RT2870.inf Driver File Contents (DWA-127_drv_revB_2-02b01_eu_multi_20151126.zip)



; RT2870.inf


;   This installation script supports Windows 2000 & XP for MediaTek Wireless LAN Card.


;   D-Link Inc. (C)2014. All rights reserved.




Signature       = "$Chicago$"

Class           = Net

ClassGUID       = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

Provider        = %D-Link%

Compatible      = 1

DriverVer       = 10/09/2014,

CatalogFile     = rt2870.cat            ;for WHQL certified


;***********Ralink 802.11 n board  ***********

ExcludeFromSelect = *


%D-Link%        = D-Link, NTamd64


; DisplayName               Section                 DeviceID

; -----------               -------                 --------

%D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C09

%D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLANH_C2.ndi,       USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C11

%D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C13

%D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C0A

%D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C0B

%D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C0D

%D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C0E

%D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C0F

%D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C15

%D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C2.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C16

%D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc%    = RTWLAN_C5.ndi,        USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C17


%Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR.ndi,          USB\VID_2001&PID_3C17

%Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR_C7.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C15

%Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_C13.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C19

%Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR_C7.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1B

%Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_5572_C1.ndi,   USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1A

%Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_C13.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1C

%Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_C13.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1D

%Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_C13.ndi,       USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1E

%Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR_3573.ndi,     USB\VID_2001&PID_3C1F

%Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR_7650_C7.ndi,  USB\VID_2001&PID_3D02

%Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANSB.ndi,         USB\VID_2001&PID_3C20

%Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLAN_5572_R.ndi,    USB\VID_2001&PID_3C21

%Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANSB.ndi,         USB\VID_2001&PID_3C22

%Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANSB.ndi,         USB\VID_2001&PID_3C23

%Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc%     = RTWLANR_7601.ndi,     USB\VID_2001&PID_3D04


; NT specific entries



AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PsControl.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, PsControl.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, Customer2.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, IEEE80211H_SET.reg, Customer2.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, Customer2.reg, BTCoexist.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, PsControl.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PsControl.reg, TssiPatchForAntennaVariation.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ; USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, TxBf.reg, PsControl.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, PsControl.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ; USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PsControl.reg, ChannelMode.reg, WirelessMode_ABGN.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ;USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, PsControl.reg, TxBf.reg, Vht.reg, ChannelMode.reg, PreferABand.reg, CountryTargetTxPowerMode_Set3.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ; USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RTUSB.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, PsControl.reg, WirelessMode_BGN.reg, MT7601.reg, CalibrationOption_01.reg

DelReg                  = RegRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 15                        ; USB

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles

; NT services sections


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = rt2870, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


; NT CoInstallers Sections



CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg 


; common regs for NT




; System Level Property


; Current Profile


HKR, ,                            CurProfile,      0,""

HKR, Default,                     CurProfile,      0,""


; Radio On/Off


HKR, ,                            Radio,           0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,            ParamDesc,       0, %RadioOnOff%

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,            type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,            default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum,       1,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum,       0,               0, %Enable%


; Auto Reconnect Mode


HKR, ,                            AutoReconnect,   0, "1"


; Show Hidden SSID in Site Survey Page


HKR, ,                            ShowHiddenSSID,  0, "0"   ; 0=disable(default), 1=enable


; Advance Page


; OpMode


HKR, ,                            OpMode,          0, "0"


; CCX drastic roaming use


HKR, ,                            CCXPktLossLimitTime,    0, "30"


; CCX Dbm offset


HKR, ,                            CCXDbmOffset,    0, "4"


; CCX VO/VI Drop Period, 3 or 5 is recommanded


HKR, ,                            CACDropPeriod,    0, "0"


; CCX VO/VI Drop Criteria


HKR, ,                            CACDropCriteria,    0, "1700"


; WirelessMode


HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "9"


; Enable patch for pass wifi 11n draft


HKR, ,                            TGnWifiTest,     0, "0"


; Use Short Slot Time


HKR, ,                            ShortSlot,       0, "1"


