netibm4.inf Driver File Contents (R27829.EXE)

;  Filename:   NETIBM4.INF
;  Version:    3.4 (-XM0)
;  Product:    IBM Shared RAM Token-Ring Adapters
;  Copyright:  (C) 1996-1999 IBM Corporation.  All rights reserved.
;  Description:
;  NIC Installation Script for Windows 9X and Windows 2000
;  Change log:
;  3.4   sgp - NetworkAddress obsoletes NetAddress as the LAA parameter
;            - Bug fix for Win2000 - upgrades
;            - Support for OEM version of PC Card 2 added
;  3.3   sgp - LDID_WINBOOT is obsolete; replaced with LDID_WINDIR
;            - Added support for the LoopBack parameter for SRAM cards
;            - Added support for Weblinks in DLL
;            - Driver filenames have unique destinations for DigSig's sake
;  3.2   sgp - ExcludeFromSelect removed for Win 95 GA's sake -- caused
;              problems installing PC Cards on that OS
;  3.1   sgp - New ID for IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2
;  3.0   sgp - General INF Cleanup 
;            - Single INF supports Win9x and Win2000
;            - Support for IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2 added
;            - Support for new DLL interface (ITR_*) added
;            - Support for DriverVer directive added

; Version section
Signature   =  "$CHICAGO$"
Compatible  =  1
Class       =  Net
ClassGUID   =  {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider    =  %V_IBM%
CatalogFile =  NETIBM4.CAT  ; Used if digitally signed CAT file is present

; Manufacturer section -- enumerates the models sections which contain the
; the devices we support.

; ControlFlags
; Exclude from select all 'plug and play' devices, and get rid of MCA devices
; on Windows 2000 since they are not supported!
;Removed for Windows 9X until further notice

; IBM Shared RAM Token Ring Adapters (ISA, PCMCIA, MCA)
; Old-school, ancient Token-Ring ISA adapters
%oldtr.DeviceDesc%   =  oldtr,   *pnp8327                      ;IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter
%pplus.DeviceDesc%   =  pplus,   *pnp80cc                      ;IBM 16/4 Token-Ring ISA-16 Adapter

; MCA based adapters (not supported in NT 5.0)
%n.DeviceDesc%       =  n,       mca_e000                      ;IBM Token-Ring Adapter/A (4 Mbps)
%n4.DeviceDesc%      =  n4,      mca_e001                      ;IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter (/A and Auto MC)

; ISA PNP based adapters working in legacy config config mode (non-PnP)
%p4.DeviceDesc%      =  p4,      IBM0001                       ;IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)
%pfp.DeviceDesc%     =  pfp,     IBM1070                       ;IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)
%p6.DeviceDesc%      =  p6,      IBM1080                       ;IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)

; ISA PNP based adapters working in automatic/PnP config mode
%p4pnp.DeviceDesc%   =  p4pnp,   ISAPNP\IBM0001                ;IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)
%pfppnp.DeviceDesc%  =  pfppnp,  ISAPNP\IBM1070                ;IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)
%p6pnp.DeviceDesc%   =  p6pnp,   ISAPNP\IBM1080                ;IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)

; PCMCIA (16-bit PC Card) based adapters
%ra.DeviceDesc%      =  ra,      PCMCIA\IBM-TOKEN_RING-EFA1   ;IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter
%ra3.DeviceDesc%     =  ra3,     PCMCIA\IBM-TOKEN_RING-013F   ;IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter
%ra3.DeviceDesc%     =  ra3n,    PCMCIA\IBM-TOKEN_RING-A375   ;IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter (new CIS)
%ra4.DeviceDesc%     =  ra4,     PCMCIA\IBM-TOKEN_RING-F8CF   ;IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card
%ra499.DeviceDesc%   =  ra499,   PCMCIA\IBM-TOKEN_RING-3D12   ;IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2
%ra499o.DeviceDesc%  =  ra499o,  PCMCIA\IBM_OEM-TOKEN_RING-ECD3   ;Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2 (OEM)

; Device Install Sections
; Section names ending in ".ntx86" point to Windows 2000-compatible sections
; (Intel Architecture only)

; IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  1 
LogConfig         =  Old16K.LogConfig,Old32K.LogConfig,Old64K.LogConfig,Old8K.LogConfig
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  oldtr.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
LogConfig         =  Old16K.LogConfig,Old32K.LogConfig,Old64K.LogConfig,Old8K.LogConfig
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM 16/4 Token-Ring ISA-16 Adapter

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  1 
LogConfig         =  Old16K.LogConfig,Old32K.LogConfig,Old64K.LogConfig,Old8K.LogConfig
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  pplus.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
LogConfig         =  Old16K.LogConfig,Old32K.LogConfig,Old64K.LogConfig,Old8K.LogConfig
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Token-Ring Adapter/A (4 Mbps)

AddReg            =  n.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.mca
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter (/A and Auto MC)

AddReg            =  n4.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.mca
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  1 
LogConfig         =  New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  p4.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
LogConfig         =  New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,ndi.p.fdx,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  1
LogConfig         =  Enhanced.LogConfig,New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  pfp.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,,
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
LogConfig         =  Enhanced.LogConfig,New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,ndi.p.fdx,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  1
LogConfig         =  Enhanced.LogConfig,New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  p6.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,,
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
LogConfig         =  Enhanced.LogConfig,New16K.LogConfig,New32K.LogConfig,New64K.LogConfig,New8K.LogConfig
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  14
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  p4pnp.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,ndi.p.fdx,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  14
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  pfppnp.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,,
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,ndi.p.fdx,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType           =  14
CopyFiles         =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

AddReg            =  p6pnp.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,,
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,ndi.p.nonauto
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8 
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

LogConfig         =  RA3.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,ndi.p.nonauto,ndi.f.dr,RA3.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter

; GA version
AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

LogConfig         =  RA3.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra3.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.RA3,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,,ndi.f.dr,RA3.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; new CIS version -- same as sections, except in device id reg.
AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

LogConfig         =  RA3.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra3n.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.RA3,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,,ndi.f.dr,RA3.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiless

; IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,,,ndi.p.fdx
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog

LogConfig         =  RA4.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra4.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,,ndi.f.dr,,,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,ndi.p.zws,ndi.f.zws,RA4.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,,,ndi.p.fdx
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog
LogConfig         =  RA4.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra499.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,,ndi.f.dr,,,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,ndi.p.zws,ndi.f.zws,RA4.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2

AddReg            =,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_NT.ndi,ndi.p.c,,,ndi.p.fdx
Characteristics   =  0x84
BusType 	         =  8
CopyFiles	      =  ndis5.CopyFiles,EventMsg.CopyFiles,ITR_W32.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver2K.DelFiles

AddService        =  IBMTOK,2,IBMTOK.ServiceDesc,IBMTOK.EventLog
LogConfig         =  RA4.NT_Override

AddReg            =  ra499o.deviceid,,IBMTOK_Common.ndi,IBMTOK_Win9X.ndi,ITR_W16.def,ndi.p.c,ndi.f.c,,ndi.f.dr,,,ndi.p.fdx,ndi.f.fdx,ndi.p.zws,ndi.f.zws,RA4.Win9x_Override
CopyFiles         =  Inf.CopyFiles,ITR_W16.CopyFiles
DelFiles          =  OldDriver.DelFiles

; Device ID Registration (Win9x Only)

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"*PNP8327"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"*PNP80CC"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"mca_e000"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"mca_e001"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM0001"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM1070"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM1080"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"ISAPNP\IBM0001"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PNP"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"ISAPNP\IBM1070"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PNP"

HKR,  NDI,        DeviceID,      ,"ISAPNP\IBM1080"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PNP"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM-TOKEN_RING-EFA1"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM-TOKEN_RING-013F"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM-TOKEN_RING-A375"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM-TOKEN_RING-F8CF"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM-TOKEN_RING-3D12"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

HKR,  Ndi,        DeviceID,      ,"IBM_OEM-TOKEN_RING-ECD3"
HKR,  NDI,        CardType,      ,"PCMCIA"

