ENGLISHMSG.INI Driver File Contents (platsec112.exe)

SystemFontName=MS Sans Serif
MsgPressHotKey=Alt+Ctrl+E for Emergency Diskette
WindowsStartMenuPath=Start Menu\Programs
iSecureSystemMSGName= 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecure
iSecureMsgSCPWDIncorrect=The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
iSecureMsgSCInvalid=The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
iSecureMsgSCEncryptDencrypt=The SmartCard is in Encrypt/Decrypt process, please wait...
iSecureMsgNoEmergencyDisk=Please insert the Emergency Diskette into A: drive, and try again.
iSecureMsgSCWillExpireTime1 =Please save your data now! The system will terminated your access time in 
iSecureMsgSCWillExpireTime2 = minutes.
iSecureMsgSCWillExpireTime3= minute.
iSecureMsgSCExpireTimeNow=This SmartCard can not be used at this time, system is locked now.
iSecureMsgSCHasExpiredTime=This SmartCard can not be used at this time.
iSecureFrmpasswordPWD=Please enter the SmartCard password.
iSecureFrmEmergencyDiskCaption= Emergency Diskette
iSecureFrmEmergencyDiskLab1=Please insert the Emergency Diskette into A: drive.
iSecureFrmEmergencyDiskLab2=Click OK to continue.

SCoptionSystemMSGName=360 Degree Web PlatinumSecure
SCoptionMsgDecryptFolder1=Do you really want to decrypt all the files in the folder
SCoptionMsgEncryptFolder1=Do you really want to encrypt all the files in the folder
SCoptionMsgIncorrectSCKey2=can not be decrypted by this SmartCard.
SCoptionMsgDecryptErr2=can not be decrypted at the moment, please try again.
SCoptionMsgEncryptErr2=can not be encrypted at the moment, please try again.
SCoptionMsgSCNoBeing=Please insert the SmartCard and try again.
SCoptionMsgSCInvalid=The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
SCoptionMsgSCPWDIncorrect=The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
SCoptionMsgSCNewPWDEmpty=Please enter the new password.
SCoptionMsgSCNewPWDMatch=The New and the Confirm Password you have entered do not match, please try again.
SCoptionMsgWithoutSC=Please insert the SmartCard and try again.
SCoptionMsgSCPWDChange=The SmartCard password has been successfully changed.
SCoptionMsgIncorrectFile2=can not be decrypted on this computer.
SCoptionMsgDestFileEixt=already exists, would you like to replace it?
SCoptionMsgReadonlyFileForEncrypt=is a read-only file, it can not be encrypted.
SCoptionMsgReadonlyFileForDecrypt=is a read-only file, it can not be decrypted.
SCoptionMsgHiddenFileForEncrypt=is a hidden file, it can not be encrypted.
SCoptionMsgHiddenFileForDecrypt=is a hidden file, it can not be decrypted.
SCoptionMsgServiceCardCannotEncrypt=The ServiceCard can not be used for encrypting files.
SCoptionMsgInsertEmergencyDisk=Please insert the Emergency Diskette into A: drive and try again.
SCoptionMsgIsNotPrimarySC=Please insert the Primary User SmartCard, and try again.
SCoptionMsgDeletePrimarySC=This is the Primary User card, it can not be removed.
SCoptionMsgDeleteUserSC=Do you really want to remove the user
SCoptionMsgUserNameEmpty=Please enter the User Name.
SCoptionMsgEmailEmpty=Please enter the Email address.
SCoptionMsgNameHasExist=is already listed, please enter another name.
SCoptionMsgSCPWDEmpty=Please enter the password.
SCoptionMsgSCPWDMatch=The Password and the Confirm password you have entered do not match, please try again.
SCoptionMsgServiceSCCannotRun=The ServiceCard can not be used for this program.
SCoptionMsgDeleteUserDenied =This deletion is denied.
SCoptionMsgEncryptFolder = Only the files in this folder have been encrypted , not the files in the sub-folders.
SCoptionMsgDecryptFolder = Only the files in this folder have been decrypted , not the files in the sub-folders.
SCoptionMsgAddUserRefuse = Only 5 users could be registered on this PC!
SCoptionMsgChangeSC = Please remove the current SmartCard and insert a new one which you would like to add as a new user.
.SCoptionMsgChangeSC = Please insert the SmartCard which you would like to add as a new user.