; Use Turbo rate


HKR, ,                            TurboRate,       0, "0"


; Use Ofdm rate in adhoc mode


HKR, ,                            AdhocOfdm,       0, "1"


; Disable 5GHz adhoc mode


HKR, ,                            Adhoc5GDisable,  0, "0"


; Enable TX Burst


HKR, ,                            TXBurst,         0, "1"


; Use BG Protection


HKR, ,                            BGProtection,    0, "0"


; CarrierDetect


HKR, ,                            CarrierDetect,   0, "0"


; AutoChannelSelect


HKR, ,                            AutoChannelSelect,0, "0"


; WMMCapable


HKR, ,                            WMMCapable,      0, "1"


; APSDCapable


HKR, ,                            APSDCapable,     0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BE,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BK,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VI,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VO,       0, "0"


; MaxSPLength


HKR, ,                            MaxSPLength,     0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     MaxSPLength,     0, "0"


; DLSCapable


HKR, ,                            DLSCapable,      0, "0"


; DirectMode


HKR, ,                            DirectMode,      0, "0"




HKR, ,                            RDG,             0, "1"


; ProhibitTKIPonHT


HKR, ,                            ProhibitTKIPonHT,0, "1"


; Link Speed Status


HKR, ,                            LinkSpeedStatus, 0, "0"


; SmartScan


HKR, ,                            SmartScan,       0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,        ParamDesc,       0, %SmartScan%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,        type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,        default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,   0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,   1,               0, %Enable%


; AdhocN40MHzAllowed


HKR, ,                            AdhocN40MHzAllowed,0, "0"


; WSC Version2 

HKR, ,                            WSCVersion2,     0x00010001, 0x00000020


; WSC 2.0 Testbed for some test items. 

HKR, ,                            WSC20Testbed,     0x00010001, 0x0000000C


; PSP XLink mode


HKR, ,                            PSPXlink,        0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         ParamDesc,       0, %PSPXlink%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    1,               0, %Enable%


; CCX2 control


HKR, ,                            CCX2Control,     0x00010001, 0x00fa4600


; Fast Roaming Sensitivity


HKR, ,                                  FastRoamingSensitivity,    0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,              ParamDesc,    0, %FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,              Type,         0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,              Default,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,              Optional,     0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "0",          0, %DISABLE_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "1",          0, %LOWEST_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "2",          0, %MEDIUM_LOW_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "3",          0, %MEDIUM_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "4",          0, %MEDIUM_HIGH_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,         "5",          0, %HIGHEST_STR%


; Block ACK settings


HKR, ,                            BACapability,    0x10001, "0x0b034040"

HKR, Default,                     BACapability,    0x10001, "0x0b034040"


; Wifi Direct settings


HKR, ,                            WifiDirectControl,	0x10001, "0x803f8078"

HKR, Default,                     WifiDirectControl,	0x10001, "0x803f8078"


; P2P Reinforced ACK check


HKR, ,                            P2PAckCheck,    0, "1"

HKR, Default,                     P2PAckCheck,    0, "1"


; Enable P2P Video Boost within P2P Group


HKR, ,                            P2PVideoBoost,      0, "0"


; Transmit Rate setting


HKR, ,                            TransmitSetting, 0x10001, "0x22CA15"

HKR, Default,                     TransmitSetting, 0x10001, "0x22CA15"


; Rssi Delta


HKR, ,                            RssiDelta,       0, "6"


; Vendor Description


HKR, ,                            VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%


; WPS Device Name


HKR, ,                            WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%


; Profile




;HKR, ,                           SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, Default,                    SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,            ParamDesc,       0, "SSID"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,            type,            0, "edit"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,            limitText,       0, "32"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,            default,         0, %SSID_DEF_STR%


; Network Type


HKR, ,                            NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%


; Channel


HKR, ,                            Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%

HKR, Default,                     Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%


; System Configuration Page


; Local Administration MAC Network Address


HKR, ,                            NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, Default,                     NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   ParamDesc,       0, %LocalNetworkAddress%

