release notes.txt Driver File Contents (Intel-Thunderbolt-Controller-Driver_886C9_WIN_17.4.77.400_A10.EXE)

Thunderbolt(TM) Software Release Notes
This document is the release notes for the Thunderbolt software version

Supported Operating Systems
  Windows* 10  64-bit

Windows Update references:
- RS3: shared product ID 1152921504607502549, submission ID 1152921504627611457
- RS4: shared product ID 1152921504607517008, submission ID 1152921504627695591

Supported Thunderbolt Controllers
  DSL6540/6340  Series - "Alpine Ridge"  
  JHL6540/6340  Series - "Alpine Ridge"  
  JHL6240       Series - "Alpine Ridge LP" 
  JHL7540/7340  Series - "Titan Ridge"     

  - Hotfix: Race condition between SW and FW while entering RTD3 and a device is connected at the same time (see fixed issue #2202117254)

  - Toast message on device connection changed to "New Thunderboltâ„¢ device has been connected. Click here to approve the device." 
    The notification time has been extended to remain around 25 seconds at the minimum.
  - Fixed MUP errors popped up with CVT2.0.1

  - Implements RTD3 RCR:
    * When the platform is RTD3 capable (BIOS & FW) the driver will enable it automatically on each driver load.
      It would be reflected on the Thunderbolt controller Power Management tab. 
    * Changed FW Update SDK accordingly to expose RTD3 capability (including SDK API, documentation and sample)       
  - Fixed potential Bugcheck when resuming from Sx while Thunderbolt networking connection is active (see fixed issue #1604754624)
  - Fixed another corner case addressing issue #1604629561
  - Hotfix: Bugcheck E1 observed during S3,S4 & WR cycle (Pointing to Ntkrnlmp.exe) (see fixed issue #1604664744)

  - Hotfix: Race condition between Service Shutdown and OS Sx entry flow (see fixed issue #1604629561)

  - Added support for Titan Ridge host controllers (JHL7540 & JHL7340)
  - Added support for PRE-BOOT ACL feature (deprecating previous implementation from
      Devices that can be used for boot or during pre-boot need to be pre-approved. 
      Pre-Boot ACL solution enables device pre boot approval by maintaining an access control list in the FW as well
  - Fixed race condition issues for supporting Selective Suspend (RTD3) state (refer to fixed issues #4927597 and #4927596 for more details)

  - Added support for Windows* 10 RS3 Native PCIe Enumeration ("Native Express" mode) and Selective Suspend (RTD3) state.
  - Added support to enable Firmware Update on host controller in USB only mode (Device ID 0x15DC, 0x15DD and 0x15DE).
  - Added support for firmware update on device based on TR-DD (JHL 7440) controller - Including SDK and sample update
  - System Tray application reports software & firmware component versions in a separate menu option that does not require Admin permission.
  - Added UEFI capsule update reference code for Host controller Firmware Update in SDK sample folder
  - Optimized Installer Package for Thunderbolt Software, reducing its size significantly (less than 10Mb)
  - Toast notification improvement, now based on the Action Center instead of persistent notification in the right bottom corner of the screen.
  - This package does not support the PRE-BOOT ACL feature introduced in previous software package 17.1.x
  - Thunderbolt Networking is now working properly with Microsoft Windows bridge functionality (Windows* 10 RS3 required)
  - Initial support for Windows* 10 RS2 Native Enumeration (FWU SDK and samples updated accordingly as well).
  - Added support for PRE-BOOT ACL feature: 
      Devices that can be used for boot or during pre-boot need to be pre-approved. 
      Pre-Boot ACL solution enables device pre boot approval by maintaining an access control list in the BIOS. 
      ACL is maintained by both the SW and the BIOS.
      Main “use case†flow:
        1. User adds one or some entries to the ACL through the TBT SW
        2. TBT SW downloads the ACL into BIOS
        3. On boot, BIOS communicates the ACL to TBT FW
        4. FW can identify connected devices and authorize them in Pre-boot stage
        5. At OS up, TBT SW gets indication on presence of  pre-boot authorized device
  - Added support for Apple* Boot Camp in Secure Connect mode (SL1)
  - Firmware Policy settings window has been removed
  - No more support for older Thunderbolt 1 and 2 host controllers
  - No more support for older version of Windows* 7 and 8.1  

  - Added support for Windows* 10 RS2 64-bit.
  - Added check-box to each notification not to show it again. This could be reset through the Settings panel.
  - Added support for Titan Ridge (JHL7xxx series) devices (dock) firmware update through Alpine Ridge 
    (DSL6xxx/JHL6xxx series) host controllers.
  - This is the last software package supporting Thunderbolt 1 and 2 host controllers
  - This is the last software package supporting Windows* 7 and 8.1     