; Adapter-specific information sections (common)

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"00000256"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"00000256" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"00057344" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"3"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"00057345" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"3"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609026049"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609030256"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609030272"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609026049"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609030256"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,        ,"609030272"
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,,"1"
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,   ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,           ,"00000256" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,   ,"8"
HKR, ,            AdapterType,      ,1
HKR, ,            EnhancedMode,     ,"No"
HKR, ,            IoBaseAddress,    1,02,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Mmio,             1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Ram,              1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            InterruptNumber,  1,04,00,00,00

HKR, ,            CardId,           ,"00000259" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,   ,"8"
HKR, ,            AdapterType,      ,1
HKR, ,            EnhancedMode,     ,"No"
HKR, ,            IoBaseAddress,    1,02,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Mmio,             1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Ram,              1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            InterruptNumber,  1,04,00,00,00
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,      ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,           ,"00000260" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,   ,"8"
HKR, ,            AdapterType,      ,1
HKR, ,            EnhancedMode,     ,"Yes"
HKR, ,            IoBaseAddress,    1,02,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Mmio,             1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            InterruptNumber,  1,04,00,00,00
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,      ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,           ,"00000517" 
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,   ,"8"
HKR, ,            AdapterType,      ,1
HKR, ,            EnhancedMode,     ,"Yes"
HKR, ,            IoBaseAddress,    1,02,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Mmio,             1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            InterruptNumber,  1,04,00,00,00
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,      ,"48"

HKR, ,            CardId,           ,"00000517" ; TODO - should change?
HKR, ,            AdapterBusType,   ,"8"
HKR, ,            AdapterType,      ,1
HKR, ,            EnhancedMode,     ,"Yes"
HKR, ,            IoBaseAddress,    1,02,00,00,00
HKR, ,            Mmio,             1,01,00,00,00
HKR, ,            InterruptNumber,  1,04,00,00,00
HKR, ,            FeatureMask,      ,"48"

; Logical configuration for non-PnP, or Legacy, adapters (common)

; Logical Configuration for Ancient ISA T/R Adapters (pre-Auto!) w/ 8 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,6,7,9
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for Ancient ISA T/R Adapters (pre-Auto!) w/ 16 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,6,7,9
MemConfig      = D8000-DBFFF,D0000-D3FFF,D4000-D7FFF,DC000-DFFFF,CC000-CFFFF,C8000-CFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for Ancient ISA T/R Adapters (pre-Auto!) w/ 32 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,6,7,9
MemConfig      = D8000-DEFFF,D0000-D7FFF,C8000-CFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for Ancient ISA T/R Adapters (pre-Auto!) w/ 64 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,6,7,9
MemConfig      = D0000-DFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-CFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for T/R Adapters in Auto16 Mode w/ 8 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,9,10,11
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for T/R Adapters in Auto16 Mode w/ 16 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,9,10,11
MemConfig      = D8000-DBFFF,D0000-D3FFF,D4000-D7FFF,DC000-DFFFF,CC000-CFFFF,C8000-CFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for T/R Adapters in Auto16 Mode w/ 32 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,9,10,11
MemConfig      = D8000-DEFFF,D0000-D7FFF,C8000-CFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for T/R Adapters in Auto16 Mode w/ 64 K SRAM
IOConfig       = A20-A23,A24-A27
IRQConfig      = 3,9,10,11
MemConfig      = D0000-DFFFF
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-CFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical Configuration for More Recent T/R Adapters in Enhanced Mode (Auto-Wake/Turbo)
IOConfig       = 4@0300-0FFF%FFFC
IRQConfig      = 3,6,7,9,10,11,12,15
MemConfig      = 2000@C8000-DFFFF%FFFFE000
ConfigPriority = HARDRECONFIG

; Logical configuration overrides for Token-Ring PC Cards

; Windows 2000 LogConfig Overrides
IRQConfig      = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,15
IOConfig       = 0A20-0A23,0A24-0A27
MemConfig      = 2000@CC000-EE000%FFFFE000
MemConfig      = 4000@CC000-EC000%FFFFC000
PcCardConfig   = 21:C2000:D0000(M XM0)
ConfigPriority = NORMAL

