[data] Version = "3.1" [oemdisks] N =.,"Windows 3.1 Driver Diskette",vdd542x.386 O =.\SYSTEM,"Windows 3.x Fonts Diskette",vgaoem.fo_ ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : !!! The description strings should not be changed. ; !!! Changing description strings can result in old drivers not being ; !!! upgraded since Setup uses the description string to determine what ; !!! driver is installed and whether a new, upgraded driver is provided ; !!! with this version of Windows. ; !!! NOTE: Descriptions must be less then 47 characters. Optional Work ; !!! section names count as characters, so limit descriptions to 41 chars ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; [display] ;profile = driver, Description of driver, resolution, 286 grabber, logo code, VDD, 386grabber, ega.sys, logo data, optional work section ; avm16 = O:16_1280.drv, "SuperX VGA Multi-Resolution", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a64B av616 = O:16_1280.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 640x480x16", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a64B av816 = O:16_1280.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 800x600x16", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a84B av1016l = O:16_1280.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 1024x768x16 Lrg fnt", "100,120,120", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a14Bl av1016s = O:16_1280.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 1024x768x16 Sml fnt", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a14B av8256 = O:256_1024.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 800x600x256", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a88B av6256 = O:256_1024.drv, "SuperX VGA v1.5, 640x480x256", "100,96,96", N:vgacolor.2gr, N:vgalogo.lgo, N:vdd542X.386, N:avga.3gr,, N:vgalogo.rle, a68B ; ; Optional sections listed in field 9 of the display secton are intrpreted as follows: ; ; File, Destination, .ini file, Section, LHS, RHS ; ; Where: x:File = Optional; file to be copied, may be left null. ; Destination = 0: for windows root or 0:system for \system subdir. ; .ini file = Optional; .ini file to be modified or created. ; Section = Section of .ini file to be modified. ; OldLine = Optional; old line to be removed from the .ini file. ; Only one occurence of the specified string is removed. ; NewLine = New text line to be written to the .ini file. ; [a14Bl] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=120" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=93" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [a14B] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=96" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=93" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [a84B] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=96" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=88" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [a64B] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=96" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=18" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [a88B] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=96" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=92" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [a68B] ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"dpi=","dpi=96" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"videomode=","videomode=95" ,,system.ini,CLVGA,"cursor=","cursor=0" [avga.3gr] O:CGA40WOA.FON,O:CGA40850.FON O:CGA80WOA.FON,O:CGA80850.FON O:EGA40WOA.FON,O:EGA40850.FON O:EGA80WOA.FON,O:EGA80850.FON [sysfonts] O:vgasys.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution System Font", "100,96,96" O:8514sys.fon,"Super VGA (1024x768) resolution System Font", "100,120,120" [fixedfonts] O:vgafix.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,96,96" O:8514fix.fon,"Super VGA (1024x768) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,120,120" [oemfonts] O:vgaoem.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,96,96",1 O:8514oem.fon,"Super VGA (1024x768) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,120,120",1 [fonts] O:SSERIFE.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96" O:SSERIFF.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (Super VGA res)", "100,120,120" O:COURE.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", "100,96,96" O:COURF.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (Super VGA res)", "100,120,120" O:SERIFE.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96" O:SERIFF.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (Super VGA res)", "100,120,120" O:SYMBOLE.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96" O:SYMBOLF.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (Super VGA res)", "100,120,120" O:SMALLE.FON, "Small Fonts (VGA res)", "100,96,96" O:SMALLF.FON, "Small Fonts (Super VGA res)", "100,120,120" O:ROMAN.FON, "Roman (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING" O:SCRIPT.FON, "Script (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING" O:MODERN.FON, "Modern (Plotter)", "CONTINUOUSSCALING"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.