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   type,            0, "edit"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   limitText,       0, "12"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   default,         0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\Networkaddress,   optional,        0, "1"


; Power Saving Mode


HKR, ,                            PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           ParamDesc,       0, %PSMode%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      0,               0, %CAM%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      1,               0, %MAXPSP%


; CAM when AC Power


HKR, ,                            ACPowerCam,      0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     ACPowerCam,      0, "0"


; Preamble Type


HKR, ,                            PreambleType,    0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PreambleType,    0, "0"


; RTS Threshold


HKR, ,                            RTSThresh,       0, "2347"

HKR, Default,                     RTSThresh,       0, "2347"


; Fragment Threshold


HKR, ,                            FragThresh,      0, "2346"

HKR, Default,                     FragThresh,      0, "2346"


; Authentication & Security Page


; Authentication Type


HKR, ,                            AuthenType,      0, "0" ; Open System

HKR, Default,                     AuthenType,      0, "0"



; Encryption                      


HKR, ,                            Encryption,      0, "1" ; Disable

HKR, Default,                     Encryption,      0, "1"



; WEP Keys Length                 


HKR, ,                            WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"



; WEP Key to use                  


HKR, ,                            WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"

HKR, Default,                     WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"



; WEP Key1                        


HKR, ,                            WEPKey1,         0,""

HKR, Default,                     WEPKey1,         0,""



; WEP Key2                        


HKR, ,                            WEPKey2,         0,""

HKR, Default,                     WEPKey2,         0,""



; WEP Key3                        


HKR, ,                            WEPKey3,         0,""

HKR, Default,                     WEPKey3,         0,""



; WEP Key4                        


HKR, ,                            WEPKey4,         0,""

HKR, Default,                     WEPKey4,         0,""



; Reposit Bssid List              


HKR, ,                            BssidRepositTime,0, "90"


; Fix SoftAP BW20 Setting

HKR, ,                            FixAPBW20,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\FixAPBW20,        ParamDesc,      0, %APBW20_CFG%

HKR, NDI\params\FixAPBW20,        type,           0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\FixAPBW20,        default,        0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\FixAPBW20\enum,0,                 0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\FixAPBW20\enum,1,                 0, %Enable%



HKR, ,                            SafelyRemoveOff, 0, "1"



HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       ParamDesc,       0, %IEEE802_11h%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  1,               0, %Enable%


HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "1"




; Power Saving Control


HKR, ,                            PSControl,       0x00010001, 0x00000001



; 2.4G Band


HKR, ,                                   CountryRegion,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion24G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      0,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      1,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      2,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      3,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      4,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      5,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      6,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      7,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_7%



; 2.4G Band


HKR, ,                                   CountryRegion,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion24G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,           default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      0,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      1,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      2,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      3,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      4,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      5,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      6,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,      7,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_7%


; 5G Band


HKR, ,                                   CountryRegionABand, 0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,      ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion5G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,      type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,      default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 0,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 1,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 2,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 3,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 4,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 5,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 6,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 7,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_7%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 8,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_8%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 9,                  0, %CountryRegion5G_9%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 10,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_10%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 11,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_11%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 12,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_12%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 13,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_13%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 14,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_14%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 15,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_15%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 16,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_16%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum, 17,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_17%



; D-Link Request


; WMMCapable

HKR, ,                            WMMCapable,      0, "1"

; Show Hidden SSID in Site Survey Page

HKR, ,                            ShowHiddenSSID,  0, "1"   ; 0=disable(default), 1=enable

; Enable TX Burst

HKR, ,                            TXBurst,         0, "1"

; DLSCapable

HKR, ,                            DLSCapable,      0, "1"


HKR, ,                BTSoftwareOn,      0, "0"

HKR, ,                BTConfiguration, 0x00010001, 0x380004fd



; ETxBfEn


HKR, ,                            ETxBfEn,		0,	"0"


; ETxBfTimeout


HKR, ,                            ETxBfTimeout,	0,	"40000"


