README.TXT Driver File Contents (

Information on using the SMC OS/2 ODI Device Driver

Date:                              Sept. 24, 1996
Version:                           2.90

How to Install the OS/2 ODI driver with OS/2 Warp:

* For ISA bus and Fast Ethernet LAN cards, proceed 
  directly to Section III. 

* For Lan/Modem (dual-function)and LAN-only (single-
  function) PCMCIA cards, continue reading and go to 
  the appropriate sections when indicated.


In order to install your Lan/Modem PC-Card with IBM's
OS/2 Warp Connect, you will need to have the following
installed prior to installing network support:

  * OS/2's PCMCIA Card support (Card & Socket Services)
    with support for serial devices.

  * SMC9000 Lan/Modem Card enabler

                   OS/2 PCMCIA Support:

If you have OS/2's PCMCIA and serial device support already
installed, please proceed to the section "Installing the 
SMC9000 Enabler".

If you do not have PCMCIA  (or serial device) support installed,
please proceed first to the section "Installing PCMCIA Support
for OS/2".

                SMC9000 Lan/Modem Card Enabler:

If you have both PCMCIA support and the SMC9000 Lan/Modem
Card enabler already installed, please proceed to the section
"Installing the SMC9000 Driver with OS/2 Network Support".

If you do not have both PCMCIA support and the SMC9000 Lan/Modem
Card enabler already installed, please proceed to the appropriate
section(s) as it applies to your current OS/2 setup. 

NOTE: Before proceeding, we recommend that you back-up any of the
      files which may be altered during installation. Those files 
      include the Config.Sys, Autoexec.Bat, Startup.Cmd and Proto-
      col.Ini files. 

      You can determine the location of these files by typing

      dir \[filename] /s /p
      at the command prompt. 

      We also recommend that additional and separate back-up files be
      created after each successful step in the installation process. 
      You will then be able to restore the most recent working versions
      if the entire installation is not successful on your first attem-

      Create separate subdirectories for the back-up files, and be sure
      each has a unique filename. You will then be able to use these 
      files by copying them to their original directories using their 
      original names.

I) Installing PCMCIA (and Serial Device) Support for OS/2: 

Important! Before proceeding to install serial device support,
           at least one of your computer's existing COM ports
           must be enabled. This is usually done through your
           system's BIOS setup utility.

a) Click on the 'OS/2 System' icon located on your desktop.

b) Select the 'OS/2 WARP Connect Install/Remove' folder and 
   open the folder.

c) Select the icon 'OS/2 Warp Selective Install' and double
   click on it.

d) When the system configuration screen appears, click on the
   'PCMCIA Support' button.

e) A window will appear offering a variety of PC system selections.
   Choose the appropriate model that matches your system and high-
   light your selection by clicking on it once. Next, select the
   'PCMCIA Modem/Fax' option. This option is  suitable for LAN-only
   and LAN/Modem cards.

   Click on 'OK' to return to the 'System Configuration' window.

   Select flash memory and/or hard disk support only if you use
   these types of PCMCIA products, otherwise do not select these

f) Serial Device Support

  (LAN/Modem Card users) :

           If serial device support is not yet 
           installed, you must install it at this time. 
  (LAN-only Card users) :
           It is not essential to install serial device
           support to use your single-function Ethernet card,
           however if you will be using other modems or serial
           devices, serial device support should be installed.
           Be sure to use the SMC Enabler's /COM=0 switch if
           you are installing serial support.

           If you are NOT installing serial device support,
           omit the SMC Enabler's COM switch parameter.

   Click on the button labeled 'Serial Device Support'. The
   'Serial Support' window will appear. 

   Click on the 'Install Support' radio button, then click on 
   It is essential that your computer's COM ports are enabled
   while installing serial device support. If they are disabled,
   OS/2 will not detect any COM ports and therefore will not
   install the required COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS device drivers. 
   Your LAN/Modem needs the drivers in order to operate under OS/2. 
   You may disable the COM port(s), if necessary, after support has
   been installed to allow the modem to use the resources normally
   assigned to these ports and/or to resolve potential IRQ or 
   I/O Base Address conflicts.

g) (ALL) Click on the 'Install' button. Installation will now 
   begin, and your Config.Sys file will be updated to include 
   support for PCMCIA (and serial device support, if selected).

h) Please proceed to Section II.

II) Installing the SMC9000 Lan/Modem Enabler:

NOTE: You will need to determine which I/O port addresses
   and IRQ settings are available for the SMC LAN/Modem. 
   It is important that these selections do not conflict with 
   existing hardware settings. At this time, you may wish to use
   a diagnostic utility to assist you, and then continue with 
   the installation.
a) Open the Config.Sys file for editing using a plain-text editor.
   If you wish, you may use the built-in editor provide by OS/2 by
   opening a OS/2 window and typing the following at the command 

   [drive:path]e.exe \config.sys 

   (Be sure that you're at the default drive for OS/2).
b) Once PCMCIA support for OS/2 has been installed you should have the
   following statements, in the order illustrated, in the config.sys 
   file. You will need to add line 6 (SMC Enabler) :


(Card Services  )- BASEDEV=PCMCIA.SYS
(support.       )  DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCOM.SYS
(SMC enabler    )- DEVICE=C:\SMC\SMCENAB.OS2 <optional parameter-list>
(Socket Services)- BASEDEV=IBM2SS01.SYS /S0=n (n is the total no. of)  
                                              (card slots available.)

