bcmwl5.inf Driver File Contents (R65194.EXE)

;; bcmwl5.inf
;; Copyright 1998-2003, Broadcom Corporation.
;; All Rights Reserved.
;; This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
;; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
;; duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
;; permission of Broadcom Corporation.

	Signature	= "$Chicago$"
	ClassGUID	= {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
	Provider	= %V_BCM%
	Compatible	= 1


	ExcludeFromSelect = *

	%BCM430B.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XX, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4307
	%BCM430B.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XX, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4301
	%BCM430B.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XX, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4301&SUBSYS_04071028
	%BCM430BC.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XXC, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4301&SUBSYS_00021028
	%BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320
	%BCM430G.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XG, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_00011028
	%BCM430GC.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XGC, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4320&SUBSYS_00021028
	%BCM430M.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XM, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4324
	%BCM430M.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XM, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4324&SUBSYS_00011028
	%BCM430MC.DeviceDesc% = BCM43XMC, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4324&SUBSYS_00021028

; PCI devices
	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, b.options.reg, Dell1180VS.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, g.options.reg, Dell1300VS.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, bag.options.reg, Dell1400VS.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

; Cardbus devices
	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, b.options.reg, Dell1180VS.CB.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, g.options.reg, Dell1300VS.CB.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

	Characteristics	= 0x84	; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
	BusType		= 5			; PCI bus
	AddReg		= BCM43XX.reg, BCM43XX.brcm.reg, common.reg, bag.options.reg, Dell1400VS.CB.reg
	DelReg		= common.delreg
	CopyFiles	= BCM43XX.files.NT

; PCI devices
	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

; Cardbus devices
	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

	AddService = BCM43XX, 2, BCM43XX.Service, common.EventLog

; common
	; Ndis Info
	; Interfaces
	HKR,	Ndi\Interfaces,	UpperRange,	,	"ndis5"
	HKR,	Ndi\Interfaces,	LowerRange,	,	"ethernet"

	HKR,	Ndi,	HelpText,		,	%BCM43XX_HELP%
	HKR,	Ndi,	Service,		0,	"BCM43XX"

	DisplayName	= %BCM43XX.Service.DispName%
	ServiceType	= 1			; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
	StartType	= 3			; %SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
	ErrorControl	= 1			; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
	ServiceBinary	= %12%\bcmwl5.sys
	LoadOrderGroup	= NDIS

	AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg

	HKR,	,	EventMessageFile,	0x00020000,	"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
	HKR,	,	TypesSupported,		0x00010001,	7


	HKR,	Ndi\params\RadioState, ParamDesc,	0,	"Radio Enable/Disable"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RadioState, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RadioState\enum, "1",		0,	"Disabled"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RadioState\enum, "0",		0,	"Enabled"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\RadioState,default,,"0"	

	HKR,	Ndi\params\PowerSaveMode, ParamDesc,	0,	"Power Save Mode"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PowerSaveMode, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PowerSaveMode\enum, "0",		0,	"Disabled"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PowerSaveMode\enum, "1",		0,	"Enabled"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\PowerSaveMode,default,,"0"	

	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader, ParamDesc,	0,	"PLCP Header"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader\enum, "-1",	0,	"Long"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader\enum, "0",	0,	"Auto (Short/Long)"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag, ParamDesc,	0,	"Fragmentation Threshold"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,type,0,"dword"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,min,,"256"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,max,,"2346"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,default,,"2346"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts, ParamDesc,	0,	"RTS Threshold"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,type,0,"dword"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,min,,"0"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,max,,"2347"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,default,,"2347"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc,	0, "Locally Administered MAC Address"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, type,	0, "edit"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText,	0, "12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase,  0, "1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, default,	0, ""
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, optional,	0, "1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\antdiv, ParamDesc,	0,	"Antenna Diversity"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\antdiv, type,	0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\antdiv\enum, "0",	0,	"Disabled"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\antdiv\enum, "3",	0,	"Enabled"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\antdiv,default,,"3"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\BTCoexist, ParamDesc,	0,	"BlueTooth Collaboration"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\BTCoexist, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\BTCoexist\enum, "1",	0,	"Enable"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\BTCoexist\enum, "0",	0,	"Disable"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\BTCoexist,default,,"1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, ParamDesc, 0, "IBSS Channel Number"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, type,      0, "enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "1",   0, "  1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "2",   0, "  2"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "3",   0, "  3"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "4",   0, "  4"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "5",   0, "  5"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "6",   0, "  6"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "7",   0, "  7"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "8",   0, "  8"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "9",   0, "  9"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "10",   0, " 10"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "11",   0, " 11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "12",   0, " 12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel\enum, "13",   0, " 13"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, default,   0, "11"

	HKR,					,"EnableLEAP", 0,	"1"

