,1
AbortInstall        =0,0,0,0,0

HP 2500C Series Printer      = "HP 2500C", 2500C, LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854, HPW6DAR.HPC, 0, 1, HPW6DDI.DRV, 2500C

disk01.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 1
disk02.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 2
disk03.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 3
disk04.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 4
disk05.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 5
disk06.id = HP 2500C Installation Disk 6

HPW6PAL.EXE, , Add, Del   =11,11,11,11,11
HPW6ITB.EXE, , Add, Del   =11,11,11,11,11
HPW6BSM.EXE, , Add, Del   =11,11,11,11,11
HPW6SPR.EXE, , Add, Del   =11,0,0,0,0
;HPW6ECP.DLL, , Add, Del   =11,11,11,11,11
;HPW6RES.DLL, , Add, Del   =11,11,11,11,11

10  = !win!
11  = !sys!
12  = !root!\hpfonts
15  = !root!\deskjet
16  = !sys!\deskjet
17  = !root!\2500C
23  = !sys!\color
40  = !win!\inf
200 = !mrufolder!
203 = !program!
204 = !desktop!
205 = !startup!

;Printer specific stuff
WizardSection     =2500C.Wizard
OptionSection     =2500C.Options
DefaultOption     =Advanced
UninstallSection  =2500C.Uninstall
SummarySection    =2500C.Summary
SummaryHelp       =1,1,1,1,1
SummaryHelpFile   =HPW6TDA.HLP
QuickTourCompt    =2500C.QuickTour
RegisterCompt     =2500C.Register
FontSmartCompt    =2500C.FontSmart
NetworkCompt      =2500C.Network
CleanupSection    =2500C.Cleanup
TestSection       =2500C.Test

;printer specific wizard
PrinterTest       =0,0,0,0,0
Options           =1,1,1,1,1
AdvancedOptions   =1,1,1,1,1
Cleanup           =1,1,1,1,1
Install           =1,1,1,1,1
Uninstall         =1,1,1,1,1
SummaryPage       =1,1,1,1,1
AbortInstall      =0,0,0,0,0
ToolBox           =1,1,1,1,1
WebReg            =1,1,1,1,1
Customize         =1,1,1,1,1

;printer-specific tests
CableTest         =1,1,1,1,1
PC98Test          =0,0,0,0,0
ConfigSection     =2500C.Test.Config

;printer-specific software options
Typical          =2500C.Driver, 2500C.QuickTour, 2500C.Register
;Complete        =2500C.Driver, 2500C.QuickTour, 2500C.Register
Minimum          =2500C.Driver
Advanced         =2500C.Driver, 2500C.QuickTour, 2500C.Register, 2500C.FontSmart, 2500C.Network

Available        =1,1,1,1,1
Optional         =0,0,0,0,0
DiskSpace        =512
ComptStringID    =100,200   
FileSection      =2500C.Driver.Files, 2500C.Help.Files, 2500C.ICM.Files, 2500C.32BIT.Files, 2500C.Network.Files
ConfigSection    =2500C.Driver.Config
AccessSection    =2500C.Driver.Access
RegistrySection  =2500C.Install.Registry

Available        =0,0,0,0,0
Optional         =1,1,1,1,1
DiskSpace        =200
ComptStringID    =101,201
FileSection      =2500C.QuickTour.Files 
AccessSection    =2500C.QuickTour.Access
LaunchSection    =2500C.QuickTour.Launch
Available        =0,0,0,0,0
Optional         =1,1,1,1,1
DiskSpace        =800
ComptStringID    =101,201
FileSection      =2500C.Register.Files 
ConfigSection    =2500C.Register.Config
AccessSection    =2500C.Register.Access
LaunchSection    =2500C.Register.Launch

;Available        =0,0,0,0,0
Available        =0,0,0,0,0
Optional         =1,1,1,1,1
DiskSpace        =800
ComptStringID    =101,201
FileSection      =2500C.FontSmart.Files 
ConfigSection    =
AccessSection    =2500C.FontSmart.Access
LaunchSection    =2500C.FontSmart.Launch

Available        =0,0,0,0,0
Optional         =1,1,1,1,1
DiskSpace        =800
ComptStringID    =101,201
FileSection      =2500C.Network.Files 
ConfigSection    =
AccessSection    =
LaunchSection    =

;printer-specific successful install procedure
FileSection      =
ConfigSection    =2500C.Success.Config
LaunchSection    =2500C.Success.Launch
RegistrySection  =

;printer-specific cleanup procedure
FileSection      =
ConfigSection    =
AccessSection    =
RegistrySection  =

