Netl11.inf Driver File Contents (

; (c) Copyright 2002/07/05 Melco INC.

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %MELCO%
LayoutFile  = layout.inf
DriverVer   = 06/19/2002,
CatalogFile = WLMEL48B.CAT


;                    PCMCIA\NCR-WaveLAN/IEEE-6D1E

%wl11gp.DeviceDesc%    = wl11gp.ndi,    PCMCIA\MELCO-WLI-PCM-L11-189B
%Wlmel02.DeviceDesc%   = Wlmel02.ndi,   PCMCIA\BUFFALO-WLI-PCM-L11G-4445
%Wlmel03.DeviceDesc%   = Wlmel03.ndi,   PCMCIA\BUFFALO-WLI-PCM-L11G-UK-1ED7
%Wlmel04.DeviceDesc%   = Wlmel04.ndi,   PCMCIA\BUFFALO-WLI-PCM-L11G-US-A11C

AddReg          = wl11gp.params.reg, \
                  wl11gp.reg, \
Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 8
CopyFiles       = wl11gp.CopyFiles

AddService      = wlil11, 2, wl11gp.Service, common.EventLog

AddReg          = wl11gp.params.reg, \
                  wl11gp.reg, \
Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 8
CopyFiles       = wl11gp.CopyFiles

AddService      = wlil11, 2, wl11gp.Service, common.EventLog

AddReg          = wl11gp.params.reg, \
                  wl11gp.reg, \
Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 8
CopyFiles       = wl11gp.CopyFiles

AddService      = wlil11, 2, wl11gp.Service, common.EventLog

AddReg          = wl11gp.params.reg, \
                  wl11gp.reg, \
Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 8
CopyFiles       = wl11gp.CopyFiles

AddService      = wlil11, 2, wl11gp.Service, common.EventLog

; NT specific

DisplayName     = %wl11gp.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\wlmel48b.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS

AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg

HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll,%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\wlmel48.sys"
HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

wl11gp.CopyFiles         = 12

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                UpperRange,    0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                LowerRange,    0, "ethernet"
HKR, Ndi,                           Service,       0, "wlmel48b"


; DesiredSSID for Lucent
;HKR,NDI\params\DesiredSSID,         ParamDesc,  0, %DESIREDSSID_Lucent%
;HKR,NDI\params\DesiredSSID,         Type,       0, edit
;HKR,NDI\params\DesiredSSID,         LimitText,  0, 32
;HKR,NDI\params\DesiredSSID,         Default,    0, "AIRCONNECT"

HKR,                      ,         DesiredSSID,0, "ANY"

; PortType
;HKR,NDI\params\PortType,            ParamDesc,  0, %NETWORKOPERATION%
;HKR,NDI\params\PortType,            Type,       0, enum
;HKR,NDI\params\PortType,            Default,    0, 1
;HKR,NDI\params\PortType\enum,       1,          0, %IEEEMODE%
;HKR,NDI\params\PortType\enum,       3,          0, %ADHOCMODE%

HKR,                        ,       PortType,0x00010001, 1
HKR,                        ,     CreateIBSS,0x00010001, 0

; WDSAddress

HKR,                      ,        WDSAddress,          0,""
HKR,                      ,       DLL_Network,          0,"ESS-ID"
HKR,                      ,             WinNT, 0x00010001,1
HKR,                      ,         WINDOWS95, 0x00010001,0

; WEP Bit

HKR,                      ,        WEPBIT,0x00010001,128
HKR,                      ,  DriverEnable,0x00010001,1
HKR,                      ,    Configured,0x00010001,1
HKR,                      , DriverVariant,0x00000000,"1"

; Flag that we are on Windows 95 or Windows NT

; AP Density
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale,         ParamDesc,  0, %APDENSITY%
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale,         Type,       0, enum
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale,         Default,    0, 1
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale\enum,    1,          0, %LOWDENSITY%
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale\enum,    2,          0, %MEDIUMDENSITY%
HKR,NDI\params\SystemScale\enum,    3,          0, %HIGHDENSITY%

; OwnName
HKR,NDI\params\OwnName,             ParamDesc,  0, %STATIONNAME%
HKR,NDI\params\OwnName,             Type,       0, edit
HKR,NDI\params\OwnName,             LimitText,  0, 32
HKR,NDI\params\OwnName,             Default,    0, ""