IRQConfig      = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,15
IOConfig       = 4@300-FFF%FFFC(FFFF::)
MemConfig      = 2000@CC000-DEFFF%FFFFE000
PcCardConfig   = 21:D0000(M XM0)
ConfigPriority = NORMAL

; Windows 9x LogConfig Overrides
00,04,00,00, \      ; CONFIGMG_VERSION
00,00,00,00, \      ; PRIORITY
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \            ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \            ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \            ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \            ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \            ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \               ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \               ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
FC,FF, \            ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
04,00, \            ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
20,0A, \            ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
27,0A, \            ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \            ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \               ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \               ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
00,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
FF,FF, \            ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; Memory Resource Descriptor 0
34,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \            ; MD_Count;
14,00, \            ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \            ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \            ; MD_Reserved;
00,E0,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \      ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \      ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \            ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \            ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x02 = attribute mem, or
                    ;         0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,20,0C,00, \      ; Memory card address
; Memory Resource Descriptor 1
34,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \            ; MD_Count;
14,00, \            ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \            ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \            ; MD_Reserved;
00,C0,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,40,00,00, \      ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \      ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \            ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \            ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x02 = attribute mem, or
                    ;         0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,0D,00, \      ; Memory card address
19,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \      ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \            ; Socket;
02,00, \            ; Attributes;
32, \               ; Vcc;
32, \               ; Vpp1;
32, \               ; Vpp2;
02, \               ; IntType;
00,08,00,00, \      ; ConfigBase;
00, \               ; Status;
00, \               ; Pin;
00, \               ; Copy;
21, \               ; ConfigIndex;
0B, \               ; Present;
00,00,00,00         ; TERMINATOR

00,04,00,00, \      ; CONFIGMG_VERSION
00,00,00,00, \      ; PRIORITY
; I/O Resource Descriptor
24,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \            ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \            ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \            ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \            ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \            ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \               ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \               ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
FC,FF, \            ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
04,00, \            ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,03, \            ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \            ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \            ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \               ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \               ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
00,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port
; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
FF,FF, \            ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \            ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; Memory Resource Descriptor
34,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of Memory Resource Descriptor
01,00,00,00, \      ; ResType_Mem = 0x00000001
01,00, \            ; MD_Count;
14,00, \            ; MD_Type;          // MType_Range = 0x0014
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_Base;
00,00,00,00, \      ; MD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \            ; MD_Flags;
00,00, \            ; MD_Reserved;
00,E0,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Align;         // Mask for base alignment
00,20,00,00, \      ; MR_nBytes;        // Count of bytes
00,00,00,00, \      ; MR_Min;           // Min Address
FF,FF,FF,FF, \      ; MR_Max;           // Max Address
00,00, \            ; MR_Flags;         // Flags
00,00, \            ; MR_Reserved;
08,00,00,00, \      ; PCCARD flags, 0x02 = attribute mem, or
                    ;         0x08 = 16-bit common mem
00,00,0D,00, \      ; Memory card address
19,00,00,00, \      ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \      ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \            ; Socket;
02,00, \            ; Attributes;
32, \               ; Vcc;
32, \               ; Vpp1;
32, \               ; Vpp2;
02, \               ; IntType;
00,08,00,00, \      ; ConfigBase;
00, \               ; Status;
00, \               ; Pin;
00, \               ; Copy;
21, \               ; ConfigIndex;
0B, \               ; Present;
00,00,00,00         ; TERMINATOR

HKR,  ,                   DeviceVxDs,       ,  IBMTOK5.SYS

HKR,  ,                   DeviceVxDs,       ,  IBMTOK4.SYS

HKR,  ,                   DeviceVxDs,       ,  IBMTOK3.SYS

; Install Sections

CopyFiles   =  ndis5Win98.CopyFiles
AddReg      =  ndis5Win98.AddReg

CopyFiles   =  ndis4.CopyFiles
AddReg      =  ndis4.AddReg

AddReg      =  ndis3.TraceQuiet,ndis3.AddReg
CopyFiles   =  ndis3.CopyFiles

CopyFiles   =  ndis5Win98.CopyFiles,RA3FX.CopyFiles
UpdateInis  =  RA3FX.UpdateInis
AddReg      =  ndis5Win98.AddReg

