001d.txt Driver File Contents (KX_v731207_UPD_signed_EU.zip)


1001	&Ja

1002	N&ej

1003	Ja (rekommenderas)

1004	&Tillbaka

1005	&Nästa

1006	Avbryt

1007	Slut&för

1008	&Installera

1009	&Uppgradera

1010	Starta om

1011	&Acceptera

1012	A&vinstallera

1013	Skapa

1014	Stän&g

1015	OK

1016	Lägg till port...

1017	Konfigurera

1018	Enhetsinställningar

1019	Alla

1020	&Bläddra

1021	Markera alla

1022	Rensa alla

1023	Fö&rsök igen

1024	Browse for Folder

1025	Öpp&na

1026	Uppgradera nu

1027	Avinstallera nu

1028	Kör nu

1029	Laddar...

1030	Börja nu

1031	Installerad

1032	Kan uppgraderas

1033	Format

1034	Uppdatera

1035	Information

1036	Avvaktar installation

1037	Installerar...

1038	Avinstallerar...

1039	Misslyckades

1040	Avsluta

1041	Tillbaka till början

1042	Borttagen

1043	Tar bort...

1044	Avvaktar avinstallation

1045	Avvaktar avinstallation

1046	Uppgraderar...

1047	Avvaktar uppgradering

1048	Uppgraderad

1049	En senare version finns redan installerad.

1050	Produkter

1051	Dokumentation

1052	Om

1053	Språk

1054	Egenskaper

1055	Sök drivrutiner

1056	&Kör

1057	Radera sökning

1058	Installerad version

1059	Ta bort

1060	Aktivera dubbelsidig

1061	Aktivera händelsemeddelande

1062	Meddela när utskriften är slutförd

1071	A&vsluta

1072	Detaljer

1073	Produkter

1074	Detalj

1075	%s Egenskaper

1076	Anpassa

1077	Redigera

1078	Visa

1079	Återställa

1080	Enhet

1081	Drivrutin

1082	Beskrivning

1083	Version

1084	Namn

1085	Port:

1086	Deleted

1087	Deleting

1101	Kopierar filer

1102	Tar bort filer

1103	Skapar registerposter

1104	Tar bort registerposter

1105	Skapar genvägar

1106	Tar bort genvägar

1107	Skapar avinstallationsinformation

1108	Tar bort avinstallationsinformation

1109	Utför

1110	Verifierar

1111	Avinstallation väntar

1112	Skapa information om enheten& 

1113	Installera enheten& 

1114	Ta bort enheten& 

1115	Installera drivrutinen& 

1116	Ta bort drivrutinen& 

1117	Remove Target Folder

1118	Remove KX Driver

1119	Prepare Installer

1120	Compressing Package

1121	Extrahera

2050	Extraheringsguide för webbpaket

2051	Are you sure you want to cancel?

2052	To continue, click '%s'.

2101	Welcome to the Kyocera Web Package Extractor Wizard


2103	To continue, click Next.


2210	Select Location for Files


2212	Select a directory on your computer or network to extract the files.

2213	Save files in folder:

2241	Extrahera filer

2242	Extrahering är klar

2243	Vänta en stund medan filerna extraheras till din valda plats

2245	Läser förpackningsinnehållet& 

2246	Error occurred during the file extraction. Review the settings and try again.

6101	You must accept the %s Software License Terms in order to continue the installation.

6102	Click here to &accept the %s Software Licence Terms.

6103	&View License Agreement

7000	Path folder length longer than 70 characters may cause driver installation failure. Do you want to continue?

8093	This information cannot contain any of the following characters:

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.02

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