; ETxBfNonCompressedFeedback


HKR, ,                            ETxBfNonCompressedFeedback,	0,	"0"



; Transmit Rate setting


HKR, ,                            TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x11D21B"

HKR, Default,                     TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x11D21B"

; WirelessMode

HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "11"

; FW single command

HKR, ,                            FullCalibrationOffloadEnable,      0, "1"



; Transmit Rate setting


HKR, ,                            TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x22CA15"

HKR, Default,                     TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x22CA15"


HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "RaCoInstx.dll,ClassCoInstaller"


; WirelessMode BGN Only

HKR, ,                            RaCoInstOpt,     0,"01101111"

HKR, ,                            CountryWirelessMode,     0x00010001, 0x00001110

HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "9"


; WirelessMode ABGN

HKR, ,                            RaCoInstOpt,     0,"01101111"

HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "5"


HKR, ,                            TssiPatchForAntennaVariation,  0, "1"


; Prefer 5G/2.4G


HKR, ,                                  PreferABand,     0, "1"

HKR, NDI\params\PreferABand,            ParamDesc,       0, %PreferABand%

HKR, NDI\params\PreferABand,            type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PreferABand,            default,         0, "1"

HKR, NDI\params\PreferABand\enum,       1,               0, %Enable%

HKR, NDI\params\PreferABand\enum,       0,               0, %Disable%


HKR, ,                                 ChannelMode, 0, "1"

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode,    ParamDesc,          0, %CHANNEL_MODE%

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode,    type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode,    default,            0, "1"

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode\enum,0,                 0, %ChannelMode_0%

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode\enum,1,                 0, %ChannelMode_1%

HKR, NDI\params\ChannelMode\enum,2,                 0, %ChannelMode_2%


HKR, ,                            CountryTargetTxPowerMode,  0, "3"


HKR, ,                            CalibrationOption,     0,"00000001"


; Remove registry



; Remove CountryRegion

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand

; Remove IEEE80211H

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H

; Remove Single Buffer

HKR, ,SingleBuf


; DestinationDirs



NT.CopyFiles            = 12    ; system32\drivers subdirectory on NT

NT_CTV1W.CopyFiles      = 12

CoInstaller.CopyFiles   = 11


rt2870.sys                   ; NT Installation




CTV1W.sys,rt2870.sys,,2	     ; NT Installation





1                       = %INSTALL_DISK_STR%,,,


rt2870.sys              = 1

RaCoInstx.dll           = 1

RaCoInst.dat            = 1

FW_7662.bin             = 1

Patch_7662.bin          = 1


; NT specific



HKR, Ndi,                   Service,            0, "rt2870"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        UpperRange,         0, "ndis5"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        LowerRange,         0, "ethernet"


HKR, Ndi,                   Service,            0, "CTV1W"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        UpperRange,         0, "ndis5"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        LowerRange,         0, "ethernet"


DisplayName                 = %Generic.Service.DispName%

ServiceType                 = 1                             ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%

StartType                   = 3                             ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%

ErrorControl                = 1                             ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%

ServiceBinary               = %12%\rt2870.sys

LoadOrderGroup              = NDIS


DisplayName                 = %CTV1W.Service.DispName%

ServiceType                 = 1                             ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%

StartType                   = 3                             ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%

ErrorControl                = 1                             ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%

ServiceBinary               = %12%\CTV1W.sys

LoadOrderGroup              = NDIS






HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll,%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\rt2870.sys"

HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll,%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\CTV1W.sys"

HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


; Strings



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio On/Off"

Disable                     = "Disable"

Enable                      = "Enable"

CountryRegion24G            = "Country Region (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Country Region (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Gaming Environment"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Local MAC Network Address"

PSMode                      = "Power Saving Mode"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Disable"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.Lowest"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Low"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medium"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.High"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Highest"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Traditional Chinese 



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "!qÚ}݈n ‹•/Ü•"

Disable                     = "\P(u"

