readme.txt Driver File Contents (El3nta04.exe)

	ELSA Synergy Force Display Driver 
	For Dell Windows NT 4.0 Workstations

Product:		Synergy Force
Version:		6.50
Date:		12/4/2000
OS:		Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3 or later)
Languages:	English, French, German, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
		Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese

NOTE:  If you ordered this video card with a system, Dell installed and  
configured it for use. Refer to the following instructions only if you purchased 
a customer kit or need to install a new device driver.

Installing the Windows NT 4.0 Driver for the ELSA Synergy Force Video Card
>>> Extract Video Driver from the Dell ResourceCD <<<

1. Insert the Dell ResourceCD into the CD/DVD-ROM drive. 

2. If the Dell ResourceCD window does not open automatically, double-click on  
My Computer on your desktop and then double-click on the CD/DVD-ROM drive
containing the Dell ResourceCD.

3. Follow the instructions provided by the Dell ResourceCD to locate the video  
driver package for your card. 

4. Once you have located the package, select it to unzip the driver on to the  
hard drive. The files are extracted by default directory to the 
C:\Dell\Drivers\xxxxx (where xxxxx is the name of the driver being unzipped).

5. At the WinZip Self-Extractor screen, click OK. 

6. At the Dell Computer Self-Extracting Driver Installation screen, click 
Unzip. Once the files have been unzipped, click OK. 

7. In a moment, your browser opens with further instructions for installing  
the driver.

>>> Install Updated Video Driver in Windows NT 4.0 <<<

NOTE: The following instructions refer to installation of the driver from  
your Dell Resource CD. If you downloaded the driver from the Dell Support web 
site, then in instruction 3 below type the correct path on your hard drive where  
the new driver has been downloaded.
1. This driver must be installed by a user with Windows Administrator 
privileges. Please consult your system administrator or Microsoft Windows NT 
User's Manual for more information on Administrator privileges. 

2. Start Microsoft Windows NT. 

3. Double click on the Setup.exe file located with the driver package. If you  
extracted the drivers from the Dell Resource CD using the default directory  
they will be located in C:\Dell\Drivers\xxxxx (where xxxxx is the name of the  
driver being unzipped).

4. At the Install Shield screen, click Next to begin the driver install 
procedure. Follow the Install Shield instructions to install your drivers. 

5. Click the Finish button to complete the driver installation. 

6. When prompted to restart the system, click the Yes button. 

After your system restarts, a dialog box will open to inform you that you need 
to use the Display Properties dialog box to select your initial settings for the 
new display device. 

1. Open the Display Properties dialog box to the Settings page and select the 
   display options that you require. 

2. Close the Display Properties dialog box and follow any other on-screen 
  instructions that may appear in order to activate the new display settings you 
  have chosen. 

The re-installation of the Windows NT 4.0 display driver for your ELSA Synergy Force
 card is now complete.

NOTE: Service Pack 5 (or higher) must be installed with Windows NT to enable an 
      AGP video card to function properly.


1. Be sure that your Windows NT 4.0 desktop is open.

2. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel to display the Control Panel.

3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs to open the Add/Remove Program Properties

4. Select 'NVIDIA Windows NT 4.0 Display Drivers' from the list that appears; 
the choice is highlighted.

5. Click Add/Remove to open the Uninstall window. 

6. Click Yes to display the next message, which prompts you to close any open 
applications so that the computer can restart in order to complete the 
uninstallation process.

7. Click OK to restart your computer.


Using the ELSA Synergy Force Video Card

The ELSA Synergy Force card that came with your computer is pre- 
configured for optimal use and should not require further adjustments. If
you need to make changes to your video settings, refer to the following 

   NOTES: (1) To display at a specific resolution with a desired refresh 
   rate, both the video card and monitor must support it. Refer to the 
   documentation that came with your monitor for a list of supported video 
   resolutions. (2) Most application programs require a color depth greater 
   than 256 colors to be set through the Display icon in the Windows Control 

Changing ELSA Synergy Force Video Settings 

To change the ELSA Synergy Force color depth and screen resolution 
under Windows NT 4.0: 

1. From the Windows NT taskbar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel. 

2. Double-click the Display icon. The Display Properties page appears. 

3. Click the Settings tab. 

4. Select the desired color depth and resolution under the Color Palette and  
   Desktop Area boxes, respectively. Refer to the ELSA Synergy Force   
   Mode Table for supported color depth and screen resolutions. 

