PGSROM.TXT Driver File Contents (

[                     DAVICOM Semiconductor Inc.                     ]
[                   DM9 Series PCI Ethernet Adapter                  ]
[                    SROM Format Programming Guide                   ]
[                                                                    ]
[          (C) Copyright 1997-1999 DAVICOM Semiconductor Inc.        ]
[                         All Rights Reserved.                       ]

Files Description :

  \PGSROM\PGSROM.EXE            DM910X SROM Programming Program
  \PGSROM\SROM.DAT              DM910X SROM Format Data File
  \PGSROM\ADDR.MAX              DM910X Maximum Node ID File
  \PGSROM\ADDR.LOG              DM910X Programmed Node ID Output Log File
  \PGSROM\PGSROM.TXT            This File.

DM9 Series SROM Format Data Description :
(Mark '*' field means that you must modify it, when you run PGSROM.EXE
 at first time and no SROM.DAT file)

  SubVendorID  = 02 91                    ==>  Sub-System Vendor ID (0291h)
  SubDeviceID  = 82 12                    ==>  Sub-System Device ID (8212h)
  NCE_AutoLoad = 00 00                    ==>  NCE and Auto_Load_Control
  PCIVendorID  = 12 82                    ==>  PCI Vendor ID (1282h)
  PCIDeviceID  = 91 02                    ==>  PCI Device ID (9102h)
  PMCSR_PMC    = 00 00                    ==>  PMCSR and PMC
  NodeAddress  = 00 00 00 00 00 01        ==> *Ethernet ID (000000000001)
  SelectedType = 00 08                    ==>  Selected Connected Type (0800h)
  GprControl   = 80                       ==>  General Purpose Control (80h)
  BlockCount   = 06                       ==>  Block Count (6 Blocks)
  Block0       = 8E 01 01                 ==>  Block0 Length, Type, PHY Address
     GPR init  = 00                       ==>  GPR Length
     PHY reset = 02 80 00                 ==>  Reset Sequence Length, Data
     PHY info  = 00 78 E0 01 00 50 00 18  ==>  Block0 Other Data
  Block1       = 85 80 00 20 00 40        ==>  Block1 Data
  Block2       = 85 00 00 00 87 00        ==>  Block2 Data
  Block3       = 85 00 01 00 87 00        ==>  Block3 Data
  Block4       = 85 00 04 00 87 00        ==>  Block4 Data
  Block5       = 85 00 05 00 87 00        ==>  Block5 Data

<<< NOTICE !!! >>>

  1. This program DON'T check the PCI Vendor ID and Device ID,
     so please check by yourself that ONLY ONE DM910X card
     on your machine. If you have other PCI cards or more than
     one DM910X cards, please remove them.

  2. After completed programming the SROM, you MUST HARDWARE RESET
     the machine to take the change effect.

  3. You can use the SubVendorID and SubDeviceID fields to
     assign the Sub-System Vendor ID and Device ID.

  4. You can use the PCIVendorID, PCIDeviceID and NCE_AutoLoad
     fields to override the DM9 NIC default PCI Vendor ID (1282h)
     and Device ID (9102h).

     (When you specify the PCIVendorID and PCIDeviceID fields,
      the NCE_AutoLoad field MUST set 000Ah to enable the PCI
      Vendor ID & Device ID Auto-load function, otherwise
      the setting will be NO MEANING and used default values.)

  5. The PMCSR_PMC and NCE_AutoLoad fields can be used for Power
     Management Function.

     (When you specify the PMCSR_PMC field, the NCE_AutoLoad field
      MUST set 00A0h to enable the PME/PMC/PMCSR Auto-load function,
      otherwise the setting will be NO MEANING and used default

  6. The NodeAddress field can be assigned the First Node Address
     for programming.

     After each programming was completed, the programmed Node ID
     will be output to the ADDR.LOG file, the NodeAddress value
     will be auto-increased by 1, the Next Node ID will be saved
     to the SROM.DAT file for next programming.

  7. The current programmed Node ID must be NOT the Max. Node ID
     (FF FF FF FF FF FF), otherwise the program will display
     the ERROR message and Quit the program.

  8. The current programmed Node ID must NOT beyond the Max. Node ID
     in the ADDR.MAX file, otherwise the program will display
     the ERROR message and Quit the program.

  9. Before programming Node ID, the program will check the programmed
     Node ID from the ADDR.LOG file for avoiding the Node ID Reentry
     problem. (The Current Node ID from SROM.DAT MUST be increamented
     by 1 from the Last Node ID from ADDR.LOG)

     If the Current Node ID from SROM.DAT is NOT increamented by 1
     from the Last Node ID from ADDR.LOG, the program will RETRY
     to program the Current Node ID, you can press <Ctrl>+C keys
     to break the job then use PGSROM /I to program the Current
     Node ID or check the SROM.DAT file.)

 10. The PGSROM.EXE will compare the Programmed EEPROM Content with
     the SROM.DAT File Content. If programmed EEPROM failure, it will
     try to program the EEPROM again using the same SROM.DAT file,
     if failure again, it will quit the program and return the Write
     SROM Error Code.

 11. The other field's descriptor can be referred to the DM9
     Series SROM Format Specific.

 12. This SROM programming program will return the following
     return code :

        0 : Normal Quit Code
        1 : Abort Quit Code
        2 : No Card Error Code
        3 : Broadcast Node ID Error Code
        4 : Beyond Max. Node ID Error Code
        5 : Write SROM Error Code

        P.S.: The following command of the Batch File can be used
              to get the Return Code : (MUST check ERRORLEVEL from
              the Maximum Number to the Minimum Number, if the Return
              Code Number >= RETURN_CODE_NUMBER, goto COMMAND label.)


 13. This SROM programming program supports the following parameters.
     (You MUST insert the SPACE character between two parameters.)

        Syntax : PGSROM [/y] [/n] [/b] [/m] [/i] [/t] [/h]
            /y : Program SROM with WARNING Message
            /n : Program SROM without WARNING Message
            /b : Re-input Starting Node ID to SROM.DAT file
            /m : Re-input Maximum Node ID to ADDR.MAX file
            /i : NO Check Increament Node ID by 1 from ADDR.LOG file
            /t : Change the Screen Backgroup Color with Dark Gray color
            /h : Display Help Message

            (NOTICE: Between Two Parameters MUST be the SPACE character !!)

<<< End of file >>>

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.74