mga.ini Driver File Contents (16771380.exe)


Profile file for the setup of MGA Millennium PowerDesk



VERSION	       = 3.80.007
REBOOT	       = prompt
STATUS_BAR     = show
FINAL_BOX      = show
ERRORS         = show     
DISPLAY_WIZ    = show
UPDATE_MON     = prompt
INSTALL_TYPE   = prompt

RUN_DIAG       = yes
INSTALL_APPL   = prompt
REG_UPDATE   = prompt

LOAD_MGACTRL = yes      

TARGET_PATH  = prompt
DEFAULT_LAN  = prompt

DEFAULT_RES = 640,480

SCHEMES      = Trusty 8bits, Virtuality, High Color, Rainbow in 800, Low Res, Panoramic, Elevator

English      = inst_eng.dll	
Français     = inst_fre.dll
Deutsch      = inst_ger.dll
Italiano     = inst_ita.dll
Español      = inst_spa.dll

English      = readme
Français     = lisezmoi
Deutsch      = liesmich
Italiano     = leggimi
Español      = leame

DNAV         = 85
MON          = 600
QDESK        = 50
COLOR        = 124 

AlternateFillPolygons   = 1
Rectangles              = 1 
Circles                 = 1
Ellipses                = 1
DeviceBitmapsCaching    = 1
FontsCaching            = 1
SplitMode               = 0
ShowSupport		= 1
Flip On VBlank          = 0
Palettized Textures	= 1
Palettized Textures Sync = 1

WebPath			=
RegisterWebPath_Eng	=
RegisterWebPath_Fra	=
RegisterWebPath_Deu	=
RegisterWebPath_Ita	=
RegisterWebPath_Esp	=
RegisterNow		= 1

[Trusty 8bits]
Bits Per Pixel     = 8   
Desktop Resolution = 1024,768
Display Resolution = 1024,768
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

Bits Per Pixel     = 8
Desktop Resolution = 1600,1200
Display Resolution = 1024,768
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 0
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

[High Color]
Bits Per Pixel     = 16
Desktop Resolution = 1024,768
Display Resolution = 1024,768
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

[Rainbow in 800]
Bits Per Pixel     = 24
Desktop Resolution = 800,600
Display Resolution = 800,600
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

[Low Res]
Bits Per Pixel     = 8
Desktop Resolution = 640,480
Display Resolution = 640,480
Font Size          = 96
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

Bits Per Pixel     = 8
Desktop Resolution = 2048,768
Display Resolution = 1024,768
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

Bits Per Pixel     = 8
Desktop Resolution = 1024,1536
Display Resolution = 1024,768
Font Size          = 120
Lock Display       = 1
OffScreen Usage    = Normal

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web4, load: 0.73