'Change password form
SCoptionChangePWDCaption= Change Password
SCoptionChangePWDOldPWD=Old Password
SCoptionChangePWDNewPWD=New Password
SCoptionChangePWDConfirmPWD=Confirm Password

'Frmencrypt form
SCoptionFrmencryptCaption= Encrypt/Decrypt

'Frmmain form
SCoptionFrmmainCaption=360 Degree Web PlatinumSecure
SCoptionFrmmainLab1=PlatinumSecure Options
SCoptionFrmmainLab2=SmartCard Manager
SCoptionFrmmainLab3=Change Password

'Frmpassword form
SCoptionFrmPasswordLabSCPWD=Please enter your SmartCard password

'SCoption form
SCoptionSCoptionCaption=SmartCard Options
SCoptionSCoptionFrmIgnoreSCCaption=Disable SmartCard Authentication
SCoptionSCoptionFrmIgnoreSCChkiPas=Disable PlatinumPAS
SCoptionSCoptionFrmIgnoreSCiSecure=Disable PlatinumSecure
SCoptionSCoptionFrmLockSystemCaption=System Lock Option
SCoptionSCoptionOp_lockCaption=Lock system when the SmartCard is not in use
SCoptionSCoptionOp_NlockCaption=Never lock the system after bootup
SCoptionSCoptionFrmPWDOptionCaption=Password Option
SCoptionSCoptionOp_PWDNeedCaption=Always enter password when the SmartCard is in use
SCoptionSCoptionOp_PWDNoNeedCaption=Auto authenticate when SmartCard is in use

'FrmAddUser form
SCoptionFrmAddUserButtonBack=<< Back
SCoptionFrmAddUserButtonNext=Next >>

SCoptionFrmAddUserButtonSetPrimary=Set as &Primary User
SCoptionFrmAddUserButtonSetRegular=Set as &Regular User
SCoptionFrmAddUserButtonTimingControl=&Time Management

SCoptionFrmAddUserCaption= SmartCard Manager
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionCaption=SmartCard Options
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpAddNewUser=Add a new SmartCard user
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpDeleteSC=Remove a registered SmartCard user
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpViewSC=View the registered SmartCard user
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpAddOldUser=Reissue a registered SmartCard user
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpCreateED=Create the Emergency Diskette
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOpPrimarySetting=SmartCard user viewer
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOpTimingControl=Regular user time management

SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmUserInfoCaption=User Information
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmSCPWDCaption=SmartCard Password
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmSCPWDConfirmPWD=Confirm Password:
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmSCPWDLab=Please insert the SmartCard, enter the SmartCard Password and the Confirm Password, then click Finish to continue.
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmUserListCaption=Select User Name
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmCreateEDCaption=Create the Emergency Diskette
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmCreateEDLab1=If you have lost your SmartCard, please use the Emergency Diskette as a temporary replacement card.
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmCreateEDLab2=Please insert a floppy disk and click Next to create the Emergency Diskette.

SCoptionFrmTimingControlCaption= Regular User Time Management
SCoptionFrmTimingControlChkAllowChangeSysTime=Allow the user to change Windows system clock

'UniKey Message
UniKeySystemMSG = 360 Degree Web PlatinumKey
UniKeyConnectOffline = Please connect to the Internet before using PlatinumKey.
UniKeyMSGNewPWDEmpty = 
UniKeyMSGNewPWDMatch = The New and the Confirm password you have entered do not match, please try again."
UniKeyMsgSCPWDIncorrect = The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
UniKeyMsgSCInvalid = The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
UniKeyMSGDeleteRecord = Do you really want to delete
UniKeyMsgUserNameEmpty = Please enter the User Name before saving.
UniKeyMSGContactNameEmpty = Please enter the Contact Name before saving.
UniKeyMSGCardTypeEmpty = Please enter the Card Type before saving.
UniKeyMSGCardExpired = Please enter the valid Expiration Date before saving.
UniKeyMSGCardExist = is already listed, please enter another name.
UniKeyMSGWebNameExist = is already listed, please enter another name.
UniKeyMSGContactNameExist = is already listed, please enter another name.
UniKeyMsgWithoutSC = Please insert the SmartCard and try again.
UniKeyMSGWithoutPWD = Please enter the SmartCard password and try again.
UniKeyMSGOutOfMemory=You have exceeded the memory size on your SmartCard.
UniKeymstrAskStoreSitesOnServer=You have exceeded the memory size on your SmartCard. Click Yes to store the information on 360 Degree Web secure website server, and take advantage of our Internet Caching technology.