;printer-specific uninstall procedure
FileSection             =2500C.Driver.Files,2500C.Help.Files,2500C.Uninstall.Files,2500C.Register.Files,2500C.32BIT.Files,2500C.Network.Files
ConfigSection           =2500C.Driver.Config, 2500C.Success.Config, 2500C.Register.Config
AccessSection           =2500C.Driver.Access, 2500C.QuickTour.Access,2500C.Register.Access
LaunchSection           =2500C.Uninstall.Launch  
RegistrySection         =2500C.Uninstall.Registry

;Files stuff

HPW6DDI.DRV, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6WIN.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6ECP.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6MLC.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6MON.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6PML.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6WPS.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6C16.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6DAR.HPC, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6HID.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6NMR.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6RSA.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6RSS.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6RST.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6RSU.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6DCP.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6BUS.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6VEN.DLL, Add, Del   =0, 0,11,0,11
HPW6SEQ.CFG, Add, Del   =0, 0,11,0,11
HPW6RES.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
splash.bmp,     Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6SUM.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6HFT.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6CBL.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6GUI.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6R24.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6BKG.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6PDA.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6SPR.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6THD.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6PAL.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6NHD.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6THR.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6DOS.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6DCX.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6SVC.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6BSM.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6ITB.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6DEV.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6ZIP.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6NRA.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6TEC.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6TEC.DAT, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6TEC.CFG, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6INF.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6CFG.EXE, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6ASX.CFG, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
hp2500c.inf,    Add, Del   =0,0,40,0,40
;Win31 stuff
HPW6TAB.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,0,0,0 
HPW6QPR.DLL, Add, Del   =11,0,0,0,0
;Do not need to copy this if we go through Win95 AddPrinter
HPW6DDI.DRV, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6WIN.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ECP.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6MLC.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6MON.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6PML.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6WPS.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6C16.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6DAR.HPC, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6HID.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6NMR.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6RSA.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6RSS.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6RST.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6RSU.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6DCP.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6BUS.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6VEN.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6SEQ.CFG, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6RES.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
splash.bmp,     Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6SUM.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6HFT.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6CBL.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6GUI.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6R24.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6BKG.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6PDA.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6SPR.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6THD.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6PAL.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6NHD.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6THR.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6DOS.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6DCX.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6SVC.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6BSM.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ITB.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6DEV.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ZIP.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6NRA.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6TEC.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6TEC.DAT, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6TEC.CFG, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6INF.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6CFG.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ASX.CFG, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0

HPW6LMN.DLL, Add, Del   =0,0,11,0,11 
HPW6HTT.DLL, Add, Del   =0,0,11,0,11
HPW6THK.DLL, Add, Del   =0,0,11,0,11
HPW6ISH.EXE, Add, Del   =0,0,11,0,11
;Do not need to copy this if we go through Win95 AddPrinter
HPW6LMN.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0 
HPW6HTT.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6THK.DLL, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ISH.EXE, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0

HPDESK.ICM,  Add, Zzz   = 0,23,23,0,0
HPDESK.ICM,  Add, Zzz   = 0,0,0,23,23

HPW6DDI.INI,        Del, Del   =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6CSS.INI,        Del, Del   =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6DSM.INI,        Del, Del   =10,10,10,10,10

HPW6cfg.hlp, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6dda.hlp, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6hda.hlp, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6rda.hlp, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6tda.hlp, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6cfg.hlp, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6dda.hlp, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6hda.hlp, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6rda.hlp, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6tda.hlp, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0

coronet.ttf, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
corsiva.ttf, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
fontsmrt.exe,Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
fontsmrt.hlp,Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
hp7up.dll,   Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
hpfonts.edb, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
hpfonts.ter, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
marigold.ttf,Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
mtsorts.ttf, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12
deflist.dat, Add, Del   =12,12,12,12,12