5. Select the desired refresh rate under the Refresh Frequency box. Refer to the 
   ELSA Synergy Force Mode Table for supported color depth and screen 

6. Click Test to view your changes, or Apply to accept them. 

7. Click OK to exit the Display Properties dialog.

Control Panel: Configuring the ELSA Synergy Force Graphics Card

Several property pages are added to your Windows Display Properties 
control panel. The sections that follow explain these property pages (windows)
and how to use them to configure (optional) settings for your ELSA Synergy Force card. 

The Display Properties > Settings > Advanced Window
To access the Display Properties > Advanced window, follow these steps from your 
active Windows desktop: 

1. Either click the right mouse button and select Properties OR click Start >  
Settings > Control Panel > Display. 

2. Click the Settings tab to open the Display Properties - Settings window. 

3. Click the Advanced button to display the ELSA Synergy Force Properties  

4. Click the Synergy Force tab on the Display Properties - Advanced 

The Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > Synergy Force Window

> The 'ELSA Synergy Force' tab contains the 'Additional Properties' button. Click this  
button to access the options for all the video modes available for the Synergy Force adapter: 

        - Color Correction 
	- Direct3D Settings 
	- More Direct3D 
	- Antialiasing 
	- Other Options 
	- Overlay Color Control 
	- OpenGL Settings 
	- Output Device

The ELSA Synergy Force > Additional Properties > Color Correction Window

> 'Active Color Channel' allows you to select the color channel controlled by 
the sliders. You can adjust the red, green or blue channels individually or all 
three channels at once.

>  'The slider controls' allow you to adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma  
values for the selected color channel. The color correction controls help you to 
compensate for variations in luminance between a source image and its output on 
a display device.

>  'Automatically apply these settings at startup' allows you to automatically  
restore the color adjustments you have made here when Windows is restarted.

> 'Custom Color Settings' shows a list of the custom color settings you have 
saved. Selecting an item from the list will activate the setting. Restore 
Hardware Defaults restores all color values to the hardware factory settings. 

> 'Save As . . .' lets you save the current color settings as a custom setting.  
Saved settings will then be added to the adjacent (Custom Color Settings) list. 

> 'Delete' deletes the custom color setting currently selected in the list. 

The Synergy Force > Additional Properties  > Direct3D Settings Window

> 'Enable fog table emulation' is used to turn fog table emulation 
on or off. Direct3D specifies that a display adapter capable of D3D hardware 
acceleration should be able to implement either vertex fog or table fog. 
Some games do not correctly query the D3D hardware capabilities and expect
table fog support. Choosing this option will ensure that such games will run 
properly on your graphics processor. 

> 'Mipmap detail level' allows you to adjust the LOD (Level of Detail) bias for 
mipmaps. A lower bias will provide better image quality, while a higher bias 
will increase application performance. You can choose from five preset bias  
values, varying from "Best Image Quality" to "Best Performance". 

> 'Custom Direct3D settings' are a list of the custom settings (or "tweaks") 
you have saved. Selecting an item from the list will activate the setting. 
To apply the setting, choose the "OK" or "Apply" button. 

> 'Adjust Z-buffer depth to rendering depth if unequal' forces the hardware to
 automatically adjust the depth of its Z-buffer to the depth that the application 
requests. Normally, you will want to keep this option enabled, unless your work
absolutely requires a specific Z-buffer depth. If this option is disabled, any  
application whose working Z-buffer depth does not match that of the current 
hardware configuration will not run. 

> 'Enable alternate depth buffering technique' enables an alternate technique  
for depth buffering. This lets the hardware use a different mechanism for depth 
buffering in 16 bit applications. Enabling this setting can produce higher  
quality rendering of 3D images. 