'Change password form
UniKeyFrmChangePWDCaption =  Change Password
UniKeyFrmChangePWDOldPWD = Old Password
UniKeyFrmChangePWDNewPWD = New password
UniKeyFrmChangePWDConfirmPWD = Confirm Password
UniKeyFrmChangePWDCancelButton = Cancel
UniKeyFrmChangePWDOkButton = OK

'Frmerr form
UniKeyFrmerrCaption = 360 Degree Web PlatinumKey
UniKeyFrmerrSCInvalid = The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
UniKeyFrmerrSCPWDIncorrect = The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
UniKeyFrmerrConnectNet = Please connect to the Internet before launching PlatinumKey.
UniKeyFrmerrOkButton = OK

'Frmmain form
UniKeyFrmmainMunikeyCaption = Open PlatinumKey
UniKeyFrmmainMlauchCaption = Launch when bootup
UniKeyFrmmainMcloseCaption = Close PlatinumKey 

UniKeyFrmnikeyCaption = PlatinumKey 
UniKeyFrmnikeylabMyInfo = MyInfo
UniKeyFrmnikeylabWebsites = Websites
UniKeyFrmnikeylabContacts = Contacts
UniKeyFrmnikeyCreditCards = CreditCards
UniKeyFrmnikeyAdd = Add
UniKeyFrmnikeyEdit = Edit
UniKeyFrmnikeyCancel = Cancel
UniKeyFrmnikeySave = Save
UniKeyFrmnikeyDelete = Delete
UniKeyFrmnikeyPWD = PWD
UniKeyFrmnikeyPWDTip = Change SmartCard password

'Framwebfill  Framwebupdate
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillWebName = Web Name:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillUserName = User Name:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillPassword = Password:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillWebURL = Web URL:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillLogin = Logon
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramwebfillCancel = Cancel

'Framuserupdate FramuserFill
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateName = Name:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateAddress = Address:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateCity = City:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateState = State:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateZip = Zip:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdatePhone = Phone:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramuserupdateE_mail = E-mail:

'Framcreditupdate Framcreditfill
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcreditupdateCardName = Card Type:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcreditupdateCardHolder = Card Holder:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcreditupdateExpiration = Expiration:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcreditupdateCardNum = Card Num:

'Framcontactupdate   FramcontactFill
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateName = Name:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateCompany = Company:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateTel1 = Tel(1):
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateTel2 = Tel(2):
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateEmail = E-mail:
UniKeyFrmnikeyFramcontactupdateWebsite = Website:

'Framcontactsearch   Framcardsearch   Framwebsearch
UniKeyFrmnikeyView = View
UniKeyFrmnikeyGo = Go

UniKeyFrmnikeyFrmLoginHelperLab = Go ahead and login to this website. In the future, PlatinumKey will fill in the information automatically.
UniKeyFrmnikeyYes = Yes
UniKeyFrmnikeyNo = No

'Frmpassword form
UniKeyFrmpasswordCaption = PlatinumKey Password
UniKeyFrmPasswordLabSCPWD = Please enter the SmartCard password
UniKeyFrmPasswordOkButton = OK

'FrmUnikeyLoad form
UniKeyFrmUnikeyLoadLabCaption = PlatinumKey data loading, please wait...