CopyFiles   =  ndis4.CopyFiles,RA3FX.CopyFiles
UpdateInis  =  RA3FX.UpdateInis
AddReg      =  ndis4.AddReg

AddReg      =  ndis3.TraceQuiet,ndis3.AddReg
CopyFiles   =  ndis3.CopyFiles,RA3FX.CopyFiles
UpdateInis  =  RA3FX.UpdateInis

; CopyFiles Sections

NETIBM4.INF,   ,              ,0x2

ITR_W16.DLL,   ITR_W16.DL_,   ,0x2
ITR.HLP,       ITR.HL_,       ,0x2
ITR.CNT,       ITR.CN_,       ,0x2

ITR_W32.DLL,   ITR_W32.DL_,   ,0x2
ITR.HLP,       ITR.HL_,       ,0x2
ITR.CNT,       ITR.CN_,       ,0x2 


IBMTOK5.SYS,    IBMTOK5.SY_,  ,0x2  

IBMTOK5.SYS,    IBMTOK5.SY_,  ,0x2  

IBMTOK4.SYS,    IBMTOK4.SY_,  ,0x2

IBMTOK3.SYS,    IBMTOK3.SY_,  ,0x2



; TraceQuiet must be set to YES for NDIS 3.1 drivers 
; Hack for Auto 16/4 CCA
IBMRA301.VXD,  IBMRA301.VX_,  ,0x2


; Destination Directories

DefaultDestDir         =   10 ; LDID_WINDIR
ITR_W16.CopyFiles      =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
ITR_W32.CopyFiles      =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
EventMsg.CopyFiles     =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
ndis5.CopyFiles        =   12 ; LDID_SYSTEM32_DRIVERS (Windows 2000)
ndis5Win98.CopyFiles   =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
ndis4.CopyFiles        =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
ndis3.CopyFiles        =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
INF.CopyFiles          =   17 ; LDID_INF
RA3FX.CopyFiles        =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
OldDriver.DelFiles     =   11 ; LDID_SYSTEM
OldDriver2K.DelFiles   =   12 ; LDID_SYSTEM32_DRIVERS (Windows 2000)

; Source Disks / Files Layout Sections

99 = %PackageDesc%,,

ITR_W16.DL_    = 99
ITR_W32.DL_    = 99
ITR.HL_        = 99
ITR.CN_        = 99
IBMTOK3.SY_    = 99
IBMTOK4.SY_    = 99
IBMTOK5.SY_    = 99
IBMRA301.VX_   = 99
NETIBM4.CAT    = 99 ; Digital signature CATalog file (uncomment if present)
IBMTOK.SYS     = 99

; Windows 2000 Service/Event Log Setup

AddReg            =  IBMTOK.AddEventLog

DisplayName       =  %IBMTOK.DriverDesc%
ServiceType       =  1
StartType         =  3
ErrorControl      =  1
ServiceBinary     =  %12%\IBMTOK5.SYS
LoadOrderGroup    =  NDIS

HKR, ,EventMessageFile,  0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\ibmsgnet.dll"
HKR, ,TypeSupported,     0x00010001, 7

; NDI Registry Sections

HKR,  ,                   MediaType,        ,  "2"

; WebLink stuff
HKR,  ,                   WebLink1_BT,      ,  "IBM Networking Home"
HKR,  ,                   WebLink1_URL,     ,  ""
HKR,  ,                   WebLink2_BT,      ,  "IBM Networking Support"
HKR,  ,                   WebLink2_URL,     ,  ""

HKR,  ,                   EnumPropPages32,  ,  "ITR_W32.DLL,NetPropPageProvider"
HKR,  Ndi,                Service,          ,  "IBMTOK"
HKR,  Ndi\Interfaces,     UpperRange,       ,  "ndis5"
HKR,  Ndi\Interfaces,     LowerRange,       ,  "tokenring"