; OwnChannel
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          ParamDesc,  0, %OWNCHANNEL%
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          Type,       0, int
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          Default,    0, 14
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          max,        0, 14
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          min,        0, 1
;HKR,NDI\params\OwnChannel,          step,       0, 1


; TxRateControl
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl,      	ParamDesc,  0, %TXRATE%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl,       Type,       0, enum
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl,       Default,    0, 3
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,  3,          0, %AUTORATE%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,  1,          0, %FIXEDLOW%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,	2,          0, %FIXEDSTD%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,	4,          0, %FIXEDMED%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,	5,          0, %FIXEDHI%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,	6,          0, %AUTORATESTD%
HKR,NDI\params\TxRateControl\enum,	7,          0, %AUTORATEMED%

; RTS Threshold
HKR,NDI\params\RTSThreshold,        ParamDesc,  0, %MEDIUMRESERVATION%
HKR,NDI\params\RTSThreshold,        Type,       0, enum
HKR,NDI\params\RTSThreshold,        Default,    0, 3000
HKR,NDI\params\RTSThreshold\enum,   3000,       0, %OFF%
HKR,NDI\params\RTSThreshold\enum,   500,        0, %HIDDENSTATIONS%

; Power Management Stuff
HKR,NDI\params\PMEnabled,           ParamDesc,  0, %POWERMANAGEMENT%
HKR,NDI\params\PMEnabled,           Type,       0, enum
HKR,NDI\params\PMEnabled,           Default,    0, 0
HKR,NDI\params\PMEnabled\enum,      1,          0, %ON%
HKR,NDI\params\PMEnabled\enum,      0,          0, %OFF%

HKR,NDI\params\MulticastReceive,    ParamDesc,  0, %RECEIVEALLMC%
HKR,NDI\params\MulticastReceive,    Type,       0, enum
HKR,NDI\params\MulticastReceive,    Default,    0, 1
HKR,NDI\params\MulticastReceive\enum,1,         0, %ON%
HKR,NDI\params\MulticastReceive\enum,0,         0, %OFF%

HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    ParamDesc,  0, %MAXSLEEPDURATION%
HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    Type,       0, dword
HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    Base,       0, 10
HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    Default,    0, 100
HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    Min,        0, 1
HKR,NDI\params\MaxSleepDuration,    Max,        0, 65535





1="Air Navigator CD",,,

; Localizable Strings
LUCENT = "Lucent Technologies"

IEEEMODE = "ƒAƒNƒZƒXƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒgŒo—R"
ADHOCMODE = "ƒXƒe[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ŠÔ’ÊM"
APDENSITY = "ƒ[ƒ~ƒ“ƒO”͈Í"
DESIREDSSID_Lucent = "‚d‚r‚r‚h‚c"
STATIONNAME = "ƒXƒe[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“–¼"
TXRATE = "“]‘—‘¬“x"
FIXEDLOW = "1Mbps΁Տ"
FIXEDSTD = "2Mbps΁Տ"
AUTORATE = "11MbpsƒI[ƒgƒXƒLƒƒƒ“(ƒfƒtƒHƒ‹ƒgj"
FIXEDMED = "5Mbps΁Տ"
FIXEDHI = "11Mbps΁Տ"
AUTORATESTD = "2MbpsƒI[ƒgƒXƒLƒƒƒ“"
AUTORATEMED = "5MbpsƒI[ƒgƒXƒLƒƒƒ“"
POWERMANAGEMENT = "ƒpƒ[ƒ}ƒl[ƒWƒƒ“ƒg"
RECEIVEALLMC = "‘S‚Ẵ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒLƒƒƒXƒg‚ðŽóM"
OWNCHANNEL = "–³üƒ`ƒƒƒ“ƒlƒ‹"
OFF = "Off"
ON = "On"

wl11gp.DeviceDesc       = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11/GP Wireless LAN Adapter"
Wlmel02.DeviceDesc      = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11G Wireless LAN Adapter"
Wlmel03.DeviceDesc      = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11G Wireless LAN Adapter"
Wlmel04.DeviceDesc      = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11G Wireless LAN Adapter"

HWProductTitle          = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11/G/GP Wireless LAN Adapter"
wl11gp.Service.DispName = "BUFFALO WLI-PCM-L11/G/GP Wireless LAN Driver"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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