athw10.inf Driver File Contents (

; * Copyright 2009 Atheros Communications Inc., all rights reserved.          *
; *                                                                           *
; * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.                                 *
; * All Rights Reserved.                                                      *
; * Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.                            *
; *                                                                           *
; * INF file for Atheros reference designs                                    *
; ****************************************************************************/

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %ATHEROS%
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 06/22/2018,

%ATHEROS%     = Atheros, NTX86.6.2
;%GIGABYTE%    = Gigabyte, NTX86.6.2

ExcludeFromSelect = *

; OS 6.2 Manufacturer section
; DisplayName               Section                 DeviceID
; -----------               -------                 --------
; Toshiba
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_21821A3B.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_21821A3B
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_218D1A3B.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_218D1A3B
; LiteOn
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_065211AD.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_065211AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_082311AD.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_082311AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_182311AD.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_182311AD
; Asus
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_21301A3B.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_21301A3B
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_213A1A3B.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_213A1A3B
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_066211AD.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_066211AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_85F21043.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_85F21043
; Acer
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_ACER_956x_CH2.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_064211AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_ACER_A11_CH2.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_080311AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_ACER_A11_CH2.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_081311AD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_ACER_956x_CH2.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_E07F105B
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_ACER_A11_CH2.ndi, PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0036&SUBSYS_E091105B 

;; Start of NDI sections

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8acthi.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, AphroditeMitiShift.reg, customer_power_Toshiba.reg, cfpignore.reg, wowenable.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg, btWlanIsolation.reg, eTputA2dpHid.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant.reg, aphrodite_coex.reg, ledcontrol8acthi.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv.reg, wowenable.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, halBtcTSWar.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wowenable.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg, btWlanIsolation.reg, eTputA2dpHid.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphroditeant2_coex_ts.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wowenable.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant.reg, aphrodite_coex_ts.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wowenable.reg, halBtcTSWar.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wowenable.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg, btWlanIsolation.reg, eTputA2dpHid.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant.reg, aphrodite_coex.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wowenable.reg, halBtcTSWar.reg, c3war2.reg, As3s4wow.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant.reg, aphrodite_coex.reg, ledcontrol8acthi.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv.reg, wowenable.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, halBtcTSWar.reg, As3s4wow.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, ConnectionFailure.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8.reg, delayNWSleep.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, AphroditeMitiShift.reg, customer_power.reg, MCCStaTputAdjust.reg, wirelessmode.2g.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, htAdhoc.reg, aphroditeant2.reg, aphrodite_coex2.reg, ledcontrol8acthi.reg, delayNWSleep.reg, aphroditeantdiv2.reg, AphroditeMitiShift.reg, customer_power.reg, bt30_high_speed.reg, wirelessmode.2g.reg, c3war.reg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = netvwifibus.inf, machine.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = athr, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn.Hw, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration.Hw

;; End of NDI sections

;;End of Others Section

HKR, Ndi,                           Service,    0, "athr"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                LowerRange, 0, "wlan,ethernet,vwifi"

HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    ParamDesc,  0, "%ReceiveBuffers%"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    default,    0, "256"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    min,        0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    max,        0, "00000512"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    step,       0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    Base,       0, "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    type,       0, "int"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   ParamDesc,  0, "%TransmitBuffers%"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   default,    0, "512"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   min,        0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   max,        0, "00000512"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   step,       0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   Base,       0, "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   type,       0, "int"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     ParamDesc,  0,  %NetworkAddress%
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     default,    0,  ""
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     LimitText,  0,  "12"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     UpperCase,  0,  "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     optional,   0,  "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     type,       0,  "edit"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,      ParamDesc,  0,  %shortPreamble%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,      Base,       0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,      default,    0,  "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,      type,       0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble\enum, "1",        0,  %shortPreambleEnable%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble\enum, "0",        0,  %shortPreambleDisable%
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      ParamDesc,  0,  %scanTimeValid%
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      default,    0,  "60"
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      min,        0,  "20"
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      max,        0,  "120"
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      step,       0,  "5"
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      base,       0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      type,       0,  "int"