  - PD information dependencies removed from SW UI, and replaced by additional support via 
    SDK & Samples. Refer to Thunderbolt_SDK_Guide.pdf for more information about new methods: 
    I2CRead, I2CWrite and GetTIPdInfo
  - Added new method GetControllerInfo in SDK CMD sample to provide more information on a given
    Thunderbolt host controller
  - Added user notification when update needed for the Thunderboltâ„¢3 port to function properly.
    This notification is triggered when NVM version is less than 16, and applicable to Alpine Ridge
    DSL6540/6340 controllers only 
  - Added support for NonAdmin mode through INF install mode.
    This option is not enabled by default and need customized INF/CAT files.
    Please contact your Thunderbolt support team for more information
  - Disabled QoS notifications to user by default - this can still be enabled through manual registry setting edit

  - Added support for NonAdmin mode through installer switch. 
    Run setup.msi NONADMIN=1 when installing the Thunderbolt SW package in order to allow user 
    without administrator privileges to approve devices.
  - Changes in MUP to support white space in executable name. Also removed SubVendorId attribute.
  - Change in Installer to set AutoConnect mode by default for Thunderbolt Networking connections.
  - Fix for QoS misleading popup, including fixed bandwidth calculation and relaxed conditions.
  - Fix for WMI registration issue leading to display empty UI (and eventually PCIe enumeration 
    drop in SL1).

  - Added support for Windows* 10 Anniversary Update (RS1) 64-bit.
  - Added QoS Bandwidth computation and user notification
  - Added QoS Multi-function PCIe device handling
  - System Tray application reports NVM minor version in the Details form
  - Updated SDK API, Samples and SDK documentation to support the NVM minor version reporting
  - Added conditional application starter to improve boot time when no device connected
  - Added support for TI TPS65983 PD Controller in SW, SDK API and samples
  - Networking driver is unloaded on cable disconnect instead of reporting link down
  - General improvements and bug fixes (see "Fixed Issues" section below for more details)

  - Hotfix: Application GUI does not pop up on device hotplug after initial package installation
  - HVCI compliance per Microsoft Device Guard recommendations

  - Added support for Alpine Ridge LP and Alpine Ridge C-step (including FW Update SDK)
  - Added Firmware Update progress indication in FW Update SDK and samples
  - Added SDK sample to update Firmware on device only
  - Added support for devices made of multiple controllers
  - Added support for external GPU user notifications
  - Added RSS support to Thunderbolt Networking to improve performance capabilities
  - General improvements and bug fixes

  - Hotfix: added user notification when update needed for the Thunderboltâ„¢3 port to function properly.   
    For more information go to

  - Optimization in Firmware update flow to speed-up the NVM flashing process
  - System Tray application reports software & firmware component versions in the Details form
  - Updated SDK sample to add support for Power Delivery firmware version 
  - General improvements and bug fixes

  -  Added Firmware Update SDK for devices based on L6000 controller series.   

  -  Added support for Windows* 10 64-bit.
  -  Added support for L6000 controller series.
  -  Added support for L4000 controller series on Windows* 10 64-bit only.
  -  Added support INF based installation.
     * All drivers must be installed separately to have the complete functionality.
     * Installing Thunderbolt Controller driver (tbtxxx) triggers the full SW package installation.
     * Installing Thunderbolt Networking driver (tp2pxxx) installs the Thunderbolt Networking Support.
  -  Added Auto-connect mode for Thunderbolt Networking connections without user approval need.
  -  Added a desktop icon for fast access to an adjacent PC over a Thunderbolt Networking connection.
  -  Added End-to-End mode support for L6000 controller series to enhance Thunderbolt Networking performance.
  -  Added support for safe mode notification for L6000 controller series.
  -  Enhanced Firmware Update SDK for L6000 controller series support.
  -  Added support for Apple* Boot Camp.

  -  General improvements and bug fixes

Version 3.0.19
  -  SW supports hosts with multiple Thunderbolt controllers.
  -  This SW package no longer supports the L4000 controller series. For support of L4000
     controllers please use SW package 2.5.7.

Version 2.5.7:
  -  SW will now create a Thunderbolt network when connecting two hosts via Thunderbolt 
     controllers: Windows-to-Windows and Windows-to-MacOS, on L5000 and L5110 controllers.
  -  For better usability, the SysTray application can be activated through its binary
     shortcut from the Windows Start menu as well.

Version 2.0.4:
  -  Added support for L5110 controllers. 
  -  Added a service component to the SW stack.
  -  The SW components (driver, service and System Tray application) will start automatically 
     when a new Thunderbolt device is connected and will go down when no devices are connected
     (except if user has one of these screens open: Settings, Manage Approved Devices).
  -  When Policy settings are changed via the system tray application the settings are applied 
     to connected devices without the need to disconnect them.
  -  System Tray application displays error messages when in No Security mode (Legacy mode).
  -  System Tray application supports moving devices from "connect once" to "always connect" via
     the Approve Devices dialog.
  -  When a non-admin connects a new device there will be a persistent dialog indicating the 
     new device (instead of a balloon that disappears). 
  -  Removed support from Windows 8 32b & 64b and from Windows 8.1 32b.

