README Driver File Contents (CX1280.ZIP)

Boca Research SuperVGA Windows 3.0 Drivers

Name                                    Resolution
----------------------------------      -----------------------------
16_1024.DRV      Multi-Resolution       640x480, 16 Colors
					800x600, 16 Colors
					1024x768, 16 Colors
256_1024.DRV     Multi-Resolution       640x480, 256 Colors
					800x600, 256 Colors
					1024x768, 256 Colors

The 64K_800.DRV and 16M_640.DRV are Windows 3.1 only drivers
and do not operate under Windows 3.0.

Installing Windows 3.0

The following procedure is presented as an alternate to what is in the 

Run SETUP from DOS and scroll up to "Display" using the arrow keys and 
[Enter].  Scroll down to "Other (Required disk provided by hardware 
manufacturer)" and [Enter].  Insert the Boca Research SuperVGA Windows 
Drivers Disk in A: or B: and type WIN30 in the box where Windows prompts
to enter the hardware manufacturer display device driver.  For example,
type the following:


You will then be presented with the following:

	Boca SuperVGA v1.0, Multi-res 16 colors
	Boca SuperVGA v1.0, Multi-res 256 colors

Select any of the above and press [ENTER].
When Windows SETUP asks you to insert the "Boca Research SuperVGA Windows 
3.x Fonts Diskette", enter the same disk drive as you did above, be instead 
reference the SYSTEM directory. For example, type the following:


Later you will be asked to insert the "Boca Research SuperVGA Windows 3.0 
Driver Diskette",  This time use the WIN30 directory.  For example, type 
the following:


SETUP will complete the installation.  

The Boca SuperVGA Multi-Resolution color drivers will require that a section
be added to your SYSTEM.INI.  The Windows 3.0 SETUP program must be used to
select the default configuration of the 16 or 256 color drivers.  You
will find that it is easiest to use the SetRES utility to configure
resolutions and color selections.  Run the INSTALL utility on the
Windows distribution disk to copy the drivers and the SetRES utility to
your hard drive.  Then run SetRes from within windows to configure your
instalation.  Do not select either the 64K color or 16.8 Million color
options from Windows 3.0 as these are Windows 3.1 drivers and may not
function correctly.

Manually Editing the SYSTEM.INI file
After exiting the SETUP program, edit the SYSTEM.INI file to change the
resolution manually.  Any text editor may be used, including EDLIN, or
EDIT that came with your version of DOS, or Notepad found in the
accessories group of your Windows 3.0 installation.  Find the section
[CLVGA].  The [CLVGA] section will not exist when you first setup
Windows 3.0.  You must add one to the end of the SYSTEM.INI file.  Type
in one of the sections below:

		 For 16 Color Drivers:      For 256 Color Drivers:
		 =====================      ======================
For 640x480 use:
		 [CLVGA]                    [CLVGA]
		 VIDEOMODE=18               VIDEOMODE=95

For 800x600 use:
		 [CLVGA]                    [CLVGA]
		 VIDEOMODE=88               VIDEOMODE=92

For 1024x768 use:
		 [CLVGA]                    [CLVGA]
		 VIDEOMODE=93               VIDEOMODE=96

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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