DRV_ROC.INF Driver File Contents (aztech.exe)

; Copyright 1998, Rockwell Semiconductor Systems

; Required Entry

Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"	; exactly this for Windows NT

; DriverName - the exact name of the device driver file, without extension
; ModemName - name of the modem, must exactly match the name in the modem INF
; UninstallRegistryKey - registry holding key for uninstallation, exactly
; EventLogRegistryValue - into the event log key, must match DriverName.Sys

ModemName="MDP3858-U Modem"

; Required Entry
; The installer uses this section to install and start the modem driver
;	[Models]				- must be exactly this
;	NAME = SECTION, PNPID	- NAME and PNPID must exactly match the modem INF

%ModemName%=DataFax, PCI\AZT_4002	;This must match ModemID in the modem INF

AddReg=DriverRegistry, UninstallRegistry
CopyFiles=InstallFiles, CsaAppletFiles, UninstallFiles, DriverFiles, InfFiles

; Required Entry, but change these lines to match your configuration
; PciVendorID - must match the board, defaults to 0x127A, for Rockwell
; PciDeviceID - must match the board, 0x1000-0x1FFF is for Rockwell HCF boards
; PciSubsystemVendorID - must match the board, 0 for "any", defaults to 0
; PciSubsystemID - must match the board, 0 for "any", defaults to 0
; SymbolicLink - the COM port for your installation

HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciVendorID,          0x40001, 0x127A
HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciDeviceID,          0x40001, 0x1002
HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciSubsystemVendorID, 0x40001, 0x122D
HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, PciSubsystemID,       0x40001, 0x4002
HKR, Parameters\%DriverName%0, SymbolicLink,,"COM3"

; Required Entry
; DisplayName shows up in the control panel add/remove programs applet
; UninstallString is the command line invoked by that applet to do the uninstall

HKLM,%UninstallRegistryKey%\%DriverName%, DisplayName,,"%ModemName% (Uninstall)"
HKLM,%UninstallRegistryKey%\%DriverName%, UninstallString,,%10%\%DriverName%\setup -u"

; Required Entry
; Files to be copied - where they are copied is specified in [DestinationDirs]






; Required Entry - the installer reads these to add the driver to the system
;	[SECTION.Services]	(SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry)
;	AddService = service-name, flag, service-install-section, eventlog-section


ServiceType=1				; must be 1, kernel mode driver
StartType=2				; 0=boot,1=system,2=automatic,3=manual
ErrorControl=0				; 0=ignore,1=normal,2=severe,3=critical
ServiceBinary=%12%\%DriverName%.sys	; winnt\system32\drivers\driver.sys, exactly

; How the driver reports system event log entries
; This section is linked to the services section by the driver name
;	AddReg defines how to expose the error messages to the system
;	DelReg tells the un-installer how to remove them


HKR,,EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogRegistryValue%
HKR,,TypesSupported, 0x00010001,7

; Required Entry - the un-installer reads this to remove the modem later,
;	[SECTION.Uninstall] (SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry)
; 	these must correspond exactly to each file and registry entry made
; 	during installation
;	DelFiles = file-section, file-section,...
;	DelReg	= reg-section, reg-section,...

DelFiles=CsaAppletFiles, DriverFiles, InfFiles, PnfFiles


; Required Entry - the un-installer reads these to remove the driver
;	[SECTION.Uninstall.Services] (SECTION is the link from the [Models] entry)
;	DelService = driver-service-name (must be the same as in AddService)


; Required Entry - one entry for each file that **must** be copied
;	filename = disk-number[,subdir][,size]

mdmp4002.inf = 1	; instructions for the modem class installer
csacpl.cpl   = 1	; country selection applet
drv_roc.inf  = 1	; instructions for install and un-install (this file)
setup.exe    = 1	; installer                                          
setupres.dll = 1	; language resources for the installer
isdel.exe    = 1	; removes all traces of the un-installer, including itself
winacpci.sys = 1	; modem driver

; Required Entry - matched to the [sections] listed above
;	file-list-section = drid[,subdir]

InstallFiles = 10,%DriverName%	; winnt\<driver-name>
CsaAppletFiles = 11				; winnt\system32
UninstallFiles = 11				; winnt\system32
DriverFiles  = 12				; winnt\system32\drivers
InfFiles = 17					; winnt\inf
PnfFiles = 17					; winnt\inf

; Required Entry
;	ordinal = "disk-description", tag-file, unused, [absolute-path]

1="%ModemName% Drivers Disk","drv_roc.inf",1

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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