[Setup System] AP Name = Setup Program Show Setup Completed Message = 1 DLL File Name for Remove Previous Version = DelPrevV.DLL DLL File Name for Add Device = SetupDev.DLL DLL File Name for Check Administrator = SetupDev.DLL [Background] Small Font = 1 Product Company = Launch Manager Product Name = [Initiation] ReBoot System = 1 Replace Path = 1 Title Name = Launch Manager Install Name = Launch Manager DefDir = <ProgramFilesDir>\Launch Manager Copy File From SubDir = 1 SubDir 1 = OSDRC SubDir 2 = Panel SpeDir 1 = <Windows>\System32\Drivers ;SpeDir 2 = <Windows>\Inf Group 1 = Launch Manager Write INI 1 = <DefDir>\UnInst32.INI Write INI 2 = <Windows>\QtaET2S.UNI [Replace File] File 1 = UNINST32.EXE File 2 = OSDUTL.DLL File 3 = COMFNUTL.DLL File 4 = LGKCUTL.DLL File 5 = MIXERUTL.DLL File 6 = CDROMUTL.DLL File 7 = RGNMAKER.DLL File 8 = SZUPFUTL.DLL File 9 = WND2FILE.DLL File 10 = QtaET2S.EXE File 11 = MMKEYBD.CFG File 12 = RMDEVICE.EXE File 13 = KBFILTR.SYS [Windows] File 1.1 = UNINST32.EXE [DefDir] File 1.1 = OSDUTL.DLL File 1.2 = COMFNUTL.DLL File 1.3 = LGKCUTL.DLL File 1.4 = MIXERUTL.DLL File 1.5 = CDROMUTL.DLL File 1.6 = RGNMAKER.DLL File 1.7 = SZUPFUTL.DLL File 1.8 = WND2FILE.DLL File 1.9 = QtaET2S.EXE File 1.10 = MMKEYBD.CFG File 1.11 = RMDEVICE.EXE File 1.12 = Help.htm [SubDir 1] File 1.1 = MUTE.BMP File 1.2 = UNMUTE.BMP [SubDir 2] File 1.1 = LManager.ICO [SpeDir 1] File 1.1 = KBFILTR.SYS [Group 1] Item 1 = <DefDir>\QtaET2S.EXE Show_Panel, Launch Manager, <DefDir>\Panel\LManager.ICO Item 2 = <Windows>\UnInst32.exe QtaET2S.UNI, UnInstall [Write INI 1] Item 1 = System, Product Name, Launch Manager Item 2 = System, Reboot System, 1 Item 3 = System, Check Administrator, 1 Item 4 = Group By Shortcut, Group 1, Launch Manager Item 5 = UnRegister, Key 1, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Item 6 = UnRegister, SubKey 1, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Item 7 = UnRegister, Key Class 1, NULL Item 8 = UnRegister, Name 1.1, LManager Item 9 = UnRegisterTree, Key 1, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Item 10 = UnRegisterTree, SubKey 1, Software\Quanta\ET2S Item 11 = UnRegisterTree, Key 2, HKEY_CURRENT_USER Item 12 = UnRegisterTree, SubKey 2, Software\Quanta\ET2S Item 13 = UnRegisterDevice, Class Name, Keyboard Item 14 = UnRegisterDevice, Device Name, Aspire Launch Manager Item 15 = UnRegisterDevice, Filter Name, KBFiltr Item 16 = RemoveDevice Execute File, File, RmDevice.EXE Keyboard "Aspire Launch Manager" Item 17 = Execute File, File 1, QtaET2S.EXE Do_Uninstall Destroy Item 18 = Delete File, File 1, QtaET2S.UNI :@ Item 19 = Delete File, File 2, System32\Drivers\KBFiltr.SYS :@ Item 20 = Uninstall, Key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Item 21 = Uninstall, SubKey, LManager [Write INI 2] Install Path = System, Path Item 1 = System, UnInstall Info File, UnInst32.INI [Register] Key 1 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 1 = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Name 1.1 = LManager Data 1.1 = <DefDir>\QtaET2S.EXE ; OSDUtl.DLL Key 2 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 2 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen Name 2.1 = Color Data 2.1 = 00FF00 Name 2.2 = Position Data 2.2 = 9 Name 2.3 = Display Seconds Data 2.3 = 1 Name 2.4 = Normal String Length Data 2.4 = 18 Name 2.5 = RC Path Data 2.5 = OSDRC Name 2.6 = Background Color Data 2.6 = FF Key 3 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 3 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Mute Name 3.1 = ID Data 3.1 = 1 Name 3.2 = Position Data 3.2 = 3 Name 3.3 = Bitmap Data 3.3 = Mute.BMP Key 4 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 4 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\UnMute Name 4.1 = ID Data 4.1 = 2 Name 4.2 = Position Data 4.2 = 3 Name 4.3 = Bitmap Data 4.3 = UnMute.BMP Key 5 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 5 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Volume Name 5.1 = Volume ID Data 5.1 = 3 Name 5.2 = Max Volume Bar Level Data 5.2 = 10 Name 5.3 = Text Data 5.3 = Volume Key 6 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 6 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Play/Pause Name 6.1 = ID Data 6.1 = 102 Name 6.2 = Bitmap Data 6.2 = PlayPaus.BMP Key 7 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 7 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Stop Name 7.1 = ID Data 7.1 = 103 Name 7.2 = Bitmap Data 7.2 = Stop.BMP Key 8 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 8 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Next Track Name 8.1 = ID Data 8.1 = 107 Name 8.2 = Bitmap Data 8.2 = Next.BMP Key 9 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 9 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Previous Track Name 9.1 = ID Data 9.1 = 106 Name 9.2 = Bitmap Data 9.2 = Previous.BMP Key 10 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 10 