;************************~~~~~IMPORTANT~~~~~~********************************* ; * ;THIS INI FILE IS TO BE USED BY IT ADMINISTRATORS ONLY TO CONFIGURE THE END * ;USER'S PROSET SETTINGS.TO HAVE THE NEW SETTINGS APPLIED,THIS FILE HAS TO BE * ;PUSHED TO THE END USER'S SYSTEM IN THE DIRECTORY OF "\Program Files\Intel\ * ;PROSetWireless\PROSet\Import" AND THE END USER'S PROSET ZERO CONFIG SERVICE * ;HAS TO BE RUNNING. * ; * ;DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS FILE EXCEPT THE VALUES FOLLOWING THE "=" * ;SIGNS. TO AVOID OVERWRITTING ANY EXISTING SETTINGS JUST SIMPLY OMIT THE * ;CORRESPONDING VALUES FOLLOWING THE "=" SIGNS. ALL THE VALUES HAVE TO FOLLOW * ;THE "=" SIGNS IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT ANY WHITE SPACE IN BETWEEN. * ; * ;***************************************************************************** [SWO_SECURITY_SETTINGS] ;If the end user's PROSet settings is password protected, the old password ;has to be specified correctly. Use the SWO.exe to have password encrypted ;and copy the result to the right hand side of "=" sign. OldPassword= ;To change the password, use the SWO.exe to have the new password encrypted ;and copy the result to the right hand side of the "=" sign. ;If the NewPasword is left with no value, password will not be changed; ;If the NewPasword is set as "NewPassword=Absent", the password will be deleted. NewPassword= [ADAPTER_SETTINGS] ;Connection preference ;0 - Connect to infrastructure and ad hoc networks ;1 - Connect to infrastructure networks only ;2 - Connect to ad hoc networks only ConnectionPref= ;Wireless mode selection ;This option will only affect installations with the 2200 adapter. ;0 - Connect to both 802.11g and 802.11b networks ;1 - Connect to 802.11g networks only ;2 - Connect to 802.11b networks only WirelessMode= ;11b/11g mixed environment protection protocol ;This option will only affect installations with the 2200 adapter. ;0 - RTS/CTS enabled ;1 - CTS to Self enabled CTStoSelf= ;Preamble Mode ;This option will only affect installations with the 2200 adapter. ;0 - Auto Transmit Preamble ;1 - Long Transmit Preamble PreambleMode= [PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SETTINGS] ;Auto-connection ;0 - Connect to available network using profiles only ;1 - Connect to any available network if no matching profile found ;2 - Connect to any network based on profiles only (Cisco mode) AutoConnection= ;Display available networks when not associated ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature DisplayAvailNetworks= ;Notify when disabling profile management features ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature NotifyDisablingProfMang= ;Notify when Windows XP Zero Config is enabled ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature NotifyXPZcfgEnabled= ;Disable Windows XP Zero Config service silently ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature DisableXPZcfg= ;Do not cache credentials ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature DontCacheCred= ;Enable profile management features ;PROSet does not allow the user manually turn off this feature, so ;value of 0 is not allowed. ;1 - Turn ON the feature EnableprofileMGT= ;Notify on 802.1x challenge failure ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature Notify8021xFailure= ;Enable Mixed-Cell (Requires Cisco CCX option) ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature EnableMixedCell= ;Only connect with this profile ;0 - Turn OFF the feature (Value of SingleProfileName should be omitted) ;1 - Turn ON the feature (Value of SingleProfileName has to be provided) EnableSingleProfile= ;Specify the single profile name. ;This single profile has to exist in the end user's system or will be pushed ;to the end's user system through the Auto-Import mechanism before placing ;this INI file in the "Import" directory if EnableSingleProfile=1 SingleProfileName= [SSO_FEATURE_SETTINGS] ;Switch to common and persistent profile management ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature ManageCPnPTP= ;Enable Persistent Connect ;0 - Turn OFF the feature ;1 - Turn ON the feature EnablePTC=Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.