NDIS.TXT Driver File Contents (LAN.zip)

   3 NDIS 2.x Driver Notes (OS/2*, LAN Manager*, others)

General NDIS 2.x Driver Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100B LAN

Location of Driver:      \NDIS\E100B.DOS

Support files:           \NDIS\E100BEDS.NIF

Sample Configuration Files

CONFIG.SYS (for DOS will contain)
   DEVICE=C:\path\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\path

CONFIG.SYS (for OS/2* will contain)
   DEVICE=C:\path\PROTMAN.OS2 /I:C:\path

PROTOCOL.INI (may contain)
   DriverName = PROTMAN$
   Drivername = netbeui$
   Sessions = 6
   NCBS = 12
   Bindings = "E100B_NIF"
   Drivername = E100B$

General Notes

Several network operating systems use a standard 2.0.1 version NDIS
driver to talk to the network adapter. The EtherExpress PRO/100B
adapter's NDIS driver conforms to the Microsoft NDIS 2.0.1 specification.

The NDIS subdirectory on the EtherExpress PRO/100 disk contains the files
needed to use the adapter card with one of these operating systems. The
files and their purpose are listed below.

E100B.DOS:     NDIS driver for DOS workstations.

E100B.OS2:     NDIS driver for servers & OS/2 workstations.

E100BDOS.NIF:  The standard DOS NIF file used with Microsoft LAN Manager*
               installations. Other network operating systems may use
               these during their installation. If so, copy the E100B.DOS
               and this NIF file into the same directory and reference
               that directory.

E100BOS2.NIF:  The standard OS/2 NIF file used with Microsoft LAN
               Manager* installations. Other network operating systems
               may use these during their installation. If so, copy the
               E100B.OS2 and this NIF file into the same directory and
               reference that directory.

E100BEDS.NIF:  The Extended Network Information file (NIF) that IBM LAN
               Support uses during its installation process. Specify the
               \NDIS directory when installing so the installation
               procedure will find the correct NIF file.

E100BEO2.NIF:  The Extended Network Information file (NIF) that IBM OS/2
               uses during its installation process. Specify the \NDIS
               directory when installing so the installation procedure
               will find the correct NIF file.

PROTOCOL.INI:  A fragment of the general PROTOCOL.INI file. This fragment
               contains information specific to the EtherExpress PRO/100B
               adapter. Be sure your file contains this fragment. Some
               installation procedures create this file for you.  This
               file is provided as an example of what the EtherExpress
               PRO/100B adapter section could look like.

OEMSETUP.INF:  The version located in the \NDIS subdirectory on the
               driver disk is used by IBM's LAN requester for DOS version

MSLANMAN.BAT:  Executing this file creates the directory structure
               required for a Microsoft LAN Manager installation.  Other
               NDIS installations may also look for this structure:
               \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\E100B\E100B.OS2 (OS/2)

Hints and Tips

1. Parameters for the PROTOCOL.INI file are listed below.
   DRIVERNAME: (required) If you have a single adapter, use the syntax in
      the Sample Configuration file section.  If you are installing
      multiple adapters, each adapter must have a unique driver name.
      Additional instances of the driver would be referenced by
      DRIVERNAME=E100Bx$, where "x" is a unique number 2 through 9.
   SPEED: (optional; parameters are [Auto / 10 / 100]) The parameter
      disables Auto-Speed Detect and causes the adapter to function at
      the speed indicated. If the FORCEDUPLEX parameter is assigned to
      either 1 or 2, the SPEED parameter is required because auto-speed
      sensing is disabled if the duplex mode is forced. Auto-negotiate
      devices cannot detect speed changes in this configuration until the
      driver is reloaded.[Example: SPEED=100]
   FORCEDUPLEX: Full duplex and auto-negotiate capabilities vary between
      the PRO/100 TX and the PRO/100 T4 adapters.

         EtherExpress PRO/100B TX adapter: Supports auto-negotiate, full
         and half duplex at 10 or 100 Mbps.

         EtherExpress PRO/100B T4 adapter: Supports full and half duplex
         at 10 Mbps; supports only half duplex at 100 Mbps.  Auto-
         negotiate is not a valid option at either speed.
      This parameter disables Auto-Negotiate capability and forces the
      adapter to operate in Half or Full Duplex mode. The SPEED parameter
      must be specified and must be valid if the default of Auto-
      negotiate is changed. Options for FORCEDUPLEX are Auto (for auto-
      negotiate), 1 (for half), 2 (for full). [Example: FORCEDUPLEX = 2]
   SLOT: (required for multiple adapters) This parameter is optional if
      only one adapter is present.  If it is specified but is incorrect,
      a message indicates that the value doesn't match the configuration
      but the driver finds the adapter and loads anyway.
      This parameter is required if more than one adapter is present in
      either one bus or multiple PCI buses of a system. The parameter
      tells the driver which adapter it controls. The SLOT number is the
      encoded value of the PCI adapter's device location. To determine
      the slot number, load the driver with only the DRIVERNAME parameter
      specified.  The driver reports all the slots that have PCI
      adapter(s) installed. You can determine which card is in which slot
      by using SETUP.EXE and matching the Ethernet addresses of the
      adapter to the device number specified in View Configuration.
      [Example: SLOT=0x1C]
   NODE: (optional) This value sets the adapter's Individual Address,
      overriding the value read from the adapter EEprom. The address must
      consist of 12 hexadecimal digits, enclosed in double quotes.  The
      value can not be all zeros. The value can not have the Multicast
      bit set. So, use only the hexadecimal digits 2, 6, A, or E as the
      second digit of the twelve required in the NODE ADDRESS parameter.
      Use any hexadecimal digits in all other positions.
      [Example: NODE = "02AA00123456"]

*  Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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