;/* Enable these if VLAN or 802.1p is to be enabled */
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,  ParamDesc,  , %PriorityVLAN%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,  default,    , "3"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,  type,       , "enum"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\enum, 0,      , %PriorityVLANDisabled%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\enum, 1,      , %PriorityEnabled%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\enum, 2,      , %VLANEnabled%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\enum, 3,      , %PriorityVLANEnabled%

HKR, ,                                  gpioPinFunc0,                   0x00002,  "4"
HKR, ,                                  gpioFunc0ActHi,                 0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  sharedGpioFunc0,                0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  gpioPinFunc0,                   0x00002,  "4"
HKR, ,                                  gpioFunc0ActHi,                 0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  sharedGpioFunc0,                0x00002,  "1"

HKR, NDI\params\htAdhocEnable,ParamDesc,,	%AdHoc11n%
HKR, NDI\params\htAdhocEnable,type,,		"enum"
HKR, NDI\params\htAdhocEnable,Default,,	        "0"
HKR, NDI\params\htAdhocEnable\enum,0,,	        %Disable%
HKR, NDI\params\htAdhocEnable\enum,1,,	        %Enable%

HKR, "Interrupt Management", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MSISupported, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MessageNumberLimit, 0x00010001, 4

HKR, ,                                  wowEnable,                      0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexEnable,                   0x00002,  "5"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexAgent,                    0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  halPllPwrSave,                  0x00002,  "7"
HKR, ,                                  mciConfig,                      0x00000,  "16819393"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexLowACKPwr,                0x00000,  "1835777"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexdisablePKDET,             0x00000,  "949"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexEnable,                   0x00002,  "5"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexAgent,                    0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  halPllPwrSave,                  0x00002,  "7"
HKR, ,                                  mciConfig,                      0x00000,  "33596642"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexLowACKPwr,                0x00000,  "2622209"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompA2DPCfg,             0x00000,  "24323329"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompSCOCfg,              0x00000,  "25502465"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexMiscCfg,                  0x00000,  "5"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompA2DPCfg,             0x00000,  "24323329"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompSCOCfg,              0x00000,  "25502465"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexMiscCfg,                  0x00000,  "7"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompA2DPCfg,             0x00000,  "24323329"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompSCOCfg,              0x00000,  "19211009"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexMiscCfg,                  0x00000,  "39"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompA2DPCfg,             0x00000,  "24323329"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexStompSCOCfg,              0x00000,  "19211009"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexMiscCfg,                  0x00000,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexAntDivEnable,             0x00002,  "3"
HKR, ,                                  lnaDivUseBtAntEnable,           0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexAntDivEnable,             0x00002,  "3"
HKR, ,                                  btCoexDivDefVal,                0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  lnaDivUseBtAntEnable,           0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  delayNWSleep,                   0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  swBeaconProcess,                0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  cfpignore,                      0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  c3WarTimerPeriod,               0x00002,  "130"

HKR, ,                                  c3WarEnable,                    0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  c3WarTimer2,                    0x00002,  "140"

HKR, ,                                  halWowOffload,                  0x00010001,  0x00c3ec01 
HKR, ,                                  halWowOffloadBtTimeout,         0x00010001,  0x00000030 
HKR, ,                                  halWakeupDelay,                 0x00010001,  0x0000003C 
HKR, ,                                  halNlo,                         0x00010001,  0x00000001 
HKR, ,                                  WowEnablePME,                   0x00010001,  0x00000000 
HKR, ,                                  halWowParameter,                0x00010001,  0x80000000 
HKR, ,                                  halWowWDTPeriod,                0x00010001,  0x00000002 
HKR, ,                                  AsusWowEnable,                  0x00002,     "1" 
HKR, ,                                  wowEnable,                      0x00002,     "1" 
HKR, ,                                  SmartNetEnable,                 0x00002,     "1" 
;HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NativeWifiP\Parameters, EnableWoWLAN, 0x00010001,     "1"

HKR, , btWlanIsolation, 0x00000, "20"

HKR, ,                                  btCoexMiscCfg,                  0x00000,  "16"

HKR, ,                                  SleepTimePwrSave,               0x00002,  "1000"
HKR, ,                                  SleepTimePerf,                  0x00002,  "1000"
HKR, ,                                  PsActivityCheckInterval,		0x00002,  "4"
HKR, ,                                  AwakeTimePwrSaveMax,            0x00002,  "35"
HKR, ,                                  AwakeTimePwrSave,               0x00002,  "35"
HKR, ,                                  periodicScanEnable,             0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  swBeaconProcess,                0x00002,  "0"