   Details for the SMC Enabler parameter list are described below in
   the section "SMC Enabler Options".
c) Add the optional parameters to the enabler's device statement
   as required. Once again, it is important that these selections 
   do not conflict with existing hardware settings.

SMC Enabler Options:
   <parameter-list> in the above statements are the switches supported
   in the command line to specify which socket to use and what the
   configuration parameters are. These parameters are not 'case-sensit-
   You may leave out IO, INT and SOC switches; they will then be 
   automatically assigned by OS/2's card and socket services.

   The following switches may be used with the SMC enabler:

 i)  Socket selection switch: It specifies the socket will be avail-
     able to the enabler. The default setting is socket 1 - the 
     first socket.

     /socN : socket N can be used by the enabler, where N ranging
             from 1 to 2. If this switch is absent, socket 1 is used.

 ii) Port Address switch:
     /io=yyy  : port address. Default setting is 0x280. yyy is 
                 assumed as a hex number.

iii) Interrupt switch:
     /int=yy   : IRQ level. Default setting is 11. The supported
                 values are from 1 to 15. This number can be either
                 decimal or hexadecimal.

 iv) Memory switch:
     /mem=0xyyyyy   :Starting memory address for 4k-byte attribute
                 memory. Supported values are from 0xC0000 to 0xDFFFF
                 in 4k-byte boundaries. The default setting is 0xD0000,
                 where yyyyy is assumed to be a hexadecimal value. 
                 This memory window is only opened during initializ-
                 ation and each time the card is re-inserted.
     Attribute memory address can be set as following,

                 0xD0000 0xC1000, 0xC2000, ....,  0xDE000, 0xDF000.

  v) Modem COM port switch:
     /com=yy:    COM port number. Supported values 0 to 6

                 /com=0       no  COM  port  selected.
                 /com=1       port address 0x3F8-3FF;    IRQ -- 4
                 /com=2       port address 0x2F8-2FF;    IRQ -- 3
                 /com=3       port address 0x3220-3227;  IRQ -- 4
                 /com=4       port address 0x3228-322F;  IRQ -- 3
                 /com=5       port address 0x3E8-3EF;    IRQ -- 4
                 /com=6       port address 0x2E8-2EF;    IRQ -- 3

     The default setting is 0. If the keyword is missing, the enabler
     will disable the modem function to support LAN-only functionality.
     Please refer to the "COM PORT MAPPING" section for suggestions
     on how to select com port settings.

 vi) No-checking switch:
     /n :        disable tuple checking, if this switch is detected 
                 in the command line. 


  Here are some examples to help give you an idea about how the
  SMC9000 enabler works.

1) To enable LAN only, each of these examples would work:

device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=0 
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=0 /io=0x300 /int=11 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /io=0x300 /int=11 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
2) To enable modem only, you might type:
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /io=0x300 /int=0 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /io=0x300 /int=0 /mem=0xd0000 
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /int=0 

3) To enable LAN/Modem, all of these examples would work:

device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /io=0x300 /int=11 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /io=0x300 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /int=11 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /io=0x300 /int=11 /soc1
device=c:\OS2\smcenab.os2 /com=2 /mem=0xd0000 /soc1

COM PORT MAPPING Recommendations:

The /COM=xx switch supports six com port selections. In some fax/modem 
applications, such as HyperACCESS Lite, choose the com port mapping as 
recommended in the following table:

	Enabler Command Line            COM Selection
		1                             1                       
		2                             2
		3                             3
		4                             4
		5                             3
		6                             4

d) Please proceed to Section III

III) Installing the SMC9000 ODI Driver with OS/2 Network Support:

                   (For ALL Board Types)

For this installation you will be using the 'NetWare Worksta-
tion For OS/2 Installation Utility', which is located on the
'NetWare Client For OS/2' set of diskettes. These diskettes
must be created from the NetWare server installation utility.
If you are uncertain about how to obtain or create these disk-
ettes, please consult Novell's documentation or ask your system

To install your OS/2 ODI driver and configure your system as
a Netware client, you must have the 'NetWare Client For OS/2'
diskettes or NetWare CD-ROM, and your 'SMC9000 Drivers' disk-

a) Insert the 'NetWare Client For OS/2' disk labeled WSOS2_1
   into Drive A. 

b) Open a OS/2 window, change to Drive "A", and type "Install"
   at the command prompt. A dialog box will appear asking you
   what language you will be using. Highlight your selection, 
   then click on 'OK'.