HKR,  ,                   PlatformType,     ,  "200"
HKR,  ,                   DevLoader,        ,  *ndis
HKR,  ,                   EnumPropPages,    ,  "netdi.dll,EnumPropPages"
HKR,  NDI,                NdiInstaller,     ,  "ITR_W16.dll,TokenNdi"
HKR,  NDIS,               LogDriverName,    ,  "IBMTOK"
HKR,  NDIS,               MajorNdisVersion,    1, 03
HKR,  NDIS,               MinorNdisVersion,    1, 0A
HKR,  NDI\Interfaces,     DefLower,         ,  "tokenring"
HKR,  NDI\Interfaces,     LowerRange,       ,  "tokenring"
HKR,  NDI\Interfaces,     DefUpper,         ,  "ndis3"
HKR,  NDI\Interfaces,     UpperRange,       ,  "ndis3"

; All adapters but RA3 under Win9x
; Default NDIS driver section
HKR,  NDI\Install,        ndis3,            ,  "IBMTOK.ndis5"

; For ITR_W16.DLL (Win9x only)
HKR,  ,                   Win95_Section,    ,  "IBMTOK.ndis3"
HKR,  ,                   Win95OSR2_Section,,  "IBMTOK.ndis3"
HKR,  ,                   Win98_Section,    ,  "IBMTOK.ndis5"

; Default NDIS driver section
HKR,  NDI\Install,        ndis3,            ,  "IBMTOK_RA3.ndis5"

; For ITR_W16.DLL (Win9x only)
HKR,  ,                   Win95_Section,    ,  "IBMTOK_RA3.ndis3"
HKR,  ,                   Win95OSR2_Section,,  "IBMTOK_RA3.ndis3"
HKR,  ,                   Win98_Section,    ,  "IBMTOK_RA3.ndis5"

; Parameter definition sections                                             *

; Parameters common to all Shared RAM Token-Ring adapters

; NetworkAddress
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    ParamDesc,   ,"%NetAddress%"
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    type,        ,edit
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    LimitText,   ,12
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    UpperCase,   ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    default,     ,""
HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    optional,    ,1

; MaxTransmits
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      ParamDesc,  ,"%MaxTransmits%"
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      type,       ,int
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      min,        ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      max,        ,31
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      step,       ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      default,    ,31

; MaxTxFrameSize
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    ParamDesc,  ,"%MaxTxFrameSize%"
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    type,       ,int
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    min,        ,256
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    max,        ,17944
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    step,       ,8
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    default,    ,4096

; MinRcvBuffs
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       ParamDesc,  ,"%MinRcvBuffs%"
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       type,       ,int
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       min,        ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       max,        ,128
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       step,       ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       default,    ,40

; RcvBuffSize
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       ParamDesc,  ,"%RcvBuffSize%"
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       type,       ,int
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       min,        ,256
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       max,        ,18000
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       step,       ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       default,    ,4096

; FastPath
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath,          ParamDesc,  ,"%FastPath%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath,          type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath\enum,     "NO",       ,"%No%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath\enum,     "YES",      ,"%Yes%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath,          default,    ,"YES"

; Loopback
HKR,  NDI\params\LoopBack,          ParamDesc,  ,"%LoopBack%"
HKR,  NDI\params\LoopBack,          type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\LoopBack\enum,     "NO",       ,"%No%"
HKR,  NDI\params\LoopBack\enum,     "YES",      ,"%Yes%"
HKR,  NDI\params\LoopBack,          default,    ,"NO"

; ShallowMode
HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode,       ParamDesc,  ,"%ShallowMode%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode,       type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode\enum,  "NO",       ,"%No%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode\enum,  "YES",      ,"%Yes%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode,       default,    ,"YES"

; FullDuplex
HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex,        ParamDesc,  ,"%FullDuplex%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex,        type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex\enum,   "YES",      ,"%Yes%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex\enum,   "NO",       ,"%No%"
HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex,        default,    ,"YES"

; DataRate (for Auto and Turbo adapters)
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          ParamDesc,  ,"%DataRate%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate\enum,     "AUTO",     ,"%Autosense%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate\enum,     "M16",      ,"%SixteenMB%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate\enum,     "M4",       ,"%FourMB%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          default,    ,"AUTO"