> 'Display logo when running Direct3D applications' enables the Nvidia logo in 
Direct3D. Enabling this setting will display the NVIDIA logo in the lower  
corner of the screen while running Direct3D applications. 

> 'Automatically generate ___ mipmap levels': Your graphics processor 
can automatically generate mipmaps to increase the efficiency of texture 
transfers across the bus and provide higher application performance. 
However, some applications may not display correctly when auto-generated 
mipmaps are enabled. To correct any problems, reduce the number of 
automatically generated mipmap levels until the images are properly 
displayed. Reducing the number of mipmap levels can often eliminate 
texture misalignment or "seaming" (at the expense of some performance). 

> 'Auto-mipmap method' allows you to select the auto-mipmapping method used 
by the graphics processor. You can select either the bilinear or the 8-tap 
anisotropic mipmapping method, whereby the bilinear method generally 
provides better performance, while the anisotropic method generally 
produces a higher quality image. 

> 'Save As . . . ' shows a list of the custom settings (or "tweaks") you have 
saved. Selecting an item from the list will activate the setting. To apply 
he setting, choose the OK or Apply button. 

> 'Delete' deletes the custom setting currently selected in the list. 

> 'More Direct3D' displays a window that allows you to customize additional 
Direct3D settings. 

>'Restore Defaults' restores all settings to their default values. 

The Synergy Force > Additional Properties  > Direct3D Settings > More Direct3D 

> 'Texel Alignment' changes the hardware texture-addressing scheme for texels 
      (texture elements). 

      Changing these values will change where texel origin is defined. The 
      default values conform to the Direct3D specifications. Some software may 
      expect the texel origin to be defined elsewhere. The image quality of such 
      applications will improve if the texel origin is redefined. Use the slider 
      control to adjust the texel origin between the upper left corner and the 
      center of the texel. 

> 'Restore Defaults' restores all settings to their default values. 

The Synergy Force > Additional Properties > Direct3D Settings > Antialiasing 

> 'Hardware Antialiasing Control' allows you to determine the amount of 
anti- aliasing used in a particular D3D application. Anti-aliasing is a 
technique used to minimize the "stairstep" effect sometimes seen along the edges 
of 3D objects. Your selection can range from turning anti-aliasing completely 
off to selecting the maximum amount possible for a particular application. 

> 'Force antialiasing in all applications' allows you to force anti-aliasing in  
applications that do not directly support anti-aliasing. NOTE that some 
applications that do not explicitly support anti-aliasing may not display  
properly, or may render irregular images. Use this option with care. Turn this  
option off if you experience display problems with a game or application that 
does not support anti-aliasing.
> 'Restore Defaults' restores all settings to their default values. 

The Synergy Force > Additional Properties > Other Options Window

> Monitor Timing allows you to select your monitor timing mode: 
       - Auto-Detect (let Windows determine the proper mode) 
       - General Timing Formula (GTF) 
       - Discrete Monitor Timings (DMT) 

> 'Auto-Detect' allows Windows to receive the proper timing information directly 
from the monitor itself. This is the default setting. Note that some older 
monitors may not support this feature.

> 'General Timing Formula (GTF)' is a standard used by most newer hardware. 
> 'Discrete Monitor Timings (DMT)' is an older standard still in use on some  
hardware. Enable this option if your hardware requires DMT.
> 'Restore Defaults' restores all settings to their default values. 

The Synergy Force > Additional Properties  > OpenGL Settings Window

> 'Enable Buffer Region Extension' allows the drivers to use the OpenGL  
extension GL_KTX_buffer_region. This can increase application performance in 3D 
modeling applications that support this extension

> 'Allow the dual pane extensions to use local video memory' allows the use of  
local video memory when the GL_KTX_buffer_region extension is enabled. However, 
if there are less than 8 MB of local video memory available, dual planes 
extension support will not be enabled. NOTE: This setting has no effect if the  
"Enable buffer region extension" option above is disabled.

> 'Use fast linear-mipmap-linear filtering': Allowing fast linear-mipmap-linear 
filtering increases application performance at the expense of some image  
quality. In many cases, a loss of image quality may not be noticeable, so you  
may want to take advantage of the extra performance gained by enabling this  

> 'Enable anisotropic filtering' allows OpenGL to use anisotropic filtering for 
improved image quality.