InstallSystemMSGName = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution
InstallMsgSucessuninstall = The program is NOT installed.
InstallMsgDefauseScreenSaver = 
InstallMsgSucessInstall = The installation is complete.
InstallMsgEnterUserName = Please enter the User Name.
InstallMsgEnterEmailAddress = Please enter the Email address.
InstallMsgEnterPWD = Please enter the password.
InstallMsgPWDNoMatch = The Password and the Confirm password you have entered do not match, please try again.
InstallMsgInsertSC = Please insert the SmartCard and try again.
InstallMsgCannotUseServiceSC =The ServiceCard can not be used for this program.
InstallMsgSCInvalid = The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
InstallMsgRebootSystem = The installation is complete. Please remove the Emergency Diskette and click OK to restart your computer.
InstallMsgDeviceDidnotReady = is not accessible, the device is not ready.
InstallMsgSCPWDInvalid = The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
InstallMsgSetupNotComplete1 = Setup is not complete yet. If you quit now, the program will not be installed.
InstallMsgSetupNotComplete2 = You may run the Setup program at a later time to complete the installation.
InstallMsgSetupNotComplete3 = Are you sure to quit the Setup program?
InstallMsgPrimaryUser1 = Would you like to be the Primary User?
'InstallMsgPrimaryUser2 = Only the Primary User could add/remove the SmartCard users.
InstallMsgEmergencyDisk1 = Label a disk 'Emergency Diskette' and insert it into A: drive.
InstallMsgEmergencyDisk2 = Caution: The Setup will delete any existing files on this floppy disk.
'InstallMsgEmergencyDisk3 = Click OK to continue.
InstallMsgBakUpDataAtServer = Would you like to link to 360 Degree Web secure website server to backup the information on your SmartCard and take advantage of our Internet Caching technology?

InstallFrmOkButton = OK
InstallFrmCancelButton = Cancel
InstallFrmBackButton = << Back
InstallFrmNextButton = Next >>
InstallFrmFinishButton = Finish

'Frminstallfolder form
InstallFrminstallfolderCaption1 =  360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution
InstallFrminstallfolderCaption2 =  Create the Emergency Diskette
InstallFrminstallfolderCaption3 =  360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Option
InstallFrminstallfolderLabTitle1 = Welcome!
InstallFrminstallfolderLab11 = This installation will install PlatinumSecret.
InstallFrminstallfolderLab21 = Press Next to start the installation and Cancel to stop.
InstallFrminstallfolderLabTitle2 = Select Destination Directory
InstallFrminstallfolderLab12 = Please select the directory where the PlatinumSecret files are to be installed.
InstallFrminstallfolderLab22 = 'Free disk space after install' is based on your current selection of files to install. A negative number indicates that there is not enough disk space to install the application to the specified drive.
InstallFrminstallfolderLabTitle3 = Ready to Install!
InstallFrminstallfolderLab13 = You are now ready to install PlatinumSecret.
InstallFrminstallfolderLab23 = Press Next to begin the installation or press Back to re-enter the information.
InstallFrminstallfolderCmdBrowse = Browse...
InstallFrminstallfolderLab3 = Current free disk space:
InstallFrminstallfolderLab4 = Free disk space after install:

'FrminstallSelect form
InstallFrminstallSelectCaption =  360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution
InstallFrminstallSelectLab1 = Destination File

'Frmmain form
InstallFrmmainCaption = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution
InstallFrmmainLab1 = Welcome to
InstallFrmmainLab2 = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution

'Password form
InstallFrmpasswordCaption = Password
InstallFrmpasswordlab1 = Enter the SmartCard password
InstallFrmpasswordLab2 = This SmartCard has been registered before, please enter the registered password.

'FrmRegister form
InstallFrmRegisterCaption = Register SmartCard
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoCaption = User Information
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoName = Name:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoAddress = Address:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoCity = City:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoState = State:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoZip = Zip:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoPhone = Phone:
InstallFrmRegisterFrmUserInfoEmail = E-mail:

InstallFrmRegisterFrmSCPWDCaption = SmartCard Password
InstallFrmRegisterFrmSCPWDPWD = Password
InstallFrmRegisterFrmSCPWDConPWD = Confirm Password
InstallFrmRegisterFrmSCPWDLabInfo = Please insert the SmartCard, enter the SmartCard Password and the Confirm Password, then click Next to continue.
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateEDCaption = Create the Emergency Diskette
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateEDLab1 = Please use this Emergency Diskette as a temporary replacement if you have lost your SmartCard.
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateEDLab2 = To create the Emergency Diskette, click Next. You would need one floppy disk.