HPCOLA16.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
HPSNMP16.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
HPNWSH16.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
HPNETS16.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
HPOBJ16.HP6, Add, Del  =11,0,11,0,11
HPPRN16.HP6, Add, Del  =11,0,11,0,11
NWCALLS.HP6, Add, Del  =11,0,11,0,11
NWIPXSPX.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
NWLOCALE.HP6, Add, Del =11,0,11,0,11
NWNET.HP6, Add, Del    =11,0,11,0,11
NWPSRV.HP6, Add, Del   =11,0,11,0,11
NWPNW.HP6, Add, Del    =11,0,11,0,11
HPW6ola.pak, Add, Del  =0,0,11,0,11
HPW6tds.pak, Add, Del  =0,0,11,0,11
MSVCRT.HP6, Add,Del    =0,0,11,0,11
MFC42.HP6, Add,Del     =0,0,11,0,11
HPCOLA16.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
HPSNMP16.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
HPNWSH16.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
HPNETS16.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
HPOBJ16.HP6, Zzz, Del  =0,11,0,11,0
HPPRN16.HP6, Zzz, Del  =0,11,0,11,0
NWCALLS.HP6, Zzz, Del  =0,11,0,11,0
NWIPXSPX.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
NWLOCALE.HP6, Zzz, Del =0,11,0,11,0
NWNET.HP6, Zzz, Del    =0,11,0,11,0
NWPSRV.HP6, Zzz, Del   =0,11,0,11,0
NWPNW.HP6, Zzz, Del    =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6ola.pak, Zzz, Del  =0,11,0,11,0
HPW6tds.pak, Zzz, Del  =0,11,0,11,0
MSVCRT.HP6, Zzz,Del    =0,11,0,11,0
MFC42.HP6, Zzz,Del     =0,11,0,11,0

HPW6qck.EXE, Add, Del    =16,16,16,16,16

;Registry stuff
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854",,,,                                                            New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",,,,                                           New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",Class,REG_SZ,PRINTER,                         New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",ConfigFlags,REG_BINARY,0000,                       New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",DeviceDesc,REG_SZ,Hewlett-Packard 2500C,   New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",Manufacturer,REG_SZ,HEWLETT-PACKARD,          New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854\BIOS&*PNP0401&0E",Model,REG_SZ,2500C,                   New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\!printer!",,,,                                    New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\!printer!",DisplayName,REG_SZ,!printer!, New, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\!printer!",UninstallString,REG_SZ,"!sys!\HPW6st1.exe /u "!printer!"", New, Del=0,1,1,1,1

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum\LPTENUM\HEWLETT-PACKARDHP_25A854",,,,                                                            Del, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\!printer!",,,,                                    Del, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\HPW6LMN",,,,                                          Del, Del=0,1,1,1,1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows 4.0\Drivers\HP 2500C Series Printer",,,, Del, Del=0,1,1,1,1

;Config stuff

win.ini,devices,!printer!, "!driver!,!port:!" ,             New, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,PrinterPorts,!printer!, "!driver!,!port:!,15,45" ,  New, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,spooler,qp.!port!, hpvqpr.dll ,                     Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,spooler,qp.!port!, hpvvin.dll ,                     Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,spooler,qp.!port!, hpviod.dll ,                     Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,spooler,qp.!port!, hpwqpr.dll ,                     Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,spooler,qp.!port!, HPW6qpr.dll,              Add, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini,windows,spooler, Yes,                               New, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini, windows ,load, HPW6RDM.EXE ,                       Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
win.ini, windows ,load, HPW6RDM ,                           Del, Del  =10,0,0,0,0
;win.ini, Microsoft Word 2.0 ,!printer!, 0 ,                 Add, Del  =10,10,10,0,0
;msworks3.ini, Envelope ,Options, 1 ,                        Add, Del  =10,10,10,0,0
;msworks3.ini, Envelope ,LPT1:, 1 ,                          Add, Del  =10,10,10,0,0
;msworks3.ini, Envelope ,LPT2:, 1 ,                          Add, Del  =10,10,10,0,0
;msworks3.ini, Envelope ,LPT3:, 1 ,                          Add, Del  =10,10,10,0,0
system.ini,386Enh,device,vhpvd.386,                         Del, Zzz  =10,0,0,0,0
;system.ini,386Enh,device,wpsljvpd.386,                     Del, Zzz  =10,0,0,0,0
;system.ini,386Enh,device,wpsljvpd.386,                     New, Zzz  =10,0,0,0,0
HPW6ddi.ini,"!port!,!printer!", CableTest, 0000,            Del, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6ddi.ini,"!port!,!printer!", ECPPort, 0000,              Del, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6ddi.ini, Common, LMStartStatus, 0100,                   New, Zzz  = 0, 0,10, 0,10
HPW6ddi.ini,PERSEMUL, Personality, 0,                       New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6seq.cfg, Install, KeepExistingDriver, 1,                Add, Zzz  = 0,11,11,11,11
HPW6seq.cfg, HPW6LMN, Initialized, 1,                Add, Zzz  = 0,11,11,11,11
HPW6ddi.ini, Common, Bidi, 0000,                            New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6ddi.ini, Common, NetBidi, 0000,                         New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6ddi.ini, Common, RunStatus, 0600, New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10

HPW6ddi.ini, Install, InstallMode, !mode!,                  New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
HPW6ddi.ini, Install, MissingFiles,!missing!,               New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10