c) The 'NetWare Workstation For OS/2 Installation Utility' will
   appear onscreen. Please read the on-screen documentation
   before proceeding. You will need the information provided
   here to assist in configuring your workstation properly.

d) Using your mouse, go to the taskbar and click on 'Installation'.
   A pull-down menu will appear. Select 'Requester on workstation'.
e) The 'Set Target Directory' dialog box will appear with the default
   drive letter and the default install directory:

   We recommend that you use the default target directory.
   The source drive for the NetWare Requester files will also be
   displayed. If the source drive displayed is not the drive where
   the utility can find the requester files, you should change it
   to the correct drive. When finished, click 'OK'.

f) The "Requester Installation" menu-box will appear. Select the
   appropriate radio-button and click on it. If you are installing 
   the requester for the first time, select "Edit CONFIG.SYS and
   Copy All Files...". Next, click on 'OK'.

g) The window "Step 1 - Choose the ODI LAN Driver" will appear.
   You will be asked to choose the ODI driver from a list or type
   the driver name into the strip-window. Place the cursor over the
   strip-window and click once. Clear the current contents and then
   type in the driver name.
   Type the following:


   NOTE: Do NOT type in the disk drive or path to the driver, only
         the driver name, otherwise the utility will not properly 
         identify the driver and will not complete the installation.
         You will be prompted for the the driver diskette and path
         later on during the installation.

   Click on 'Continue'.

h) The window "Step 2 - Choose NetWare Support for DOS and Windows 
   Applications" will appear next. The default radio-button setting
   for 'IPX Support for DOS and Windows' is 'Off', however, you may
   choose any of the settings desired for your workstation.

 * Please note that selecting 'On' will allow network support for
   DOS and Windows sessions, and will require that you also select
   a default NetWare shell support. You will also be shown an addit-
   ional window with suggested default settings to be written into
   the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.for your workstation. For futher informat-
   ion, please consult Novell's OS/2 client documentation.

   When You've completed this step, click on 'Continue'.

i) The window "Step 3 - Choose Optional Protocols" will appear next.
   Again, please consult your Novell documentation for recommenda-
   tions for these protocol selections.
   After you have selected the desired optional protocols, click on 
   the 'Save' button.

j) A window will appear asking if you would like to save these sett-
   ings and modify the CONFIG.SYS file accordingly. If you're sure
   that these settings are correct, click on 'Save'. Otherwise click
   on 'Cancel'.

 NOTE: If you determine that you do not wish to continue with the
       current settings, or wish to change previous settings, you
       must end the installation by selecting 'Cancel' in all of the
       dialog boxes that follow, and begin the installation again.

k) The "Copy Requester Files" dialog box will appear. The requester
   files will be copied to the directory specified earlier in the 
   installation. Click on 'Copy'.

l) Continue with the installation. When prompted, provide the reques-
   ted diskette.

m) During the file copy process, a "Copy ODI LAN Driver Files" window
   will appear. Select the 'Copy only the default driver' radio-but-
   on, or, you may choose to copy this driver and all of the driver's
   provided on the NetWare OS/2 client diskette to your hard disk.
   Click on 'OK'.
n) When prompted for the default driver diskette, insert the SMC9000
   driver diskette into the source drive and click on 'OK'. The 
   installation will continue and you will be promted to provide the
   remaining diskettes until the installation completes.

o) Important!
        Read carefully the screen which appears after the installation
        has completed. When you are through, you should proceed to the
        taskbar and click on 'Configuration'. 
        Select 'This Workstation' from the pull-down menu.

        In this environment you can create your NET.CFG file. You 
        may also use a plain text editor. Examples are provided and 
        you can use OS/2's 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands to copy directly
        from the examples to your NET.CFG file. Also, do NOT use tabs 
        while working in the utility's edit environment.

        Again, please read all of the information provided by the inst-
        allation utility. If you are creating your NET.CFG from within
        the installation utility, you will be able to find help on the
        usage and description of the available options.

p) Restart your system for changes to become effective. 

Link Driver SMC9000

  Frame Ethernet_802.3      ; note: the first frame type loaded must
  Frame Ethernet_802.2      ; be supported by your server. If not, you
  Frame Ethernet_SNAP       ; will not get a connection I.D. from the
  Frame Ethernet_II         ; server.

  Port     280              ; comment out for auto-assignment by CSS.
  Int       11              ; comment out for auto-assignment by CSS.

  Mem    D0000 xxx          ; must be 5 digits in length. D0000-DFFFF
                            ; indicates memory block start address,
                            ; the second (optional) group indicates
                            ; memory range (in hex).

  Node Address 02080Fxxxxxx ; node address override, where the value 2
                            ; must be used in the 2nd digit of the
                            ; NET.CFG override statement for the
                            ; override to become effective.

  Media_Type <type>         ; Choose 10BASET, BNC, or AUTOMATIC. If no
                            ; type is selected, AUTOMATIC is used.

; Requester options

NetWare Requester
  Preferred Server <servername>
  Name Context     <>
  Default Login Drive <driveletter>

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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