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\NO CD Name 10.1 = Text Data 10.1 = NO CD Name 10.2 = ID Data 10.2 = 300 Key 11 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 11 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Data CD Name 11.1 = Text Data 11.1 = Data CD Name 11.2 = ID Data 11.2 = 301 Key 12 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 12 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Audio CD Name 12.1 = Text Data 12.1 = Audio CD Name 12.2 = ID Data 12.2 = 302 Key 13 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 13 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\Video CD Name 13.1 = Text Data 13.1 = Video CD Name 13.2 = ID Data 13.2 = 304 Key 14 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 14 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\OnScreen\Predefined\DVD Name 14.1 = Text Data 14.1 = DVD Name 14.2 = ID Data 14.2 = 306 ;MediaKey Key 15 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 15 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings Name 15.1 = Enable Legacy Keyboard Data 15.1 = 1 Name 15.2 = Enable USB Keyboard Data 15.2 = 0 Name 15.3 = Enable USB Keyboard Filter Data 15.3 = 0 Name 15.4 = AP Name Data 15.4 = Aspire Launch Manager Name 15.5 = Icon File Data 15.5 = Panel\LManager.Ico Name 15.6 = Help File Data 15.6 = Help.htm Name 15.7 = Video Player Data 15.7 = Name 15.8 = Show All Volume OSD Data 15.8 = 0 Name 15.9 = Show Volume OSD By Key Pressed Data 15.9 = 0 Name 15.10 = MediaSelect FileType Data 15.10 = cda,mp3,avi,wav,mpg,mid,wma,wmv,wmx,asf,wvx,aif Key 16 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 16 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\Buttons\P1 Name 16.1 = Command Data 16.1 = Launch Manager Name 16.2 = Command Type Data 16.2 = 1 Name 16.3 = Label Data 16.3 = Launch Manager Name 16.4 = Remote Code Data 16.4 = F500 Name 16.5 = Description Data 16.5 = P1 Name 16.6 = Configable Data 16.6 = 1 Name 16.7 = Multiple Command Data 16.7 = 1 Name 16.8 = Default Command Predefined Remote Code Data 16.8 = F000 Key 17 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 17 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\Buttons\P2 Name 17.1 = Command Data 17.1 = Launch Manager Name 17.2 = Command Type Data 17.2 = 1 Name 17.3 = Label Data 17.3 = Launch Manager Name 17.4 = Remote Code Data 17.4 = F501 Name 17.5 = Description Data 17.5 = P2 Name 17.6 = Configable Data 17.6 = 1 Name 17.7 = Multiple Command Data 17.7 = 1 Name 17.8 = Default Command Predefined Remote Code Data 17.8 = F000 Key 18 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 18 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\Buttons\E-Mail Name 18.1 = Command Data 18.1 = E-Mail Manager Name 18.2 = Command Type Data 18.2 = 1 Name 18.3 = Label Data 18.3 = E-Mail Name 18.4 = Remote Code Data 18.4 = F503 Name 18.5 = Description Data 18.5 = E-Mail Name 18.6 = Configable Data 18.6 = 1 Name 18.7 = Multiple Command Data 18.7 = 1 Name 18.8 = Default Command Predefined Remote Code Data 18.8 = 0141 Key 19 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 19 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\Buttons\WWW Name 19.1 = Command Data 19.1 = Internet Browser Name 19.2 = Command Type Data 19.2 = 1 Name 19.3 = Label Data 19.3 = WWW Name 19.4 = Remote Code Data 19.4 = F504 Name 19.5 = Description Data 19.5 = WWW Name 19.6 = Configable Data 19.6 = 1 Name 19.7 = Multiple Command Data 19.7 = 1 Name 19.8 = Default Command Predefined Remote Code Data 19.8 = 0140 Key 20 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 20 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\TaskBar Icon Name 20.1 = Icon File Data 20.1 = Panel\LManager.Ico Name 20.2 = Support Help MenuItem Data 20.2 = 1 Name 20.3 = Support OnScreenDisplay MenuItem Data 20.3 = 0 Name 20.4 = Support E-Mail Detection MenuItem Data 20.4 = 0 Key 21 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 21 = Software\Quanta\ET2S\Settings\About Name 21.1 = Description Data 21.1 = Aspire Launch Manager Version 1.00 Name 21.2 = Copyright Data 21.2 = Copyright(c) 2002 Dritek System Inc. ;; for Legacy Keyboard Filter Key 22 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey 22 = SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KBFiltr Name 22.1 = DisplayName Data 22.1 = Dritek HotKey Keyboard Filter Driver Name 22.2 = Group Data 22.2 = Keyboard Port Name 22.3 = ImagePath Data 22.3 = System32\Drivers\KBFiltr.sys Name 22.4 = Start Data 22.4 = 3 DataType 22.4 = REG_DWORD Name 22.5 = Tag Data 22.5 = 5 DataType 22.5 = REG_DWORD Name 22.6 = Type Data 22.6 = 1 DataType 22.6 = REG_DWORD Name 22.7 = ErrorControl Data 22.7 = 0 DataType 22.7 = REG_DWORD [UnInstall] Key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey = LManager DisplayName = Aspire Launch Manager DisplayIcon = <DefDir>\Panel\LManager.ICO UninstallString = <Windows>\UnInst32.exe QtaET2S.UNIDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.