Version 1.5:
  -  Added toast notifications to notify users on need to approve newly connected devices (Win8,
     Win 8.1) 

Version 1.4:
  -  Added support for Win 8.1 32b & 64b.

Fixed Issues
2202117254 Connection of a device while system just entered RTD3 causes hotplug event to be missed
	   Device doesn't appear in TBT SW as consequence.
1604754624  Very sporadic Bugcheck 7E observed during S4 cycling while P2P is connected 

1604664744  Bugcheck E1 observed during S3,S4 & WR cycle (Pointing to Ntkrnlmp.exe)
            due to race condition on spinlock

1604629561  Thunderbolt 3 Device fails to enumerate when plug in S0 after resume from S3/S4, 
            when the device is unplugged in S3/S4 entry transition

4927595 Sporadically, when "Fast Startup" mode is enabled and system is shutdown while a device is connected,
        this device will not enumerate and show up in device manager on system restart

4927597 In "Secure Connect" mode (a.k.a. SL2), while the Thunderbolt host controller is in Selective Suspend (RTD3) state,
        moving two or more authorized devices to the ACL (by choosing "always connect") will succeed only for the first device.

4927590 Thunderbolt topology is not correctly refreshed in the UI Application while resuming from Sleep (S3 or S4) if chain of 
        authorized devices is disconnected during Sx state. This occurs only if the UI application is left opened before the 
        Sx transition.        

4927596 Error 0x100 FW_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT or 0x3 GENERAL_ERROR is returned when trying to perform Firmware Update while the Thunderbolt
        host controller is in Selective Suspend (RTD3) state

4926127 In this version the SW stack goes down when the last device is disconnected. However, 
        the system tray application will stay up if the last device is disconnected within a few
        seconds of the user changing the settings. 
        This issue is not relevant anymore since the FW Policy settings form is no more accessible.
4927300 Thunderbolt Application crashes when clicking quickly multiple times on the Thunderbolt
        systray Application.

4927315 Uninstalling Thunderbolt Software immediately after PC restarts is prevented by the
        "Thunderbolt(TM) Conditional Application starter" 

4927434 Service crash after entering Sx while device is being authorized.

4927384a QoS warning appears on Alpine Ridge device when DP consumes all the link bandwidth.

4927384b QoS warning incorrectly reported when connecting two 4K monitors.

4927271 GUI tree is reported as empty after cold boot to OS while devices are connected.

4926352 When security level is "Secure Connect", after disconnecting and reconnecting devices while
        the PC is in sleep mode, the authorization window will not automatically open but the devices
        still need to be re-authorized.

4926536 Application GUI does not pop up on device hot-plug after initial package installation.

4926798 Thunderbolt.exe is managed code and will have impact on boot time even if the Systray 
        Application should not be running (e.g. no Thunderbolt device is connected).

4927148 Once a Thunderbolt networking session is established, restarting one peer may leave the 
        Connection Status of the remote peer to be reported incorrectly as well as the Thunderbolt 
        Networking menu being greyed out, even if the networking functionality is still working.

4927198 Once a Thunderbolt networking session is established, the GUI tree may be not showing the 
        remote peer after this one is restarted.

4927150 In some timing race conditions the Systray Application icon does not appear, and should 
        be launched manually.

4927167 Unable to access remote peer using the "Desktop Icon"/"My computer icon" when the name
        of the remote PC was changed.

4927180 Unable to access remote peer using the "Desktop Icon"/"My computer icon" when the Thunderbolt
        Service was restarted.

4927195 A device white listed in Security Level 1 (i.e. "User Authorization") will not be authorized
        when moving to Security Level 2 (i.e. "Secure Connect") until it is removed from the white list
        and reinserted.

4927199 When no Thunderbolt Controller is present, running manually the Thunderbolt Software may 
        report incorrectly a need for Firmware Update.

4927217 No authorization window appear for device approval after Sx resume when "Wake on Thunderbolt"
        is disabled in BIOS.

4927179 In some languages (ENU, JPN, PTB) the eGPU toast notification is truncated.

4927205 Systray Application does not start after restarting the PC with Thunderbolt Device connected.

4927227 After performing INF upgrade, the Thunderbolt SW is indeed not installed.

4926842 Upon Thunderbolt networking connection, it is possible to delete the peer icon located on the
        desktop, however it will be restored on desktop refresh (pressing F5)

Known Issues
4926928 Concurrent install/upgrade can lead the Thunderbolt Software to be partially installed if it is 
        run unattended while another MSI process is already running. In such a case the Thunderbolt
        software should be removed and re-installed.

4927310 Connecting a Thunderbolt device in the middle of the Thunderbolt Software installation process
        may lead the software to miss the automatic launch when installation is done. 
        Disconnecting the device for at least 10sec and reconnecting it will trigger the software again.
   -  The Thunderbolt Networking implementation does not support Link aggregation (a.k.a. NIC teaming) 
      via the OS.

Legal Information
Thunderbolt is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Copyright(C) 2013-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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