	HKR,					,"Interference_Mode",		0,	"-1"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, ParamDesc,	0,	"Rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "0",	0,	"Use best rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "2",	0,	" 1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "4",	0,	" 2"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "11",	0,	" 5.5"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "22",	0,	"11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, ParamDesc,	0,      "IBSS Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, type,         0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "0",     0,      "802.11b Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "2",     0,      "Normal"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode, ParamDesc,	0,      "BSS Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode, type,         0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode\enum, "0",     0,      "Default"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode\enum, "1",     0,      "802.11b Only"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, ParamDesc,	0,	"Rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "0",	0,	"Use best rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "2",	0,	" 1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "4",	0,	" 2"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "11",	0,	" 5.5"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "12",	0,	" 6"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "18",	0,	" 9"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "22",	0,	"11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "24",	0,	"12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "36",	0,	"18"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "48",	0,	"24"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "72",	0,	"36"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "96",	0,	"48"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "108",0,	"54"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, ParamDesc,	0,      "IBSS Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, type,         0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "0",     0,      "802.11b Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "2",     0,      "Normal"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode, ParamDesc,	0,      "BSS Mode"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode, type,         0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode\enum, "0",     0,      "Default"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode\enum, "1",     0,      "802.11b Only"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\LegacyMode,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\band, ParamDesc,	0,	"Disable Bands"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\band, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\band\enum, "0",	0,	"None"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\band\enum, "1",	0,	"Disable 802.11g/b"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\band\enum, "2",	0,	"Disable 802.11a"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\band,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref, ParamDesc,	0,	"Association Preference"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref\enum, "0",	0,	"None"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref\enum, "1",	0,	"Prefer 802.11a"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref\enum, "2",	0,	"Prefer 802.11g/b"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\AssocPref,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamPref, ParamDesc,	0,	"Roaming Preference"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamPref, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamPref\enum, "0",	0,	"None"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamPref\enum, "1",	0,	"Stay In Band"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamPref,default,,"0"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, ParamDesc,	0,	"Rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "0",	0,	"Use best rate"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "2",	0,	" 1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "4",	0,	" 2"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "11",	0,	" 5.5"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "12",	0,	" 6"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "18",	0,	" 9"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "22",	0,	"11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "24",	0,	"12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "36",	0,	"18"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "48",	0,	"24"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "72",	0,	"36"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "96",	0,	"48"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "108",0,	"54"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate,default,,"0"

; PCI devices
	; TrueMobile 1180 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280407",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1180 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1180Title%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1180CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1180RadioMsg1%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1180RadioMsg2%

	; TrueMobile 1300 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280001",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1300 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1300Title%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1300CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1300RadioMsg1%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1300RadioMsg2%

	; TrueMobile 1400 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280001",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1400 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1400Title%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1400CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1400RadioMsg1%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1400RadioMsg2%

; Cardbus devices
	; TrueMobile 1180 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280002",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1180 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1180TitleCB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1180CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1180RadioMsg1CB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1180RadioMsg2CB%

	; TrueMobile 1300 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280002",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1300 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1300TitleCB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1300CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1300RadioMsg1CB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1300RadioMsg2CB%

	; TrueMobile 1400 applet visible strings 
	HKR,	,				"10280002",	0,	"Dell TrueMobile 1400 Adapter"
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","AboutHeader",		0, %Dell1400TitleCB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","WindowTitle",		0, %DellWindowTitle%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","ControlPanelTitle",	0, %Dell1400CplName%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg1",	0, %Dell1400RadioMsg1CB%
	HKLM,	"SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11","PopupRadioMsg2",	0, %Dell1400RadioMsg2CB%

	BCM43XX.files.NT = 12



	; Provider
	V_BCM = "Broadcom"
	; PCI
	BCM430B.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN Mini-PCI Card"
	BCM430G.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card"
	BCM430M.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card"
	; Cardbus
	BCM430BC.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN PC Card"
	BCM430GC.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN PC Card"
	BCM430MC.DeviceDesc		= "Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN PC Card"
	; General Strings
	BCM43XX_HELP		= "The Dell TrueMobile WLAN Card provides wireless local area networking."
	BCM43XX.Service.DispName = "Dell TrueMobile WLAN Card Driver"
	BCM43XX.DiskName = "Dell TrueMobile WLAN Card Install Disk"
	DellWindowTitle = "Dell TrueMobile WLAN Card Utility"
	Dell1180CplName = "TrueMobile 1180 Client Utility"
	Dell1300CplName = "TrueMobile 1300 Client Utility"
	Dell1400CplName = "TrueMobile 1400 Client Utility"
	; PCI
	Dell1180Title = "Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN Mini-PCI Card Utility"
	Dell1180RadioMsg1 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1180RadioMsg2 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1180 Client Utility to enable it."
	Dell1300Title = "Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card Utility"
	Dell1300RadioMsg1 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1300RadioMsg2 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1300 Client Utility to enable it."
	Dell1400Title = "Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card Utility"
	Dell1400RadioMsg1 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1400RadioMsg2 = "The Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1400 Client Utility to enable it."
	; Cardbus
	Dell1180TitleCB = "Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN PC Card Utility"
	Dell1180RadioMsg1CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1180RadioMsg2CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1180 WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1180 Client Utility to enable it."
	Dell1300TitleCB = "Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN PC Card Utility"
	Dell1300RadioMsg1CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1300RadioMsg2CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1300 Client Utility to enable it."
	Dell1400TitleCB = "Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN PC Card Utility"
	Dell1400RadioMsg1CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Press Fn-F2 to enable it."
	Dell1400RadioMsg2CB = "The Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN PC Card is still disabled.  Use the TrueMobile 1400 Client Utility to enable it."
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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