RELEASE.TXT Driver File Contents (

                  PCI IDE  Device Driver  Ver 2.1.50(2)

1) Driver Name: VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Driver

2) Description: IDE driver for VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

3) Release Date: 2000/06/30

4) Supported Operating Systems: Windows 95/98, Millennium Beta Release, Windows NT 3.51/4.0

5) Revision Number: 2.1.50(2)

6) Number of Files: 30

7) Feature List:

   Support silent mode install:
    Available parameters: -b, -u, -vsd, -s

       Parameter       Description

       -b              Causes Setup.exe automatically to reboot after
                       the silent mode install successfully.

       -u              Uninstall driver. This parameter must works with
                       the '-s' parameter.

       -vsd            Install Win9xVSD driver on your Win9x System. If you 
                       don't assign the parameter, the setup will install MPD 
                       driver automatically. The parameter will be invalid on 
                       NT system;
       -s              Silent install driver.

       - A dash(-) must precede the command line parameters.
       - The parameters '-b' and '-u' must be specified before the '-s'

       setup.exe -b -s      Silent install driver and reboot the computer.
       setup.exe -u -b -s   Silent uninstall driver and reboot the computer.
       setup.exe -s         Silent install driver but not reboot the computer.
       setup.exe -u -s      Silent uninstall driver but not reboot the computer.
       setup.ext -b -vsd -s Silent install Win9x VSD driver for Win9x System and reboot the computer.

   Supported drive includes:
    - ATA fixed disk
    - ATAPI CD-ROM  devices
    - ATAPI Tape Drives
    - ATAPI CD-ROM Changer Drives
    - ATAPI DVD-ROM Drives
    - ATAPI Writeable CD Drives
    - ATA/ATAPI LS-120, ZIP, Cartridge and Removable Media Drives

   Support transfer mode:
    - PIO Mode
    - Single Word DMA
    - Multiword DMA
    - Ultra DMA Mode 0/1/2

   Compatible with enhanced CD application:
    - Video CD
    - Music CD
    - DVD
    - Multi-CD changer
    - CD recordor
   ACPI Power Management Support:
    - Win9x Driver only support stand by mode with miniport driver limitation issue.
    - Win9xVSD driver support both Hibernate and stand by mode.

8) Driver installation:

  a) Windows 9x Driver

    ** Driver Installation **
      First, you should remove or rename the \Win9xVSD folder and then click 
    the SETUP.EXE program and select "Install"  button  then it will install 
    the "VIA IDE Bus Master Driver" automatically on your Windows 9x system. 
    It will copy the driver to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS and  set the 
    related registry tree.

    ** Enable/Disable DMA **
      The default setting is the DMA mode. You could turn off the DMA setting
    by running the VIADMATool.

    ** Driver Uninstallation **
      You  could remove the "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Driver" by selecting the
    "Uninstall" button. It will completely remove the driver from the sytsem.

  b) Windows 9x VSD Driver

    ** Driver Installation **
      First, you should ensure the \Win9xVSD folder exist, then click the 
    SETUP.EXE program and select "install" button. It will install the 
    "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE VSD Driver" automatically on your Windows 9x system.
    It will copy the VSD driver to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS. It only combines 
    with windows default IDE driver for some compatible issues.

    ** Driver Uninstallation **
      You could remove the "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE VSD Driver" by selecting the
    "Uninstall" button. It will completely remove the driver from the sytsem.

  c) Windows NT Driver
    ** Driver Installation **
      Click the SETUP.EXE program and select "Install"  button  then it will
    install the "VIA IDE Bus Master Driver" automatically on your Windows NT
    system. It will copy the driver to the \WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS  and  set
    the related registry tree.

    ** Enable/Disable DMA **
      The default setting is the DMA mode. You could turn off the DMA setting
    by running the VIADMATool.

    ** Driver Uninstallation **
      You  could remove the "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Driver" by selecting the
    "Uninstall" button. It will completely remove the driver from the sytsem.