; DataRate for 16/4 CC adapter
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          ParamDesc,  ,"%DataRate%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate\enum,     "M16",      ,"%SixteenMB%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate\enum,     "M4",       ,"%FourMB%"
HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          default,    ,"M16"

; ZerowaitState
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState,     ParamDesc,  ,"%ZeroWaitState%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState,     type,       ,enum
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState\enum,"NO",       ,"%No%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState\enum,"YES",      ,"%Yes%"
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState,     default,    ,"YES"

; Param flags -- only used for Win9x

HKR,  NDI\params\NetworkAddress,    flag,       1,30,00,00,00 ; NDIS2/NDIS3
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTransmits,      flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only
HKR,  NDI\params\MaxTxFrameSize,    flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only
HKR,  NDI\params\MinRcvBuffs,       flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only
HKR,  NDI\params\RcvBuffSize,       flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only
HKR,  NDI\params\FastPath,          flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only

HKR,  NDI\params\ShallowMode,       flag,       1,30,00,00,00 ; NDIS2/NDIS3

HKR,  NDI\params\FullDuplex,        flag,       1,30,00,00,00 ; NDIS2/NDIS3

HKR,  NDI\params\DataRate,          flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only
HKR,  NDI\params\ZeroWaitState,     flag,       1,20,00,00,00 ; NDIS3 only

; Slot number parameter -- Micro Channel ONLY (Not supported in NT 5.0)
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        ParamDesc,  ,"%SlotNumber%"
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        type,       ,int
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        min,        ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        max,        ,8
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        step,       ,1
HKR,  NDI\params\SlotNumber,        flag,       1,38,00,00,00 ; NDIS2/NDIS3/mandatory

; Localizable Strings
; Manufacturer and Provider strings
V_IBM             =  "IBM"

; Media Description
PackageDesc       =  "IBM Shared RAM Token-Ring Adapter NDIS 3/4/5 Device Drivers"

; Driver Description (Windows 2000)
IBMTOK.DriverDesc =  "IBM Shared RAM Token-Ring Adapter Miniport"

; Devices
oldtr.DeviceDesc  =  "IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter"
pplus.DeviceDesc  =  "IBM 16/4 Token-Ring ISA-16 Adapter"
n.DeviceDesc      =  "IBM Token-Ring Adapter/A (4 Mbps)"
n4.DeviceDesc     =  "IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter (/A and Auto MC)"
p4pnp.DeviceDesc  =  "IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)"
pfppnp.DeviceDesc =  "IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)"
p6pnp.DeviceDesc  =  "IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (PnP Config)"
p4.DeviceDesc     =  "IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)"
pfp.DeviceDesc    =  "IBM Auto Wake Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)"
p6.DeviceDesc     =  "IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter (Legacy Config)"
ra.DeviceDesc     =  "IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter"
ra3.DeviceDesc    =  "IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter"
ra4.DeviceDesc    =  "IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card"
ra499.DeviceDesc  =  "IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2"
ra499o.DeviceDesc = "Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring PC Card 2"

; Parameter Names
NetAddress        =  "Network Address (LAA)"
MaxTransmits      =  "Max Transmits"
MaxTxFrameSize    =  "Max TX Frame Size"
MinRcvBuffs       =  "Min Receive Buffers"
RcvBuffSize       =  "Receive Buffer Size"
FullDuplex        =  "Allow Full Duplex"
DataRate          =  "Network Data Rate"
ShallowMode       =  "ShallowMode Receive"
FastPath          =  "FastPath Transmit"
SlotNumber        =  "MCA Slot Location"
ZeroWaitState     =  "Zero Wait States"
LoopBack          =  "Hardware Loopback"

; Responses
Yes               =  "Yes"
No                =  "No"
Autosense         =  "Automatically Detect"
SixteenMB         =  "16 Mbps"
FourMB            =  "4 Mbps"
Primary           =  "Primary (A20-A23)"
Alternate         =  "Alternate (A24-A27)"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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