'FrmSelectFolder form
InstallFrmSelectFolderCaption =  Select Destination Directory

UnInstallSystemMSGName = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Uninstallation
UnInstallMsgSucessuninstall = The program has been uninstalled.
UnInstallMsgEnterPWD = Please enter the password.
UnInstallMsgInsertSC = Please insert the smart card and try again.
UnInstallMsgSCInvalid = The SmartCard is invalid, please insert a valid SmartCard.
UnInstallMsgSCPWDInvalid = The SmartCard password you have entered is invalid, please try again.
UnInstallMsgUnInstallNotComplete = Are you sure to quit the PlatinumSecret uninstallation?

'Frmmain form
UnInstallFrmmainCaption = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Uninstallation
UnInstallFrmmainLab1 = Welcome to
UnInstallFrmmainLab2 = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution Uninstallation

'Password form
UnInstallFrmpasswordCaption = Password
UnInstallFrmpasswordlab1 = Enter the SmartCard password
UnInstallFrmpasswordOkButton = OK

'Frmuninstall form
UnInstallFrmuninstallCaption =  360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Uninstallation
UnInstallFrmuninstallLabTitle = 360 Degree Web PlatinumSecret Intelligent Solution Uninstallation
UnInstallFrmuninstalllab = Click Uninstall to remove PlatinumSecret or Exit to go back.
UnInstallFrmuninstallUninstallButton = Uninstall
UnInstallFrmuninstallExitButton = Exit

'T2 Message
'add by William 12/04/2000
'For Emergency Smart Card
InstallMsgEmergencySC = Caution: The SmartCard will be an EmergencyCard!
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateESCLab1 = If you have lost your SmartCard, you can use this EmergencyCard to start your computer, Change PlatinumSecure option, decrypt any encrypted files.
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateESCLab2 = Remove User SmartCard and insert a new blank card to create the EmergencyCard, click Next button.
InstallMsgCannotUseEmergencySC = The EmergencyCard can not be used on regular basis.
InstallMsgProgramExist = Please uninstall the program before you reinstall it!
InstallMsgPersoError = This card could not be an EmergencyCard.
InstallMsgESCRebootSystem = The installation is complete. Please remove the EmergencyCard and click OK to restart your computer.
InstallFrmRegisterFrmCreateESCCaption = Create the EmergencyCard
InstallFrminstallfolderCaption4 = Create the EmergencyCard

'add by William 04/05/2001
SCoptionFrmRegisterFrmCreateESCLab1 = If you have lost your SmartCard, you can use this EmergencyCard to start your computer, Change PlatinumSecure option, decrypt any encrypted files.
SCoptionFrmRegisterFrmCreateESCLab2 = Remove User SmartCard and insert a new blank card to create the EmergencyCard, click Finish button.
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmAddCardOptionOpCreateESC = Create the EmergencyCard
SCoptionFrmAddUserFrmCreateESCCaption = Create the EmergencyCard
SCoptionMsgNoSC = Please insert SmartCard and try again!
SCoptionMsgEmergencySCErr = The EmergencyCard is not for this machine.
SCoptionMsgCannotDecryptByEC = This EmergencyCard is not for this function!
SCoptionMsgCannotDecryptBySC = This ServiceCard is not for this function!
SCoptionMsgSCIsInvalid = The SmartCard is invalid.
SCoptionMsgCannotChangeECPwd = You can not change password for the EmergencyCard.
SCoptionMsgECUnsuccess = The EmergencyCard is not able to be made.
SCoptionMsgECSuccess = The EmergencyCard has been made.
SCoptionMsgShowInfo = Reading the SmartCard...

UninstallMsgNoSCYandN = Please insert SmartCard! Click 'Ok' button to try again or click 'Cancel' button to exit program!
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 2.85