9) File Size: (bytes)

|	_INST32I EX_       296,674
|	_ISDEL   EXE         8,704
|	_SETUP   DLL        11,264
|	_SYS1    CAB       175,466
|	_SYS1    HDR         3,905
|	_USER1   CAB        66,875
|	_USER1   HDR         4,531
|	DATA     TAG           136
|	DATA1    CAB           469
|	DATA1    HDR         2,675
|	LANG     DAT        23,541
|	LAYOUT   BIN           609
|	OS       DAT           450
|	README   TXT         8,833
|	RELEASE  TXT         8,154
|	SETUP    BMP       375,478
|	SETUP    EXE        61,440
|	SETUP    INI            95
|	SETUP    INS        93,525
|	SETUP    ISS           311
|	SETUP    LID            49
|-- WIN9x
|	VIADSK   MPD        54,272
|	VIAIDE   INF         2,175
|	VIAIDE   VXD         9,572
|       VIADSK   SYS        46,592
|       VIAIDE   INF        22,410
|       SETDMA   EXE       145,920
|-- Win9xVSD
|       VATAPI   VXD         8,793
|	VIAIDE   INF        22,410

10) Bug Fixed:

* Version 2.1.47    *

Setup\        Fix Silence Installer install DMATool with wrong Menu Name under Program Menu

DMATool\      Fix show wrong device information while installing SCSI Card after VIA IDE 		Driver in Windows NT.

Win9x\        Enable Tape Device access with DMA mode.
              Fix Easy CD-Creator 4 burning fail problem.
              Fix Aopen 20, DCS 16x, Philips 20x, Philips 16x DMA copy compare error

WinNT\        Enable Tape Device access with DMA mode.  
	      Fix Error log message while only on channel is connected with device.

Win9xVSD\     Fix the problem that the tape Device(Seagete Tape Device) access with DMA mode 		will fail.
	      VSD Ver 1.03
* Version 2.1.48    *

Setup\	      Add install/uninstall Win9xVSD vxd driver.

Win9x\	      Fix Teac 40x CD-ROM play audio fail problem.

WinNT\	      Fix Sony HiFD 200M floppy was recognized to be removable device problem.
	      Add function to down the transmission mode automatically of harddisk while 
	      UDMA read/write got CRC error too many times.

Win9xVSD\     VSD Ver 1.04, it supports Millennium OS Beta release 2481. 

* Version 2.1.49    *

Setup\        Add VSD install dialog. User could install VSD/MPD from setup program and 
	      start DMA with default driver with VSD driver.
	      Fix install fail with "Registry Error " for VT82C686A Chip Set( none zero subvendor ID).
Win9x\	      Fix driver initial fail with VT82C686A Chip Set( none zero subvendor ID)
	      Add Performance Enhance capability.	

WinNT\	      Fix HCT Dump Memory Test fail problem.
              Fix Easy CD-Createor 3.5c burning fail(hanging) problem
              Fix Easy CD-Creator 4.02 bruning fail problem.

Win9xVSD\     Add VIAVSD.INF for digital signature

* Version  *

Setup\        Fix VSD re-install fail problem.
              Fix install VSD to substitute MPD fail problem.
              FIx VSD install will create DMATool Icon problem.

* Version  *
Setup\	  Add Digital Signature function inside
		  Add cat fie for Win9xVSD
* Version 2.1.50    *

Win9x\	      Fix copy-compare(enable Enhance Performance function) occure system hang 	      		problem(for VT82C686B, VT8231).
	      Fix Pioneer DVD 2.6x same channel with hard disk will boot fail problem
	      Support ATA100 timing setting
	      While playing VCD and force the system into suspend. Wake up system will 	    		occure blue screen.  (Windows 95 SE)

WinNT\	      Fix Easy CD-Creator 4.02c audio DISC copy fail problem
              Fix accessing Iomega zip 100(ATA interface) will occure blue screen while ther 	      is no disk inside.
	      Support ATA100 timing setting

Win9xVSD\     Fix the previous version can't support Win95.
	      Update INF. prevent to load it as static VxD Driver.
	      (Ver 1.05)
* Version 2.1.50(1) *

Win9x\	      Fix WinDVD Player hanging problem
	      Fix LS120 type mistake problem in 2.1.50 ( viaide.vxd ver 2.03)

Setup\	      Fix Install VSD driver will copy MPD driver to system problem.

* Version 2.1.50(2) *

NT\	      Fix the Pioneer 16x DVD-ROM boot fail only for 2.1.50 and 2.1.50(1)

Win9x\	  Modify INF file for INF installation
	      MPD Driver Ver
              VIAIDE Vxd Driver Ver 2.03

Win9xVSD\     Modify INF file for INF installation and HCT testing successful.
              Ver 1.05

* Version 2.1.50(3) *

Setup\	  Add Digital Signature function inside

NT\		  Modify initial function
Win9x\	  Update the DriverVer of INF to be 08/01/2000 for HCT 9.6
Win9xVSD\ Update the DriverVer of INF to be 08/01/2000 for HCT 9.6		  
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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