HKR, ,                                  halMitiShiftValue,             0x10001, 0x00050003

HKR, ,                                  ampEnable,                      0x00002,  "0"

HKR, ,                                  halBtcTSWar,             		0x00002,  "1"

HKR, ,                                  delayNWSleep,                   0x00002,  "1"

[MCCStaTputAdjust.reg] ; EV [141623]
HKR, ,                                  mccStaTimeSlotVovi1,            0x00002,  "35"
HKR, ,                                  pausetimeout,                   0x00002,  "20"

HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand,                ParamDesc,                      0,  %WirelessMode%
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand,                Base,                           0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand,                default,                        0,  "26668"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand,                type,                           0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand\enum,           "4",                       		0,  "1. b only"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand\enum,           "40",                       	0,  "2. g only"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand\enum,           "44",                       	0,  "3. b/g"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand\enum,           "26664",                       	0,  "4. g/n"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetBand\enum,           "26668",                       	0,  "5. b/g/n"

HKR, ,                                  SleepTimePwrSave,               0x00002,  "1000"
HKR, ,                                  SleepTimePerf,                  0x00002,  "1000"
HKR, ,                                  AwakeTimePwrSaveMax,            0x00002,  "150"
HKR, ,                                  AwakeTimePwrSave,               0x00002,  "150"
HKR, ,                                  periodicScanEnable,             0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  swBeaconProcess,                0x00002,  "0"

;;End of Customized Section

DisplayName     = %ATHR.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1         ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType       = 3         ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl    = 1         ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary   = %12%\athw10.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS

AddReg = atheros.AddEventLog.reg

HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


1 = %DiskDescription%,athw10.sys,,

athw10.sys = 1,,

atheros.CopyFiles            = 12
DefaultDestDir               = 11

Msft                         = "Microsoft"
Atheros                      = "Qualcomm Communications Inc."
ATHR.Service.DispName        = "Qualcomm Extensible Wireless LAN device driver"
DiskDescription              = "Qualcomm Sample Driver Disk 1"
TransmitBuffers              = "Transmit Buffers"
ReceiveBuffers               = "Receive Buffers"
NetworkAddress               = "Network Address"
scanTimeValid                = "Scan Valid Interval"
shortPreamble                = "802.11b Preamble"
shortPreambleEnable          = "Long and Short"
shortPreambleDisable         = "Long only"
rssiThrHigh                  = "RSSI Threshold"
rssiThrHighNormal            = "Normal"
rssiThrHighMin               = "Min"
scanTime                     = "Roam Time (sec)"
roamRssiA                    = "Roam Time Threshold (db)"
WirelessMode                 = "Wireless Mode Selection"
adhocchannel                 = "Adhoc channel Selection"
htMode                       = "802.11n Bandwidth"
htMode20                     = "20MHz Only" 
htMode2040                   = "20MHz/40MHz Auto" 
smpsDynamic                  = "Dynamic MIMO Power Save"
AdHoc11n                     = "AdHoc 11n"
Enable			                 = "Enable"
Disable                      = "Disable"
roamPolicy                   = "Roaming aggressiveness"
roamPolicyLowest             = "1.Lowest"
roamPolicyMediumLow          = "2.Medium-low"   
roamPolicyMedium             = "3.Medium"
roamPolicyMediumHigh         = "4.Medium-high"
roamPolicyHighest            = "5.Highest"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x         = "Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.T956x        = "Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter"
;ATHR.DeviceDesc.956xA        = "Qualcomm QCA9565 802.11b/g/n Wireless Adapter"
;ATHR.DeviceDesc.946xA        = "Qualcomm AR9462 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless Adapter"

;/* Enable these if VLAN or 802.1p is to be enabled */
;PriorityVLAN                = "Priority & VLAN"
;PriorityVLANDisabled        = "Priority & VLAN Disabled"
;PriorityEnabled             = "Priority Enabled"
;VLANEnabled                 = "VLAN Enabled"
;PriorityVLANEnabled         = "Priority & VLAN Enabled"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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