Enable                      = "_U(u"

CountryRegion24G            = ";˜SãN¼x (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = ";˜SãN¼x (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Y’ZÔš/J2b°tƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "²}ïæ[ÔšMO@W"

PSMode                      = "wû–!j_"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.\P(u"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.gNO"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.NO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.-N"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Øš"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.gØš"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Simplified Chinese



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "àe¿~ňn _/sQ"

Disable                     = "\P(u"

Enable                      = "/T(u"

CountryRegion24G            = "‘˜SãNx (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1-11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1-13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10-11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10-13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1-14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3-9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5-13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "‘˜SãNx (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36-64,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36-64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52-64,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36-48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36-165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52-64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36-116,132-165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36-48,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36-120,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52-161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36-116,136-165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149-173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36-173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36-64,132-140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Y’ZSO/8nb¯sƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "QÜ~ž[SO0W@W"

PSMode                      = "w5u!j_"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.\P(u"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.gNO"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.NO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.-N"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Øš"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.gØš"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Japanese



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "!qÚ}Ç0Ð0¤0¹0 ª0ó0/ª0Õ0"

Disable                     = "!q¹R"

Enable                      = "	g¹R"

CountryRegion24G            = "Á0ã0ó0Í0ë0³0ü0É0 (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Á0ã0ó0Í0ë0³0ü0É0 (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Þ0ë0Á0á0Ç0£0¢0/²0ü0ß0ó0°0°tƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "í0ü0«0ë0¡{tU0Œ0‹0MAC¢0É0ì0¹0"

PSMode                      = "wû–›Râ0ü0É0"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.!q¹R"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.gNO"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.NO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.-N"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Øš"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.gØš"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Korean



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "|·µ$Æ ON/OFF"

Disable                     = "¬À©Æ HÅhÕ"

Enable                      = "¬À©ÆhÕ"

CountryRegion24G            = "m­¬/ÀÉíÅ (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1-11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1-13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10-11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10-13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1-14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3-9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5-13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "m­¬/ÀÉíÅ (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36-64,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36-64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52-64,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36-48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36-165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52-64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36-116,132-165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36-48,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36-120,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52-161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36-116,136-165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149-173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36-173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36-64,132-140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "@ºðÒø»µ´Å/Œ¬„Ç XÖ½¬"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "\¸ìÎ ­¬¹ MAC $±¸ÒÌÆlÐ üÈŒÁ"

PSMode                      = "ÈÈ ¨ºÜ´"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"

¼XÇ üÈÙ³1Á" 

DISABLE_STR                 = "6.¬À©Æ HÅhÕ"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.\ÍXÕ"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.®°LÇ"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.ô¼µÑ"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.’±LÇ"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.\Íà¬" 

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- French



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Marche/Arrêt"

Disable                     = "Désactivé"

Enable                      = "Activé"

CountryRegion24G            = "Pays / Région (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Pays / Région (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Environnements Multimédia/Jeux"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Adresse Réseau d'Administration Locale MAC"

PSMode                      = "Mode Économie d'Énergie"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Désactivé"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.le plus bas"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Basse"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Intermédiaire"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Haut"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Le plus haut"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Italian



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Acceso/Spento"

Disable                     = "Disattiva"

Enable                      = "Attiva"

CountryRegion24G            = "Paese (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Paese (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente multimediale/giochi"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Indirizzo locale rete MAC"

PSMode                      = "Modalità risparmio energetico"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Disattiva"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.più bassi"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Bassa"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medio"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Alta"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Più Alto"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- German



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio An/Aus"

Disable                     = "Deaktivieren"

Enable                      = "Aktivieren"

CountryRegion24G            = "Land Region (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Land Region (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Spielumgebung"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Lokale MAC Netzwerkadresse"

PSMode                      = "Stromsparmodus"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Roaming-Empfindlichkeit" 

DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Deaktivieren"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.Niedrigster"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Gering"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medium"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Hoch"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Höchsten"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Spanish



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Encendido/Apagado"