HPW6ddi.ini,Common, PenQuery, !pc98test!,                   New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10
;HPW6ddi.ini,"!printer!,!port!", CableTest, !cabletest!,    New, Zzz  =10,10,10,10,10

win.ini, windows ,load, !root!\2500C\remind.exe,  Zzz, Del  =10,10,10,10,10

;Access stuff

    ;!folder!,   1029,                    , ,   ,0, Add, Zzz, 0  =  0,  0,  0,203,  0
    ;!folder!,   1029,                    , ,   ,0, Add, Zzz, 1  =203,203,203,  0,203
!folder!,   1029,                    , ,   ,0, Add, Zzz, 1  =203,  0,  0,  0,  0
!shortcut!, 1025, !sys!\HPW6pal.exe  , " "-i"", ,0, Add, Del, 1  =200,0,0,0,0
    ;!shortcut!, 1033, "!win!\winhelp.exe", -n 178 !sys!\HPW6hda.hlp, !sys!\HPW6st2.dll,4, Add, Del, 1 = 200, 200, 200, 200, 200

; for Win98 Add Printer, don't show the folder due to problem in Plug & Play
!folder!,   1026,                    , ,   ,0, Add, Del, 0  =  0,  0,  0,203,  0
!folder!,   1026,                    , ,   ,0, Add, Del, 1  =203,203,203,  0,203

!shortcut!, 1025,  !sys!\HPW6pal.exe , ,   ,0, Add, Del, 1  =0,204,204,204,204
!shortcut!, 1025, "!sys!\HPW6pal.exe", ,   ,0, Add, Del, 1  =200,200,200,200,200
!shortcut!, 1001, !sys!\HPW6spr.exe  , ,   ,0, Add, Del, 1  =200,0,0,0,0
!shortcut!, 1030, "!sys!\HPW6st1.exe" , "/u "!printer!"",!sys!\HPW6st2.dll,1, Add, Del, 1  =200,200,200,200,200
!shortcut!, 1008, "!win!\winhelp.exe", -n 171 !sys!\HPW6hda.hlp,!sys!\HPW6st2.dll,3, Add, Del, 1  =200,200,200,200,200
!shortcut!, 1027, "!win!\winhelp.exe", !sys!\HPW6rda.hlp, ,0, Add, Del, 1  =200,200,200,200,200
!shortcut!, 1033, "!win!\winhelp.exe", -n 178 !sys!\HPW6hda.hlp, !sys!\HPW6st2.dll,4, Add, Del, 1 = 200, 200, 200,200,200
!shortcut!, 1034,  , ,   ,0, Zzz, Del, 1  =0,200,200,200,200

!folder!,   1026,                  , , , 0, Add, Del, 0  =  0,  0,  0,203,  0
!folder!,   1026,                  , , , 0, Add, Del, 1  =203,203,203,  0,203
!shortcut!, 1007, "!root!\hpfonts\fontsmrt.exe", , ,0, Add, Del, 1 =200,200,200,200,200

!folder!,   1026,                  , , , 0, Add, Del, 0  =  0,  0,  0,203,  0
!folder!,   1026,                  , , , 0, Add, Del, 1  =203,203,203,  0,203
!shortcut!, 1004, "!sys!\deskjet\HPW6qck.exe", , ,0, Add, Del, 1 =200,200,200,200,200

;Launch stuff

"!sys!\deskjet\HPW6qck.exe", !sys!\deskjet, Normal, Center, Wait                    =1,1,1,1,1

"!cur!\HPW6del.exe HPW6st1.exe HPW6st2.dll HPW6st1.ini", !cur!, Normal, NoCenter, NoWait                    =1,0,0,0,0
"!cur!\HPW6del.exe /d !delreboot! HPW6i32.dll HPW6st1.exe HPW6st2.dll HPW6st1.ini HPW6nbr.dll HPW6lmn.dll", !cur!, Normal, NoCenter, NoWait                 =0,1,1,1,1

"!root!\hpfonts\fontsmrt.exe /b deflist.dat", !root!\hpfonts, Normal, Center, Wait     =1,1,1,1,1

;"!sys!\HPW6pal.exe "-d !port!!comma!!printer!" "-p 3!comma!153" "-i" "-j"", !sys!,Normal, NoCenter, Wait = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
;"!sys!\HPW6pal.exe "-d !port!!comma!!printer!" "-p 3!comma!150" "-i" "-j"", !sys!,Normal, NoCenter, Wait = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
"!win!\winhelp.exe -n 178 !sys!\HPW6hda.hlp", !sys!, Normal, Center, NoWait = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

;end of Sample INI file
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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