> 'Enable alternate depth buffering technique'enables an alternate technique  
for depth buffering. This lets the hardware use a different mechanism for depth  
buffering in 16 bit applications. Enabling this setting can produce higher  
quality rendering of 3D images.

> 'Disable support for enhanced CPU instruction sets' disables driver support 
for enhanced instructions used by certain CPUs. Some CPUs support additional 3D  
instructions that complement your NVIDIA graphics processor and improve  
performance in 3D games or applications. This option allows you to disable  
support for these additional 3D instructions in the drivers. This can be useful  
for performance comparisons or for troubleshooting.

> 'Enable full scene antialiasing' enables full-scene anti-aliasing for the  
OpenGL driver. Anti-aliasing is a technique used to smooth the edges of objects  
in a scene to reduce the jagged "stairstep" effect sometimes seen.

> 'Use unified back/depth buffer': When enabled, all OpenGL applications share  
memory for their depth and back buffers. When disabled, each OpenGL window  
allocates its own depth and backbuffer resources. Generally, this should be  
enabled when you frequently have multiple large OpenGL windows open 
simultaneously, and disabled if you typically have only one OpenGL window or  
several small OpenGL windows open at any given time.

> 'Default color depth for textures' determines whether textures of a specific  
color depth should be used by default in OpenGL applications. Use desktop color 
depth will always use textures of the color depth at which your Windows desktop 
is currently running. The Always use 16 bpp and Always use 32 bpp options forces 
the use of textures of the specified color depth, regardless of your desktop 
settings. Buffer flipping mode determines the buffer-flipping mode for full- 
screen OpenGL applications. You can select from the block transfer method (Use 
block transfer), the page flip method (Use page flip) or Auto-select. Auto-  
select allows the driver to determine the best method based on your hardware  

> 'Vertical sync' lets you specify how vertical sync is handled in OpenGL. 
'Always off' will always disable vertical sync in all OpenGL applications. 
'Off by default' will keep vertical sync disabled, unless an application 
specifically requests that it be enabled. 'On by default' will keep vertical 
sync enabled, unless an application specifically requests that it be disabled. 

> 'Use up to ___ MB of system memory for textures in PCI mode' allows the 
graphics processor to utilize up to the specified amount of system memory for 
texture storage (in addition to the memory installed on the display adapter 
itself). NOTE: The maximum amount of system memory that can be reserved for  
texture storage is calculated based on the amount of physical RAM installed in 
your computer. The more system RAM, the higher the value you will be able to  
set. This setting applies only to PCI display adapters (or AGP display adapters
running in PCI compatibility mode). 

> 'Custom OpenGL settings': Click the down arrow to display a list of  
applications. From this list, you can select an application to which you want  
to apply the OpenGL settings.

> 'Apply' allows you to accept any changes you made.   

> 'Restore Defaults' restores all settings to their default values.
The Synergy Force > Additional Properties  >  Output Device Window
> The 'Output Device' tab lets you select the output device type and to 
customize its settings.
> 'Select the output device on which to Display Windows:' display options that 
allow you to select the output display device (Analog Monitor or Digital Flat 
Panel), depending on the devices that your display adapter supports.

> 'Device Settings' opens a window where you can customize the settings for the 
active display device.  Use the arrow buttons to adjust the position of the  
desktop on your monitor.

> 'Default' resets the desktop to its default position for the current 
resolution and refresh rate. If you've clicked the Default button, click Apply  
to accept the settings.



-The Display Properties panels displayed by this driver version may differ 
from the panels described in the Dell electronic documentation for the 
Synergy Force graphics adapter.

If you need additional technical support, refer to the Getting Help section in the 
documentation that shipped with your system. You can also contact Dell's technical
support on the World Wide Web, at

For information on how to contact Dell Computer Corporation's technical  
support, refer to the Getting Help chapter in the Diagnostics and 
Troubleshooting Guide that shipped with your system. You can also contact  
Dell's technical support via the World Wide Web at
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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