Disable                     = "Desactivar"

Enable                      = "Activar"

CountryRegion24G            = "Región País (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Región País (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente de Multimedia/Juego"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Dirección de Red MAC Local"

PSMode                      = "Modo Ahorrador de Energía"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Itinerancia de sensibilidad" 

DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Desactivar"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.Más bajo"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Baja"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medio"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Alto"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Más alto"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Brazilian Portuguese



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Rádio Ligado/Desligado"

Disable                     = "Desativar"

Enable                      = "Ativar"

CountryRegion24G            = "País Região (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "País Região (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente de Multimedia/Jogo"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Endereço de Rede MAC Local"

PSMode                      = "Modo Economizador de Energia"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Roaming Sensibilidade" 

DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Desativar"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.Menor"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Baixa"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medium"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.Alta"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Maior"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Dutch



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Aan/Uit"

Disable                     = "Uitschakelen"

Enable                      = "Inschakelen"

CountryRegion24G            = "Land regio (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Land regio (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Spelomgeving"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Lokaal MAC netwerkadres"

PSMode                      = "Stroombesparende modus"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.Uitschakelen"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.Laagste"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.Laag"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.Medium"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.High"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.Hoogste"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"


; Strings --- Russian



D-Link                      = "D-Link Corporation"

D-Link_3C09.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter"

D-Link_3C11.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C13.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-130 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

D-Link_3C0B.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-110 Wireless G USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0D.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C0E.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link WUA-2340 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

D-Link_3C0F.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.E)"

D-Link_3C15.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

D-Link_3C16.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A2)"

D-Link_3C17.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-121 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C17.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C15.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B3)"

Alpha_3C19.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.A3)"

Alpha_3C1B.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1A.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B2)"

Alpha_3C1C.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3C1D.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1E.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C1F.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band Adapter"

Alpha_3D02.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C20.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.D)"

Alpha_3C21.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.C)"

Alpha_3C22.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB Adapter(rev.B)"

Alpha_3C23.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB Adapter"

Alpha_3D04.DeviceDesc       = "D-Link DWA-127/B1 Wireless N 150 High-Gain USB Adapter"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Wireless 11n USB Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card Driver"

CTV1W.Service.DispName      = "Cisco CTV1W Driver"


; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

; SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

WirelessMode                = "Wireless Mode"

WirelessModeBoth            = "Both"

WirelessMode24G             = "2.4G"

WirelessMode5G              = "5G"

RadioOnOff                  = " 048> :;/K:;"

Disable                     = "K:;NG8BL"

Enable                      = ":;NG8BL"

CountryRegion24G            = "!B@0=0/@538>= (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "!B@0=0/@538>= (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_17          = "#17 (36 - 64,132 - 140)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "C;LB8<5489=0O/3@>20O A@540"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = ">:0;L=K9 MAC-04@5A"

PSMode                      = " 568< M=5@3>A15@565=8O"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

BaldEagle_SSID              = "amz?;'seimdf^&j$#@ksjdo*(hq!"


DISABLE_STR                 = "6.K:;NG8BL"

LOWEST_STR                  = "5.!0<K5 =87:85"

MEDIUM_LOW_STR              = "4.87:89"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "3.!@54=89"

MEDIUM_HIGH_STR             = "2.KA>:89"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "1.KAH0O"

BACKGROUNDSCAN              = "Background Scan"

ALLOW                       = "Allow"

DISALLOW                    = "Disallow"

PMF                         = "Protect Management Frame"

CHANNEL_MODE                = "Channel Mode"

ChannelMode_0               = "2.4G"

ChannelMode_1               = "2.4G + 5G"

ChannelMode_2               = "5G Only"

PreferABand                 = "Prefer 5G"

MAX_USER_USB_SPEED          = "Max USB Speed"

HighSpeed                   = "USB 2.0"

SuperSpeed                  = "USB 3.0"

AutoSpeed                   = "USB Auto"

APBW20_CFG                 = "AP Mode Force BW20"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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